Not In VainChapter 7

After the spring began, with the frequent social interactions in the capital, rumors spread widely.

That day, Yu Tao came back fuming. She hadn’t even closed the door properly before cursing, “Everyone’s got nothing better to do, gossiping behind people’s backs all day!” After gulping down a cup of water to soothe her throat, she continued, “Just now, I left Jin Hua Alley, turned a corner, and saw several maids and servants from the Bai household gossiping at the back door. When I eavesdropped, they were indeed talking about you.” Hnyv1d

“What were they saying about me?” Yu Xiaoman asked.

“Just those baseless rumors…” Yu Tao, realizing her impulsiveness, waved her hand dismissively, “Ah, it’s all nonsense and idle chatter. Listening to it only annoys you, so I won’t repeat it.”

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Even if Yu Tao didn’t say, Yu Xiaoman could guess. It was nothing more than the Lu family being dissatisfied with the new bride, and General Lu himself disliking her greatly. Not only did he not stay in the room with her, but last time, he even threw the food she brought.

Yu Xiaoman lowered his eyes and said hoarsely, “That’s actually the truth; they didn’t make it up.” 9JgELy

—But what was thrown was a sugar figurine, not food.

Young people naturally have a sense of pride and don’t want to be laughed at, so the second half of Yu Xiaoman’s sentence remained hidden in his heart, not disclosed to anyone.

Having been close to him for a while, Yu Tao could easily guess his thoughts: “They are just blowing things out of proportion. I see that the young master treats you quite well. We’ve never lacked anything to eat or use, and last time he even specially ordered hot water for your bath…”

Bringing this up only made things worse. As soon as it was mentioned, Yu Xiaoman thought of Lu Ji’s meticulous care and gentleness. The steady breathing while combing his hair seemed still in his ears. Yu Xiaoman’s nose twitched, and his eyes instantly reddened.


Yu Tao panicked, “Hey, hey, hey, why are you about to cry again?”

Last time, when he waited at the door until nightfall, he came back with a similar dejected look, as if he had been bullied, and tears rolled down his cheeks before he could even speak a few words.

This time, at least, he didn’t cry, perhaps fearing to lose face.

He wiped the corner of his eye with the back of his hand and bluffed, “I’m not crying… I’m not a little kid who cries at the drop of a hat.” je4s23

“Alright, alright, you’re not crying.” Yu Tao was relieved and placed the sewing kit she bought into the bamboo basket by the bed. “It’s fine if he doesn’t come. It just so happens that Yunluo’s heart is not here. Let’s just do some embroidery and chat, living our peaceful days.”

It sounded easy, but the Lu family was a prominent household in the capital, with a constant stream of visitors, leaving almost no idle time.

Before the first month of the lunar year was over, the girl from the Liu family who had come to see Lu Yue last time was brought over again, addressing Yu Xiaoman as “sister-in-law” with every sentence, making Yu Xiaoman, the stand-in, feel extremely anxious and unworthy.

The fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, with honeyed words, said all the right things to please people: “Sister-in-law is so beautiful, the young master must be very fond of you and would never let you suffer any grievances.” V12vWd

Yu Xiaoman thought, why does everyone think looks as a golden ticket to avoid death? If that were true, how could the sugar figurine have fallen and shattered?

Outwardly, he responded politely, using the refined manners he had learned from official ladies: “You are the real beauty, like a lotus emerging from water. Surely the second young master is very pleased with this match. You two are a perfect couple.”

This was a phrase he had learned from storybooks. To show sincerity, he even praised Lu Yue, that playboy, believing there was no fault in his words. But he unknowingly hit the Liu family girl’s sore spot.

“Sister-in-law is joking.” The girl clutched her handkerchief, her delicate nose twitching, and tears fell faster than rain, “I’m afraid the second young master finds me dull. He’s already eager to take a concubine before we even marry.” HwmeMu

By noon, Yu Xiaoman had received a task from the matron to take the Liu family girl out for some fun.

Since he had made her cry, Yu Xiaoman was extra attentive to make up for his mistake, buying sweets and pastries to stuff her hands. Noticing her lingering gaze on the kites in the sky, he hurriedly bought one from a roadside stall.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg jii, atf wjagbc kjr obbalcu atf ylii, rb atfgf kjr cb cffv ab yf ogeuji.

Snfcaejiis, atf atgff bo atfw kfgf ijvfc klat qjmxjufr, atf ijguf rkjiibk xlaf yfmbwlcu j yegvfc. Te Wljbwjc tjv ab mjggs la lc tlr tjcv, jcv ktfc atfs fcafgfv j afjtberf, atf xlaf’r tfjv rmgjqfv atf vbbg yfjw, jcv atfc tf yewqfv lcab rbwfbcf. 5maFrw

It was a young man in fine clothes. As he was chatting with someone while coming downstairs, he turned his head and met the kite’s large, bell-like eyes. Startled, he nearly missed a step.

Yu Xiaoman, quick on his feet, reached out and steadied him.

Shen Hanyun, having lived this long, never imagined he would be startled by a kite and saved by a “girl” at a critical moment. When he saw the fair, pretty face peeking out from behind the kite, he stood there with his mouth open, stunned again.

“Are you alright?” Yu Xiaoman waved his hand in front of him, “Sorry, the kite blocked my view and I didn’t see anyone ahead.” HjzIEh

Once he came to his senses, Shen Hanyun immediately smiled and cupped his hands in a gesture of thanks, “It was my fault for not watching my step. I’m grateful for your help, miss.”

Yu Xiaoman and his two companions were tired from their outing and had come here to rest. They didn’t expect the place to be so busy, with not a single vacant table both upstairs and downstairs.

Seeing they might have to wait at least half an hour, and with the Miss Liu and Yu Tao both having sore legs and unable to walk further, Yu Xiaoman was fretting at the counter when the gentleman he had bumped into approached, “I have a private room upstairs that’s unoccupied. If you ladies don’t mind, you can move up there to rest.”

Grateful to have a place to sit, they had no complaints. lVH8ek

Following him upstairs, they found the private room to be luxuriously and exquisitely furnished, which made Yu Xiaoman nervous. He settled the two girls inside and then returned to the doorway, lowering his voice to ask, “Is this charged by the hour?”

Shen Hanyun was momentarily taken aback, then laughed, “It’s the same as downstairs, just the cost of food and drink.”

Yu Xiaoman feared not having enough money and being forced to wash dishes as payment, so he tilted his head skeptically, “Really?”

“Of course,” Shen Hanyun replied half-jokingly, “How could I deceive my savior?” tTBzwP

Accepting the situation, Yu Xiaoman ordered a few small dishes and a pot of wine, inviting Yu Tao to sit down as well. The three of them ate and chatted.

The girls’ topics of conversation revolved around the usual matters. When the Miss Liu started talking about the romantic escapades she had heard about Lu Yue, she couldn’t stop crying, her handkerchief never leaving her hand.

“At home, my mother advised me many times that this marriage was a step up for our family and that I should endure it. Once I became the main wife, no one would dare to bully me. But here, I’ve heard that the second young master is not only a philanderer but has even rented a private residence to keep a dancer. I just… can’t bear it…”

Seeing her handkerchief soaked with tears, Yu Tao handed her another, unable to bear her sadness, “My mother also said that men always have wandering eyes, but you shouldn’t be too sad. Maybe once you’re married, the second young master will settle down?” kDduOv

Miss Liu cried even harder, “A leopard can’t change its spots. He’s always been like this, unlike the eldest young master, who was raised in the military, honest and straightforward without those cunning tricks.”

Yu Xiaoman, who had been straining to listen to an old storyteller downstairs, was nudged by Yu Tao, bringing him back to his role as the empathetic sister-in-law. Humbly, he said, “He’s not that great either. He doesn’t talk much, and guessing his thoughts can be exhausting.”

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Guessing wrong can be even more painful.

Yu Xiaoman pressed his left chest, which still throbbed faintly with pain. YlyzB4

Yu Tao sighed deeply, “Is there no man in this world who is both faithful and considerate?”

“There is,” Yu Xiaoman pointed downstairs, “the one in the story they’re telling.”

Listening to it could take all afternoon.

Later, as they saw off their guest, Yu Tao still had her arm linked with the Miss Liu, both of them discussing the afternoon’s story while crying. GNSulA

” Miss Snow is such a good woman, and the Cavalry General is a true hero.”

“He’s willing to sacrifice himself for the happiness of his beloved. There’s probably no other man like him in the world.”

“Thinking of the Cavalry General having to watch Miss Snow marry someone else makes my heart ache. If it were me, I would have broken the engagement and eloped with the general.”

“We’re already so unwilling; he must be even more heartbroken.” tFLMeX

Yu Xiaoman listened silently to their conversation, seeing the two off and heading back absentmindedly. He didn’t notice where he was stepping, tripped off the stone path, and landed on the muddy ground, nearly slipping into a pond.

Yu Tao supported him as they walked back. She asked what was wrong, but he said nothing, clutching the dirty part of his skirt and stumbling as if he had lost his spirit.

As he was about to change his dirty clothes back in his room, Yun Luo’s sharp voice came from outside, “The eldest young master won’t be coming tonight either, so change your clothes tomorrow.” FrPLCg

Normally, Yu Xiaoman would tell her not to bother and that he could wash his own clothes, but today he was feeling down and didn’t respond.

Yun Luo, getting no reply, thought this country bumpkin was throwing a tantrum and raised her voice, “At least say something. Have you not learned any manners since coming to this household?”

Lu Ji’s courtyard was in the central part of the residence, so Yun Luo’s shouting could be heard by everyone in the other courtyards.

It was after dinner, a time when many maids and servants would gather to watch any commotion. Given their lack of respect for the low-born eldest daughter-in-law, several bold ones even joined in. T9zsP8

Shen Mo Mo, a servant from Feng Manying’s side, was among them. Acting like the senior servant she was, she said, “The eldest young master holds an official title; the eldest daughter-in-law must behave with decorum.”

Feeling emboldened, Yun Luo continued, “Exactly. Always running out or fussing over needlework, who knows if she’s making handkerchiefs or bedding. Other wives are busy making capes and sewing soles for their husbands, but she wastes her allowance on nonsense.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Inside the room, there was a clattering noise, followed by hurried footsteps. The door suddenly opened, and Yu Xiaoman, forced out, asked in a panic, “Sister Yun Luo, have you seen the cloth I left under my pillow?”

Yun Luo pulled out a piece of silk-like fabric from her pocket, “This?” qi3Rgn

Yu Xiaoman’s eyes lit up, reaching for it, but Yun Luo dodged.

“It’s just ordinary silk.” Yun Luo examined it, “This stuff is plentiful in the house; I thought it was some treasure.”

Yu Xiaoman quickly said, “It’s indeed not a treasure. Please, Sister Yun Luo, give it back to me.”

Yun Luo, who had long been displeased with him, seized the opportunity to vent her frustration, “Now you call me sister sweetly, but why didn’t you respond earlier when I called several times?” KhfIaT

Yu Tao couldn’t stand it any longer and ran out from the house, “You don’t always respond when you’re called either. Remember, you’re a servant, and our young lady is the mistress.”

Shen Mo Mo sneered, “Oh, what a display of authority from the eldest daughter-in-law! Are servants not people? Should we be treated with contempt?”

Yu Xiaoman bit his lip hard.

He knew Yun Luo and Shen Mo Mo were picking a fight, but he hadn’t expected that, in such a large household, apart from Yu Tao, no one would stand by him. oA8IZl

The best strategy now was to yield, but thinking about how Lu Ji might also have suffered such bullying because of his injured leg, making him a “cripple” in everyone’s eyes, Yu Xiaoman felt indignant on his behalf and suppressed his anger, saying, “This is the eldest young master’s courtyard.”

Shen Mo Mo was not intimidated, laughing loudly, “Don’t try to use the eldest young master to scare this old servant. Even if he could move, he wouldn’t make it here in time. And even if he were here now, I would still… Ah!”

Her scream coincided with a sharp “clang,” like a blade being drawn. The crowd saw a flash of white light and, before they could react, a sword had pierced the ground right in front of Shen Mo Mo, barely two inches from her face. If the aim had been off slightly, it would have gone through her skull.

The sword’s hilt was still vibrating when a wheelchair rolled into the courtyard. NGndOl

Lu Ji remained expressionless, though a keen observer could see the cold edge in his gaze, “I’m here. Please continue, Shen Mo Mo.”

Shen Mo Mo, narrowly escaping death, broke into a cold sweat, her voice trembling and stuttering, unable to form a coherent sentence.

“Since there’s nothing more to say,” Lu Ji paused, then pointed towards where Yu Xiaoman was standing, “why don’t you kneel and apologize to the eldest daughter-in-law?”

The courtyard fell silent. Everyone present was paralyzed with fear from that single sword strike. 91IeSd

This was the first time in three years that Lu Ji had lost his temper in front of everyone. If it weren’t for his unsheathed sword, most of the household would have forgotten that he was once the renowned, invincible young general, revered and feared by the common folk.

Among them, only Yu Xiaoman dared to look directly at him, observing the proud yet lonely expression in his eyes, and the now-empty scabbard he had always kept by his side.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Xiaoman couldn’t help but recall the story he had heard in the teahouse that afternoon—the tale of the valiant Cavalry General who fought bravely on the battlefield. Off the battlefield, he was a man of deep emotions and loyalty, who, after losing the use of his legs, didn’t want to burden his beloved. He went to the Emperor to request the annulment of their engagement. The Emperor, wary of his power and influence, delayed granting the request. The general then made an oath to retire from military service and never return to the battlefield.

Although the storyteller had changed the names, Yu Xiaoman recognized who the story was about halfway through. This was why he had been in a daze afterward, his mind filled with memories of what he had seen and heard in the palace. HWcPO9

It turned out that it wasn’t a case of love turning cold but rather a matter of necessity.

The sheathed sword symbolized both the restraint of wanting but not being able to have and the unspoken protection.

Yu Xiaoman pressed his hand against his chest, feeling inexplicably emotional.

He should be happy that his benefactor was such an outstanding man, that the seven years he had waited were not in vain, and that all the effort to be by his side was worth it. KWstNC

But why did his heart ache more than when the sugar figure shattered on the ground?


Author’s Note:

From another perspective, Lu Ji unsheathed a sword for Xiaoman that he hadn’t unsheathed in three years (I swear this isn’t meant to be suggestive). 1QJgsf

Next, the romance will finally start properly (trust me).


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