I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh160 - Thank You Sugar Daddy

TN – 

Thank you to [SunsettClouds] for the child support. This is the 9th extra upload out of 10. O2nbPE


Death is often associated with wealth in many cultures.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Buried beneath the earth, the black gold forged from corpses; the treasures brought into tombs by emperors and tycoons who see death as life… even in Greek mythology, Hades, the lord of the underworld, is also a god of wealth. J5c9kG


Furthermore, organizations adept at concealing themselves are often adept at accumulating wealth. Countless players can provide strong evidence of this, proving that even secretive organizations that worship poverty and misfortune have shiny little treasuries that have nothing to do with poverty.


Speaking of these matters, it’s just to tell everyone that whether from the worldly definition or the mysterious side, it is a fat sheep that can hardly move.



“So, is this the reason you brought out so many strange things?”


Xiao Qing stood with hands on hips, with a protruding belly, his posture that of a pregnant woman. zqoTmv


The “mountain” piled high in the room emitted a stench of resentment that made him want to roll his eyes, and their sugar daddy leader was too busy slurping on a large cup of ice-cold cola, without changing his expression at all, explaining to him, “It’s a local specialty. I kept some for myself, and the rest you can use or sell.”


I feel like I can’t. CXk3p


Xiao Qing took a breath, about to say “We can’t even afford to eat at home”, when he heard sweet and happy voices loudly echoing: “Local specialty products! Super awesome! Our sugar daddy is so great!”


“Yay!” P1m8HM


Before the sweet voice fell, Huahua, leaning on his shoulder, sprang up with a start, raising her hands to cheer. Huahua’s whole body was covered in a greenish color like poison, her eyes were hazy and bewildered, saying all sorts of nonsense: “Our sugar daddy especially left them for us, hurry up and say ‘thank you sugar daddy’.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com




As soon as Old Wang left the instance, he fell asleep on the spot. For a giant aberration like him, sleep was the best way to recuperate. He lay there like a lump of concrete and gravel, eyes widened so much they didn’t resemble human eyes. He had to be labeled to avoid being mistaken for construction debris and thrown away.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


—Gbkcrajlgr lr atf kjgv ktfgf atf lcafgcji ojmlilalfr jgf yflcu gfcbnjafv. Ktf afggjlc bo atf tbrqlaji tjr jikjsr yffc jgylagjgs. Po j mbcragemalbc kbgxfg ubfr atf kgbcu kjs, atfs wluta fcv eq tjnlcu ab vlu rbwfbcf bea bo atf ijcvolii. 3NIATS


Sdejiis ecmbcrmlber rlcmf ifjnlcu atf lcrajcmf kjr Itbe Hljc. Vtf tjv rjnfv eq tfg fcfgus ecali rtf gfjmtfv atf olcji Dbrr, Yiv Gegr, jcv ecifjrtfv tfg qbkfgoei Rbyif Utjcajrw, aegclcu Yiv Gegr lcab bnfg j atberjcv fluta tecvgfv qlfmfr, ijslcu atf obecvjalbc obg atflg nlmabgs. Lbkfnfg, rtf tfgrfio tjv aegcfv lcab j agjcriemfca qfjgi-ktlaf wlra. Qtfc atfs fzlafv atf lcrajcmf, Olc Gf’jc kjr jybea ab teu tlr ulgioglfcv yea obecv tlwrfio gfjmtlcu lcab atlc jlg.


The scene was so ridiculous that Tiantian and Huahua couldn’t stop giggling, their cheeks flushed as if they were intoxicated. 0aptIA


The estimated remaining sanity is probably under 5.


Xiao Qing calmly thought, and when he saw Tiantian calling out “I want to snuggle with the world’s best sugar daddy” while burying her face in Second Treasure’s fur, his sanity was lowered to the negative numbers, although, of course, sanity doesn’t actually have negative values. ScX1Eu


You see, Second Treasure was nestled firmly against Xu Yintang’s chest, refusing to budge, even denying Xiao Qing the chance to touch him. So when Tiantian dove into his fluffy fur, it was undoubtedly an attempt to bury herself in their sugar daddy’s chest. If her sanity was any higher, she wouldn’t have the courage to put such fantasies into practice.


If Tiantian ever went missing, even if the moon god was not the first suspect, it would be a waste of her courage. BShuiT


When Tiantian wakes up tomorrow, she might cry and cling to Xu Yintang’s thigh, asking, “Do I still have a chance?” But no matter how remorseful she was tomorrow, it wouldn’t affect the current Tiantian, who was poking Xu Yintang’s abs without being able to bury herself in his chest, then patting her own belly like a happy fool.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com


Xu Yintang was actually quite interested in watching Tiantian’s reaction and asked with a smile, “Are you that happy?” 0oyfdp


Tiantian’s expression was like she was sleepwalking: “Hehe, sugar daddy, hehe(?﹃?).”


Facing such chaos, Xiao Qing rubbed his temples, which hurt more than when facing an instance Boss. He reached out and grabbed the innocent Little Darling, who happened to pass by, and pressed his cheek against Little Darling, emitting the only normal voice in the team: “It seems that in this world, only our Little Darling still has a trace of warmth QAQ.” hT1JiA


Just passing by, Little Darling was bewildered by the sudden affection from Xiao Qing, but still let him hold him tightly and rub against him, relieving the immense psychological pressure he felt as a normal(self-proclaimed) person facing his teammates’ collective dementia.


Three seconds later, with his head swollen into a poisonous mushroom from the colorful venom on Little Darling’s tentacles, he calmly returned to the main topic with Xu Yintang: “You’ve given too much. After selling them, the public fund should only retain thirty percent.” WHTu4L


“I know you want everyone to be okay,” he continued, preempting any rebuttal from Xu Yintang, “but first, our public expenditure isn’t that high. Thirty percent is already sufficient. Secondly, no matter what, without your help, our chances of surviving and clearing the game with all members intact would be extremely low, and we definitely wouldn’t have obtained so many additional items, right?”


Xu Yintang pondered for a moment before nodding. Lv20Fn


The difficulty of defeating the boss, Old Durs, had already exceeded the scope of normal C-class boss strategies. He didn’t know if Shi Yuebai and the others had attempted to challenge this boss during their replays, but a review of the forum’s strategies would reveal that all known completion routes intentionally or unintentionally avoided direct confrontation with this character, maximizing player survival and completion rates.


In other words, although Tiantian and the others went beyond their limits and fought hard to push away this boss, without Xu Yintang outside hunting other prey to stack up the hunting value to 149/150, ensuring immediate initiation of the completion process upon Old Durs’s death, they would likely have bid farewell immediately afterward. 7e a8R


And without Blake leading the way to the organization’s small treasury, no one would be able to pass Old Durs and open the door to the treasure trove.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Not to mention that Xu Yintang also uncovered the truth behind Mrs. Elo’s disappearance, a mission worth five thousand points. Lg4u39


“So, your contribution accounts for at least seventy percent, and I don’t think anyone would oppose that,” Xiao Qing gestured with a seven, turning his head to scan the other teammates and urging everyone to raise their heads.


Tiantian rolled back onto the lazy sofa, giggling with Huahua. As soon as Xiao Qing glanced at them, they immediately cheered and raised their hands in excitement, saying “Yeah” repeatedly. As for whether they actually understood what Xiao Qing was saying, Xiao Qing figured they probably didn’t have a clue. wTkVSP


Old Wang: zzzzzzzzz…


Zhou Qian: Hiss… oh… qdrTi8


Sleeping soundly, not even thunder could wake them up.


Lin De’an hugged Zhou Qian. When Xiao Qing and Xu Yintang looked at him together, he finally remembered that he was also a participant. He quickly recalled what they had said before and repeated Xiao Qing’s words, “Ah, yes, yes, captain, for the good of everyone.” Relying on his rich experience as a police officer to quickly organize his thoughts and language. He continued with the subsequent twists, “But, however—” dFTklP


His tone was very calm, unmistakably that of a professional player, capable of reasoning with people even amidst the chaos of a collapsing sky—or the kind that could make people sit down and talk sense with him.


As the saying goes, when in trouble, find a cop, and Lin De’an had seen it all during his years as a police officer. m4MfGV


Since Xiao Qing’s reasons didn’t quite convince Xu Yintang, Lin De’an decided to approach it from a different angle.

Chrysanthemum Garden.


“If Captain, you donate all the profits to the team… Well, to be honest, it’s a bit embarrassing, but we would indeed feel a bit awkward…”  fHs2tK


Lin De’an scratched his cheek, wanting to illustrate some principles like “not fearing scarcity but fearing inequality,” “interests can make people devilish,” and “Captain is selfless, but we can’t do that,” but then he thought speaking too plainly might hurt feelings, so he continued, “How about this, let’s establish a rule starting from this time: for the items, potions, and various materials donated to the team if they are sold, we split the proceeds seventy-thirty.”


“I have no objections,” Xu Yintang nodded, adding some other possible scenarios, “But if it’s resources we agreed on beforehand to team up and hunt for, then whatever is obtained is automatically considered the team’s shared resource. And it’s preferable for donated items to be prioritized for internal team transactions, where team members can negotiate among themselves. The team can act as… supervisors? Witnesses? Well, something along those lines. If no one within the team needs it, then we can consider selling it or keeping it as a reserve of public resources.” zb2JBZ


“For example, these gloves, I think they’re perfect for Huahua.”


As Xu Yintang spoke, Little Darling pulled out a pair of gloves from the “local specialties” mountain. The semi-transparent material was as thin as cicada wings, stitched together from many pieces of flesh-colored fingers, palms, and backs of hands. Each piece of flesh color was extremely fair and delicate, with similar textures and hues at first glance, making the gloves look uniformly colored and well-tailored. But upon closer inspection, one would notice that each piece was slightly different… YL3zJj


“These gloves are made from the skin of about twenty… nearly thirty people, which is quite disgusting,” Xiao Qing grimaced at the strong odor emanating from the gloves, pinching her nose and saying, “Does Huahua know you’ve prepared her a pair of human skin gloves?”


Huahua:… VJ0CZ4


Huahua knew nothing, but it didn’t stop her from being cued to respond with a “Yeah! Yeah!” playback, cuddling with Tiantian on the lazy sofa and sticking close, as if to say “Thank sugar daddy.”


So Xu Yintang calmly responded to Xiao Qing, “You heard her, she’s okay with it.” NL9BFa



Chrysanthemum Garden.

Author’s Note –


After clearing the boss dungeon, everyone except Sugar Daddy suffered severe battle damage.


A quick review of the setting: physical injuries can be repaired after clearing the dungeon, but the mental damage system remains untouched.


Tiantian and Huahua entered their blissful little fool mode, with Tiantian even taking the opportunity to poke Sugar Daddy’s abdominal muscles.


And tears of envy flowed from the corners of her mouth. (?﹃?)


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