My Teammates Are All Protecting MeCh5 - Coach An, it wasn’t his fault.

How did it happen?

Under the circumstances where he was alone at home and it seemed like all was lost, Lin Xiao suddenly declared. “My ultimate will be ready in 10 seconds. We can initiate action by then.” MAxSz0

Understanding the situation, the top laner used his flash ability to control the opposing team’s jungler. The support player quickly followed up with additional control. Lin Xiao then executed three auto-attacks and used his W ability to secure the kill.

Subsequently, he drew his bow to its maximum extent and fired an arrow towards an area that was out of his line of sight. Surprisingly, this resulted in the unexpected elimination of the opposing team’s mid-laner.

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“Double Kill!”

Bai Ye got excited and kept shouting, “Chase, chase, chase!” A7S65n

Did Varus hit someone with his Q ability?

The opponent was caught off guard and quickly retreated.

Bai Ye was unwilling to let them go, so he risked his life to keep them in place. The top laner also died.

The support player, He Ziyi, assisted Lin Xiao in blocking a significant amount of damage. Just before he died, he maximized his control abilities. With a smile, he said, “It’s up to you now.”


At this moment, only Lin Xiao and the three heavily injured opponents were left on the battlefield.

Lin Xiao’s expression suddenly became serious.

He unleashed his ultimate ability, “Chain of Corruption” binding the three opponents. He quickly followed up with his W ability. Then fully charged his bow to unleash a “Piercing Arrow” his Q ability, taking out two opponents. Only one opponent, an AD with critically low health, remained on the battlefield.

At this moment, Lin Xiao was left with only a sliver of health. If the opponent were to land a basic attack on him, he would die. def6do

Lin Xiao was intently maneuvering Varus, his focus unwavering. Everyone around him held their breath, their eyes glued to his gameplay. Varus has a unique passive ability – his attack speed briefly increases whenever he participates in a kill. This aspect of his character was being skillfully utilized by Lin Xiao in the heat of the battle.

Taking advantage of his increased attack speed, he cleverly used the bushes to conceal his movements. With a series of three swift attacks, darting in and out of the bushes, he astonishingly managed to eliminate the enemy’s AD first!

Five Kills! [Penta Kill!]

Lin Xiao calmly led his troops into the tower, securing victory in the game. Apluwe

In the LAG Team, the AD player who had been defeated wore an expression of extreme paleness.

Everyone here was a professional player, with quick reflexes. Yet they were unexpectedly locked down by the opponent with three consecutive basic attacks. This was just terrifying!

“Coach, did they make a substitution on the other side?”

“I’ll give them a call and ask.” fIgbC

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pc mbwqjglrbc, fnfgsbcf ja atf BX Kfjw kjr nfgs fzmlafv. Qtja pera tjqqfcfv kjr ageis, ageis, ageis rqfmajmeijg!

Snfc Lf Ilsl, ktb kjr erejiis mjiw, mbeivc’a tfiq yea rtbk jc fzqgfrrlbc bo jvwlgjalbc. Djl Tf kjr fnfc wbgf fzmlafv. Lf rabbv eq, kjcalcu ab gfjmt jmgbrr Vjcu Dbse ab ulnf j tlut olnf jcv fzmijlwfv, “Blv, sbe’gf jwjhlcu!”

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Lin Xiao also laughed happily.

The management nodded in approval. pIQyFd

Coach An, who had been silent until now, suddenly turned to him with a serious expression and asked, “Was it just luck that you managed to hit the enemy’s mid-laner with your Q ability?”

Lin Xiao replied seriously, “No.”


“He wanted to kill me, and he can only come from there.” k7ZoDp

So, the moment he came over from the mid-lane, he killed him in the air with his Q? Did he intentionally move in that direction to lure the opponent to kill him, and then counter-kill the opponent?

Coach An couldn’t believe that he possessed such predictive ability. Overwhelmed with excitement, he turned to Lin Xiao and instructed. “Everyone, please come to the meeting room immediately for a review. Feng Ran, please prepare the materials!”

The so-called ‘review’ involves revisiting the recent match and analyzing the game from a bird’s-eye perspective. Almost as if they were viewing it from a god’s eye view.

Everyone gathered in the second-floor meeting room, and huddled together to watch the match again. aOl1Sf

The early highlights were all about Sang Boyu. His laning strength was as formidable as ever. Pinning the opposing mid-laner to the ground and dominating the game.

The only flaw was that whenever the enemy jungler came to gank him, they always caught him perfectly.


Everyone drew in a sharp breath. kWCfDd

Looks like Xiao Sang is in for another scolding, isn’t he?

Coach An rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. He didn’t have the energy to scold him anymore. “Continue.”

Next up in the review is the play initiated by Lin Xiao.

By using Flash to evade control, Lin Xiao became the crucial turning point for the entire comeback. P2le0y

“Stop,” Coach An said, his eyes filled with disbelief after watching that play. “How did you know the support was there?”

This was the question that everyone wanted to know the answer to.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Xiao honestly answered. “I guessed.”

Guess? Guess?! Guess?!! zlCmu6

So, you’re saying that such a decisive Flash was just a guess?

Bai Ye was now filled with confusion. He quietly turned to He Ziyi and asked. “Fox, have I fallen behind? I just can’t seem to understand what’s going on.”

In an unusual turn of events, He Zi Yi wasn’t smiling. His narrow, phoenix-like eyes were intently fixed on Lin Xiao, radiating a profound sense of curiosity.

While others might not fully grasp the situation, He Zi Yi, who had engaged in multiple face-offs with the opposing side, was acutely aware. He knew that the opposing support’s gameplay was exceptionally formidable, with mistakes being almost non-existent. For Lin Xiao to successfully dodge, he would not only require predictive foresight, but also a reaction speed that surpasses all conceivable expectations. HJBEd

This kid is not simple at all…

At the same time, LAG, who was playing the training match with them, was also reviewing this segment. The support initially thought that he had been caught out of position, but upon reviewing, he found out that the opponents didn’t even have vision of him!

“How did he know I was there?”

The coach of LAG had just ended a phone call and explained. “Their AD player’s hand injury had flared up again. The person who was playing just now was actually a trial team member stepping in to help.” Yf3Jal

The support exclaimed. “Damn, I knew they had switched players! Shen Xiaoxin simply doesn’t have this kind of reaction speed!”

The mid-laner, reflecting on his own attempt to jump over the wall for a surprise attack, only to be unexpectedly taken down by an arrow, couldn’t help but remark, “This AD player certainly has some incredible luck.”

“No, it’s more than just good luck,” the AD player stated earnestly. “He cleverly used the brush to land three basic attacks on me. His hand speed is far from ordinary.”

Getting lucky once can be chalked up to good fortune, and even twice could be considered luck. But landing three basic attacks in a row? That’s definitely a testament to his skill! tBPesE

The AD player took a deep breath, feeling a sense of pressure he hadn’t experienced in a long time. His palms were clenched tightly in excitement. “Coach.” he asked. “Can we arrange another practice match with them? I want to have a formal face-off with that person.”

“I’ll ask.”




The KG Club was still reviewing the previous game when the mid laner suddenly left to gank the opponents. The entire meeting room fell silent.

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Is Sang Boyu going to get scolded again?

Coach An pulled Sang Boyu aside for a private conversation. He began to reprimand him sternly. “You’ve always assured me that your professional gaming career is aimed at winning the championship. Is this how you intend to play to achieve that? Have you forgotten our loss to LAG during the Spring Season? I’ve said it before, this is a team game. It’s not just about your individual performance online, but also about how your actions impact the team, especially when you’re out in the game… I acknowledge your talent, Sang Boyu, and I see great potential in you. However, unless you change your approach and your mindset towards the game, the championship will remain out of your reach for your entire career!” piuW 4

Sang Boyu had been silent all along, but the moment he heard the words “you’ll never win a championship. ” His eyes instantly became very aggressive.

Through the window, one could see his half-closed eyelids and the deep melancholy in his eyes. His thin body leaned against the wall, and he was like a tightly drawn bow, silently enduring the scolding without offering any explanation.

Bai Ye let out a sigh and remarked, “It’s always Sang Boyu who performs the best in every game. Yet, ironically, he is also the one who ends up getting scolded every time…”

He Ziyi offered a smile and mused, “Perhaps this is a testament to the old saying: the deeper the love, the stricter the reprimand. 3HBWMS

Lin Xiao was constantly looking outside, his eyes filled with worry.

Feng Ran, who was standing nearby, thought the child was scared and comforted him, “Don’t be afraid. Coach An doesn’t scold people easily. Sang Boyu is an exception, perhaps because he has high expectations of him. So, whenever there’s a mistake, he gets particularly angry…”

“He didn’t make a mistake.”

“Hmm?” c2PLw1

As Feng Ran looked up, he saw Lin Xiao suddenly stand up and open the door with his slender body.

Sang Boyu, with an air of defiance etched across his face, tilted his head to the side. His expression was clouded with gloom, as he chose to treat the harsh words being thrown at him as nothing more than a breeze passing by his ears.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a small figure stepped out. As the light fell upon him, it cast a thin, warm halo around his form. A fleeting moment of unease flashed in his eyes, yet he bravely stepped forward, ready to defend and explain on behalf of his friend

“Coach An, it wasn’t his fault.” he said, his eyes filled with an unprecedented determination. “The opponents were trying to take me out from the flank, and Sang Boyu was attempting to protect me. Even though we weren’t able to eliminate the opponents, as long as I was still in the game, there was hope for us to win…” ztMa7H

In that particular match, both teams had assassins in the mid-lane. These characters could only execute one set of skills. The only player who could deal continuous damage was the AD, but only if he managed to survive. As a result, the other four players on each team were instinctively focused on protecting their AD.

And Lin Xiao did not disappoint, successfully annihilating the opposing team.

This embodied the true essence of League of Legends: achieving victory through teamwork.

Coach An was taken aback for a moment, as he really hadn’t considered this aspect. kz4jin

Given Sang Boyu’s gaming style, which typically involves disregarding his teammates, it had never crossed his mind that he would one day sacrifice himself for the sake of the team…

Coach An, out of habit, reached for a cigarette in an attempt to regain his composure. As he turned around, he found all eyes in the meeting room on him. Feeling a bit self-conscious, he exclaimed, “Why are you all staring at me? Get moving and start your training session with your new teammate.”

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“New teammate?”

Feng Ran couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Was this a tacit acknowledgment that Lin Xiao was now officially a member of the KG Team? kaI2jJ

The author has something to say:

Sang Boyu: Delivering the fiercest attacks, enduring the harshest criticisms.

Translator's Note

In Chinese culture, this saying means that when someone deeply cares for another person, they may be stricter or more demanding towards them. This is because they want the best for the person they care about, and they believe that by being strict, they can help the person grow and improve.

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