I’m A Male Mom in a Nightmare GameCh145 - Give A Little Help

With a sweet smile on her face, Tiantian hung up the phone and looked at Thomas, who was sitting next to her.


“Are you planning to take the medicine yourself, or should I force it down for you?”


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Thomas’s expression was complicated, as if he suddenly realized that his old classmate, who appeared sweet and harmless on the surface, was not as innocent as she seemed.


Although compared to his tall stature of 1.8 meters, Tiantian, who was 1.6 meters tall and only over 80 kilograms, was thin and small, but when she stared at him with such a smile, Thomas felt as if he were pinned down by some large predatory animal, unable to resist.


He looked around for help, only to find his other friends playing on their phones or admiring the scenery. The only one meeting his gaze was Huahua, a policewoman with a good reputation in Sin City, who was genuinely comforting him.



“The medicine doesn’t taste bitter at all,” Huahua said. “I’ll mix it in some juice for you. After you drink it, you’ll just sleep peacefully. Nothing will happen.”


But there are so many things wrong with this approach…


Thomas broke out in a cold sweat, desperately trying to figure out what to do. Whether it was his detective instincts or his life experience in Sin City, they both told him that he couldn’t just fall asleep tonight without figuring out what his friends were planning. It was highly likely that they would involve him in even greater danger.




A flash of insight crossed Thomas’s mind, instantly calming his nerves. He pinched his nose and forced a smile. “I was worried that this case might involve you guys, but now it seems like you were all just waiting for me to…”


Oops, caught.


Tiantian’s playful prank failed, but she still looked adorable as she stuck out her tongue and took Thomas’s arm familiarly. “Don’t be nervous. Look at you, one phone call and we came all the way to Sin City to help you with the case. The bond between old classmates runs deep. We just need you to do us a small favor, it won’t harm you.”


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She gestured with two fingers, indicating the loss of a certain market, her big innocent eyes blinking innocently, showing a deep understanding of the art of being cute.


But Thomas felt as if a cold, slippery snake was coiling around his arm, tightening around his throat. He was astonished at why he hadn’t noticed anything unusual about them, as if a fog had clouded his vision, blurring everything out of place.


—In his shadow, several butterflies completed the final stage of parasitism, their splendid wings connecting completely with his soul, making the sharp detective inexplicably afraid and inadvertently choosing a path he would never choose.


He looked at these familiar old friends, whom he knew so well from memory, with the eyes of a stranger, his mouth opening to hear the voice that emerged from his throat.


“What do you need me to do tonight?”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktfs vlvc’a cffv ab jrx tlw ab ajxf wfvlmlcf lc ogbca bo tlw lo jii atfs kjcafv kjr obg tlw ab riffq atgbeut atf cluta. Ktfs kfgf mbwqifafis ecuejgvfv, jcv fnfc lo tf vlv ojii jriffq, tf kbeiv wbra ilxfis cba cbalmf jcsatlcu ecereji.


Ktfs lcafcalbcjiis wjvf la rffw rb… ragjlutaobgkjgv lc ogbca bo tlw, j atgfja tf mbeivc’a gfoerf.


Tiantian exchanged a knowing glance with her teammates, and Zhou Qian, who was glanced at by Tiantian, immediately understood the implication. She cleared her throat and spoke up, “First of all…”


Starting off their first dungeon with their new teammates, Zhou Qian’s timing was impeccable, her voice sweet and melodic, like a demon whispering in one’s ear.



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“What time?” the old man asked his attendant.


His voice was hoarse and aged, his face covered in wrinkles like rough bark, his eyes nestled in deep hollows within the folds, emitting a sinister and cold gaze.


The attendant lowered his head and replied, “Eight fifty. The recreation room is ready for you, you can use it anytime.”


There were still ten minutes until nine o’clock.


The old man squinted and made a noise of acknowledgment, slowly rising from the chair with the support of the armrests. The attendant hurriedly handed him his cane, a cane made of a pale, human femur, with a layer of leather padding covering the grip, worn smooth and oily from friction, shining with an ivory-like light akin to a young girl’s skin.


The carpet swallowed up the footsteps as the old man walked slowly between the corridors and stairs. Unlike the impression most people had of him being reclusive and conservative, he lived in a bright and spacious modern mansion, with many servants attending to his needs.


The recreation room was equipped with comfortable massage chairs and a large screen, and the air purification system ran continuously, removing the bloody and putrid smell from the room. A prepared corpse hung in the center, a thin layer of skin stretched over the bones arranged in a spherical shape, and when switched on, dim lights illuminated from within the body.


A young girl’s head hung upside down, closely connected to the body, with the mouth and tongue turned into the only reproductive organs. The curly and thick golden hair seemed to have been processed in some way, maintaining a radiant shine like sunlight.


The old man gently stroked the golden hair, as if it carried the joy of life. With just a touch, the body suspended by a single rope swayed and rotated, revealing a twisted and agonizing face that almost no longer resembled a human.


The despair of life’s final moment was vividly portrayed, with a sense of resentment and the impending embrace of death, causing him to sigh at the irreproducible sacrilege of this art.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

This was the gift from his best friend, a genius’s masterpiece.


“My friend,” he said heavily, “why is it that your child inherits your blood, your curse, your art, but not even a fraction of your talent?”


“Evan’s first work… He practiced so many times, even in the end, using his mother – the source of all his fantasies and impulses – to complete it, but what he produced…”


The old man shook his head, shifting his gaze to the screen blinking with a connected signal. Although he had no expectations for tonight’s performance, out of respect for an old friend, he sat here on time.


“Young people might like it,” he recalled the crude and bizarre bodies he had seen last time, the grotesque death masks of women devoid of any beauty, muttering to himself like any elderly person struggling to keep up with the times.


But when the screen flickered to life, a unfamiliar young man appeared. With delicate and handsome features, and a pair of gentle and deep eyes, as he focused on adjusting the lens, the image blurred and focused on his eyes, even the experienced old man couldn’t help but feel a certain irresistible, bewitching allure.


Compared to standing here, he should be lying on the operating table behind him.


But at this moment, the operating table was occupied by a struggling prey, stripped bare, clearly the hunter scheduled for tonight’s performance.


The old man tightened his grip on the cane, without needing to issue any more commands, the attendant had already bowed and left, conveying instructions to rescue the young man, capture the culprit, interrogate the informant, and eliminate any traces.


Like a loyal and capable dog.


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The old man leaned back in his chair, allowing his aging and sore back to be supported, the light from the screen shining on his face, making his aged face appear even more lifeless, like a dead body stiff and pale.


The young man picked up the scalpel.


His grip on the knife was stiff, indicating he was a novice, but his hands remained calm as he wielded the blade, unaffected by the blood splattering onto his body. In terms of talent, this young man, who handled the writhing flesh like a professional, was undoubtedly superior by countless times.


The old man’s thoughts shifted, it would be a waste to only use such a genius as a one-time sacrifice. Transforming him into a loyal hand for the organization, to perform more magnificent and beautiful killings for them.



“Can I change the knife?” Xu Yintang asked Thomas, who was behind the camera for live broadcast support, “This is too small, so inconvenient.”


Thomas stopped typing on the keyboard, raised his head to look at the terrified young man on the operating table, then after a moment, his gaze shifted to the lump between the young man’s legs, his face expressionless as he said, “Use whatever you like. Trying to imitate someone else’s ideas won’t result in good work.”


No wonder Miss Elo stood them up, and the sense of dissonance he vaguely felt from their first meeting…


Xu Yintang happily switched to his favorite chainsaw, then asked humbly, “Any tips for cutting?”


Thomas’s gaze returned to the screen, not even raising an eyebrow at the bloody and messy scene on the livestream.


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“I don’t have that kind of experience,” he said, a cold smile appearing on his lips. “Blood, excrement, screams… Those things would make a mess of the scene.”


“I prefer cleanliness.”


For example, freshly washed bones, cleaner than processed meat.


The light of the butterfly’s wings illuminated his soul, and the distorted glare made it impossible to hide the other side of his shadow.


“Being clean is a good thing,” Xu Yintang stopped the chainsaw. The blood had soaked through his clothes, and the sticky feeling of the fabric clinging to his body was uncomfortable.


There was a reason why serial killers in horror movies went shirtless. Xu Yintang looked at his blood-soaked T-shirt for a few seconds, then tore open the neckline and ripped the shirt apart.


The dirt from taking off the T-shirt would smear on his face, but blood was fine, he could handle that, he didn’t want anything from his stomach or intestines.


He also had to put on the apron and rain boots hanging on the side, even if the body odor on them was really bad, he should have made Thomas buy a new one on his way here.


“Sorry, this is my first time providing this kind of service,” Xu Yintang maintained his professional demeanor, apologizing to the client who paid extra on the operating table. “This time I’ll only charge you half the usual fee, and I’ll know what to do next time.”


The young man, whose abdomen had been cut open and had lost enough blood to exceed the normal human death line, was still alive, and he could even see his body slowly healing. He let out painful wheezes from his severed throat, tears, snot, and saliva covering his face.


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He could no longer tell if he was in a nightmare or the depths of hell.


And it wasn’t over yet…


He could already hear the ominous and terrifying breath approaching from the deeper shadows.



Author’s Note – 


Mother Xu Yingtang loses clothes and shoes *1 y 6np2

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  1. A little bit of spice… And striptease

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  2. Damn. Special services, live recording, strip tease, special discount and considerate customer service, XYT is going all out in his profession.

    I only pray for SYB’s mercy when he finds out about this ε-(´・`)