It's My Turn to Dominate [Virtual Reality]Ch57 - Senior, hello.

Jiang Chen gave an extremely soft ‘En’.

He understood now. 8VARx5

Fang JingXing didn’t have any special interest, but rather knew who he was precisely, and had that kind of thoughts towards him.

Even though Fang JingXing was 80-90% certain, hearing that ‘en’ with his own ears still made his heart rate beat slightly faster.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The legendary black Wardcaster back then had transmigrated through time, through life and death, because of the cryofreeze project and miraculously appeared in this time period. Everytime Fang JingXing thought about this, he rejoiced that they were able to meet each other.

Jiang Chen was curious: “When did you find out?” ZFjfkX


Fang JingXing said: “After that fake photo.”

Jiang Chen said: “How did you find out?”

Fang JingXing couldn’t really say much over the internet, so he only stated: “Guessed from the small hints and clues.”


Thinking that Fang JingXing’s mind was truly terrifying, Jiang Chen asked: “You’d even dare to guess something like this?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “I didn’t believe it at first either, but later on when we PK’d together, I checked the contest videos back then, made comparisons, and even had a chat with the Chairman.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

Fang JingXing said: “I have a very tight mouth. I won’t tell others.” ddaflo

Jiang Chen fell silent, pondering if he should tell Team Leader Qin this or not.

His ‘en’ was actually a loophole.

Because the members of Old but Vigorous, 5cum, and the others, also called him ‘the black Wardcaster’ every once in a while, Fang JingXing’s words can also refer to this, so his ‘en’ could be completely regarded as a response to that nickname.

With Team Leader Qin’s personality, if he knew that Jiang Chen had exposed himself in the game, would he still allow him to continue playing? YKbCQo

Or would he make Fang JingXing sign a confidentiality agreement as well?

But Fang JingXing had guessed this all by himself, so it’s not like he said it voluntarily.

The guy had a well functioning brain, but needed to be restrained by an agreement because of that. Wouldn’t that be somewhat unbefitting?

He pondered about it repeatedly. In the end, he still couldn’t just avoid the issue and mentioned: “We have a confidentiality agreement.” zT9QW2

Fang JingXing has never been dumb. Hearing this, he knew what Jiang Chen meant: “Do I need to sign?”

Jiang Chen said: “I don’t know.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

He said hesitantly: “My sister was the one who handled ChengYan’s case. How about you ask her? She understands the administrative part of the various research projects better.”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “Okay.” yFDzWt

He thought to himself, even if he didn’t need to sign, he could wear Jiang ShiLan down to let him sign.

After signing, he’d be placed in the “relative/friend” category and be able to enter the research institution legitimately through the front gates.

As a relative/friend, he’d definitely fight for his rights to visit regularly.

Jiang Chen didn’t understand the twisted and convoluted thoughts in a certain person’s heart and went down the mountain with him. K19czt

Du FeiZhou wasn’t online this morning, as such, Fang JingXing sent a text message to consult this Ace. Learning that the Chairman only paid attention to the story plot and character backgrounds, not random small stores, he gave up and said to himself, looks like they can only rely on themselves.

The two people reached one of the small cities mentioned in the clue and started to search the shops separately while conversing with the NPCs they met along the road.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The shop was an inanimate object and a big target, so it should be much easier to find than NPCs.

Rfnfgatfifrr, joafg kjixlcu atgbeut jii obeg mlalfr, atfs vlvc’a rff Dfii’r Vmeiqaegf Vtbq jcsktfgf. jx4Utg

Qlat j tew, Mjcu AlcuWlcu gfmjiifv, rjslcu: “P gfwfwyfg mbcnfgrlcu klat jc RUJ lc atf mlas pera cbk. Llr qgbugjwwfv mbcnfgrjalbc kjr atja atfgf’r j cfkis bqfcfv rtbq atja’r nfgs ilnfis jcv fzmlalcu.”

As soon as Jiang Chen heard this, he understood: “You think the Sculpture Shop was sold?”

Fang JingXing said: “It’s a possibility.”

As such, Jiang Chen followed him back to the previous little city. Under his guidance, they successfully found that NPC and heard him say the name of the newly opened shop. They found that shop nearby and went to converse with the shop owner with the gold canary in hand. RTCdkK

Sure enough, the shop owner was triggered by the story quest. With an ‘ah’, he said: “The Sculpture Shop closed down a long time ago.”

Jiang Chen’s answers were controlled by the system: “Then do you know where Bell went?”

The shop owner shook his head: “I never met him. It was his shop assistant, who handled the transfer process.” He poured hot tea, saying: “I know that shop assistant. He’s called Nate. He returned to his hometown, now residing in the Sand Pagoda Village”

The mission updated at the same time: Find Nate to inquire about Bell’s whereabouts. wyG7FJ

The two didn’t leave yet, but rather carefully wandered around the shop to confirm that there were no other clues before finally leaving. They left the city and headed straight for the Sand Pagoda Village.”

Fang JingXing leaned close to Jiang Chen and asked with a smile: “Not going to praise me?”

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If he didn’t encounter the NPC by chance and then remembered the other’s words, who knew how much time they’d waste on this task.

Jiang Chen glanced at him: “You’re so smart.” C4ePba

Fang JingXing said: “That’s it?”

Jiang Chen said: “Otherwise? Should I cheer you on?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “No need, just give me an autograph.”

Jiang Chen was very candid: “Alright.” 7HLbIE

Fang JingXing got an inch and went for the mile: “I want a signed photograph, not a character image, your own image.”

Pausing briefly, he added with a smile: “I will give you mine in exchange.”

“…….” Jiang Chen said: “Who wants that?”

“Then I’ll add something else.” Fang JingXing said: “I bought several sets of memorabilia from Wandering Dreams’s carnival last year to give to people. Shall I give you a set?” C2LvMD

Jiang Chen felt this was nice and nodded.

Fang JingXing smiled happily: “Then it’s a promise. I will give you the memorabilia and my signed photograph. You give me your signed photograph. Two for one, you won’t lose out here.”

Jiang Chen fell silent for two seconds, somewhat wanting to tell Fang JingXing how he had seen the other yesterday morning with the binoculars, so the other could stop being so unrestrained.

But on second thoughts, he didn’t know how to deal with the aftermath of that exposure, so he could only leave it like this for the moment. He said: “Not going to take advantage of you, so not making the exchange anymore.” pRB9Z8

Fang JingXing said: “One for one?”

Jiang Chen said: “Not making the exchange.”

Fang JingXing instantly regretted it, thinking he really shouldn’t have asked again to confirm.

The two people reached Sand Pagoda Village and discovered that this place was built on a mountain and extremely dispersed. The entire village occupied more than half of the mountain. 4YMzKi

Seeing this layout, Jiang Chen immediately felt it was troublesome and glanced at the time.

Today they had already visited the Bone Burial Mountain and four cities. It was almost 11am, so he didn’t want to play anymore, planning to go get a bounty from the Bounty Board.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fang JingXing naturally followed his wishes and accepted a 2-man bounty task with him.

With him guiding the way to find the mobs, Jiang Chen finally didn’t need to ask for directions. The irritation that accumulated from the story quest also alleviated slightly. RbMGYz

The two people played until 11:30 am and then logged off at the same time.

Fang JingXing immediately contacted Jiang ShiLan, asking her to meet for lunch.

Even though Jiang ShiLan thought it was somewhat strange, she still agreed and arrived at the destination according to the address that he sent. Discovering that it was a very private restaurant, she walked into the booked room and saw Fang JingXing already there waiting for her.

Now, upon seeing him, she immediately recalled that “Husband, good night” from last time, and couldn’t help but want to laugh: “Why did you suddenly want to eat with me?” DuhPXr

Fang JingXing got up to pull out the chair for her. Sitting next to her, he suppressed his voice: “I know about Jiang Chen.”

Jiang ShiLan was stunned for an instant, but she maintained her composure, not sure if he was just bluffing her.

Fang JingXing didn’t wait for her to probe tentatively and explained everything voluntarily, expressing that he wanted to sign the confidentiality agreement. After she finished listening, Jiang ShiLan knew that he was indeed not lying. Contemplating deeply for a while, she said: “I need to report this to the team leaders in charge of this project and see what they say.”

Fang JingXing said: “En, I hope to sign as soon as possible.” V3RoF0

Jiang ShiLan said: “What?”

Fang JingXing smiled: “After signing, I should be able to visit regularly, no?”

Jiang ShiLan looked at him without a change in her expression, thinking to herself, who knows, perhaps JingXing really had those kinds of thoughts towards her little brother. Verbally she said: “You have to ask the team leaders about this.”

Fang JingXing acknowledged her and dropped this topic. After eating lunch with her, he returned home and quietly waited for the news. 4R3iWd

2 pm in the afternoon, he returned to the game and continued to do the quest with Jiang Chen.

Gu Wen also found time to log in. The three met up to discuss the squad composition.

This time, the hidden story quest only permitted 8 people. As such, they decided each guild will contribute half of the members in the squad.

Gu Wen felt the two Aces were quite generous, worthy of building a deep friendship with them. im1jXo

After all, he had only provided a thought to initiate the hidden story quest, but didn’t actually trigger it successfully, but the Ace was still bringing him. He said: “I’ll pick people right now.”

Fang JingXing also contacted Love Escapist over here and told him to call people.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ten minutes later, the 8-man squad gathered in the Main City and set off for Sand Pagoda Village.

Practically as soon as they appeared on the main road, they were discovered. WZiED2

[Horn] Mercury Fate Observer: Report—! The Aces are starting again [screenshot][screenshot][screenshot]

The players all became excited.

Last night, when they triggered the hidden story quest, it was already past 8pm. Pretty much everyone in the entire server knew the Ace’s sleep schedule and bedtime. Predicting they’d only start clearing today, they have been waiting for news this entire time. Now they finally received the update.

[World] Gossip Consumer: Come come come, place your bets! nqpMBr

[World] Wine and Meat Pass Through the Intestine: I bet two days.

[World] Little Bamboo Peak: If you’re going to bet, then bet on something exciting. I bet one day!

[World] Anti-Inflammatories: Don’t be so rampant, I bet three days.

[World] MeiTang Wants to Eat Candy: Actually I saw the Aces this morning. There were only the two of them. Tv4Ozg

[World] Scumbags Scatter: Not everyone was there in the morning, now everyone has arrived. Remember their names. Very quickly, you’ll be seeing them in the public announcement.

[World] The Person in the Mirror: That fashion…. Why does it look like Gu Wen?

[World] Gu Wen: En.

[World] The Person in the Mirror: …… Y0oV3n

[World] Wooden Shackles: ?

[World] Meteor Ironwood: ? ? ?

[World] Book Collection: There’s also someone with the fashion that’s really similar to a certain Bounty Hunter Ace from the Golden League Alliance.

[World] Loquat and Tangerine: So this is a squad made of members from the Golden League Alliance and Indulge? 7PQgCI

[World] My Dear Lady: Hahaha, begging to know how the other guild leaders feel right now.

It’s unknown how the other guild leaders felt, but the members of the Golden League Alliance were pretty pleased.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

They reached their destination, wanting to observe the two Aces clear the story quest up close and personal. Yet after playing only a little more than an hour, one of the Aces needed to log off due to something.

Jiang Chen said: “Are you coming back in the evening?” t a1wA

Fang JingXing said: “I will be back. You guys keep playing.”

He waved at them, took off his glasses and rushed straight for the closet. Dressing himself up conscientiously, he grabbed his car keys and headed to his gaming organization.

Seeing him enter, radiating with happiness and dressed up meticulously, the people of the gaming organization felt they’ve never seen him this happy before and greeted him saying: “Captain Fang, you’re here?”

Fang JingXing said with a smile: “En, I came to grab something.” zEFb7y

He entered the room that stored the memorabilia and rummaged through them, selecting and picking. During this time, he caught a glimpse of a plushie of himself and grabbed it as well, asking: “Does anyone have a nice-looking box?”

Everyone helped look around and found a storage box, which was also memorabilia. Not to mention, it had a rather hipster color, so it was very appropriate to be used as a gift box.

Very pleased, Fang JingXing put everything inside and carried it away.

Watching their former team captain/current boss leave, the crowd looked at each other in confusion. CYH74P

A few seconds later, someone said: “Is the boss…… about to get a wife soon?”

The other people nodded in unison: “Very likely.”

Captain Fang, who was soon to have a wife, drove to the research institution and was guided inside by Jiang ShiLan. Handing the box full of gifts to be inspected by the workers, he entered Team Leader Qin’s office and discussed with him for quite a long time about what’s to happen next. Then, he carefully examined the conditions of a confidentiality agreement and signed his name.

He checked the time and discovered it was past 4:30pm. 2rGT3i

At this time, Jiang Chen should have logged off. He got up and said: “Can I go visit him?”

Team Leader Qin nodded.

Under the worker’s lead, Fang JingXing arrived at the garden and gazed at the back view of a figure from afar.

When he came downstairs, his heart rate had already started to sour uncontrollably. Seeing the person at the moment, his heart rate suddenly accelerated again. QoZbWA

It was already late Autumn. The young man was wearing a dark hooded coat, both hands stuffed inside his pockets, standing there looking at who knew what, while exposing the back of his fair white neck. Fang JingXing couldn’t help but hold his breath as he walked over.

Hearing footsteps, Jiang Chen turned his head slightly. When he saw the person clearly, he was instantly stunned.

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Finally, he knew why Fang JingXing had logged off during the afternoon. He asked: “You came to sign the confidentiality agreement?”

Looking at him up close, Fang JingXing only felt an impact even greater than the photo. namj63

He did his best to maintain his composure. Upholding his usual elegance and refinement, he said warmly: “En. Senior, hello.”

Jiang Chen said: “……Call Uncle.”

Fang JingXing’s beautiful eyes curved slightly as he looked at him with a smile: “Uncle.”


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  1. 💀 uncle

    at least jiang chen won’t be bored enough to torment the ducklings while fang jingxing keeps him preoccupied

  2. Ahhhhh!!! Finally 🙈🙈🙈💕💕💕💕 cutiesss meet! Thanks for the translation!❤️