I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh169 - Around Fourteen Years Old

After the system popped up briefly, it seemed to retreat as if nothing had happened. Almost simultaneously, the car stopped at a hotel entrance — if Xu Yintang remembered correctly, they had just entered Ping City when they received Wang Laowu’s message.


According to the original plan, the car was supposed to go straight to the site of the old No. 3 Middle School, taking advantage of the early time to do some on-site investigation.


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But now, the sky outside had already darkened significantly, and the clock in the car showed it was past six in the afternoon.


“We’re here.” Director Qin seemed to have no sense of the odd changes and stopped the car, urging them to get out and rest quickly. There was a strange and discordant feeling about his expression, prompting Xu Yintang to instinctively extend a probing tentacle.


However, when his tentacle reached towards Director Qin, it seemed to pass through him like touching a phantom, with Director Qin repeating phrases like “We’re here” and “Have a good rest tonight”. In the moment that Xu Yintang’s tentacle withdrew, the illusion dissipated like a mirage in water.



At the same time, Third Flora excitedly reported that she had received a signal from the butterflies she left in the instance world. While completing the mermaid Village instance, she and Second Treasure had the idea of ​​placing a cocoon in Long Hao’s shadow, hoping that if the butterfly could nest in Long Hao’s system, it could help their mother complete his mission.


After leaving the instance, Third Flora immediately lost contact with the cocoon. She thought the plan had failed and the cocoon had died, but just now, she suddenly received a signal from a small nest of new butterflies. Although it was a super small nest composed of a few butterflies, because of the absence of its main consciousness, there was no significant impact. But it had indeed taken root in Long Hao’s game system, even occasionally absorbing some debris that fell from the system.


Even if those were just rubbish data from the system’s own metabolism, they were still worth picking up.


As Xu Yintang and Shi Yuebai got out of the car, they received a new system message.


[System Task: Investigate the “DreamLife Gaming System”, Progress 35%]


If Xu Yintang didn’t remember incorrectly, the settlement data for this task last time was 23%. A one-time increase of 12% in progress made Third Flora very proud and deserving of praise and affection from her mother.

  Ncf7 v

Second Treasure also squeezed out a proud howl, indicating that it had contributed a significant portion to this achievement, but it generously let Third Flora take the praise and affection from their mother. As long as mother let him sleep in his favorite area.


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Second Treasure’s tail fluff swayed, and its little scheming mind made cracking sounds, so delightful that it couldn’t help but laugh.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xu Yintang watched silently as Shi Yuebai went to the trunk to get their luggage. Their luggage wasn’t the neatly packed one from before departure. Shi Yuebai brought down two suitcases with stickers of skulls and sports cars on them, and also took out two bulging schoolbags.


“Ofa’r ub.” We Tlcajcu geyyfv Vfmbcv Kgfjregf’r gbecv ojmf jcv aemxfv atf ilaaif bcf lcab tlr fwygjmf, tlvlcu tlr wlrmtlfnber vfrlgf ab rff Vfmbcv Kgfjregf’r rweu fzqgfrrlbc aegc lcab fwyjggjrrwfca.


Ofa atfw rff… Qfii, fzmfqa obg Vfmbcv Kgfjregf, ktb kjr j yla vlhhs ogbw atf qglvf, atf batfg mey tjv jigfjvs oluegfv la bea.


And Second Treasure, nestled in his mother’s warm embrace, happily wanted to snuggle and lick, but when its paw pressed down, it suddenly froze.




Second Treasure stubbornly pressed again, and the sensation of his paw bouncing back surprised him, making his eyes widen in disbelief.


It’s hard… it’s hard…


Second Treasure repeatedly patted and pressed the skin under his claws, blinking his eyes in disbelief.


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How did his mother’s soft and elastic embrace turn dry and hard like a washboard?!


Could it be that his mother’s aura had changed, causing Second Treasure to mistakenly dive into the wrong embrace?!


Suppressing a laugh, Xu Yintang scooped up the ecstatic little one with a heavy bottom, gently nudging the squirming little creature against his chest. As he looked down at Second Treasure’s wide, disbelieving eyes, every bead of sweat on his face seemed to amplify the shock of encountering such an earth-shattering revelation.


M-mom… mom, mom, mom, mom…


After Second Treasure stuttered out the words, Fourth Joy, who was floating beside Xu Yintang, quickly reached out a tentacle to pull Second Treasure out. The umbrella-like body unfolded, protectively enveloping his mother.


Melodious waves of sound reverberated through the air, akin to the echo of a fish song from the deepest depths of the sea — on Fourth Joy’s side, it would probably be called a fish-headed monster song.


Mom is getting younger!


Fourth Joy confidently stated, its semi-transparent umbrella-like body shimmering with bright blue electric lights, while the ribbon-like tentacles sprouted fine hairs like thorns, threateningly shaking at the older brothers who dared to question their mother’s transformation.


Third Flora was the first to approach her mother’s shadow, expressing her disdain for her stupid younger brother’s worries through action. A butterfly, draped in moonlight gauze, landed on her mother’s shoulder, affectionately communicating with him through its antennae.


Love it (⁄ ⁄◕⁄ω⁄◕⁄ ⁄)


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The young mother is just like Third Flora’s butterfly (◕ ᴗ ◕✿) 


I love it so much…


The only one who had a bit of brotherly concern for Second Treasure was Little Darling, as the tentacles wrapped around his mother’s wrist symbolically extended one towards Second Treasure, patting him. Then the tentacles quickly retracted and entwined with their mother’s, as if to say, “I am not familiar with this stupid brother.”


Second Treasure, a small bundle of misery, remained sprawled on the ground after being thrown out by Fourth Joy, emitting a whimpering sound.


It’s quite pitiful.


Even Shi Yuebai, who returned with the luggage, felt a twinge of conscience and lowered the corners of his mouth a few degrees. “I have a room card, we can just check in directly… Fortunately, even in this state, it’s hard to say if the hotel will let us stay.”


Shrinking by over twenty centimeters in height, devoid of the handsome muscles all over his body, and even sporting a hint of baby fat on his cheeks, Shi Yuebai, carrying his oversized backpack, approached with a beaming smile. He leaned up to kiss the chin of Xu Yintang, who, though also shrunk to a teenager.


This height difference… he is probably about fourteen years old?


The height difference that required him to tiptoe to kiss Xu Yintang made Shi Yuebai happily leave a tooth mark on Xu Yintang’s chin. Whether it was due to lack of nutrition or because the hospital was withholding adolescent rations, Xu Yintang had become so thin that his ribs could be counted just by removing his clothes.


As for the handsome chest muscles in the future, they were nothing but a shadow, covered with numerous overlapping, ferocious scars, turning the skin into a mottled color palette of varying depths.


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He lowered his gaze, watching as Shi Yuebai tenderly kissed the large swathes of torn and burnt scars on his chest, feeling the urge to smile and then pinch Shi Yuebai’s cheek affectionately, his smile tinged with a hint of provocation under his control.


Indeed, as Third Flora felt, this period of Xu Yintang was thin and slender, with a kind of butterfly-like ethereal fragility, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.


This appearance was useful for deceiving some naive fellow patients who harbored intentions toward him. After all, he was catching up with muscle growth too quickly. But even if his abdominal muscles were thin, they were still abdominal muscles. His stick-like legs could still kick certain parts below, or his fists, with the added hardness from his protruding bones, could break their noses.


Moreover, his body’s flexibility was excellent, giving him more opportunities to escape during midnight hide-and-seek with his vigorous teenage physique. And with his ability to recover quickly from injuries, sometimes the departure from his childish, tender contours would make his mother raise her hand and then lower it — that was the beginning of him gaining autonomy from his mother’s hands.


Xu Yintang didn’t see anything to pity about his fourteen-year-old self, so he flipped over and sat on Shi Yuebai’s waist. First, he obediently pinched Shi Yuebai’s cheek as he pleased, and then he shifted a few times. Feeling that the sensation under his buttocks was not quite right, he followed it with his hand and touched a soft flesh where his once flexible abdominal muscles were.


Shi Yuebai covered his face, rare embarrassment evident even in front of Xu Yintang, curling his toes as his skin, usually tanned from exposure to wind and sun, blushed white and red, perfectly matching the memory fragments of the delicate and pampered young cub who would be scared by mice.


Finally finding something to cheer about after being ostracized by his brothers all the way, Second Treasure finally laughed with glee and rolled under the bed.


Little male mistress! He has a little belly now!


Spread the word! Little male mistress has a little belly now!




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Author’s Note – uCHl1V


The little Tang and little Blue Moon are here!


This time it’s a new skin for the SP version, probably around fourteen years old~ 0BjQ1t

At that time, little Tang was in the rapid growth period of his abilities, thin but painful to fight, and his recovery ability was not fully developed yet, so he had many scars on his body.


As for Blue Moon, it’s still many years away from entering the game. Growing up in a wealthy and pampered environment, combined with late development, even though he consciously engages in some exercise, he’s completely different from the little gentleman he becomes later on, haha!


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  1. Ooo~ I didn’t expect this to be their new skin, but I don’t mind it either~ will they be able to re-experience teenage romance? (∩˃o˂∩)♡

    I must admit…I’m quite a sucker for teenage puppy love and campus romance (,,>﹏<,,) either of them is very good~ or both if the author allows it, like age progression~ (:3」∠)