After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit my Family BusinessCh147.1 - Jijijijijiji


Before Wu Rong could say a word, he saw Master Ling Yun bow gracefully and disappear on the spot. He was stunned for a moment and almost burst out laughing due to anger. Uylbng

Good, well done Yun Zhongke. Is he really reborn? How could he act as foolishly as the Coffin Old Man!

Wu Rong sighed inwardly, mercilessly criticizing Yun Zhongke in his mind. He prided himself on being straightforward and had never been overly intimate with Fu Qing. It was Yun Zhongke’s twisted thoughts that led him to think like this! When he’s able to use the soul contract after his soul leaves his body, he must delve into Master Ling Yun’s mind to see what this guy was thinking.

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“Achoo!” OWdYC3

Master Ling Yun sneezed, feeling a chill down his back. Places with heavy Yin Qi tended to be colder. He wrapped his crane cloak tighter around himself, dispelling the indignation caused by Wu Rong’s ‘preferring a beauty over the nation’ attitude. The speed of the graveyard’s spread had slowed considerably due to everyone’s efforts just now, but it suddenly accelerated again.

Several strong and strange grave beasts appeared. Unlike the previous ones covered in a thick black slurry that moved slowly, these creatures had a hard shell formed from the slurry on their bodies condensing. They were roughly humanoid and moved faster than wild beasts, attacking fiercely. When they approached humans, their hard shells would crack open, spewing larvae like a shower of petals. Anyone who got close would immediately be parasitized.

Fluids that usually affected Grave Worms didn’t affect them at all, and these monsters even had resistance to Yang Qi! As a result, humans gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Did Yangjiaping Safe Zone encounter such monsters in his previous life?


The thought flashed through Master Ling Yun’s mind, but it was abruptly interrupted by deafening explosions and the panicked cries of humans.

“The explosion came from the direction of the Safe Zone!”

Director Zhou’s eyes were red with rage. “Someone’s attacking the Safe Zone!”

If all of this was orchestrated by humans, their goal wasn’t to just occupy the Safe Zone with the graveyard but to also intercept and madly slaughter the people! 1pTGgM

The human side instantly found itself at a disadvantage, and amidst the chaos, many frontline fighters had their spirits shaken and were parasitized by Grave Worms. The entire battlefield descended into complete chaos!

In the Red Star Training Hall’s underground, Equinox angrily threw down the documents in his hand, suddenly standing up with his hands behind his back and paced left and right, as a series of scolding words burst out of his mouth: “Useless, incompetent! They still can’t accomplish such a simple task, I’ve lost almost all my people!”

The situation was excellent, and the grave slaves they released had successfully turned the battlefield into a mess, which was the perfect time to pursue victory. However, Equinox couldn’t be happy due to those useless people—failing to seize Wu Cui again, and several people were killed this time!

All those dead were his capable subordinates, the backbone that Equinox had spent a lot of time and effort cultivating. He felt a pang of pain. With Bai Gu and Su Xiaomi protecting Wu Cui, was it really so difficult to deal with her, or were there powerhouses specifically going to protect her? JordG

No, there was no time to waste anymore.

“Gu Yu, release all the grave beasts and the failed plague rats.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Sdelcbz bgvfgfv mbivis jcv vfmlrlnfis, “Ktf Llut Uglfra klii rbbc jgglnf, kf wera tjnf fnfgsatlcu gfjvs yfobgf atja.”

Lf ralii qijccfv ab erf atlr jmtlfnfwfca ab qgbwbaf tlwrfio; tf mbeivc’a joobgv jcs wlrajxfr tfgf. Snfc atbeut atf qijuef gjar kfgf j vbeyif-fvufv rkbgv, jcv tewjcr lcofmafv ys atfw mbeiv bcis yf erfv jr atf ibkfra-ifnfi afra reypfmar, Sdelcbz vlvc’a mjgf jybea atja cbk. eGIzQd


It had to be resolved quickly!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What are you still dawdling around for?”

After he issued the order, his subordinate didn’t execute it, instead standing in front of him hesitantly. Equinox’s anger flared up again, and he didn’t hesitate to rebuke them, “Why aren’t you hurrying to do it?” gcRNxE

“Boss, those failed plague rats… they’ve all been fed to the cat, that newly arrived Black Cat Demon.”

“What did you say?!”

Equinox felt it was absurd. He smiled grimly, gritting his teeth, “That little cat demon, that’s so small, could eat up an entire breeding room of plague rats?!”

Who knew it could eat so much! pPJbMT

The subordinate responsible for caring for the cat also felt aggrieved. Originally, they fed it precious herbs like Blood Ganoderma and Ginseng, but who knew that this Black Cat Demon would eat so quickly, like it hadn’t eaten in eight hundred years. That wasn’t eating, it was more like shoveling food with its mouth! In the blink of an eye, they had depleted nearly half of their medicinal herbs stock, and they dared not continue feeding it like this. But once they stopped, that black cat spirit would stare at them with an especially eerie and penetrating gaze, as if it was going to devour them in the next moment.

Moreover, with a swipe of its paw, it could leave a dent in the wall—despite it being made of the hardest, most corrosion-resistant alloy!

The subordinate had no choice but to fetch more precious herbs to feed it, but they decided to test it by offering some meat stored in the cold storage. The cat demon didn’t mind at all and happily ate the meat. To minimize the losses, they simply switched to feeding it meat. But even now—

“It can turn into a pool of liquid, then wrap around the entire freezer and devour it!” LVHRui

Recalling that scene, the subordinate shivered with fear, “It devoured most of the meat in the cold storage. If it keeps eating like this, we won’t even have food left to serve the High Priest.”

At the same time, Equinox’s attention was entirely focused on the spread of the graveyard, leaving no time to manage this cat demon. After several inquiries went unanswered, the subordinate had no choice but to resort to their current plan.

“So, you let it eat the failed plague rats?”

Equinox’s expression was unclear, his eyebrows raised. The subordinate who was just trying to defend himself stammered, “Since they were failed plague rats… I thought of making the best use of waste… it eats anything,” the subordinate panicked and fell silent immediately, bowing his head, “Please punish me, sir!” hqmxa

“Give me the observation records.”

Equinox not only didn’t punish him but after reviewing the records, his expression became even more intriguing. He instructed him to take good care of the cat demon. After the subordinate left, an excited expression finally appeared on Equinox’s grim face.

“Maybe we’ve struck gold this time.”

He muttered to himself, unable to contain his excitement, pacing back and forth, “Maybe it could become a new grave beast in the future… Go.” e7UuDA

Equinox gave an order, “Release Jing Zhe from solitary confinement, promote his authorization level, and make him responsible for taking care of the cat full-time.”

The round-faced special police officer, who happened to make a contribution by accident, was not only the fastest to come out of solitary confinement but also directly promoted by one level. However, Equinox couldn’t help feeling annoyed when he saw the fat face full of pride, patiently giving him a few instructions before sending him away.

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As for the cat demon’s loyalty, Equinox was now thought the same as Jing Zhe. When the all-powerful High Priest arrived, even if it was Sun Wukong, he couldn’t escape Tathagata Buddha’s Five-Finger Mountain.

But seeing Jing Zhe, Equinox couldn’t help but think of the repeated failures in the mission to capture Wu Cui, simply capturing her. Who knew it would fail repeatedly? Thinking of this, Equinox felt melancholic for a moment, dampening his excitement from getting the precious cat demon. He looked back at the big screen, hoping to regain some composure from the battle’s situation, so that the grave slaves could stir up more chaos in the confusion and seize more people as experimental subjects.

However, just as his gaze fell on the big screen, Equinox was shocked and stunned. He suddenly stood up, exclaiming, “Damn it, what are these ghost slaves doing!”

The red dots representing the ghost slaves on the screen were originally scattered throughout and outside the Safe Zone, wrecking havoc. But now, not only did the red dots outside the Safe Zone suddenly decrease, but the ghost slaves inside the Safe Zone also went awry. They crowded together, and what were originally sesame-sized red dots swelled countless times, forming a large ball. Ge7zaF


What’s going on?!

Shocked and furious, Equinox immediately informed his subordinates who were mixed in with the crowd that they must quickly investigate and clarify the situation.

This is outrageous. yWYICp

Ending the call, Equinox was consumed with anger, his liver trembling with rage.

How could everything suddenly go wrong at the critical moment when the High Priest was about to arrive?

“I wish all the people behind you the worst luck.”

A grumbling voice echoed on the deserted streets, drawing the attention of grave slaves scavenging for food. Its appearance was agile and slender like a cheetah, but its filthy, rotten black carapace and blood-red eyes were more terrifying than a demon’s, filled with intense and volatile emotions. H1qCua

These grave slaves placed inside the Safe Zone were all failed rejects—violent, unruly, and utterly disobedient. They were only causing trouble on the battlefield, so Equinox simply released them to wreak havoc in the Safe Zone, creating chaos and using them up in the process.

Most of the grave slaves were drawn to the scent of the living, surging towards the city center. But some had unconventional thoughts, like the cheetah-like grave slave currently lurking quietly in a remote alley, waiting for an opportunity to hunt for blood.

Of course, the civilians on this street had long evacuated. Unless someone had lost their mind and suddenly came here, it wouldn’t catch anything even if it lay here in ambush for a lifetime.

But now, a voice was getting closer, and finally, prey came to its mouth. The grave slave was frightened, its tail tucked, trembling all over. Its instinct urged it to turn and flee immediately, but its bloodthirsty madness compelled it to continue lurking, to tear its prey to shreds. Grave slaves really had no brains and couldn’t think much. Just as it struggled with the conflicting desires of fleeing and charging, a slender black shadow suddenly swept past its front. QFqD3p

Its hunting instinct reflexively bit down, only to be completely entangled by the black shadow and forcefully dragged out.

“Caught another one.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

This was the last thing the grave slave heard: “Into the coffin you go.”

Then everything went black, and it knew nothing more. G29lhT

A black silver coffin sped along the empty streets.

Lying flat, it slowly slid from one end of the street to the other like a skateboard. If anything could be more terrifying than a coffin sliding down the main street, it was the little bandaged man sitting on the coffin. He spun the bandage in his hand as if playing with a yo-yo, occasionally casting it out like a fishing hook and effortlessly pulling back a black monster.

When they encountered the coffin, they were powerless to resist and were sucked in. yD19tT

“Oh, look at this; who’s so lacking in conscience, releasing so many stinky bugs?”

The Coffin Old Man complained, sending out another ‘blessing’: “Satan will definitely kick your ass.”

However, there was some nostalgia in this feeling.

Back then, he patrolled the Ghost Kingdom like this, coldly arresting the criminal scum who dared to cause trouble in the Kingdom. Remembering his past glory, the Coffin Old Man was full of ambition, meticulously inspecting this territory ‘that belonged to Wu Rong’. QHaB5D

The King was about to awaken, but damn, both Yun Zhongke and Hongxiu were two resourceful guys. One firmly occupied the position beside the King while the other firmly held onto the King’s mother. They had managed to exclude the Coffin Old Man.

Even if the Coffin Old Man had been the Chief Inspector of the Ghost Kingdom in his past life, he was still the one who suffered the most and was beaten the most, and he couldn’t leave a good impression on the King!

The Coffin Old Man angrily hammered on the coffin lid, and from inside came the sound of insects rubbing their wings.

“Don’t worry, my darlings, I’ll catch some good things to feed you.” tyXV4G

The Coffin Old Man patted the coffin underneath him, and the tense bandage strips softened. This time he wouldn’t listen to a word of nonsense from Yun Zhongke; he wanted to personally go and see the King!

Editor: Cloud Chip Cake

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

place where sun wukong was sealed away cUdhTt

Translator's Note

Coffin old man has some sick moves lol XDDD zcT9MQ

Ofc he’s just casting the line and pulling back some ghosts but I think it’s a funny gif xd

Cloud Chip Cake: I just imagine him cruising on his coffin in style, without a care in the world

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