The Northern Grand Duke's HamsterCh61 - Hamster is on the Northern Grand Duke’s Side III


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Translator's Note

백지장도 맞들면 낫다더니 – I translated it literally but basically means ‘Two heads are better than one’ or ‘Working together is easier than working alone’.

Translator's Note

정쟁이다 – Political struggle/conflict/strife. I’ve decided to just use it like this because I guess it basically is a regular hunt, but with politics i.e. underhanded corruption involved. And besides saying ‘It’s a political conflict’ feels kinda awkward in this context? idk what do you guys think?

Translator's Note

‘그래도 이렇게 대놓고 죽이려 드는데 주변 귀족들은 안 말리고 무얼 하냐니까, 세 사람의 새삼스러운 시선이 내게 향했다.’ I’m sorry tbh I’m not completely sure this is the right translation. If anyone has a better translation please feel free to let me know ;w;.

Translator's Note

‘결판을 빠르게 내면 줄 타기가 쉬우니까, 내버려 둔다고…….’ I I’m sorry tbh I’m not completely sure this is the right translation. If anyone has a better translation please feel free to let me know ;w;.

Translator's Note

Not too sure if this is what it is but I got this explanation from HiNative =’It is related to expressions like ‘connection’, ‘to tie a rope’, and ‘to hold a strong rope’. It refers to seeking one’s own advancement by forming relationships with influential people, while a ‘rotten rope’ refers to someone who has lost strength (has lost authority) and can no longer help.

Translator's Note

그 안에는 모래시계와 눈동자, 태엽이 음각돼 있었는데

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  1. Ooooooooo boy, and thus the plot thickens. But oml I absolutely love how this story has progressed! I really cannot stress this enough, of how this novel has become one if not my favourite novel ever. I have never felt this giddy upon reading a piece of literature like this, each chapter keeps me urging for the next it’s insane. I love shu and Kyle sm ♪( ´▽`)

    Tysm translator-nim and don’t worry this chapter is translated well as is all the others! Thank you so much for putting up your time to translate these for us readers. You’re doing amazing ♡ I hope you have a lovely night/day, and hope you stay nice and well for many months to come. Thank you translator-nim! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    • Thank you!! Glad to hear it’s readable 😆

      And I agree with you this novel is so good!! The atmosphere is so nice and the plot is moving along very well. Not to mention the characters are also all fleshed out. So glad I found this novel and was brave enough to pick it up after it got dropped a few times. (Really hoping it doesnt need to get dropped again like pls have mercy on us dear author-nim ;w;). ❤

  2. I like the fact that Kyle does not just jump into danger without ensuring he own benefit…well as long as it is not Shu in danger😏😏😏

    Thanks for the chapter 🙂😁😁😁

    Your translation, in my opinion,is great. You can translate Chinese( a complex language) into English so what if you struggle a little. How do PPL like me who can barely speak their native language and struggles somewhat with English, compete?

    But I gotta be honest your translation make my day🥰🥰🥰.

    • Thank you. Also hahah this is Korean actually, which surprisingly is worse ;a; Chinese at least has indicators and a relatively straightforward sentence structure that MTL (which I am doing ahaha yes I actually cannot read any of this lol) can pick up on. Meanwhile Korean is a guessing game half the time QaQ. Like literally a guessing game bc dividing a sentence into separate words makes zero sense unless you know what to look for and damn I am just ????? half the time hahaha. Thankfully the complicated parts dont come often though. Cute moments be cute. Then you get to serious stuff and aaaaahhh.

      Anyhows thanks again!! Glad to know my translations make sense 😆

      (Also same bruh legit my worse subject in school is my own language my teacher stared me down so hard)

  3. Thank you for the chapter – great work on the translation. I know it is very difficult and think you do a great job. Too bad I don’t know Korean (or have the books) either or I would try to assist…

  4. And the plot thickens!!!! Thank you so so much for translating this!!! Eagerly awaiting more cute and tense moments! Ham-man is more man than hamster even if it’s only for four hours at this point!


    I don’t care all that much about Belial but I prefer him over Lorenz for king, also Sen love interest so why not

  6. Naw it all made sense to me. But aren’t Belial and Lorenz full brothers ?? They both have Serena as their middle names and the only consort had a girl right? I don’t think we even know that consorts name. Anyways it was lovely binging this book all say and night lol

  7. I love how gentle Kyle is with Shu, and how Shu is worried about Kyle. It’s absolutely loving. And your translation is too good!! 😭. Thank you for continuing the translation of this novel! I can’t wait for the progress of the plot deepen. It actually has me hooked. Usually I ignore the plot and always focus on the development of the main CP but this has me speculating the next chapters!! Like what Lorenz promised those magicians?? And I hope for Belial and Sen to end up together, they will be so powerful together!

    Thank you for your hardwork!!! ❤❤