Marry my iron buddyCh27 - [Massive Beast Introduction] Change appearance, astonish and doubt, prepare to meet

Zhong Cai: “…It’s obvious Xiao Qingyu really likes Little Silver Wolf.”

Wu Shaoqian: “Can’t wait to play together.” iXEFur

——This is actually quite normal.

Xiao Qingyu had been guarding Little Silver Wolf for many days, even in the beginning, not even going hunting.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

It didn’t start “working” again until it confirmed the invaluable use of the Thousand-year Ling Milk, and even then, it didn’t start as early or finish as late as before. It hurried back home before dark to check the situation.

Now that Little Silver Wolf had finally been born, it immediately expressed its joy and welcome. PpIi97


Xiao Qingyu was too happy, so much so that it forgot that wolves are rare animals that fear heights, and it had to try several times to adapt.

Its actions were too sudden for Little Silver Wolf.

The two of them exchanged glances, then simultaneously waved at Xiao Qingyu.


Zhong Cai raised his voice, “Quickly put your little brother down! He’s frightened!”

Xiao Qingyu also noticed the panic in Little Silver Wolf’s cries, and steadily brought it down, still holding it in its beak.

Zhong Cai held out his palm.

Xiao Qingyu placed Little Silver Wolf in Zhong Cai’s palm. ZOFS0Q

Zhong Cai quickly grasped Little Silver Wolf, and with his other hand, gently rubbed its little head.

Little Silver Wolf sensed the intimacy between itself and Zhong Cai, nudging his fingers and licking them. Then it sniffed around and, approaching Wu Shaoqian, let out a friendly “awoo” twice.

Xiao Qingyu flapped its wings and flew a few circles around.

Wu Shaoqian sensed its restlessness and held out his palm, signaling for Xiao Qingyu to come over. CLq4T0

Xiao Qingyu quickly landed.

Wu Shaoqian placed it next to Little Silver Wolf.

Xiao Qingyu chirped apologetically.

Little Silver Wolf had indeed been frightened, but now, after being soothed, it calmed down and realized that the bird that had just picked it up was not an enemy. Instead, it had a familiar scent—it stayed nearby every day for quite a while. eW2N1r

Naturally, Little Silver Wolf tilted its head to look at Xiao Qingyu and let out a soft “awoo.”

Xiao Qingyu immediately became happy and gently groomed Little Silver Wolf’s fur with its sharp beak.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Little Silver Wolf quickly relaxed, closing its eyes to enjoy.

Before long, its silver fur was combed shiny, and Little Silver Wolf became more and more comfortable. HX2tS1

After finishing the grooming, Xiao Qingyu eagerly wanted to jump into Zhong Cai’s palm.

Zhong Cai then put his hands together.

Wu Shaoqian gently placed Xiao Qingyu over.

The cyan fluff ball and the silver fluff ball immediately snuggled together, rubbing against each other affectionately. KYvi5t

After expressing their intimacy, Xiao Qingyu, just like the day it brought the beast fetus home, tried hard to spread its wings—

Little Silver Wolf quickly burrowed underneath.

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian watched the two fluff balls interact, feeling a strange warmth growing in their hearts, and their gazes softened.

Before long, Little Silver Wolf had closed its eyes and fallen asleep. 0qsFS7

Xiao Qingyu, perhaps influenced by the atmosphere, drooped its head and also wanted to sleep.

Zhong Cai gently carried them to the bedside and placed them on their pillows.

The bed was filled with the strong scent of Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian.

Little Silver Wolf didn’t wake up at all. vdfL41

Xiao Qingyu, being older, looked up at them, then continued to protect Little Silver Wolf as it slept.

Zhong Cai and Wu Shaoqian walked out of the room, closed the door, and both started to laugh.

Wu Shaoqian said, “The Thousand-year Ling Milk is really effective. It looks very healthy and hasn’t been affected by the amniotic fluid depletion.”

Zhong Cai felt relieved and said, “Let’s continue feeding it the Ling Milk for a while. We should also share the remaining milk between the two of them to boost their strength. After finishing the milk, we should start feeding Little Silver Wolf blood food. Although the Ling Milk is nourishing, it might tame its ferocity, which would waste its previous efforts.” 8IP9ma

Wu Shaoqian agreed.

Both of them could see how hard Little Silver Wolf fought to survive in the beast fetus. It was tough enough to survive passing through a space rift with a damaged amniotic sac. They couldn’t afford to be too indulgent; necessary training was still required.

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Zhong Cai laughed and added, “Seeing how Xiao Qingyu cares for its little brother, in another month, when Xiao Qingyu has grown, we should let it take Little Silver Wolf into the mountains to teach it…”

Wu Shaoqian understood what he meant and finished the sentence, “That would save us a lot of trouble.” aWH7Pn

—It had to be said, with Xiao Qingyu and Little Silver Wolf being such special rare beast cubs, they naturally possessed exceptional intelligence and carried ancient heritage in their bloodlines. As long as they were well-fed, they could continuously develop their abilities and become increasingly powerful.

Zhong Cai stretched his arms and lazily said, “So, now I need to mix some plant juice.”

Wu Shaoqian understood and replied, “To dye Little Silver Wolf’s fur?”

Zhong Cai nodded, “Yes, its fur is too shiny and completely uniform, making it obvious that it’s not an ordinary cub. Help me think, what color would be suitable?” IlsQou

Wu Shaoqian said, “There are many types of rare wolf beasts, and quite a few of them have solid colors. If they don’t use their unique abilities, it’s often hard to tell them apart. There are also many with silver fur…” He couldn’t help but laugh, “It looks special because it’s been raised so well.”

Zhong Cai glared at him. It isn’t like he’s the only one raising it! Why is he smiling at him like that?

Wu Shaoqian held back his laughter and quickly started thinking.

“Many rare beasts are very protective of their fur and often refuse to change it unless there’s a strong external threat… Just to be safe, let’s dye it cyan.” 29lpUC

“Qingyu likes being with Little Silver Wolf, and Little Silver Wolf also loves being close to Qingyu. Dyeing them the same color might make it easier for them to accept.”

“And besides, there are a large number of rare beasts with cyan fur. Qingyu resembles a Qing Yi Peng in appearance, so we can disguise Little Silver Wolf as a Qingfeng Wolf, which also has a fourth-rank bloodline.”

Zhong Cai, not very familiar with Qingfeng Wolves, asked, “Do they have similar characteristics?”

Wu Shaoqian replied, “They can be made to seem similar.” Kaxij1

Zhong Cai looked at him.

Wu Shaoqian smiled and said, “This has to start with the characteristics of the Shi Gu Yin Wolf.”

Rare beasts with a bloodline below the seventh grade are usually named by cultivators based on their characteristics; whoever discovers them gets to name them. Beasts of the seventh grade and above come with their own names, which then gradually spread among people.

The Qing Yi Peng is entirely cyan with broad wings, while the Qingfeng Wolf is also entirely cyan, with extremely sharp claws. dia5wv

The Shi Gu Yin Wolf has a sixth-grade bloodline. “Yin” naturally refers to its fur color, and “Shi Gu” has two meanings:

First, it loves to gnaw on bones; “Shi” here means “eating“.

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Second, under the condition of consuming its own blood essence, it can spit out a deadly poison that completely corrodes its enemies, flesh, bones, and all!

After consuming a large number of bones, the Shi Gu Yin Wolf absorbs the essence within to refine its body, making its physique among the top in beasts of the same grade. Its claws are also refined to be extremely sharp. NlewH4

The blood-essence-to-poison technique is its ultimate bloodline secret. Using it causes significant damage to its vitality, leaving it weak if not promptly replenished. However, it can use this ability to overcome great danger.

If enough blood essence is expended, the Shi Gu Yin Wolf can even eliminate an enemy one major grade higher than itself!

At the same grade, the claws of a Shi Gu Yin Wolf cub are definitely not weaker than those of a Qingfeng Wolf. If it hadn’t encountered any danger, all a Shi Gu Yin Wolf could have displayed would be faster speed, a terrifying physique, formidable strength, and sharp claws and teeth.

The Qingfeng Wolf doesn’t have any other special qualities. dceEFS

As long as the Shi Gu Yin Wolf hunts a bit more discreetly in the presence of people, nothing different would be noticed.

Wu Shaoqian joked, “A Cai, the real pressure is actually on you.” He brought up several points, “The dye you make must be waterproof, resistant to other drugs or special substances, to avoid any sudden strange reactions.”

“It must not have any scent, otherwise it could easily be detected as suspicious.”

“You also need to figure out how to make it last longer, how to re-dye before the effects wear off, and so on. If the color fades in front of outsiders, it will be hard to come up with a suitable excuse.” Yn76de

Just thinking about it was troublesome.

After all, fake is fake. There’s no easy way to disguise.

Zhong Cai felt a headache listening to this. It’s not that he hadn’t thought about these issues at all, but when they were all listed out like this, his mind felt like it was going to explode for a moment.

And… dzpgj6

In this short moment, several types of grass juice that came to his mind all had their own flaws. If he really used them, one mistake could lead to trouble.

Wu Shaoqian patted his shoulder and suggested, “If we can’t find a suitable dye, we could also say it’s a Yin Ling Wolf to others, a fifth-grade bloodline. Fifth grade is a bit more troublesome than fourth, but you’re an alchemist, so we should be able to handle it.”

Zhong Cai frowned, hesitating, “A Yin Ling Wolf would attract a lot of attention, wouldn’t it…”

Coincidentally, Zhong Cai was familiar with the Yin Ling Wolf. JcaRmw

Why was he familiar with it?

Because while browsing the Tianxing Trading House, he caught a glimpse of the fur of a third-rank Yin Ling Wolf.

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Although the bloodline of the Yin Ling Wolf is decent, its strength is relatively low among the same grade. Its main feature is its brilliant and shiny fur.

However, precisely because of this, it often can’t grow to the fifth grade and gets hunted down by hunters. 2M1Lmx

Because it is a rare beast.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zbra bo atf alwf, la’r vloolmeia obg meialnjabgr ab teca gjgf yfjrar.

Coafg jii, gjgf yfjrar mjc obgw mbcagjmar jcv yfmbwf fzmfiifca tfiqfgr obg meialnjabgr. Zbgfbnfg, gjgf yfjrar jgf nfgs lcafiilufca, jcv atfgf’r fnfc j mtjcmf atfs wluta vfnfibq klrvbw. Po j meialnjabg kfgf ab byajlc remt j yfjra fjgis bc, la kbeiv yf j ugfja ybbc ab atfw.

Not to mention, rare beasts have long lifespans and can be nurtured and passed down from generation to generation. WwSVbG

However, the Yin Ling Wolf in its early stages is just known for its speed and ability to run away. It isn’t until the fourth grade that it can utilize its bloodline secret technique for attack—emitting silver light from its fur, dazzling its enemies.

If the Yin Ling Wolf is used as a mount, it is not good at carrying weight, and when it runs, it has no time to care about the person on its back.

Moreover, its fur will get hot as it runs, and the faster it runs, the hotter it gets, which is also uncomfortable for the rider.

As for showing off as a pet, most Yin Ling Wolves are still irritable and unwilling to cooperate. Additionally, due to their relatively high bloodline, they eat a lot and are expensive to maintain. gDbcYA

Therefore, some wealthy cultivators who enjoy luxury and have abundant resources are more willing to buy Yin Ling Wolf fur to make clothes or decorate their homes.

For cultivators who make a living by hunting, it is easier to set traps to kill mature but still low-grade Yin Ling Wolves than to capture the rare, docile ones, although they are scarce. Although their numbers are small, they are relatively easy to hunt, and their fur is valuable.

—Finding cubs and beast fetuses is even more difficult.

Only Yin Ling Wolves of the fourth grade and above reproduce. When hatching, they definitely guard their nests and carefully nurture their offspring until they reach adulthood. gJmLrh

Cultivators who venture into their dens are likely to be blinded first, then torn apart.

If Little Silver Wolf were disguised as a Yin Ling Wolf, there wouldn’t be any problems since it’s also very fast. However, if Zhong Cai were to expose it in public, it wouldn’t be low-key anymore.

There would be various speculations: tohE5b

— Master Zhong must have extraordinary luck to find the cub/fetus of a Yin Ling Wolf in the mountains!

Such commodities are almost always out of stock in many stores. Even if they are temporarily available, they are usually reserved by wealthy households who have specially captured them with much effort. Not to mention that even if the stores were willing to resell, the price would be so high that a first-level alchemist like Zhong Cai could not afford it.

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Therefore, it must be a miracle that it lost its parents but survived and was found by Zhong Cai!

— Master Zhong must have extraordinary luck to encounter such a one-in-a-million docile Yin Ling Wolf! s87Lpd

Many great families might never have such luck. Even if they raise a group of them, they might not be able to obtain one.

Additionally, the Yin Ling Wolf is incredibly hard to catch and so beautiful that it naturally draws people’s attention.

With a “Ying Lin Wolf” around, many people would surely pay attention to its growth and also pay attention to Zhong Cai’s current alchemy skills, to see if he can earn enough money to keep such a rare beast.

What worried Zhong Cai the most was: 09crSv

Cultivators focused on their training and seeking to contract powerful rare beasts naturally don’t have a desire to possess a Yin Ling Wolf.

However, those who care greatly about appearances might covet it.

And the type of people who would covet it often don’t consider long-term consequences and may not respect a mere first-level alchemist.


Of course, what Wu Shaoqian said about “able to handle it” was also true.

They could rely on the Wu family or the Wu family patriarch to step in—but in doing so, Zhong Cai would either have to further reveal his alchemical skills or use the formula for the Xu Ming Dan as leverage. Perhaps both.

Both of them understood well that they must provide the Wu family with sufficient benefits for the Wu family to give a certain level of support in return.

Alternatively, they could avoid relying on the Wu family patriarch, but then Zhong Cai would need other backing, similarly revealing his higher-level alchemical skills to seek entry into an alchemist sect. nwTPu1

Zhong Cai disliked both options.

The Wu family was out of the question; Zhong Cai always harbored resentment towards the Wu family for their indifference towards Wu Shaoqian, and he didn’t want the Wu family to know too much or to establish a deep connection with them.

As for joining an alchemist sect…

Even Wu Shaoqian didn’t know the internal situation of the nearby alchemist sects, and Zhong Cai didn’t know how to manage the extent of his exposure. zJpim4

Many times, having incomplete information can be fatal!

Wu Shaoqian patted Zhong Cai reassuringly, understanding his concerns.

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At that moment, another idea came to him. He smiled and said, “I remember you once mentioned that there are over a thousand formulas for first-grade pills. You’ve mostly reviewed the selected ones and only skimmed through the ordinary ones. Why don’t you give up on the grass juice and go through those formulas one by one? You might find something suitable.”

Zhong Cai’s eyes lit up. Y6mN7e

“Right! The selected pill formulas include those for cultivators to alter their appearance, but none for changing the appearance of rare beasts. But the ordinary formulas… let me think, I seem to recall something!”

Wu Shaoqian smiled, seeing that Zhong Cai was about to dive into his inherited knowledge, and pressed him to sit down.

“Take your time. No need to rush.”

“If you can’t find anything, it’s okay. It will still take some time for it to grow, and it won’t be hunting anytime soon. We can think of a solution gradually.” Kk0V86

Wu Shaoqian then remembered a talisman and said, “I can also draw a few Dispelling Breath Talismans, which can remove any first-grade beast or cultivator’s scent. If the grass juice’s smell is unavoidable, you can find one that’s hard to wash off and remember to use these talismans each time. It will help with the disguise.”

Sitting on the stone bench, Zhong Cai’s smile brightened.

“Your mind is still as quick as ever.”

Wu Shaoqian raised an eyebrow proudly. “Of course.” tknjdf

Zhong Cai made a funny face at him before closing his eyes and slowly searching through his inheritance.

Wu Shaoqian didn’t disturb him and, fearing any noise might distract him, sat quietly by his side.

After a short while, Bi Cen and Qiao Hong prepared some food and watched from a distance, not daring to come over immediately.

Wu Shaoqian waved them away silently. c5M20h

The two retreated back to their rooms without interrupting.

Gradually, more than half an hour passed.

Zhong Cai opened his eyes, joy evident in his expression.

Wu Shaoqian smiled and asked, “Did you find it?” XjA2xD

Zhong Cai mysteriously raised two fingers.

Wu Shaoqian chuckled, “You found two options.”

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Zhong Cai grinned, “Exactly!”

With that, their worries about Little Silver Wolf were laid to rest. MVWedx

After successfully refining the Yang Hun Dan, which is notoriously difficult to make, the process of refining first-level pills seemed to have completely opened its doors to Zhong Cai, and everything became crystal clear

In the past, when he studied a large number of pill formulas, Zhong Cai often felt a bit overwhelmed. Some formulas were so complexly described that he had difficulty understanding them and had to repeatedly research them to grasp the concepts.

However, this time, while searching through the ordinary first-grade pill formulas, Zhong Cai found it much easier.

Each time his mind scanned a formula, he could almost immediately understand it without needing to scrutinize it in detail. As a result, he could quickly skip over any formulas unrelated to rare beasts. SA0b94

Among the ordinary formulas, there were over a dozen specifically for rare beasts and five related to transformations.

Zhong Cai carefully compared and meticulously selected the most suitable ones.

Ultimately, he chose two types of pills, both equally effective, and he had enough ingredients for both. So, he decided with ease—he would try them both.

At this moment… IUHQW

Zhong Cai was focused on refining pills and felt it was much simpler than any of the previous pills he had made.

In the past, taking five or six days to complete a batch of pills was normal, with some taking even longer.

This time, however, every step felt smooth. The difficult points mentioned in the formula and the tricky timing for adding ingredients were all easily mastered and quickly dealt with.

Thus, after just two hours, Zhong Cai successfully completed the first batch of pills! 04FkNJ

Finishing within half a day was unprecedented.

Zhong Cai opened the furnace lid and stared at the eight pills rolling around inside, looking a bit dazed.

Not far away, Wu Shaoqian, who could finally enter the cultivation room to accompany him again, suddenly noticed something unusual.

Wu Shaoqian put down the talisman brush and walked over to Zhong Cai. He glanced into the pill furnace— Z1hBuX

He was also a bit surprised, but he quickly patted Zhong Cai’s shoulder and said with a smile, “Congratulations, your pill-refining skills have greatly improved.”

Zhong Cai came to his senses, pointing at the pills with disbelief.

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“They really formed? It’s not some hallucinogenic herb’s scent confusing me, is it?”

Wu Shaoqian didn’t expect Zhong Cai to ask in such an amusing way and couldn’t help but chuckle. R9VOia

Instead of immediately explaining, he reached into the furnace. Then, he held out the eight pills in his hand, showing them to Zhong Cai.

Zhong Cai touched them, his expression gradually changing.

From slight disbelief, slowly to joy, and finally to exuberance.

Zhong Cai exclaimed loudly, “Old Wu, am I amazing or what?” DdkpS9

Wu Shaoqian stifled a laugh and emphatically praised, “You’re the most amazing!”

The success of the pills was very exhilarating, and Zhong Cai felt completely at ease.

The first pill was called the Yi Ti Dan, specifically designed for beasts.

When a beast consumes this pill, it can use its imagination to change its form, fur color, and more. k8vgiz

If given to a savage beast, since they lack spirituality and intelligence, they naturally wouldn’t understand how to transform. The changes would be random, either staying the same or becoming bizarrely shaped.

If given to a rare beast, the effects would generally be ideal.

Of course, the pills have a limited duration.

Depending on the grade, the effects last for one day, three days, ten days, or a month for low, medium, high, and top grades, respectively. 5V8mWl

Low-grade pills naturally contain impurities, but these have little effect on rare beasts. Especially for the Shi Gu Yin Wolf, as it constantly consumes bones to temper its body, the impurities would be refined along with others.

Currently, among the eight Yi Ti Dan Zhong Cai had refined, five were of low grade, and three were of middle grade.

However, even though the impurities would barely affect the Little Silver Wolf, Zhong Cai would continue to refine the pills.

The reason? To extend the duration. aQzRoe

After all, when a second-grade beast consumes a first-grade pill, the effect duration is at least halved.

On the second day, Zhong Cai chose to refine another type of pill — the Huan Xing Dan.

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The Huan Xing Dan is suitable for rare beasts, but not for savage beasts.

The efficacy of this pill is also quite impressive. 6xpkwF

After taking this pill, rare beasts can change into the appearance of another rare beast.

The specific method of taking the pill is to dissolve the pill in water, then add the blood of the rare beast that you want to change into — even a single drop is sufficient.

Then the rare beast drinks the potion without needing to imagine anything, and it can change its appearance.

The duration of the transformation is also affected by the grade of the pill, similar to the Yi Ti Dan. l0ohVr

In the past, when refining pills, Zhong Cai could only blindly follow the instructions in the formula, and his thoughts were rather rigid. But now, he could judge whether he had seen or was familiar with the refining techniques as soon as he looked at the recipes.

The recipes for the Yi Ti Dan and the Huan Xing Dan happen to come from the same alchemist.

After consecutively refining these two types of pills, Zhong Cai began to grasp some similar techniques.

Therefore, when he refined the Huan Xing Dan, the time he spent successfully producing the pill was even less. qUCaDn

In just over an hour, with only five failures, he successfully produced eight pills on the sixth attempt! Half of them were middle-grade and half were low-grade.

Reflecting on this, Zhong Cai vaguely realized that he was able to learn these two types of pills quickly because Huan Xing Dan’s refining techniques seemed somewhat similar to those of the Yi Ti Dan…

Perhaps the recipes also came from the same person?

Or perhaps it’s not the same person, but the same lineage. n7qCpe

The techniques for the Yang Hun Dan, the Hu Shou Dan, and the Buqi Dan are quite different.

They are quite different from the Yangji Dan and other similar recipes.

As Zhong Cai refined the pills, he pondered quietly, secretly estimating his own alchemy skills and feeling that he had made some progress in this area.

And since he had made progress… kU0Ybj

Zhong Cai shouted again, “Old Wu! Am I amazing?”

Wu Shaoqian really thought he was amazing, gave him a thumbs up, and continued to praise him enthusiastically, “Of course!”

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Zhong Cai became even more spirited and continued to advance his alchemy skills without pause.

After a few more hours passed, Zhong Cai easily increased the number of pills he produced to a full twelve. gqGU7d

Naturally, Wu Shaoqian praised him again…


After finally sorting out the affairs of the hunting team, Sun Liu snapped out of her busy state and realized it was time to set off.

About three days’ journey, then rest for another night to freshen up… the timing is just about right. VZunXB

Sun Liu heaved a sigh of relief, grabbed the things she had prepared long ago, and went to bid farewell to her father.

She had not left the base camp before, so now that she was leaving, she naturally needed an excuse.

Sun Liu’s excuse was that the hunting team had recently increased a lot of people and needed to reassure and demonstrate its strength. Moreover, the hunting team had harvested quite a bit recently, and they should also distribute some resource rewards to those “old folks” to win hearts and increase cohesion.

So she was planning to take a few people to the shops in Fengyun City to buy some pills. yDQoCt

Although there were many pill shops in the town, the supply here was limited, and the more valuable ones were often out of stock.

If she really wanted to get some rare ones, she had to try her luck in the city.

Since things were almost sorted out, Sun Hu didn’t suspect anything. He just arranged for a peak Heavenly Induction Realm brother to accompany Sun Liu and ensure her safety.

Sun Liu didn’t refuse. rte6DW

Conveniently, while she was meeting with her nephew, the other hunters could go with her father’s brother to search through various pill shops. They might even come across rare pills and buy them.

Sun Liu led seven or eight cultivators, riding on horned tigers, slowly walking towards the outskirts of the town.

Horned tigers were only at the first grade, but their appearance was very majestic, and their strength was also quite high among the same grade.

Most of the cultivators from Xihu tamed horned tigers to serve as their mounts. They were well-matched with their hunting team and always attracted attention whenever they went out — similar to the Jinbao Hunting Team, which mostly tamed leopards. r9l61Y

At this moment, the group of hunters exuded a strong aura, quite imposing.

There were quite a few onlookers along the roadside.

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After all, this was already the largest hunting team in the town. Without the competition with the Jinbao Hunting Team, many townspeople were willing to send their children to be trained, hoping they would become capable members of the hunting team in the future.

Therefore, the townspeople’s eyes were filled with some fervor. XIzZiR

In front of a stall on the street, a young man, covered in dust from the mountains, looked puzzled as he took out a few copper coins and conversed with the shopkeeper.

“You mean Jinbao group disappeared not long ago?”

The shopkeeper lowered his voice and hurriedly replied, “The news has spread everywhere. A powerful person appeared out of nowhere and just… you know.” He made a gesture of slitting his throat. “Not many died, most of them fled, but the stall couldn’t sustain itself. Many benefits were given to Xihu! ”

“But for us, Xihu is much stronger than Jinbao and also more trustworthy. If it weren’t for the slightly higher strength of Jinbao’s team leader compared to Xihu’s, they wouldn’t have been able to fight each other in the first place. Everyone would have sided with Xihu.” tHxWvm

“Now it’s better. The town is quiet now. With Xihu around, if there’s something to be done, you don’t need to hesitate, just hire someone from Xihu.”

“I just heard you say you came here because of Jinbao’s reputation. Well, let me tell you, whatever Jinbao can do, Xihu can do it too. Just go ask Xihu directly!”

The young man listened, nodding with a smile.

“Thank you for the reminder. I’ll go ask Xihu later.” VHJzZa

The shopkeeper was pleased to hear this. After answering a few more questions, he went back to his work.

This young man is Ji Boping.

The mountain range is vast, with many caves. How easy is it to find a cave with Hundred-Year Ling Milk?

After busy searching for nearly a month, Ji Boping still hadn’t found it. Instead, he encountered some savage beasts on the road. After several fierce battles, he hunted quite a few and could sell them for some money. 5c4Ky0

Ji Boping wasted a lot of time and felt somewhat discouraged.

Later, he thought about it and decided to try a different approach.

Before encountering the cave, the protagonist didn’t deliberately go looking for anything. Instead, the resources he had just encountered were spotted by the Jinbao Hunting Group, who wanted to seize them.

The protagonist grabbed the resources and quickly ran away. TepszQ

Those few Jinbao cultivators were not very high in cultivation realm, otherwise they wouldn’t have been eyeing the protagonist’s resources. Since the protagonist ran away, they naturally chased after him with a grudge.

So the protagonist was chased all the way, panicked and chose paths in haste, scrambling…

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After finally shaking off the pursuers, the protagonist noticed a cool breeze coming from somewhere. After searching around, he finally found the cave.

Ji Boping thought to himself that he wouldn’t be able to find it on his own, but if he brought people from the Jinbao Hunting Team, maybe it could trigger something? er3MRL

So he went to Xiaolin Town, intending to hire people from the Jinbao Group.

However, what Ji Boping didn’t expect was that while he was resting and having tea at a stall, before he could even ask where the Jinbao’s headquarters were, he saw people from the Xihu Hunting Team coming out in full force!

It was mentioned in the book that the Xihu Hunting Team used to be rivals with the Jinbao. However, due to bad luck and the injury of their leader, who couldn’t recover under the Jinbao’s manipulation, he eventually died due to the Jinbao’s machinations. Under the onslaught of the Jinbao, the Xihu quickly dispersed, resulting in many casualties.

As a result, the Jinbao gained many resources from the Xihu, and grew stronger. bi0cMt

When the protagonist encountered them, the Jinbao was already the largest force in Xiaolin Town, naturally arrogant and domineering.

Robbing resources, killing and looting were all common occurrences.

They offended the protagonist, so naturally, after the protagonist became powerful, he would eliminate this scourge.

Because the Jinbao was too arrogant, they also stored up a lot of resources. After the protagonist eliminated them, all these resources belonged to the protagonist. g071iU

But what’s going on now?

In the plot, the Jinbao was fine until several years later, but now they suddenly disappeared?

For a moment, Ji Boping felt a sense of crisis.

Plot change. dzX YU

Are there really other transmigrators?


Three or four days passed…

Zhong Cai manipulated Mu Huo in the furnace, and the fragrance of the medicine permeated the air. In no time, the pills were successfully refined. Wq75 0

Despite the short time, Zhong Cai had already refined several top-grade pills yesterday. Moreover, because both types of pills were easy to refine, he continued to alternate between them.

What’s even more terrifying is that his success rate reached a full one hundred percent!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Zhong Cai’s proficiency in these two types of pills had reached the point where he could succeed without even needing to look with his naked eyes.

He had effortlessly become proficient in these pills, which had become his specialty. eOzr8F

Zhong Cai couldn’t help but feel a bit amused and exasperated.

The reason he continued today was simply to stock up a bit more—ever since he started refining pills, he always felt that there were not enough pills. Without sufficient inventory, he couldn’t rest assured.

So, there was a clanging sound in the furnace.

Zhong Cai casually reached out and scooped up the pills— e0QZNS

“Four top-grade pills, eight high-grade pills.”

At the opportune moment, Wu Shaoqian opened the box.

Zhong Cai casually placed the pills inside, and then he grabbed a handful of medicinal ingredients from the side and threw them into the furnace.


After storing a full two hundred top-grade pills, Zhong Cai finally stopped refining.

They moved the chairs outside and sat down, leaning close together.

They admired the moon together.

Wu Shaoqian knew what was on Zhong Cai’s mind but didn’t speak up. 5BJEpW

Zhong Cai sighed softly and said, “Tomorrow is the time I agreed with my aunt. Do you think I should bring something?”

Wu Shaoqian glanced at him.

Zhong Cai smirked, “What’s with that expression? As if you know what to do.”

Wu Shaoqian chuckled. lxyLTQ

Indeed, neither of them were particularly savvy in this regard.

Look at Zhong Cai: he knew how to butter up his cheap father, maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with his stepmother and stepsiblings, and avoid meeting his grandfather due to the strained relationship. But when it came to dealing with perhaps more sincere elders, he wasn’t quite sure what to do.

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As for Wu Shaoqian, he was even more clueless.

As the beloved young master in the past, even his biological parents never threw their weight around in front of him. Everything was discussed calmly, and other elder relatives were even more accommodating. They made allowances for him at every turn. QGEz4O

Wu Shaoqian’s response was simple: during his past expeditions, he had accumulated plenty of items that he didn’t need personally, so he just gave them to the family when needed. His biological parents received a bit more, and he made sure to show more attention to those elder relatives who were particularly close to him.

After Wu Shaoqian became disabled, apart from accompanying Zhong Cai on errands, he hardly saw any elder relatives at all.

What more was there to their relationship?

Wu Shaoqian conceded with a smile and said, “What do you think?” PbBjiX

Zhong Cai pondered for a moment and replied, “For the first formal meeting, let’s not make it too grand. How about asking Qiao Hong and the others to prepare some fine pastries and bring them over?”

Wu Shaoqian was puzzled, “Fine pastries? For the Deputy Leader of the Hunting Group?”

Zhong Cai and he looked at each other.

Well, based on their last meeting, it seemed that his aunt had been rolling in the bloody wind for many years, so fine pastries might not be suitable. pQvyln

Maybe it would be better to bring some high-quality beast meat? But they were meeting at a tavern. Could they possibly be lacking in food? Plus, what if his aunt actually liked pastries?

Wu Shaoqian thought for a moment and tentatively suggested, “Since it’s just a first meeting, why not just go over there directly? If after talking you decide to spend more time together, then you can give her some pills.”

Zhong Cai was taken aback.

Wu Shaoqian continued, “You’re already an alchemist, but they may not know that. Since the Xihu Hunting Group is your extended family and the relationship is harmonious, you could hire their people to sell a lot of low-grade pills in the future.” kdao0

Zhong Cai suddenly realized, “That makes sense!”

He hadn’t revealed his alchemy skills at the Wu family because he didn’t want to sell more pills to them, feeling disdainful of the Wu family.

But if it was his extended family that had been sending him gold every year even when he was still considered a waste, a little more trust seemed reasonable.

It was fine to sell with the help of the Qingkong Swordsman, but after all, it was a fourth-grade puppet. While selling special pills was fine, selling common pills always seemed a bit lacking… Wouldn’t it be better to sell more high and top-grade ones? It would also make it seem more reputable. EnPa28

Entrusting the sale of those ordinary low-grade pills to the Xihu Hunting Group would not only help the group gain momentum, but it would also reduce the need for his grandfather’s people to venture into the deep mountains.

In addition, the Xihu Hunting Group had just reaped many benefits from Jinbao’s ruins and was at the perfect time for expansion. With enough pills to handle, it would also have been easier to recruit new members.

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Thinking about this, Zhong Cai suddenly pounced on Wu Shaoqian and began to ruffle his hair.

“Old Wu! You really have some good ideas!” Xqb AB

Wu Shaoqian was caught off guard, his hair instantly becoming a mess.

However, he didn’t hold back either. He wrapped his legs around Zhong Cai and started ruffling his hair in return.

Zhong Cai, feeling his hair being pulled, feigned anger, “You’re going to pull it all out!”

Wu Shaoqian, unperturbed, said calmly, “It’s my hair that’s getting pulled out. Yours is still fine.” j09XUM

Zhong Cai, getting even angrier, shouted, “Yours isn’t coming out either!”

Wu Shaoqian raised an eyebrow, pulled a strand of hair from his shoulder, plucked it out with a flick of his wrist, and said lightly, “You pulled this one.”

Zhong Cai’s mouth twitched as he also produced a strand of his own hair that he had stealthily plucked, showing it to Wu Shaoqian in a similarly airy voice.

“…You pulled it.” ATv L7

The two silently exchanged glances, then turned their heads away.

This strange sense of understanding was something they could do without.

Zhong Cai crawled back to his chair and lay down again to bask in the moonlight.

Wu Shaoqian cleared his throat and said, “A Cai, look at Qingyu and the others.” Rp2K4E

Zhong Cai also cleared his throat and looked over.

Not far away, a large tree had an extended, sturdy branch.

A fluffy silver ball lay at the front of the branch, shrinking back timidly as if it was a bit scared.

A small cyan ball flew around it, nervously watching the silver ball. gQEGJd

Soon, the silver ball stood up and slowly crawled along the branch.

As it reached a nearby branch, it suddenly exerted all its strength and leaped towards it like a flash of silver light!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.


Just as it was about to reach the branch, the silver ball involuntarily shivered and “whoosh,” it fell down. 58 On2

Xiao Qingyu sprang out instantly, accurately grabbing the silver ball by the scruff of its neck!

The silver ball’s limbs dangled, and its chest heaved violently.


Every time its brother came to catch it, he never missed! dGRZmi

Xiao Qingyu placed the silver ball back on the original branch, once again watching it nervously.

The silver ball lay there for a while, then made another effort.

Zhong Cai smiled and said, “Little Silver Wolf is overcoming its instincts, and Xiao Qingyu is showing some brotherly qualities.”

Wu Shaoqian also praised, “They’re both doing well. Your hard work in refining pills wasn’t in vain.” wzAldX

—The earlier awkwardness between the two had now dissipated.

However, Wu Shaoqian suddenly remembered something: “It seems you haven’t named Little Silver Wolf yet?”

Zhong Cai paused, “I really haven’t.”

Wu Shaoqian laughed, “You’d better name it quickly. It’s busy training itself now, but in a few days, if it realizes, won’t it be angry with you?” K2o19v

Zhong Cai admitted his mistake, “Indeed, I need to name it quickly. Then, when I call it, I can use its name.”

Wu Shaoqian looked at him.

Zhong Cai said, “Let’s follow Qingpeng’s name and call it Qinghui. After all, it will disguise itself as a Qingfeng Wolf later. Hui means flash… it fits!”

Wu Shaoqian thought about it and agreed. QP4Hze

Naming it based on its characteristics—no problem.

Early the next morning, Zhong Cai got up.

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Wu Shaoqian pointed to a neatly arranged set of clothes beside the bed and smiled as he said to Zhong Cai, “Made by Bi Cen, how do they look?”

Zhong Cai hadn’t expected this surprise and was pleasantly surprised, “You had Bi Cen make these for me? When did this happen? You must have spent quite a bit of your private money, right?” mhAa3e

Wu Shaoqian smiled and said, “Since you decided to go and were feeling nervous, I thought you should wear something new to show respect! So, I had Bi Cen prepare them in advance.” He then pretended to beg for mercy, “These are all from your allowance, I haven’t saved much myself.”

Translator's Note

Cyan-winged Roc

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Cyan-edge Wolf

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Bone-eroding Silver Wolf

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(蚀) eroding

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食 sounds as Shi

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Silver Spirit Wolf

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Life Extension Pill

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Variant Body Pill

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Illusory Form Pill

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Soul-Nourishing Pill

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Head-Protecting Pill

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Qi-Replenishing Pill

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First Order

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West Tiger

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Golden Leopard

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晖 (huī) can mean “shine” or “radiance.”

Translator's Note

闪光 (shǎnguāng), which means “flash” or “gleam.”

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  1. Wu Shaoqian: using my wife’s allowance

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖