I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh183 - Qualifications To Become Food

Because he realized the special status of the substitute in Yu Kongyou’s heart, Xu Zhongping’s expression momentarily became extremely sinister.


He didn’t hide his twisted and jealous intent at all, almost triggering Yu Kongyou’s instinct to fight back, which indirectly confirmed that Xu Zhongping hadn’t really played house with the system in the game for these years.


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But soon, Xu Zhongping’s expression calmed down again. He reached out to tug at Yu Kongyou’s sleeve and whispered, “I just want to take my body back, not to drive it away. I’ve paid off the loan for it, it will take several lifetimes to pay off… We can still keep it if we go back and get a new container to house it…”


Enduring and compromising.


As the saying goes, a crying child gets milk. By presenting such a pitiful appearance, as if a wet puppy in the rain, he could always win some favor.



They had a much longer lifespan than ordinary humans. As long as he patiently waited for ten or a hundred years, he would be the one left.


Xu Zhongping was not in a hurry at all, let alone showing any malice towards a commodity he had bought at a high price. He had even carefully selected containers for the substitute in the shapes of kittens, puppies, and parrots, all of them cute and suitable for home decor. He had no objections to whichever one Yu Kongyou wanted to keep.

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He could even help scoop litter for the cat, walk the dog, and teach the parrot auspicious phrases. When the faulty substitute occupied his body, he acted like a fool, which was suitable for a pet’s brain capacity. Even if it was dumber than usual pets, a fluffy idiot was still more pleasing to the eye than a foolish human.


Xu Zhongping tugged at Yu Kongyou’s sleeve and thought about giving the fluffy idiot a new name. “Clumsy” and “Dopey” were good choices. Traditional names like “Wangcai”, “Laifu”, and “Mimi” could also be considered. The surname “Yu” was better than “Xu”; his trash father’s surname was not worth passing on. If possible, he even wanted to change his own surname to “Yu”…


Yu Kongyou was still unaware of how Xu Zhongping had clearly arranged the substitute. Being tugged at his sleeve, he started to feel sorry for Xu Zhongping again, like a man whose heart was torn in two by a virtuous wife welcoming his concubine into the household. For a moment, hesitated, raised his hand, and found that Xu Zhongping, who didn’t stoop or bend over, was actually a bit taller than himself. He gritted his teeth, turned his wrist, and slapped Xu Zhongping’s shoulder heavily.


“Let’s deal with the current situation first,” he said in a deep voice, assuming his role as a mentor, “Now it’s important to ensure your safety and escape. We can discuss other matters later.”


“Okay.” Xu Zhongping lowered his gaze, looking at him with that gentle and focused look, just like the chubby boy ten years ago. He looked like a tamed puppy, never doubting whether his owner was just going through the motions.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Kongyou felt uncomfortable being looked at like that by him, so he turned his face to look at the wall, as if he could see flowers blooming in the darkness.

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Of course, he actually wanted to give a warning to Xu Yintang. His good director seemed to be enjoying the show so much that he was about to clap and cheer. When he turned away to avoid eye contact with Xu Zhongping, he let out a sigh as if afraid Xu Zhongping wouldn’t hear it.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf olra kjr abeut.


Dea atlcxlcu jybea atf eqmbwlcu yjaaif klat atf rsrafw jcv cffvlcu We Tlcajcu’r tfiq, jcv mbcrlvfglcu atja We Itbcuqlcu’r ybvs jcv atf reyralaeaf kfgf ybat lc atf tbrqlaji, ktfatfg atfs mbeiv fjmt gfaegc ab atflg bkc tbwfr kbeiv qgbyjyis vfqfcv bc ktfatfg We Tlcajcu, atf vlgfmabg, jugffv. Ktlcxlcu jybea la, yijmx rwbxf fwjcjafv ogbw Te Bbcusbe’r ybvs, rkjiibklcu tlr jcufg.


Forget it, forget it. He had also watched plenty of family comedies starring Xu Yintang. No one should criticize anyone.


Let’s change tracks and think about where “he” might be hidden.


Xu Yintang called him out, wasn’t it for this matter?


(Xu Yintang: Sorry, it’s really not the case.)


“I’ll make a disclaimer first,” Yu Kongyou said, “I can give you a clue, but you have to find it yourself. Don’t delve into how I died, and don’t mention it, after all, you don’t want to lose me, your excellent vice dean, right?”


Half of Yu Kongyou’s sentence was directed at Xu Yintang, making the food chain in the room clear. Xu Yintang recalled the thickness of the documents on Yu Kongyou’s desk and immediately promised, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone keeps quiet.”


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

With Xu Yintang’s assurance, his family members would naturally listen to their mother’s words obediently. Shi Yuebai and Casey Cat were not characters who talked too much. With Xu Yintang’s promise, there was an extra layer of security.


Xu Zhongping…


From pulling at the sleeve to holding the wrist, Xu Zhongping changed his demeanor to that of a good student, obediently saying, “I’ll listen to the teacher.”


This sentence, and this tone, sounded very familiar.


Xu Yintang glanced slightly at Shi Yuebai, who was standing by his side like he belonged there, and saw the bright, moist eyes of the youth, as if there was a smile overflowing with honey in his dimples.




Following his heart, Xu Yintang kissed his cheek, and incidentally suppressed the restless Second Treasure.


“Be good,” he rubbed Second Treasure’s fur, preventing the cub from jumping out to cause trouble. Second Treasure flicked his tail unhappily, squinting his eyes, and then snuck into his mother’s clothes, poking his brothers one by one, discussing how to catch a bad system as a gift. If he didn’t work hard, his mother’s favor would be stolen by the male mistress!


Crisis for the cub!


Although he often accidentally assisted the male mistress, Second Treasure is still confident that he is the smartest cub among the brothers. He howled a rallying cry before the battle and imitated his mother’s training posture, choosing to start studying prey that they had previously targeted.


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For example, the Dream Life System bound to Long Hao’s body. The butterfly belonging to Third Flora successfully built a miniature nest on it. Because the system was not a suitable habitat for butterflies, expanding the nest size was very difficult. They could only sustain themselves by consuming the system’s discarded data. However, while this increased the progress bar for his mother’s tasks, the butterfly also analyzed some aspects of the system’s behavior.


More clever butterflies entangled their mother’s tentacles, coaxing and acting cute to try to get a taste of the remnants bitten off the system. The fourteen-year-old tentacles have no problem sharing food, especially when the one begging for food was their own cub. They gladly cut off a small section of tentacle containing the system’s information and energy fragments and fed it to each cub. It was equivalent to a mother chewing up soft food to feed her cub.


It was a bit late for the cub to eat this now, as this kind of food was usually fed to weak newborns like Second Treasure when they were premature. But even Little Darling couldn’t resist taking an extra bite of the food, savoring it extra sweetly.


Until every last bit was swallowed and there was no taste left, he smacked his mouth, considering the prey’s report from the taste and texture, and discussed with his brothers how to capture it.


The main attack undoubtedly belonged to Fourth Joy. Only Fourth Joy, with his data-based system, could deal effective damage. He meticulously examined the fish monsters he raised, pondering that the first hunting attempt couldn’t afford to fail.


It would be best if he could handle it independently without assistance from other brothers, seizing the opportunity to demonstrate his excellent abilities and earning praise and attention from his mother, thereby enhancing his position in this family.


Due to being born too late, it’s difficult to catch up to the intimacy gap created by his brothers, so it must be more useful.


Fourth Joy knows that his mother has supreme compassion. Even if he is truly weak and useless, he won’t be divided among the powerful and dry brothers in the nest like the other brothers from the other Xu Yingtang’s self. However, if he can’t be seen by his mother, can’t feel his gentle touch, and is squeezed into a corner gasping for breath, then perhaps being divided is a better outcome.


Of course, above all else, mother is always right.


Fourth Joy gently swayed his translucent tentacles, the umbrella-like body surging with swirling vortices, the majestic and rugged bone altar trembling in the waves, the priest with a brilliant trailing tail howling fanatically and fearfully, the slender and graceful body contorting like a knot.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

On the “land” entangled by the fluffy tentacles bathed in blood-red moonlight, monsters crawled slowly between the tentacles, lifting their skulls along the thick body, their circular mouthparts occupying most of their faces, revealing the folds of red flesh inside when opened.


It used to be a member of the fish monsters in the sea long, long ago, but in the endless process where even the history of fish monsters couldn’t be recorded, it was changed into a completely different species, called “sheep” in the language of fish monsters.


In this small world completely composed of “sea water,” the “land” floating on the water was like the paradise that humans living on land looked up to—a place where gods reside, a holy land of faith.


The “sheep” on the “land” that are so big that they can be swallowed in one bite are regarded as livestock raised by the gods.


So the most powerful warriors, the most beautiful priests, the warriors who won the tribal duels, they piously and gloriously became the food of the “sheep” in order to raise the lambs of the gods more deliciously.


Only it had the qualification to become food, as the old, weak, sick, and disabled would defile the holy kingdom.


From time to time, a sheep would fall into the sea, and the fish monsters would see it as a gift from the gods. Eating it would make them stronger and smarter, even growing second or third limbs, becoming warriors chosen by the gods.


In the world of fish monsters, there was nothing more honorable than this.


Fourth Joy: I’ll handle the reserve food that’s weak and old and not worthy of being eaten by Mother, and then I’ll train warriors who can die for Mother’s cause.



Author’s Note –

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Fourth Joy: Diligently raising reserve food for Mother cMamfA


Fourth Joy: Seriously training soldiers for Mother


Fourth Joy, a career-oriented cub. OxBkn8

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  1. Originally I thought that Yu Kongyou didn’t want to talk about his death because it was very tragic and/or violent. But I’m starting to wonder if maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it because it’s actually super embarrassing.

    …maybe he fell down a toilet and that’s why Xu Zhongping can’t find him.

  2. You know, usually the youngest is the most spoiled but here 4th Joy is the most hardworking.

    Such a good kid.