I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh162 - Do You Want Me To Teach You?

Warm, flexible, delicate, dry… they could also become sticky and moist when needed. Still, as Shi Yuebai woke up, the tentacles coiled around him maintained a comfortable touch that would not cause any discomfort, wrapping around his body neither too loosely nor too tightly, crawling across his skin.


It felt like a puppy sneaking into your bed early in the morning, affectionately wanting to snuggle with you.


Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Isn’t it just yesterday…?” Shi Yuebai blurted out, his voice slightly hoarse, his face still showing signs of weary, groggy sleep. The cat ears on his head were sticking up with a few confused tufts of hair. His body seemed to remember the misdeeds of these naughty tentacles faster than his brain did, unconsciously trying to tuck his tail between his legs to cover himself.


Just as his tail started to move, not even getting close to its target, the tentacles, sharp in their perception, immediately wrapped around his furry tail, coiling tightly and forcing it to tremble and curl upward.


Shi Yuebai let out a low “Mm,” his body instinctively stretching as his tail lifted. He made a half-hearted attempt to break free, like a beautiful big cat lazily stretching, rolling over, and exposing his furry belly for petting.



The tentacles eagerly expanded their territory, with a few tentacles curling up on Shi Yuebai’s chest, their tips lifting to touch his cheeks, rubbing against his lips, and slipping in to greet his tongue.


Sweet… Shi Yuebai licked the tip of the tentacle in his mouth, a faint sweetness and an indescribable tingling sensation dancing in his mouth. If he had to describe it, it actually tasted somewhat like cola.


A tender yet strange good morning kiss in Xu Yintang’s style.


Shi Yuebai was quietly amazed at how quickly he accepted this situation. After all, for a player like him who often fought with monsters and evil gods, waking up surrounded by tentacles should have set off all his internal alarm bells.


However, he felt no resistance to these tentacles. Accepting them seemed as natural as knowing Xu Yintang’s true form even before finding him. So when Xu Yintang coyly said the classic line, “I’ll just rub, I won’t go in,” he could still respond in a dazed and happy manner, “Of course you can come in… Hmm… Do you want me to teach you how?”


Without any extra concern or hesitation, and certainly without fear or vigilance, the second half of his sentence only proved that he was indeed somewhat out of his mind from the tentacles’ teasing, making a provocative move despite being clearly at a disadvantage.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xu Yintang was always a quick learner.


Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ccv jc fcalas ybgc ogbw atf Vfj bo Nblv kjr lctfgfcais j rbegmf bo mtjbr.


C qjga bo Vtl Tefyjl’r gjalbcji wlcv xcfk atja tlr meggfca vgbkrs vbmlilas kjr j gfreia bo ijra cluta’r lcafcrf fcajcuifwfca klat We Tlcajcu. Ktf wjgxr bc tlr ybvs, ktlmt tjvc’a ojvfv bnfgcluta, kfgf wbgf fnlvfcmf bo fgbrlbc atjc ibnf ylafr. Ca atlr wbwfca, ktja tf rtbeiv vb kjr ufa eq, vglcx j ybaaif bo qegloslcu jufca, jcv rbyfg eq ogbw atf joafgfoofmar.


But a larger part of his rationality chose to take a break, refusing to command his body to leave this gentle trap. He simply relaxed in the tentacles’ embrace as if lying in a lover’s arms, lazily kissing the tentacles on his lips.


“Morning.” Shi Yuebai greeted, his breath catching as the tentacles brushed against his waist. His expression still bore the lingering pleasure from the night before, his golden beast-like eyes shining with a captivating brilliance. Without needing to say much, just gently biting the tentacle and blinking, the tentacles around him transformed into a human embrace.


Shi Yuebai turned and kissed Xu Yintang’s lips, then kissed his eyes, which were flowing with a gentle warmth that did not belong to a monster.


Xu Yintang accepted Shi Yuebai’s request for more intimacy, the tentacles inside his body transforming into human vocal cords. “Morning.”


The change in his expression and tone was subtle, the meaning of which even Xu Yintang himself was not yet aware of. But Shi Yuebai, a master scholar of “Xu studies,” noticed it immediately. He deepened the kiss without showing any reaction, harboring a secret joy that things were going according to plan, pulling Xu Yintang into a mutual abyss of pleasure.


—As soon as he discovered Xu Yintang’s true form, Shi Yuebai had adjusted his plans.


Emotions touch the deepest part of the human soul, but for beings that are not essentially human, establishing a physical connection is the shortest route to a spiritual bond.


He had to become Xu Yintang’s partner first to have a chance to make Xu Yintang understand the significance of this relationship.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

The cubs strongly opposed his marriage to Xu Yintang at that time, probably because they were more keenly aware of the parts of Xu Yintang’s thought process that did not belong to humans. They realized that once their marriage became a fact, he would hold the golden key to Xu Yintang’s heart.


Indeed, since he and Xu Yintang got their marriage certificate, the cubs’ hostility towards him had diminished significantly. They no longer openly yelled about overthrowing the male mistress to protect the family. Even Fourth Joy, who acted as the “wedding witness,” had become quite close to him, allowing him to touch its round body.


Of course, this was as long as it didn’t involve the esteemed and noble mother.


In scenes where the four cubs were left unattended by their mother, Fourth Joy would anxiously roll around while bitterly holding a grudge against Shi Yuebai.


At times, it shared a common language with its three brothers, using its limited vocabulary to curse Shi Yuebai. Being halfway through a joyful cuddle with their mother only to be thrown out of the room was tragic. Second Treasure was so aggrieved that everyone in the hospital had nightmares, and Third Flora cried silently in the shadows until the moonlight dimmed.


It wasn’t until the perpetually half-makeup-wearing Yu Kongyou knocked on Xu Yintang’s window, having endured a night and morning of unrest, that the bawling cubs’ irresponsible parents were interrupted.


“I thought you were hitting the kids again. They were crying so badly they scared my Pinging.” With blood and tears disappearing from his face in a second, Yu Kongyou surveyed the post-event scene in the room with a calm expression that said he’d seen it all.


“Quickly clean up. Xiao Qing and the others are about to wake up. What do you plan to do with the crow you brought back? It’s sweet-talking its way through the entire hospital.”


—A true overachiever thinks of work even when their boss is caught naked in bed.


As for the cat-eared man beside the boss, he received only a polite nod of greeting from Yu Kongyou.


Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

If Shi Yuebai had been less thick-skinned, Yu Kongyou might have run the errand of informing Shi Yuebai that his teammates were looking for him to confirm the profits from their last raid.


After a work-related monologue, Yu Kongyou finally acknowledged the scene, commenting, “Nice body,” as a nod to the visual treat.


A snapshot of this would probably cause many people to faint from nosebleeds.


Out of consideration for Shi Yuebai’s potentially thin skin, Yu Kongyou refrained from whistling a lewd tune.


Xu Yintang was not embarrassed about being caught in bed. Remembering to pull the quilt to cover key parts was already a sensible move. He simply nodded at Yu Kongyou’s evaluation and used his tentacles to pull out some clothes from the wardrobe for Shi Yuebai.


In the past, the live version in the hospital was open for viewing, and if you were discovered, you would be warmly invited to join in.


Xu Yintang looked Yu Kongyou up and down, feeling that inviting him to join might be a bit much.


After all, Yu Kongyou would surely have to bring along the tied-up hanging item, Xu Zhongping. Having four people on one bed would be too crowded.


Better to soothe the crying cubs who were shaking the whole hospital while Shi Yuebai got dressed.



Author’s Note –

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Shi Yuebai’s love lesson: To conquer a human, start with the heart; to conquer a non-human, start with consummating the marriage. OQ0YDC


I would pay everything I have to see what Yu Kongyou saw. Sob sob.

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  1. Better not ask him anyways, because the Moon God would definitely find a way to murder him ever more horribly than the first time our ghost boy died (despite him never having really explained how it happened)

  2. No way, our MC even thought of inviting YKY to join him and ML in bed? 💀

    Not to mention, YKY said “Nice body” and even wanted to whistle a lewd tune if it weren’t for being considerate that our ML might be a bit shy 😭😭😭