My Teammates Are All Protecting MeCh6 - Has Lin Xiao been looking for me?

At the airport exit, Song Xiazhi looked up at the sunlight above his head, his expression relaxed. He thought to himself, “I’m finally back.”

He was clad in a white shirt that served to conceal his skin, as fair as milk. Under the sunlight, he radiated a gentle and delightful scent that was truly captivating. gAKZjq

The phone suddenly rang, and it was his mother’s voice that echoed from the other end of the line. She asked, “Xiazhi-ah, have you made it back home? Did Ji Shijin come to pick you up?”

His laughter was radiant and carefree, his fair skin glistening like polished jade. With a confident smile, he reassured, “He will come. I’m patiently waiting for him right now.”

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“Did he get rid of the mistress he had at home?”

“En.” Song Xiazhi slightly lifted his head, revealing the graceful curve of his slender neck. A look of determination was subtly present in his eyes. He confidently stated, “Ji Shijin is still the same as before. Whatever I ask of him, he will promptly carry it out.” p4RncH

“I must warn you, now that you’ve chosen to return, you should stop letting your thoughts wander. He might still be dwelling on the incident when you went abroad and left him behind…”

“Mom.” Song Xiazhi’s expression subtly hardened, interrupting her mid-sentence. “Let’s not bring up the past about me going abroad. I really don’t want to hear it.”

“Alright, fine. I’m hanging up.”

Song Xiazhi tucked his phone back into his pocket, standing upright. He radiated an aura of intellectual restraint, a characteristic that was so captivating, it drove people to the brink of madness.


Of course, this also included his ex-lover. After being abandoned by him, he had striven to become a better version of himself. But, despite everything, he still found himself held captive in the palm of his hand.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly came to a stop in front of him.

The person he was waiting for had arrived.

Ji Shijin emerged from the back seat of the car, stretching his long legs as he rose to his full height. A playful glint flashed in his eyes as they swept over Song Xiazhi. With a hint of amusement in his voice, he said, “Song Xiazhi, you’ve finally decided to come back.” UN13RI

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Song Xiazhi smiled lightly and said. “Shijin, Long time no see.”

Al Vtlplc ila eq j mlujgfaaf, tlr ujhf aegclcu rbwfktja rbwyfg jwlvra atf rklgilcu rwbxf. Lf jrxfv, “Tbe kfgf ilnlcu delaf mbwobgajyis jygbjv, rb kts vlv sbe vfmlvf ab gfaegc?”

Ktf iluta lc tlr fsfr ugjvejiis vlwwfv. Vbcu Wljhtl jiibkfv tlr yfjealoei sfa ygbxfc rlvf ab yf rffc, mbcofrrlcu, “Vtlplc… Ktf ageat lr, ws alwf jygbjv kjr ojg ogbw qifjrjca. P boafc obecv wsrfio gfwlclrmlcu jybea…”

“I heard you got divorced.” Ji Shijin said, casually adjusting his tie and looking at him with a teasing gaze. “Your ex-husband didn’t leave you a single penny, did he?” mE0U2W

Song Xiazhi’s expression momentarily stiffened, but he quickly regained his composure, revealing a sorrowful look. He admitted, “Yes, I’m divorced. Shijin, I have nowhere else to turn. At this moment, you’re all I have left…”

Ji Shijin’s gaze grew increasingly somber. His first love hadn’t changed at all – still resorting to the same old tricks and predictable tactics. His acting skills, which were transparent and easily seen through, showed no signs of improvement.

Suppressing his growing impatience, he swung open the car door and said, “If you aren’t bothered by staying in a room previously occupied by someone else, you’re welcome to stay at my place. After all, the little pet I had been taking care of has already been sent away.”

Song Xiazhi wanted to maintain some semblance of dignity. He didn’t immediately step into the car. Instead, he wore a troubled expression and hesitated before asking, “Shijin, did you truly send him away? I was merely upset at the time and spoke without thinking. I didn’t genuinely intend to drive him away…” nzE9cq

His first love was becoming more and more interesting. It was worth giving up his little pet at home to play this game with him.

The smile on Ji Shijin’s lips deepened. “How could he possibly compare to you in my heart? Xiazhi, come back with me. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

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Song Xiazhi still refused to get in the car. With a sorrowful tone, he asked, “Shijin, will you despise me? Although my marriage with that person was in name only, I am, after all, a person who has been divorced…”

He put on a facade of being beautifully fragile. Watching his acting skills, as poor as they were back in the day, was enough to make one feel nauseous. SvKX8N

Ji Shijin even felt a bit of contempt for his younger self. Was he really so upset over such a trifle that he couldn’t eat?

Without saying another word, he grabbed Song Xiazhi’s suitcase and shoved it into the car. “Get in.” he commanded.

Song Xiazhi, feeling as if he had “no other choice”, could only follow and sit in the back seat.

The driver slowly started the car, and started heading towards the villa. It must be said, the ride in the Rolls-Royce Phantom was truly smooth and comfortable. 5mCVWU

He thought of the days when he faced endless discrimination abroad. Comparing those times with Ji Shijin’s gentle and affluent demeanor, he felt some regret about his initial decision.

Will Ji Shijin still accept him now?

He glanced uneasily at Ji Shijin, who wore a silent expression, tapping away at the business laptop on his lap. The high-end suit he wore gave off an unapproachable air of elegance.

Song Xiazhi thought back to when Ji Shijin was just a young lad. He hadn’t expected that he would change so drastically in just seven years… VkcPHz

“Shijin.” He couldn’t help but ask. “How is that person named Lin Xiao doing now? I don’t want him to be having a hard time out there because of me…”

Ji Shijin’s hand paused. To be honest, he was feeling a bit irritable after not seeing his pampered canary for two days. He frowned as he typed on the keyboard, “Wasn’t it you who insisted that I send him away? Why are you bringing this up now?”

Song Xiazhi’s smile froze for a moment.

He originally wanted to demonstrate his kindness and tolerance, but to his surprise, he was confronted with a sharp retort from Ji Shijin which left him momentarily at a loss for words. odWliT

Song Xiazhi got drunk one day and decided to call him. In his tearful and emotional state, he made it clear that he wouldn’t allow him to have a mistress. He insisted that this man should not be using his money, nor living in his villa, and certainly not sleeping in his bed. He demanded that he send this man away. If he didn’t comply, he threatened that he would never see him, Song Xiazhi, again.

Holding his phone, Ji Shijin let out a soft laugh. His gentle voice carried a hint of coldness, “Alright, I’ll send him away. Song Xiazhi, you should come back soon. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

After the pleasure of calmly planning his revenge on Song Xiazhi faded, a sense of irritation welled up within him again. As Ji Shijin got out of the car, he found himself unexpectedly asking the housekeeper, “Has Lin Xiao been looking for me?”

The housekeeper’s face was blank as he replied, “No, he hasn’t.” fS9sz1

He furrowed his brows, and his expression turned displeased.

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Lin Xiao, who was far away at the KG Team, was currently sprawled on the bed, sleeping soundly. He had been so tired from training these past few days that he fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed, with no energy left to think about anything else.

Bai Ye knocked on the door, “Time to get up and train.” t5zpdw

Lin Xiao, still groggy from sleep, managed to get up, put on his clothes, and freshen up. He then followed the others downstairs in a daze. Upon seeing his team members all standing in a line, he instinctively joined them.

Bai Ye couldn’t help but chuckle, “Hey kid, that’s the line for those who are in trouble. What are you doing standing there?”

Lin Xiao instantly sobered up. He glanced up to see Sang Boyu standing next to him, his face clouded with a gloomy expression as he stared intently at Lin Xiao. Startled by this, Lin Xiao instinctively lifted his leg to make a run for it, but ended up stepping directly on Sang Boyu’s shoe in the process.

A long arm reached out and grabbed him by the collar, forcefully pulling him back into place. As soon as Coach An saw him lay a hand on Lin Xiao, he immediately raised his voice. “Sang Boyu! If you dare to bully the new team member again, I’ll deduct all of your remaining salary!” DjbazU

Sang Boyu instantly extinguished his temper and let go of his grip on Lin Xiao.

Taking advantage of the moment, Lin Xiao made a quick escape. He then sat nearby, slurping his instant noodles, his eyes wide open and unblinking as he watched Sang Boyu get scolded. After he finished his noodles, he didn’t stop there. He drank all the soup, and even after finishing the soup, he went on to grab a box of milk. 

Sang Boyu’s zombie-like face grew even more somber.

Tsk, that little brat. He’s definitely doing it on purpose. uxHtYw

Bai Ye moved closer to him, observing the child’s face, which was glowing from the milk he was guzzling from the carton. Out of curiosity, he asked, “Is it true that drinking milk makes your skin softer?”

Lin Xiao blinked his eyes and nodded.

Then, each of them grabbed a carton of milk. As they sipped their drinks, they watched Sang Boyu getting scolded, the sound of their slurping echoing in the room.

“……” BnM45o


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