Not In VainChapter 3

It is said that a moment of spring evening is worth a thousand gold, but when Yu Xiaoman woke up, not only did he not gain any gold, but he was also so cold that his hands and feet were stiff, and he almost rolled off the bed when he turned over.

He pondered that there was nothing joyful about the wedding night. After getting up, he shared his thoughts with Yu Tao, who reacted dramatically, pinching his hair with a hairpin, causing Yu Xiaoman’s crown to ache from the pain. AcyVXM

“Was it just you alone last night? Wasn’t the young master there?”

“He came over, to take something.”

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“Just to take something?”

Yu Xiaoman thought for a moment: “He also picked up the bridal veil and had some wine.” 5Ax6cm

“And then?”

“Then he left.”

“It’s all over.” Yu Tao was so worried that she kept slapping her forehead, “Sleeping in separate rooms on the first day of marriage, what to do in the future?”

Yu Xiaoman asked why they couldn’t sleep in separate rooms, but Yu Tao couldn’t give a reason: “It affects the relationship. If my father comes home late and my mother gets anxious, not to mention staying out… There’s no reason for a husband and wife to sleep separately.”


Although he didn’t quite understand the intricacies, Yu Xiaoman also blindly worried.

The matron who escorted the bride had completed her task satisfactorily, packed her luggage, and was ready to return home. Before leaving, she nagged Yu Xiaoman, saying nothing more than to perform well, not to disgrace the Yu family village, and that there would be benefits for him later.

The matron was older and knew more than Yu Tao. Just as Yu Xiaoman was about to ask her about sleeping in separate rooms, someone knocked on the door.

“It’s about time, please hurry up, young madam.” hQAHMI

It was a maid named Yun Luo who had come to help in the room yesterday. Her tone was not very respectful, even a bit impatient, which successfully brought up the frustration the matron felt from being forced to take a detour the day before.

The matron had also heard about Lu Jie not staying in the room last night. She cleared her throat and, with full posture, said towards the door: “Please have the new son-in-law come in first, we have a custom here that requires your assistance.”

Yu Xiaoman held his breath subconsciously and turned his head to look towards the door. He thought Lu Jie would refuse or leave as he did last night, but soon, the wooden door creaked open from the outside, and Lu Jie, sitting in a four-wheeled chair, was pushed in by Yun Luo.

Today he had changed his clothes, but they were still simple and plain. The decorations like hair crowns and forehead bands that the current nobles and officials favored, which Yu Xiaoman had seen on the street, were all absent on Lu Jie. He simply tied his hair, with a few strands of black hair falling beside his ears, adding a touch of softness to his sharp and stern face. LZ4paX

He spoke coldly, “What is it?”

The matron, daring to call him in, must have had a backup plan.

She snatched a sandalwood comb from the dazed Yu Tao’s hand and stepped forward to thrust it into Lu Jie’s hand: “Although our place is just a village, the marriage customs are probably not much less than those in the capital. We were too busy yesterday, and I heard that the new son-in-law has not yet combed our young lady’s hair?”

With a signal to Yu Tao, who immediately nodded vigorously, the matron turned around with satisfaction: “It’s okay to skip the other customs, but it’s an ancestral tradition for the groom to comb the bride’s hair on the day after the wedding. If I don’t see it with my own eyes, I really don’t know how to explain it to the village head when I return.” XNPdFq

The older the ginger, the spicier it is. The matron’s words were smooth and proper, expressing dissatisfaction with being neglected, giving the Lu family a way out, and establishing the bride’s prestige in her husband’s family, killing three birds with one stone. Yu Tao wanted to applaud upon hearing this.

Yu Xiaoman became even more uneasy.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Lu Jie pursed his lips, his brows slightly furrowed, looking unhappy, obviously resistant to this marriage. It is said that soldiers on the battlefield kill without blinking an eye; if he were provoked and drew his sword in anger…

With his heart in his throat, Yu Xiaoman stared wide-eyed at the sword hanging on the four-wheeled chair, almost jumping at the sound of the wooden wheels. OrntDv

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

When he came back to his senses, Lu Jie had already moved behind him, lifting his hair that hung behind his head with one hand, and holding the comb with the other, the wooden teeth sliding slowly through the black strands.

Vfflcu atja atf cfk rbc-lc-ijk kjr gfjrbcjyif, atf wjagbc yfujc ab rqfjx jerqlmlber kbgvr klat rjalrojmalbc: “Jbwy ab atf fcv klat atf olgra ragbxf—”

Te Wljbwjc mbeivc’a tfiq yea ragjlutafc tlr yjmx, rlaalcu eqgluta ilxf j raevfca ilrafclcu ab j afjmtfg lc rmtbbi. Lf mbeivc’a rff Oe Alf’r ojmf, yea tf ofia atja Oe Alf’r wbnfwfcar kfgf nfgs iluta jcv ufcaif, jr lo jogjlv bo tegalcu tlw.

Perhaps because this was the first time in his life, having never combed anyone else’s hair before, just as Yu Xiaoman’s hair had never been touched by someone else. siQ4SH

Thinking this way made him even more flustered. Just as the matron recited “With the second stroke, white hair reaches the eyebrows,” Yu Xiaoman clenched the hem of his clothes, his breathing deliberately restrained, but his face uncontrollably heated up, a blush quietly spreading over his ear tips.

Yu Tao, sharp-eyed, teased: “The bride is shy.”

Yu Xiaoman wanted to retort, but as he turned his head, he met Lu Jie’s hand lightly holding his hair, the knuckles long and distinct, the base of the thumb covered with calluses from long-term handling of swords, inexplicably making Yu Xiaoman’s heartbeat quicken, like rapid drumbeats against his chest.

He swiftly turned back, sitting up straight with his neck stiff, daring not to make any more rash moves. ysNFSd

In the central hall of the Lu residence, the seats were nearly full when they arrived.

The head of the table was occupied by Old Lady Lu, Lu Jie’s grandmother, known to everyone as the lady of the house. Yu Xiaoman had expected a stern old woman, but when he offered tea, not only did she drink it, but she also held his hand and praised his good looks, her smile kind and benevolent, making Yu Xiaoman feel as if he had seen a bodhisattva.

Others were not so easily fooled.

Years ago, Yu Xiaoman had asked Sister Bi Yue to calculate for him, and Lu Jie’s biological mother had passed away from a sudden illness when he was seventeen. The current lady of the house had once been a concubine of Old Master Lu and was later promoted to his official wife. e3AmIc

No wonder there was not a single similarity in their dress or demeanor, Yu Xiaoman thought.

The lady of the house, Feng Manying, was about forty years old but looked only in her thirties due to proper care. Dressed in luxurious clothes and adorned with pearl hairpins, she seemed to gather all the light in the room around her, looking nothing like her son, the reserved and taciturn Lu Jie.

Yet she still put on airs in front of Yu Xiaoman. Feng Manying made him hold the tea cup for a long time before taking it, sipping it leisurely, sizing him up, and saying, “Your face is quite fine, but I wonder if your figure is good for bearing children.”

Yu Xiaoman had not yet grasped the meaning of “bearing children” when he suddenly heard snickers. The standing peers and the seated elders exchanged glances, looking at Yu Xiaoman and then at Lu Jie, their expressions full of mockery. 3mKzvI

Although Old Master Lu had passed away, the Lu family had not yet divided their estate and still lived together in a bustling household of four generations. As Yu Xiaoman tried to make sense of the laughter, the second wife, called aunt by Lu Jie during the introductions, interjected with a flick of her handkerchief: “Why worry about this, Sister Ying? Didn’t we discuss everything when arranging the marriage? In choosing a wife, one seeks virtue; the rest is unimportant, as long as she can take care of people.”

The young man standing next to Feng Manying also said, “Big brother is already having a hard time taking care of himself. Mother, you shouldn’t expect him to start a family and carry on the family line.”

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Even Yu Xiaoman, as slow as he was, could hear the obvious ridicule. What astonished him was the family’s attitude toward Lu Ji. Suffering a severe leg injury on the battlefield was already a heavy blow, and now he had to endure such humiliation at home.

Glancing over at Lu Ji, he saw him sitting there with a blank expression, as if he hadn’t heard anything. The anger that had just risen in Yu Xiaoman’s heart immediately turned into a twinge of pain. nkp2wB

Yu Xiaoman made a silent vow to make sure Lu Ji’s leg would get better, no matter what it took.

My benefactor, no one will be allowed to bully you!

Master Lu wasn’t at the manor, so the morning tea gathering dispersed early.

According to custom, the new daughter-in-law would have a private conversation with her mother-in-law, who would give some instructions and establish authority. However, this was Feng Manying’s first time being a mother-in-law. After enough veiled insults, she casually mentioned the need to follow the household rules, then held her forehead and said she was tired, letting Yu Xiaoman go about his business. 2d1HbG

Feeling like he had been granted amnesty, Yu Xiaoman quickly turned and ran.

Lu Ji had just left not long ago, so Yu Xiaoman quickened his pace, hoping to catch up. Just as he was about to cross the courtyard gate, he unexpectedly ran into someone around the corner.

The person stood leisurely, as if deliberately waiting for someone. Seeing it was Yu Xiaoman, he said, “Where is sister-in-law rushing off to?”

Not calling her ‘sister-in-law’ would have been better. Yu Xiaoman, eager to be on his way, had no intention of paying him any attention. But now he was forced to look up and saw that it was the same troublemaker who had helped insult Lu Ji earlier. cCOMSp

Thinking that this man was Feng Manying’s own son and that Lu Ji must have suffered from him often, Yu Xiaoman felt a surge of anger and gritted his back teeth.

Lu Yue, unfazed by Yu Xiaoman’s glare, smiled and said, “I wanted to speak to sister-in-law earlier but didn’t get a chance. How are you finding the manor? Do you need me to show you around?”

“No need, I know my way.”

Yu Xiaoman, having glared enough, moved to bypass Lu Yue, only to have his path blocked by an outstretched arm. Yzoexd

“Don’t be in such a hurry to leave,” Lu Yue said with an increasingly playful smile, his eyes roaming over Yu Xiaoman’s face. “Who was it that said Miss Yu from the village had a face as broad as a plate and eyes like beans? It seems rumors can’t always be trusted.”

Yu Xiaoman’s heart skipped a beat, thinking their secret had been exposed. But then he realized that the Yu jia village was remote, and the village chief had arranged everything discreetly. No one besides Yu Tao and the maid knew about the switch, and even he had only learned halfway through the journey. How could anyone in the capital have found out?

As expected, Lu Yue had another agenda. Using the narrow path to his advantage, he moved closer and teased, “Big brother is really fortunate. Even when he is crippled, he managed to marry such a beautiful wife.”

Just as he finished speaking, a sudden whooshing sound passed by. Lu Yue froze, looking around but seeing nothing, then turned back to Yu Xiaoman and continued, “Anyway, my big brother can’t do much, nor does he know how to appreciate beauty. You might as well follow me in the future…” BXYNFQ

Before he could finish, the sound of wheels on stone approached from the distance. Lu Ji emerged from the bamboo grove at the end of the road. Seeing them, his expression was unsurprised, as if he had known they would be there.

Taking the opportunity, Yu Xiaoman stepped aside. Frustrated at being interrupted, Lu Yue grumbled, “Big brother, were you eavesdropping on purpose?”

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He assumed the earlier disturbance was caused by Lu Ji. Lu Ji didn’t deny it and gestured for Yun Luo, who was behind him, to come forward. He then said to Yu Xiaoman, “From now on, Yun Luo will be by your side. Ask her if you need anything.”

Yu Xiaoman discreetly hid his hands behind his back and nodded with averted eyes. 9zsgdG

Lu Yue, somewhat afraid of his decisive and battle-hardened elder brother, especially without his mother’s support, glanced again at the sword Lu Ji carried. Unperturbed, Lu Ji remained silent after assigning the maid, prompting Lu Yue to take a cautious step back. “I rushed over early and haven’t practiced yet. Big brother and sister-in-law, take your time chatting. I’ll be off now.”

With that, he began retreating the way he came. After only half a step, his foot slipped, and he fell flat on his back.

While Lu Yue was still howling and cursing the slippery stone slabs, Yu Xiaoman ran over to Lu Ji. “Are we going back? I’ll go with you.”

Lu Ji remained silent, which Yu Xiaoman took as agreement. l FZAf

As he turned, Lu Ji’s eyes caught a glimpse of a green herb that Yu Xiaoman was trying to hide behind his back, not yet tucked into his sleeve.

They had breakfast with Master Lu, who had returned from court, in Lu Ji’s courtyard.

Master Lu, over fifty and clad in his official robe with a leather belt, exuded an intimidating presence without needing to raise his voice.

He didn’t say much during the meal. Yu Xiaoman, unaccustomed to human food, only ate two vegetable buns before feeling full. When he put down his chopsticks, he heard Master Lu say, “Now that you’re married, you’re the master of this courtyard. Remember, you’re not alone anymore. Don’t act rashly.” 1v NlU

Lu Ji responded quietly, “I understand, Father.”

That single meal was enough to acknowledge his new daughter-in-law. The admonishment seemed more like a formality since, after just washing his hands, Lu Ji disappeared.

Yu Tao, now named Taohong as a servant of the Lu household, handed Yu Xiaoman a cloth to dry his hands. “No wonder he uses a wheelchair; he moves so quickly.”

Yu Xiaoman, eager to chase after Lu Ji, was held back by Taohong. “The nanny said you can’t run around during the first few days of your marriage. You need to stay in your room and learn the household rules.” z1nwvs

As an official servant of the Lu household, Taohong, along with Yun Luo, attended to the new young mistress.

Yun Luo waited outside most of the time and was seldom seen. Inside the room, Yu Xiaoman and Taohong interacted as they always had, disregarding their master-servant status.

Two strangers in a foreign place, they naturally became confidants.

After lunch, they sat under the eaves, basking in the sun. Taohong noticed Yu Xiaoman’s sighs and troubled expression. “What’s wrong, my lady? Before, you thought General Lu was an ugly brute. Now that you’ve seen him in person, don’t you think girls would throw flowers at him in the street? His legs may be useless, but he doesn’t need you to serve him. What are you worried about?” zQcXFp

Yu Xiaoman sighed again, staring at the eaves and shaking his head. “You’re too young to understand.”

Having lived as a fish for seventeen years and as a half-fish, half-human for less than six months, Yu Xiaoman himself was still figuring things out.

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At night, with the doors and windows tightly shut, Yu Xiaoman took off his shoes, soaking his feet in a basin as his tail reappeared, savoring the rare comfort while pondering his next move.

He used to rely on Sister Biyue for guidance. Now, with his secret, he couldn’t consult anyone and had to find his own way. ROPpv

Lu Ji’s cold demeanor added another layer of difficulty. Yu Xiaoman considered boldly telling him the truth: he was here to repay a debt and would go to any lengths to help Lu Ji. The thought of this scenario, reminiscent of a martial arts legend, made Yu Xiaoman happily splash the water, humming a tune.

Just two lines in, there was a knock on the door.

Seeing the silhouette through the door, it was Lu Ji.

Yu Xiaoman was startled. Thinking of someone and having them appear was almost mystical. Hastily transforming his tail back into legs and putting on his shoes, he stumbled to open the door. cH4Kvn

Lu Ji had come alone. When the door opened, he saw Yu Xiaoman leaning against the doorframe, panting. His eyes naturally fell on the wet feet partially visible from the shoes. He was momentarily stunned before averting his gaze and saying in a low voice, “Sorry to disturb you.”

Yu Xiaoman, oblivious to any oddity, thought to himself, “This is your house; how could it be a disturbance?” He asked directly, “Do you want to sleep here?”

After a brief silence, Lu Ji said, “Father checked my room earlier, I…”

“I understand, elders checking on you,” Yu Xiaoman interrupted, seeing Lu Ji’s dilemma. “This room is big enough for both of us.” VcNAov

With that, he stepped aside, intending to push Lu Ji into the room.

In his haste, Yu Xiaoman forgot his legs had only just transformed. When he turned, his unstable stance caused his poorly-worn shoes to slip off, and he fell, landing directly in Lu Ji’s lap.

The unexpected fall left Yu Xiaoman momentarily dazed. Realizing he was sitting on someone’s lap, he quickly turned his head and found himself looking directly into Lu Ji’s eyes.

Startled by the bride’s boldness, Lu Ji’s face stiffened, and he leaned back uncomfortably, only to find the back of his wheelchair preventing any retreat. jzG yt

They were closer now than they had been during the ceremonial wedding drink the previous night. Close enough for Yu Xiaoman to hear Lu Ji’s breathing and catch the pleasant scent of the incense from the study on his clothes.

Yu Xiaoman could feel the proximity, and so could Lu Ji.

The person sitting on him was slender with a long neck. Perhaps from washing his face, his cheeks were slightly damp and flushed. As he turned his head, a lock of wet hair fell from his shoulder, brushing against Lu Ji’s chest.

That morning, he had touched this silky hair, which carried the fragrance of soap. 9HInuj

Their breaths intertwined, and Lu Ji instinctively held his breath. His eyes met Yu Xiaoman’s clear, bright ones. Apart from a hint of panic, he found none of the pity or mockery that usually accompanied gazes directed at him.

This girl from an East Sea fishing village was not afraid of him. Blinking, Yu Xiaoman’s clear eyes flickered, and with a blush, he asked, “Did I… hurt you?”

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