Marry my iron buddyCh4 - Don’t come over here!

Ever since Wu Shaoqian was crippled, he had been in a coma. All the diagnoses and conclusions were completed during this period, so by the time he woke up, he had not only been moved to a new place, but the only people by his bedside were Steward He Zhou, who looked on with pity, and his loyal bodyguard, Xiang Lin.

He Zhou had watched Wu Shaoqian grow up and was always gentle and caring towards him. However, as a proper steward, he could only gently inform Wu Shaoqian of his current physical condition, the changes in his treatment, and the marriage his parents had hastily arranged for him. ajZJFX

Wu Shaoqian, who was precocious and had been training outside alone for many years, quickly understood his situation even though he was still suffering from severe injuries.

The destruction of his life-bound treasure meant he was completely crippled. The resources his parents had invested in him were all in vain. His parents had always valued aptitude above all else, and in their disappointment, they quickly abandoned him. However, he had once brought great glory to the Wu family. His father, as the head of the family, couldn’t be too indifferent, and his mother, as the family matriarch, had to consider the clan. Therefore, they gave him a wife from the Zhong family, ensuring he had a Guhun Fruit to preserve his life and someone to take care of him—this was considered fulfilling their duty, and they would no longer concern themselves with him.

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It was a move that served multiple purposes.

Wu Shaoqian fell from grace in a single day, while his parents handled the matter with bureaucratic detachment. Despite his strong will, he was deeply affected. BXgdcD

After being dazed for several hours, Wu Shaoqian finally managed to sort everything out.

He wanted to live and still needed the Guhun Fruit, but he saw no need to drag others down with him into worthlessness. He also had no desire to endure the unpleasantness of intimacy with a stranger. If the Zhong family woman truly gave him the fruit to save his life, he could live independently of her for a few years and then find an opportunity to amicably dissolve the marriage, allowing her to return and find another suitable match.

What Wu Shaoqian didn’t expect was that the bride would be his close friend.

Just as Zhong Cai valued Wu Shaoqian not for his talent and status, Wu Shaoqian’s relationship with Zhong Cai was based on their mutual compatibility. Wu Shaoqian didn’t mind the possibility that Zhong Cai might have inferior talent. After all, none of his friends were more talented than he was, and they all had shorter lifespans. Since their lives were short, what difference did it make if one was shorter than the other? In the end, he could only remember them quietly.


Especially when most of the so-called “friends” who approached him had ulterior motives, Zhong Cai, whom he met at eleven and who didn’t change his attitude after learning who Wu Shaoqian was, became a pure sanctuary in his heart.

During those few hours of wandering thoughts about the future and feeling grief over his parents, Wu Shaoqian couldn’t help but think of Zhong Cai.

Emotionally, he believed Zhong Cai wouldn’t despise him, but rationally, he was still anxious.

Yet, no matter how imaginative Wu Shaoqian was or how much he hoped for “emotions” to prevail, he never would have guessed that Zhong Cai would choose to accompany him in this manner. At that moment, all his dejection and despair were swept away by Zhong Cai’s unexpected actions. 5IXOfQ

It is utterly incredible!

After intentionally making a joke, Zhong Cai had been observing his buddy’s reaction.

Wu Shaoqian had an exceptionally handsome appearance, with features that inherited and enhanced his parents’ best traits, giving him a daunting attractiveness. Moreover, his extensive training and years of battling beasts in the mountains had sharpened his aura despite his youthful age. Coupled with his cold and proud demeanor, one wouldn’t think he was inexperienced at first glance.

Since being crippled, Wu Shaoqian had become noticeably thinner, with a pale complexion devoid of color, and his lips were dry and pale, showing signs of exhaustion—though just now, under Zhong Cai’s teasing, his features slightly contorted, and his face reddened slightly, making him appear healthier. eSDtw4

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zhong Cai had never seen his buddy’s expression crumble like this before. Unable to contain his laughter, he reached out and waved his hand in front of him, then, seeing no response, decisively grabbed his arm and pushed him onto the new bed.

“Yiv Qe, rabq vjsvgfjwlcu jcv delmxis fja atlr atlcu,” Itbcu Jjl rjlv, raeoolcu atf Xetec Mgela lcab Qe Vtjbdljc’r wbeat. “Coafg sbe olclrt fjalcu, kf tjnf batfg atlcur ab vb. Qf mjc’a joobgv ab kjraf jcs alwf!”

Qe Vtjbdljc mtfkfv atf Xetec Mgela vgsis j mbeqif bo alwfr. Pa tjv jigfjvs aegcfv lcab j kjgw ragfjw oibklcu lcab tlr jyvbwfc, agjcrobgwlcu lcab j qfmeiljg qbkfg atja rkloais regufv lcab tlr rbei. Ktlr qbkfg rffwfv ab obgw mbecaifrr atgfjvr, gjqlvis kgjqqlcu jgbecv tlr ojiafglcu rbei, qfgliberis jcmtbglcu jcv alutafclcu atfw lc qijmf.

If one were to “observe” closely, they would notice that, under this binding force, his soul was gradually, albeit slowly, merging back together. kylpcD

In truth, even if a typical practitioner were to encounter an attack, their soul would not be on the verge of disintegration. However, the higher the grade of the companion artifact, the greater the impact when it is destroyed.

Wu Shaoqian’s Sun-shooting Bow was among the Tian Rank celestial treasures, just a hair’s breadth away from being a Xian Rank item. If it weren’t for his lack of a condensed soul, weakening his resistance to external attacks, and the fact that the Sun-shooting Bow had yet to be fully activated, it wouldn’t have been destroyed at all, let alone exert such an impact on his soul.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Of course, the connection between the three souls is very close. Normally, even with a strong impact, it should have only caused the soul to tremble and partially break, rather than bring death so close. Unfortunately, Wu Shaoqian had just broken through to the Enlightenment Realm before the attack. In this first minor realm, the life soul should have been slowly absorbing the celestial soul, merging with each other… Therefore, at a time when the three souls and seven spirits were easily shaken, being suddenly struck not only broke the connection between the life soul and the celestial soul but also disrupted the connection between the spirits.

Fortunately, Wu Shaoqian had a solid foundation and could endure the intense pain in his soul, which is why he was only “on the verge” of disintegration, with still some room for salvation. 0hHYeE

Zhong Cai knew Wu Shaoqian well. Observing his subtle expressions, he could tell that Wu Shaoqian was feeling less pain, confirming the effectiveness of the Guhun Fruit. Without further ado, Zhong Cai pressed Wu Shaoqian down onto the bed, taking advantage of his seated position.

Then, he multitasked, one hand undoing his own belt while the other pulled at Wu Shaoqian’s clothes.

Wu Shaoqian: “…” His voice trembled with shock, “A Cai, what are you—”

Zhong Cai worked quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he and Wu Shaoqian were “completely naked.” 4t9 xR

Wu Shaoqian felt weak all over, his face flushed with embarrassment and reluctantly raised his hand to push against Zhong Cai’s chest.

Then he felt even more embarrassed.

This awkward position…

Zhong Cai grabbed his hand, sighed, and said with deep sincerity, “Old Wu, there’s no other way. Endure it for now, your life is more important.” Then, as if understanding his buddy’s dilemma, he added generously, “Don’t worry, I won’t toss you. I’ll help you toss me instead. Although I may not be as good-looking as you, I’ll make an effort to seduce you. You’re still young and full of vigor, you should be able to handle it.” hHeqn4

Wu Shaoqian twitched his mouth.

After all these years together, Zhong Cai still managed to leave him speechless at times.

Is this the problem ?

Wu Shaoqian weakly said, “A Cai, having the Guhun Fruit is enough. Even if others come over tonight, I won’t do anything, especially since you’re my best friend. It’s already unfair for you to marry me; you don’t need to sacrifice yourself like this. If we really consummate the marriage, how will you find a wife in the future? Which girl would be willing to marry a husband who has been intimate with another man…” 4s07Na

Zhong Cai covered Wu Shaoqian’s mouth, firmly rebutting him.

“Don’t be ridiculous. If we don’t get intimate, why would I marry you? I can just visit one of my cousins after she marries you, and then I can give you my fruit as well for double protection. But can I trust them? You know what kind of people they are. I’m afraid that even if they agree verbally, their uncontrollable thoughts could lead to your demise!”

At this point, Zhong Cai became particularly agitated.

“I’m just trying to ensure your safety! We should at least live together for another hundred years. I don’t want to send you off to the afterlife prematurely! I’m fine with you getting married, but only if you meet a decent person first. Otherwise, I won’t be at ease. Trying to woo a young girl at this time would just be taking advantage of her.” AlhaNk

Zhong Cai straddled Wu Shaoqian’s waist decisively, earnestly persuading him, “Don’t worry. With your current physical condition, it should be quick in and out. Let’s get it done swiftly.” He gestured generously, “You don’t need to exert yourself; I’ll take care of it myself!”

Wu Shaoqian went from being moved to gradually falling silent.

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Finally, he took a deep breath, slowly revealing a smile, his white teeth gleaming.

“A Cai, I appreciate your intentions, but it’s more convenient for me to handle my own body.” He gritted his teeth, his tone gentle, “You can lend me a hand occasionally.” 9B1caf

Zhong Cai considered it and agreed, but still sternly said, “I trust you, but don’t run away. Your health is important.”

Wu Shaoqian nodded, “Okay.”

So Zhong Cai pushed Wu Shaoqian, making room for himself, then stretched out flat on the bed.

Wu Shaoqian’s mind was in chaos. He had been a bit annoyed just now, but he was ultimately level-headed and didn’t want to act rashly and harm Zhong Cai… UVjbh2

Zhong Cai urged him on, reaching out to pull him closer, and shouted, “Come on, quickly! It’ll be fast! You’re not thinking of running away—”

Wu Shaoqian took a deep breath, then expressionlessly flipped over and pressed down.

It’s better not to overthink it.

What a great friend, why does he have such a big mouth? sEAkLV

“Old Wu, come on, trust me. I can take a bit of rough handling.”


“Ouch— it does hurt a bit, huh.”

“Should I slow down?” pHAUZy

“No, no, no, your body is fragile, so you should… ah!”

Four hours later, night had fallen.

Zhong Cai, exhausted, had fallen asleep, snuggled next to Wu Shaoqian. 4QfiNu

Wu Shaoqian looked at his warm, flushed face and reached out to brush aside his sweat-dampened hair from his forehead.

The breath-sharing technique indeed proved effective. The threads binding Wu Shaoqian’s soul had thickened considerably, and the merging of his three souls and seven spirits had accelerated. Though his injuries hadn’t fully healed, his life was no longer in danger. As the fusion continued, the weakness and discomfort caused by his soul’s damage had also improved somewhat, allowing him to muster some strength.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

In his sleep, Zhong Cai mumbled indistinctly and fell into a deeper slumber.

“Don’t… overwork… your body…” 5GdEwz

Wu Shaoqian gently tucked the hair on the other side of Zhong Cai’s forehead behind his ear.

At this moment, his mindset underwent a significant change.

After being deposed, the multitude of negative emotions had weighed on Wu Shaoqian like a mountain, nearly suffocating him. However, now he had cast off this heavy burden from his heart. The gloom that had filled his eyes had been gradually wiped away in the presence of Zhong Cai, restoring their original sparkle.

Though his eyes no longer shone as brightly as before, they now held a faint, subtle light. mhEYVU

Despite nearly losing everything, Zhong Cai had abandoned everything to come to him, willing to go to such lengths for him. What more could he resent? People who gathered for profit would leave when the profit was gone. It was natural, and there was no need to be overly sentimental about it.

Moreover, his cultivation level remained at the peak of the Heavenly Induction Realm, even though he had no path forward. He wasn’t truly a useless person. His previous experiences were still there, and he could find ways to help Zhong Cai improve his strength.

If Zhong Cai could break through, he could die peacefully. If he couldn’t, they could rely on each other for a hundred years. Though it seemed short, it was a lifetime for ordinary people. They could live happily, just as they did when they used to sneak out for gatherings… Isn’t that wonderful?

Wu Shaoqian smiled, tightened his arm around Zhong Cai’s waist, and fell into a deep sleep. xA6D5m

Translator's Note

Third Order

Translator's Note

Life soul: This soul is associated with the physical body and its basic needs. Celestial soul: This soul is associated with consciousness, thought, emotions, and personality. Spiritual soul: This soul is associated with intuition, awareness, and connection to the spiritual realm.

Translator's Note

First Order

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  1. I’m honestly amazed it worked out so smoothly for them. Also, they have a very loving friendship. It’s nice, quite different from other stories.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Real thing, this is real

    Thank you for your translation 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

  3. Thanks for the chapter! Our MC is so open minded. Better to sleep together?Then let’s do it & he’ll even bottom (is he even gay to begin with, lol? I don’t remember.)

    They have such a solid friendship, it can only improve from there.

  4. Even with a broken body ML did it for four hours !!! Were he healthy, wouldn’t it be four days !!! 😂

  5. i wonder how wsq recognize zc. just last chapter he was described as delicate and dainty as a maiden. zc called himself ordinary-looking in front of the zhong family. even his sibling were surprised at the transformation. which is true? zc having image issues or xianxia makeup being super powerful?

    i wonder what’s happening in zc’s head. his one and only friend in an unfamiliar world is dying. not even his birth father is held in such regard, no, zc gave up a potential better future by tying his life with his friend.

    wsq is probably the only real person to him. the only one he can be real with. the new xianxia world where might makes right and everything else falls to the wayside, even family… i understand why zc would do everything he can to help keep wsq alive. the tone of the novel seems light-hearted but there are depths if you think about it.

    i’m glad this was picked up.