Marry my iron buddyCh28 - Recognizing Auntie, consecutively ten times again, Ancient Rare Treasures Compendium, mutated version?

Zhong Cai punched him lightly and couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “If you run out of money, just say so. I’ll give you more next time!”

Wu Shaoqian laughed too, “I’ll definitely tell you.” SfVM8

Zhong Cai happily accepted his best friend’s gesture and immediately shook out the clothes and started changing quickly.

Since they slept together every night, there was nothing to be concerned about.

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Zhong Cai undressed right in front of Wu Shaoqian, who watched him with great interest.

The fabric had a refreshing silver-blue color, with subtle patterns that seemed to shimmer. 1dLXPT

Bi Cen’s craftsmanship was excellent, and the clothes fit perfectly. As soon as Zhong Cai put them on, they made him look even fairer.

Wu Shaoqian looked him up and down and praised, “Handsome!”

Zhong Cai looked down at himself, turned around a couple of times, feeling quite good about it, and accepted the compliment without any hesitation. He then returned the compliment, saying, “You’re even more handsome. Every day, you almost dazzle me with your looks.”

Wu Shaoqian tried to hold back his laughter, “Then I’ll have to take it easy, otherwise I’ll be making a big mistake.”


Zhong Cai punched him again, “Narcissist!”

Wu Shaoqian didn’t budge, “Not at all, I can’t compare to you.”

Zhong Cai laughed, feeling much more relaxed.

As the two of them chatted and laughed, two small cyan bundles emerged from the bedding. PWDplr

They were Xiao Qinghui and Xiao Qingyu.

Having spent a lot of time with Xiao Qingyu, Xiao Qinghui had learned to be very well-behaved around Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian.

Every day after “training,” Zhong Cai would grab the two and tuck them into the bed. They would lie there quietly, warming the bed with their bodies. If Zhong Cai happened to pick one up and give it a rub, neither of them would resist.

On the day Zhong Cai finished refining a top-grade Yi Ti Dan, Xiao Qinghui, under Wu Shaoqian’s guidance, swallowed one. 2K8fxQ

Wu Shaoqian couldn’t understand Xiao Qinghui’s howls, so he tore open a soul communication talisman, allowing him to communicate with it.

Xiao Qinghui loved its shiny silver fur, but after Wu Shaoqian carefully explained, and since it would make it the same color as Xiao Qingyu, it eventually accepted the change.

So now, when the two bundles snuggled together, their round, fluffy fur made them look quite similar at first glance.

Zhong Cai looked at Wu Shaoqian and asked, “Should we take them with us this time?” Us63On

Wu Shaoqian replied, “Yes, take them.”

The answer was so definite that Zhong Cai was a bit curious.

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Wu Shaoqian smiled, “We can keep them with us and bring them out at the right time to reassure your aunt.”

Zhong Cai understood. Mlhiqc

Indeed, if the relatives genuinely cared, the more leverage they had, the more reassured the other party would be.

The two of them exchanged a smile, each picked up a bundle, and, with great coordination, tucked them into their left sleeves.

Shengtian Restaurant. 2DbYKa

The meeting was scheduled for noon. Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian left early and, although they did not rush, they still arrived half an hour ahead of time.

A waiter came out to greet them.

Zhong Cai asked, “Is there a private room reserved by a lady named Sun?”

The waiter immediately beamed, “Are you Mr. Zhong?” JrmDw3

Zhong Cai nodded.

“That’s right!” the waiter immediately said. “Please follow me, gentlemen. It’s right here at Yuelangu.”

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian walked shoulder to shoulder, following the waiter.

Their guard, Xiang Lin, quietly drove the carriage to the side courtyard of the restaurant. jYyz7p

He then stayed in the carriage, keeping watch.

Inside the restaurant, it was luxurious, with many guests drinking tea and having meals.

Where there are many people, there is much conversation. Many cultivators, engaging in high-flown discussions, inevitably revealed some information. Others around them would either shout in response or listen carefully, trying to gather information.

Zhong Cai, however, had no interest in paying attention to these things. WgIaQS

Wu Shaoqian accompanied him all the way up to the third floor.

The waiter led them to the door and then quickly took his leave.

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Zhong Cai paused for a moment.

Wu Shaoqian put his arm around Zhong Cai’s shoulder and helped him push the door open. gj0Rri

Then, they both stepped inside.

The private room was indeed very elegant.

A tall woman was standing in front of a beautiful screen, seemingly admiring it carefully.

Upon hearing the door open, the woman turned around swiftly. 0IkOtj

Zhong Cai looked at her.

…If not for his good memory, he might not have recognized her.

This woman was Sun Liu, but she looked nothing like the Sun Liu he had once seen.

Back then, Sun Liu had the appearance of a hunter, with long black hair tied tightly in a soft cloth, a weathered face, and a rough, unrefined demeanor, as if she had weathered many storms. w2IeQA

But now?

Sun Liu was dressed in a dignified, plain long dress, which accentuated her feminine curves. Her face had a light touch of makeup, and she seemed to have applied some ointment that made her wheat-colored skin appear lighter.

In addition, her attitude was exceedingly gentle, giving her an air of elegance.

From her appearance to her demeanor, she seemed several times softer and gentler, making her hard to recognize. UxRzPy

Of course, upon closer inspection, Zhong Cai could see that the makeup was slightly stiff, indicating that she was not accustomed to such adornments. But her effort to present herself this way showed how much she valued this meeting.

Zhong Cai felt a warm sense of comfort in his heart.

As Zhong Cai appraised Sun Liu, her gaze also briefly fell on him.

Unlike their last meeting, today her young nephew was dressed very neatly, and his attire suited him well. Hhs1gP

With her keen eyes, she could tell that this outfit was not just for looks. The fabric was particularly exquisite—likely woven from silk threads produced by second-grade savage spiders, not only beautifully colored but also offering considerable defensive capabilities. Each foot of this fabric would fetch dozens of gold coins; the entire outfit could easily cost hundreds of gold coins.

However, this was just his outer attire.

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What Sun Liu truly cared about was her nephew’s current life situation.

The moment he entered, she seemed to see a young scion from a prominent family—fair-skinned, tall and slim, with a distinctly outstanding temperament. Though his figure still retained a slight hint of youthful slenderness, overall he exuded vitality, with bright eyes that conveyed a lively brilliance even without a hearty laugh. wTqvsY

Previously, she couldn’t observe him closely, but at this moment, she could clearly see that her nephew was doing very well.

There was not a trace of worry on his face, and in every gesture and movement, he seemed very close to the handsome young man beside him… Such unconscious reactions couldn’t be faked.

Sun Liu felt somewhat relieved. Even without intentionally softening her stance, she could genuinely reveal a bit of tenderness now.

Zhong Cai and Sun Liu’s mutual appraisal was actually just a momentary glance. mYiMWy

Sun Liu quickly regained her composure and somewhat nervously said, “Young Master Shaoqian, Cai’er, please have a seat.”

Zhong Cai’s heart stirred slightly.

Wu Shaoqian could also sense Sun Liu’s slight nervousness.

Seeing the almost undisguised excitement in Sun Liu’s eyes, Zhong Cai’s own nervousness eased a lot. He took the initiative to pull Wu Shaoqian with him and they both sat opposite Sun Liu. 5t7ry6

“Auntie, please don’t stand, have a seat too.”

Half of the tension in Sun Liu’s heart was relieved when Zhong Cai said this. She replied with an acknowledgment and also took a seat.

Zhong Cai smiled again, “You’re an elder, no need for the formalities. Just call him ‘Shaoqian.'”

Wu Shaoqian smiled gently, “As A Cai said, Auntie doesn’t need to be so formal.” AQwo4O

Sun Liu also smiled but hesitated to immediately change her address. Actually, she wasn’t being formal at all—she clearly felt a sense of unease! Especially with her suspicions about Wu Shaoqian’s involvement in the Jinbao affairs growing as she handled more matters. Even though he was now technically her nephew-in-law, she wasn’t very familiar with him yet, and how could she dare to act familiar in front of this distinguished Young Master Shaoqian?

But Zhong Cai’s casual decisiveness, coupled with Wu Shaoqian naturally picking up the conversation, made Sun Liu even more certain that the relationship between the two men was indeed good.

After a brief conversation, both sides ran out of topics.

Sun Liu opened her mouth as if to speak but hesitated. XC9vVl

She wanted to inquire a few things about her nephew, perhaps ask why he had written to her, if he had thoughts of acknowledging his grandfather, or if there was any way she could help him.

But at this moment, Sun Liu felt a bit shy and unsure how to broach the subject.

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Zhong Cai smiled and said, “When we met in the mountains last time, it was crowded and not convenient for proper greetings. I didn’t greet you then. Later, I sent that letter mainly to ask about Grandfather’s condition now, whether his injuries have healed?”

Sun Liu hesitated, “You… knew all along? Did you guess?” dXVI J

Zhong Cai replied directly, “I knew from the first time Grandfather sent me gold. Stepmother investigated Grandfather’s affairs and didn’t hide anything from me.”

He then proceeded to tell Sun Liu about everything his stepmother had done and said.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vec Ole ilrafcfv klat j mbwqifz fzqgfrrlbc.

Vec Ole tjv bcis wfa Itejcu Xejcilc’r atlgv klof, Oeb Mfcuzljc, bcmf. stJ5NP

Pa kjr atf olgra alwf Vec Le mjwf ab ulnf Itbcu Jjl wbcfs. Ca atja alwf, atf batfg qjgas qfgrbcjiis mjwf obgkjgv ab ajxf qbrrfrrlbc bo atf ubiv, rajalcu atja la kbeiv yf tjcvfv bnfg ab Itbcu Jjl. Vtf jirb lcagbvemfv tfg mbcolvjca ab atfw — mifjgis lcvlmjalcu atja lo atfs gfaegcfv lc atf oeaegf, bcis atlr rafkjgv mbeiv ajxf mtjguf ab fcregf rjofas.

Sun Liu could tell that Luo Fengxian was a very beautiful and shrewd woman, likely with considerable foresight.

However, even if she was an attractive woman, Sun Liu found it difficult to feel any goodwill towards her.

After all, Luo Fengxian had completely replaced her sister shortly after her death. sUnYkv

She knew that this was just a marriage alliance, and if not Luo Fengxian, there would have been someone else. The blame could only be placed on Zhuang Guanlin for being too callous, remarrying so quickly. It had nothing to do with Luo Fengxian…

But how could she be rational when her bond with her sister was so deep?

Yet now, after listening to Zhong Cai’s story, Sun Liu secretly felt fortunate that it was Luo Fengxian who became the stepmother.

No wonder Zhong Cai harbored no resentment towards her, and in fact, seemed open to acknowledging his grandfather and knew various details about the hunting team… Clearly, Luo Fengxian had played a significant role in all this. yd3DaA

If Luo Fengxian had not pursued open strategies but instead schemed in secret, how could the current excellent situation have come about?

Zhong Cai smiled and said, “The reason I recognized Aunt is not because I heard the name of the Xihu Hunting Team, but because my stepmother once painted a portrait of Aunt.”

“Although Aunt’s appearance has changed from her youth, her features remain unchanged. By observing how other hunters treat Aunt, I naturally recognized her.”

Sun Li nodded with a smile, and when she looked at Zhong Cai, her eyes were even more affectionate. Lcbf61

From their first meeting until now, Zhong Cai’s friendly attitude gradually put Sun Liu at ease.

Sun Liu said softly, “Actually… your grandfather misses you very much. He just feels that he hasn’t treated you well enough and dares not take the initiative. Now I want to ask, would you like to go and see him?”

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Zhong Cai was certain that Sun Liu not only cared for him deeply but also felt remorseful. Feeling good, he naturally replied, “I had this plan originally, but I knew Grandfather had a knot on his mind, so I didn’t want to bother him. If Grandfather is willing to see me, as his younger generation, of course, I am willing to visit.”

Sun Liu sighed with relief and smiled, “You and your grandfather are indeed grandfather and grandson, both with the same kind of thoughts.” iTgSzn

Zhong Cai chuckled and said, “Grandfather is more stubborn.”

Sun Liu immediately smiled.

Seeing the atmosphere getting better, Sun Liu’s early prepared dishes were gradually brought in.

The group started eating. Da4Sxl

Both aunt and nephew felt more relaxed.

Wu Shaoqian had been quiet all along, reducing his presence.

However, after they started eating, every time Wu Shaoqian or Zhong Cai tasted a new dish and found it tasty, they would casually offer it to the other, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

Sun Liu had always been curious and genuinely couldn’t understand the reason. psBIxq

Even among those cold and indifferent aristocratic families where arranged marriages are common, even for ordinary cultivators who marry out of love, it takes a considerable amount of time to adjust and get used to each other. How is it that these two, with the nephew clearly married off as a “Chongxi“, have developed such a tacit understanding in less than half a year?

Zhong Cai noticed Sun Liu’s thoughts and said frankly, “Shaoqian and I didn’t just get to know each other when we got married. We were already familiar with each other long before that.”

Sun Liu was taken aback, “I’ve never heard of this before… he has a good relationship with you?”

Zhong Cai smiled and said, “No one else knows about this. Shaoqian and I have known each other since we were young, sneaking around. He and his guard are skilled, so as long as we’re a bit careful, others won’t notice.” IsC90J

Sun Liu paused and asked, “Since young… how young?”

Recalling for a moment, Zhong Cai replied with a smile, “We were about eleven at that time. I had my guard take me to play in the mountains, and he happened to be out on his own training. We hit it off well, and since then he has often taken me out. My monthly stipend from the Zhong family wasn’t high, but with what Grandfather gave me and what Shaoqian provided, my cultivation progressed quite well.”

By now, Sun Liu understood everything.

Met at eleven… it’s been a full seven years now! mxNRiO

Considering the time spent together since they were barely adolescents, of course their bond is deep, and of course they understand each other so well…

Finally, Wu Shaoqian spoke up.

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“After my incident, the Wu family sought assistance from the Zhong family to find me a wife. A Cai was worried about me and took the initiative.”

Sun Liu fell silent, understanding now. xcY Q9

Zhong Cai nonchalantly said, “What’s the big deal? I wouldn’t trust anyone else either.” Then turning to Sun Liu, he added, “Let’s not mention all the times Shaoqian helped me in my cultivation. Just during our expeditions, we faced many dangers. I was inexperienced back then and often fumbled, but Shaoqian not only taught me but also protected and saved me several times. How could I not watch out for him now?”

Unaware of this before, Sun Liu had been full of worry, but now that she knew, she agreed wholeheartedly.

In the time it took to eat a meal, the aunt and nephew had already become quite close.

Zhong Cai wiped his mouth and exchanged a glance with Wu Shaoqian. B76bgE

Wu Shaoqian smiled and nodded.

Both of them were sure that the matter they had discussed at home could now proceed.

Sun Liu, not fully grasping their silent communication, merely noted their good rapport and smiled slightly.

Zhong Cai said, “Actually, there’s another matter I wanted to ask for your and Grandpa’s help with.” rARbjo

Sun Liu immediately responded, “Go ahead.”

If there is any way she can help, it might alleviate some of their past grievances.

Zhong Cai had already thought about how to bring it up, so he said directly, “To be honest, Aunt, I’m currently a first-level alchemist. I have some pills that are inconvenient to store, and I’d like to sell them through Xihu.”

Sun Liu was stunned and exclaimed, “What?” PY37Oz

Zhong Cai continued, “In the past, I was considered a low-grade talent in the Zhong family, but for some reason, after marrying Shaoqian, I suddenly awakened my soul artifact and summoned a top-tier Huang-grade pill furnace.”

Sun Liu: “So, you’re now at the top-tier Huang rank?”

Zhong Cai nodded, “Just like my mother, and like you.”

Sun Liu’s eyes instantly welled up. S0TbEg

Zhong Cai handed her a handkerchief and comforted her, “Aunt, you should be happy that I’m like my mother.”

Sun Liu, who was quite adept at controlling her emotions, didn’t actually shed any tears but accepted the handkerchief and her nephew’s care.

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“You’re right,” Sun Liu said warmly. “You resemble your mother, not your father.”

Zhong Cai raised an eyebrow. UPMkfT

Sun Liu laughed again, “Although your talent and temperament are similar, you’re much more accomplished than your mother. It’s been such a short time, and you’re already an alchemist.” She said straightforwardly, “Any pills you want to sell, just leave them to me. Our hunting group is in dire need of pills, and we’ll take them all! Cai’er, you’re doing Xihu a huge favor.”

Zhong Cai couldn’t help but laugh.

“Aunt, while Xihu is indeed remarkable now, I’m afraid it might not be able to handle all of them.”

Sun Liu was puzzled. ipBheK

Zhong Cai counted on his fingers and roughly reported the numbers: “There are over a hundred each of Hu Shou Dan and Buqi Dan. There are fewer low-grade Hu Shou Dan, but more middle-grade ones. Most of the Buqi Dan are middle-grade, just over a hundred, with a few high-grade ones.”

These numbers had been carefully considered by Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian.

Given the capabilities of the Xihu Hunting Group, handling low-grade pills would be no problem, providing some middle-grade ones should also be manageable, but high-grade ones could only be offered sparingly—as top-tier resources.

Sun Liu’s eyes flickered. LEw fa

The numbers are astonishing!

Having traveled extensively over the years, Sun Liu was well aware of the market for pills in the surrounding cities. Even in alchemist sects, middle-grade pills were produced by very skilled alchemists after years of practice.

As for high-grade pills… she had only heard rumors.

It was said they existed, but they were extremely rare and almost never circulated publicly. 6WuDBq

And now, her nephew mentioned such a large number?

Zhong Cai did not hide anything and took out several boxes and bottles.

“Aunt, please check them first, and then we can talk.”

Sun Liu hesitated but opened them all. 4qgfdZ

“One hundred and ten middle-grade Buqi Dan, three high-grade ones. Twenty low-grade Hu Shou Dan, one hundred and thirty middle-grade ones.”

Sun Liu’s fingers trembled slightly as she quickly closed the lids.

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“Cai’er, it’s been such a short time, how did you… Are these really all made by you?” It wasn’t that she didn’t believe Zhong Cai, but it was truly hard to believe, and she spoke without thinking.

Sun Liu quickly added, “No, that’s not what I meant…” LaMlbk

Zhong Cai smiled and waved her hand, “I understand what you mean, Aunt.” He then added with a touch of pride, “My talent for alchemy is indeed decent. After experimenting with a few types of pills for about ten days, I can produce a few good ones. With more practice, I can refine them to even higher quality.”

Sun Liu took a deep breath, calming her overwhelming emotions, and after a moment of rational thought, she said, “Cai’er, I’m very happy you trust Xihu. But these pills are of high quality, and I’m afraid Xihu might not be able to handle them all.”

Zhong Cai responded casually, “Take it slowly. Isn’t Xihu also growing stronger?”

Sun Liu looked at Zhong Cai, her eyes slightly glistening. PyigXV

Zhong Cai smiled, “These two types of pills are very common. You know a lot of people, Aunt, so surely there are many who need these pills. This will open up the market. As for the price, as long as it’s not below the market rate, it’s fine. It doesn’t matter who the extra goes to.”

“Of course, if we can expand the channels even more, that’s better. I will continue to refine pills in the future. As my cultivation level increases, the quality of the pills will also improve, and I will need your help to sell them at higher prices.”

Sun Liu understood.

Her nephew’s intention was clear: Xihu’s familiar contacts were mostly other major hunting groups, which had a significant need for pills. However, even if they wanted to sell at a high price, they would need to rely on luck. But if Xihu consistently had pills on hand, not only could they sell at a slight premium, but they could also leverage these transactions to gain other benefits and help Xihu develop further. gqd8mG

At the same time, her nephew suggested selling the pills at market price.

When pills are sold to a pill shop, the purchasing price is usually slightly below market price to allow the shop to make a profit. Most alchemists find it inconvenient to sell the pills themselves and prefer the convenience of selling to a shop, but having someone handle the transactions for them is an even better option.

Xihu, handling these transactions, would not find it too troublesome given their numbers. The portion above market price when selling the pills could serve as their commission.

When Zhong Cai’s alchemy skills reached the point where he could produce high-grade pills, Xihu’s role was to find a sufficient number of reliable and willing-to-pay-high-prices customers. Xihu would handle all communications with these customers, ensuring Zhong Cai’s cultivation and peace remained undisturbed. E6aW0G

By leveraging high-grade pills to open channels, Xihu would assist Zhong Cai and simultaneously elevate its own status, enabling faster development.

At first glance, this seemed like a win-win situation.

But in reality… there were many people who could handle trivial matters, but outstanding alchemists were extremely rare.

Sun Liu sighed softly, “Cai’er, trust your aunt. I’ll do my utmost not to disappoint you.” She sounded apologetic again, “In the past, it was us elders who owed you, and now Xihu receives your help. It’s really…” 0bR7mg

Zhong Cai didn’t feel that they owed him anything. To put it bluntly, he had to go to great lengths to even develop a semblance of a relationship with his own biological father, so how could he expect so much from his extended family?

And fifty gold coins a year wasn’t a small sum!

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Even though his grandfather was in the Palace Aperture Realm now, besides his cultivation, he also needed to provide this money, which wasn’t easy.

Zhong Cai said frankly, “Auntie, there’s no need to underestimate yourself. Besides the friendship between us, I also appreciate Xihu’s style of doing things, which is very trustworthy. For me, finding a force to help manage the pills isn’t difficult. What’s difficult is finding one I can trust enough.” Z8obXx

Sun Liu was still somewhat moved.

Her nephew’s trust… makes her feel comforted.

Zhong Cai smiled, “I’ll be honest. Even if I give you these pills, it’s not all of them.” When she saw that Sun Liu didn’t show any surprise, he continued in a good mood, “Apart from you, I have other channels. But the manpower is limited, and many things aren’t as convenient as Xihu.”

“My alchemy skills are also kept hidden, and I always need to keep something in reserve, right?” 6YR2gr

Sun Liu didn’t mind this. Even if it was family, she couldn’t reveal her own secrets. The fact that her nephew directly told her something like this meant he was hiding something, which in turn showed more trust – she was both relieved and happy.

Zhong Cai smiled mysteriously again, “As for being an alchemist, the Wu and Zhong families know, but I haven’t spread the word deliberately. I haven’t told them my true qualifications either; I’m keeping that to myself. They don’t know the true extent of my alchemy skills.”

Sun Liu asked with concern, “What about the alchemy furnace you’re using now?”

Zhong Cai replied, “My companion artifact is well hidden. The one I’m using now was actually given by Shaoqian.” a12DMf

Only then did Sun Liu feel relieved.

Afterward, Zhong Cai discussed some details with Sun Liu.

For example, directly selling the low-grade pills, calculating how to sell the mid-grade pills, and finding opportunities to sell the high-grade ones…

In her heart, Sun Liu actually wanted to keep the high-grade pills for her adoptive father. Even though the Buqi Dan was only a first-grade pill, its quality was ultimately high. Her adoptive father’s realm was only at the first level of the Palace Aperture Realm, and when his spiritual energy was exhausted, taking one would also help him regain some vitality. FjCf9k

But Sun Liu didn’t bring it up.

If the high-grade pills were used well, they could bring a lot of income and fame to her nephew. Even if they consumed them internally at a high price, the benefits of selling them would be even greater.

Sun Liu asked, “If someone inquires about the identity of the alchemist, should we tell the truth?”

Zhong Cai quickly waved his hand, “No, please try to hide it as much as possible. You can discuss it with grandfather and come up with a good excuse for me, so that I won’t be exposed. Even if clever people suspect me, let’s try to dispel their doubts as much as possible.” p3slO0

Sun Liu nodded thoughtfully, “Every time we sell the pills, we’ll go to more distant places. We’ll only contact people who can keep their mouths shut locally.” She thought for a moment, “We’ll also find someone to disguise themselves as an alchemist and hide, saying they can contact a small alchemist force and secretly get some pills. If something really happens, we’ll just fake their death, and the contact will naturally be cut off.”

Zhong Cai’s mouth twitched slightly, and he also nodded.

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“Auntie, you handle it. As long as I’m not exposed, anything is fine,” he glanced at Shaoqian and suddenly smiled, “The fake alchemist can be surnamed Qian, and and he loves money to death.”

Sun Liu understood immediately, “Loves money to death? Then it’ll be even easier to sell the pills at high prices.” 5imCta

Unconsciously, the aunt and nephew duo continued their discussion until dusk.

They simply had another meal here.

Zhong Cai showed Sun Liu Xiao Qingyu and Xiao Qinghui.

Sun Liu saw that these were two fourth-grade bloodline cubs, which reassured her even more about her nephew’s safety. yxct30

After being satiated, they bid each other farewell.

Before leaving, Zhong Cai gave Sun Liu a small bottle and said, “This is for Grandpa. Auntie, please take it to him for me.” He smiled, “In a few days, after I’ve settled things at home, I’ll visit Grandpa at Xihu.”

Sun Liu took it happily and nodded.

After watching her nephew and his husband leave from afar, Sun Liu felt somewhat melancholic and reluctant to part. VSKUm8

Then, she got into her own hired carriage.

In the enclosed carriage, Sun Liu opened the small bottle.

She didn’t know why, but she had a vague premonition in her heart, mixed with disbelief.

In the next moment, Sun Liu saw clearly what was inside the bottle, and her pupils contracted sharply. nJp2dM


Top-grade, Buqi Dan!

Sun Liu immediately stuffed the bottle cap back on, then unconsciously tightened her grip on the bottle.

—- 1G7yzT

Xiang Lin drove the carriage, while Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian returned to the courtyard.

Wu Shaoqian joked with a smile, “Feeling completely relieved now?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Cai confidently replied, “I knew it all along, I wasn’t nervous at all!”

Wu Shaoqian couldn’t help but laugh, “Alright, you weren’t nervous.” BhpZUN

But his tone clearly indicated otherwise.

Zhong Cai snorted, “I’m not arguing with you.”

The two lay back in the courtyard and enjoyed the moonlight for a while.

Wu Shaoqian asked, “When are you planning to visit your grandfather?” hba3Jo

Zhong Cai stretched lazily, “Guess?”

Wu Shaoqian chuckled, “You won’t give me any hints, how am I supposed to guess?” But he ventured, “Do you want to prepare a gift before going? Maybe even refine some new pills?”

Zhong Cai turned his head, eyes shining.

“You really understand me well.” LR4Exo

Wu Shaoqian’s smile was a bit blurry in the moonlight, making him even more handsome.

Zhong Cai playfully pinched him, but he immediately recoiled and said, “I want to refine some new pills. Look, isn’t it time to try making the Yurong Dan? Once it’s done, I’ll give some to Aunt.”

Wu Shaoqian raised an eyebrow.

Zhong Cai continued, “I also want to prepare something for Grandfather, but I don’t have anything suitable right now… I think it’s time to draw lots.” 56MfsH

Wu Shaoqian nodded knowingly and confidently said, “The spiritual aura has accumulated quite a bit now.”

Zhong Cai grinned mischievously, holding up two fingers proudly.

Wu Shaoqian reaffirmed, “More than twenty thousand strands.”

Zhong Cai’s smile was radiant, and he leaned close to Wu Shaoqian’s ear, whispering softly, “There are twenty-two thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine.” His voice lowered further, “This time I’m going for a ten-draw in the Red Flame Pool, two ten-draws in the Blue Flame Pool, and ten-draws in the White Flame Pool, depending on the situation… Most importantly, I’m aiming for a single draw in the Purple Flame Pool !” q kiDA

Wu Shaoqian was a bit surprised and turned to look at Zhong Cai.

The two looked at each other, their breath almost touching.

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Zhong Cai smiled with curved eyes.

Wu Shaoqian also smiled. dMkgGa

At night, inside the room.

Wu Shaoqian took the initiative to set up an isolation array, enveloping everything around them and shielding them from any prying soul thoughts.

Zhong Cai set up the sound-proof array.

Wu Shaoqian: “…” Suddenly remembered the joke he made last time during the sacrifice. aysq4X

Zhong Cai sneered at him and said, “There’s no need to shout it out, but don’t be silent later.”

Wu Shaoqian immediately promised, “Don’t worry.”

Then Zhong Cai summoned the altar, filling the surrounding space.

The two walked to the altar and stood together in front of the pit. x7vsU9

Zhong Cai first looked at the magnificent expanse of colorful clouds, without saying much, just showing a slight excitement—

“Ten consecutive draws from the Red Flame Pool!”

At the same moment, Zhong Cai turned his head to stare at Wu Shaoqian.

Wu Shaoqian solemnly said, “Please grant us the Hunsui Lingxin, please grant us the Hunsui Lingxin!” M0PoVl

He repeated the invocation.

Satisfied, Zhong Cai also began to chant softly.

Anyway, the altar must be powerful in its summoning, and it must draw out something useful!

Soon, the Red Flame Pool spat out ten seals. pP5ETb

Zhong Cai still let Wu Shaoqian open them and asked him to recite while opening them.

Understanding Zhong Cai’s concern, Wu Shaoqian did so happily.

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The ten seals “whizzed” into place in mid-air, quickly displaying various reactions.

In this kind of rapid opening scenario, the first items to appear were often low-grade Xuanshi. L3VxTR

Within just a few breaths, four Xuanshi had appeared, making up forty percent of all the seals.

Adding the guaranteed sixth-grade rare medicine, the seals with a chance to contain the Hunsui Lingxin were reduced to five.

A ring of golden light passed over…

A thin booklet appeared, a third-grade cultivation method. E7znDQ

Two rings of golden light passed over…

A glass vial filled with bright red liquid emerged, likely the blood of some rare beast.

A small bottle appeared next, with the contents unknown for now, though most likely it was some kind of pill.

Three rings of golden light passed over… yBfQ d

Another vial of beast blood appeared, but with a much smaller quantity, only about twenty percent of the previous vial.

Another booklet appeared, quite thick, so it’s unlikely to be a skill or cultivation technique.

The place was full of golden light….

The guaranteed sixth-grade rare herb, Chi Lian Grass. 2en5OQ

Zhong Cai took down all the items and examined them one by one.

Upon touching them, vague information about the various resources emerged.

The two vials indeed contained blood essence—essence of the fourth-grade rare beast Qing Tian Bird and the fifth-grade rare beast Jifeng Wolf.

The small bottle indeed contained pills, specifically fourth-grade mid-grade Jiang Yun Dan, which can help cultivators in the Suspended Illumination Realm break through their bottlenecks. 1 gtui

The third-grade manual was quite ordinary and broadly applicable; it was a fire attribute technique—Huo Yun Jue.

As for the thickest booklet…

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Zhong Cai couldn’t help but excitedly grab Wu Shaoqian and point it out to him.

“Old Wu! This is the most useful thing we got today!” 8chIE1

Wu Shaoqian looked over and his expression lit up as well.

On the cover of the booklet in front of them was written—Ancient Rare Treasures Compendium.

The so-called “rare treasures” are mostly natural treasures.

And at this moment, what did Wu Shaoqian need most? Wasn’t it one of these natural treasures? oUn4TX

After receiving a reminder from Wan Qingqu, they had been eagerly anticipating the Hunsui Lingxin. However, not knowing its details, they still harbored some concerns.

But now, with this book, they might find more specific information.

They decided not to draw more cards for the time being and instead sat together on the stone seat, heads close, to study the booklet.

The booklet’s descriptions were indeed very detailed. Besides clear illustrations of the various rare treasures, there were dense explanations: 7MRTqe

Including but not limited to their primary places of origin, possible formation reasons, specific uses, potential uses, methods of use, usage precautions, and ways of harvesting/digging…

Zhong Cai skimmed through quickly, his fingers flipping pages faster and faster.

Finally, when the four characters “Hunsui Lingxin” appeared, he stopped.

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian exchanged glances, both taking a deep breath. ADnhr5

Then, they began to read carefully together.

Hunsui Lingxin has existed since the world’s inception and is a supreme treasure that allows cultivators to restart their cultivation.

As roughly predicted by Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian, this item must be used when the soul is intact; otherwise, it cannot integrate into the soul and may even further damage it, wasting the treasure itself.

The places where this treasure appears are entirely random, depending solely on luck, with no discernible pattern. VJCjw4

Among countless natural treasures, it is one of the relatively special ones.

Additionally, the Hunsui Lingxin comes in different grades.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ranging from third grade to ninth grade, these correspond to a cultivator’s aptitude from “mid-tier Huang-rank” to “top-tier Xian-rank.”

If luck is not favorable and only a third-grade one is found, the final aptitude would merely be mid-tier Huang-Rank. 7NQstS

Seeing this, Zhong Cai looked at Wu Shaoqian with some concern and a bit of lingering fear.

Had they not drawn this book and learned about these details, and instead hastily used a low-grade Hunsui Lingxin obtained from a random sacrifice, the regret would have been overwhelming!

Falling from the pinnacle of the Tian-rank to the mid-tier Huang-rank would be a significant and difficult-to-bear downgrade!

Wu Shaoqian, seeing Zhong Cai’s expression, responded nonchalantly, “Even if that happened, at least it would allow me to live a few more years, right?” SfsCj3

Zhong Cai pressed his lips together and said, “We need to remember how to determine the grade. If we get a low-grade one, we shouldn’t use it right away. We’ll work harder to get better ones.”

—If there was no hope, it wouldn’t matter. But since the hope is right in front of them, how could he let his friend die early? He wanted him to live for hundreds or even thousands more years!

Wu Shaoqian smiled and said, “I’ll follow your lead.”

Zhong Cai nodded seriously. uyIGJq

The two of them remained grateful to Wan Qingqu.

Although Wan Qingqu probably knew that the Hunsui Lingxin had different grades, he likely didn’t mention it because encountering one was already rare enough—who would think about being picky about its grade?

The higher the grade, the harder it was to find. Given the limited lifespan of a cultivator, seizing the opportunity was more important.

When you come across one, you should use it right away and not overthink it. YKmnAF

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian continued to peruse the booklet.

The introduction of the Hunsui Lingxin wasn’t very lengthy, but the detailed process of restoring aptitude was clearly described.

When Wu Shaoqian eventually used it, they could refer to the booklet to determine if there were any issues with his integration.

After reading through, Zhong Cai felt a bit excited and immediately said, “Old Wu, I think we can go for a single draw from the Purple Flame Pool now.” 2JjbnU

The Purple Flame Pool required a whopping ten thousand strands of spiritual aura for just one draw, consuming nearly half of Zhong Cai’s spiritual aura at once!

But Zhong Cai couldn’t shake the feeling that if they went for it now, perhaps…

Chrysanthemum Garden.

This intuition was strong.

Wu Shaoqian patted Zhong Cai’s shoulder, silently expressing his trust. Hj1D4

With a smile in his eyes, Zhong Cai clenched his fist.

Both of them took a deep breath.

In a calm tone, Zhong Cai said, “Purple Flame Pool, single draw.”

Wu Shaoqian also calmly chanted, “Please grant the Hunsui Lingxin.” ugpZTL

As the purple flames rolled in the pit, a gorgeously decorated purple seal burst out.

Zhong Cai handed it to Wu Shaoqian.

But Wu Shaoqian held Zhong Cai’s hand and said, “You open it.”

At that moment, he seemed to have a premonition as well… P9jyJQ

Zhong Cai met Wu Shaoqian’s gaze, closed his eyes, and decisively infused his spiritual energy.

The seal floated, and the golden light spun twice.

Countless smoke filled the air—

Zhong Cai couldn’t help but show a hint of disappointment, murmuring, “The Purple Flame Pool’s range of resources is from third grade to seventh grade, and two spins of the golden light indicate fifth grade…” lkoc L

Wu Shaoqian put his arm around Zhong Cai’s shoulder and gently patted him again.

In their line of sight, a palm-sized, silver-colored ore suddenly appeared.

Zhong Cai blinked. Wu Shaoqian was also a bit stunned.

Zhong Cai hesitated and said, “The shape looks like the Hunsui Lingxin, but the color isn’t right…” LSa qU

Wu Shaoqian suppressed his surging emotions and reached out to take it.

The next moment, his voice faltered.

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“A fifth-grade Hunsui Lingxin… mutated?”

Zhong Cai widened his eyes, almost breaking into a higher pitch. tAdjbF


The two stared at each other in disbelief.

They thought they understood the Hunsui Lingxin, but who could have imagined that there could be a mutated version?

Translator: So the rank is as follows: Huang, Xuan, Di, Tian, Xian. I don’t know how it fits from 3rd grade to 9th grade 93v bK

Translator's Note

Variant Body Pill

Translator's Note

冲喜 ritual marriage to ward off evil spirits

Translator's Note

Second Order

Translator's Note

Qi-Replenishing Pill

Translator's Note

Jade Beauty Pill

Translator's Note

the color level is: white (lowest), blue, red, purple, gold

Translator's Note

Red Lotus

Translator's Note

Clear Sky

Translator's Note

Swift Wind

Translator's Note

Scarlet Cloud Pill

Translator's Note

Fourth Order

Translator's Note

Fire Cloud Technique

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  1. Aaaaaahh what a cliffhanger! Will Wu Shaoqian be able to recover his cultivation?

    On another note, it’s nice to see Zhong Cai reconnect with his kind aunt 😊