After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit my Family BusinessCh146.1 - Chiiiiirp

A cat demon!

The round-faced officer, who had seen many things, suppressed his gasp of surprise. Reluctantly, he again glanced in the direction Mother Wu had disappeared, confirming that the perfect opportunity to kidnap her had slipped away. He regretfully lowered his head and stomped his feet. When he came to his senses, he was scared and sweaty all over. eiSbwT

It was that damned cat demon that had bewitched him earlier, and headquarters… could it hear his thoughts? Or had the cat demon tricked him into speaking his mind while he was entranced?

The round-faced officer glared at the cat warily, his thoughts murderous. However, the Persian kitten seemed unfazed, licking its paws and impatiently meowing, “I asked you a question, idiot. Do you have dogs at your place, and do you provide meals?”

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What a question… The round-faced officer’s mind raced. His previous desire to escape and report to the organization faded. He hadn’t completed his task and wouldn’t gain anything by reporting this, not to mention he might even get a punishment. This cat… might help him redeem himself.

“Of course, there are no dogs.” 8O7ZWP

He hadn’t expected Wu Rong to not only have a ghost dog but also an extraordinary cat! The round-faced officer put on a friendly smile, squatting down to show his goodwill, “May I ask who you are?”

Cats aren’t as loyal as dogs, and those that become demons are usually greedy and cunning. Judging by its appearance, this was just a young cat demon. If he could… cough, cough, better not think too much, just in case the cat demon could indeed read his mind.

The round-faced officer sneered inwardly but his expression grew even more gentle.


“Lowly human slave, you’re not worthy of knowing who Meow is. You don’t even have dogs, how pathetic!”

Low, lowly human slave?

The round-faced officer choked, reassuring himself not to argue with a kitten. He pretended not to hear the Persian cat’s taunts, responding good-naturedly, “Of course you can buy all the dogs you want to; Corgis, Golden Retrievers, Huskies, every dog you want…”

“Can you buy a Ghost Dog Kings?” Byojd9

The round-faced officer: “Of course… what?”

What was this Persian cat talking about, a Ghost Dog King? If he could buy Ghost Dog Kings, he’d spend all his money to get a few and live a life of luxury.

Tch, you can’t buy one, can you?”

The Persian kitten sneered and raised its head high, showing a disdainful expression, “Useless creature. Fine. Can you at least provide enough food?” Gx2XDv

Useless creature?

The round-faced officer felt a surge of anger, but he reminded himself to be patient. He smiled and said, “Providing enough food is nothing. If you come with me, I’ll treat you to the best food. If I may be so bold…”

He showed a concerned expression, subtly trying to provoke it, “Did your previous provider fail to feed you well? With your strength, who would dare neglect you?”

“Slave, you’re too noisy, meowi3Wcde

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Ktf Ufgrljc xlaafc rmbivfv, “Vtea eq. Cgf sbe afjmtlcu wf tbk ab vb atlcur?!”

Such a small cat, yet such a big attitude. The round-faced officer was on the verge of exploding with anger and felt he was wasting his time. He took a deep breath, hiding his murderous intent behind a smile, ready to act. Then the Persian kitten, in its sharp, young voice, slowly said, “Human slaves are the most deceitful, treacherous, and vicious creatures. I won’t trust your words.”

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“Fcifrr sbe mjc offv ws ygbatfg.”

Cr rbbc jr atf Ufgrljc xlaafc olclrtfv rqfjxlcu, atf rtjvbk yftlcv la fzafcvfv jcv agjcrobgwfv lcab j rxlccs, tjlgifrr yijmx mja! Fcilxf atf bgvlcjgs-ibbxlcu Ufgrljc xlaafc, atlr yijmx mja fzevfv lcafcrf, wjifnbifca gfrfcawfca. Sjmt bo lar tjlgr kjr j megrf, wfrwfglhlcu atf gbecv-ojmfv boolmfg, ktb yfmjwf fzmlafv. 0y1RmG

If he could bring this black cat back, the researchers studying Grave Worms would be thrilled! Even if he hadn’t captured Mother Wu, it didn’t matter. The evacuation of the Safe Zone hadn’t started yet, so technically, he hadn’t failed!

“No problem!”

He eagerly agreed, his round face full of creases from his smile, and he addressed the black cat, “You’ll be treated well if you come with me. But if I am to serve both of you, then—”

“You humans are so greedy and ugly,” the Persian kitten sneered, its disdain almost making the round-faced officer unable to hold up his smile. aRK7xt

“If you want this… Great Cat Lord to help, you’ll need at least 500 Blood Ganoderma, 500 Gold Essence, 500 Black Rock Wolf Spiders, and 500 Green Snakes. That’s it, I’m giving you a discount, meow. You humans are the most cunning, I know you, sneaky rat-eyed thief, are trying to cheat me. No more words, show me some sincerity first.”

500… what? The round-faced officer almost lost his temper but remembered that losing it would mean all his previous efforts were in vain. He had to endure! uWpAlJ

“Yes, yes, if we want to invite you, we will certainly show enough sincerity, but it will take some preparation time.”

He couldn’t waste any more time here; soon the military would start evacuating the civilians. Thinking about capturing… no, he couldn’t think too much. His mind had become too unreliable. The round-faced officer decided to empty his thoughts, making a series of eager promises and meeting every demand with exaggerated enthusiasm. Finally, he obtained the ‘honor’ of bringing the black cat to enjoy its promised comfort.

“Human slaves are so stingy, petty, and lack vision,” the Persian kitten mocked, flicking its tail. “Leave now.”

The round-faced officer, having toughened up, smiled and bid it farewell, hiding the black cat in his shadow. Driving back to the Public Security Bureau, he calmly handed over his uniform to his colleagues, then changed into civilian clothes and quietly slipped away. wyhJ N

The evacuation order for the Safe Zone had already been issued, and all the remaining civilians were being gathered together according to their area and managed uniformly. Most of the streets in the city center were empty, with all shops closed.

The round-faced officer made his way to the sewer entrance behind the Red Star Training Hall, lifting the manhole cover and climbing down without hesitation.

This sewer concealed a secret passage. Familiar with the route, the round-faced officer navigated countless twists and turns, passing many forks before reaching his destination. After face and iris scans confirmed his identity, a metal door, camouflaged to blend with the tunnel walls, finally opened for him.

After passing through several more checkpoints, he arrived in an iron-gray corridor. On either side were hive-like research labs of various sizes, bustling with scientists and their assistants in full protective gear. Who could have imagined such a high-tech and secretive underground facility existed beneath the Red Star Training Hall? QbWxo7

The round-faced officer didn’t hesitate, he immediately found a person with a red badge and solemnly handed over the black cat, instructing them to feed it well. With the black cat gone, he could think clearly again! He couldn’t believe how smoothly everything had gone, managing to trick a cat demon with empty promises!

Previously, he wouldn’t have dared to act so boldly, but now that the Safe Zone would soon be abandoned and fully taken over by their forces, things were different. The more developed bases in neighboring Safe Zones would merge into theirs, and even a high priest and five priests would be transferred over! With them, what could a mere cat demon do?

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Even if he couldn’t use that greedy Persian kitten to trick Wu Rong and Wu Cui, bringing back a Black Cat Demon for research was still a major achievement! TjG8nC

The round-faced officer felt exceptionally good today, and he was indescribably excited. So much so that when his superior rushed over upon hearing about his mission’s failure and reprimanded him for his recklessness, the normally submissive officer surprisingly stood his ground, arguing fiercely and even overpowering his superior’s authority.

“You’re acting too strange today, you’re not allowed to go out again!”

The superior, code-named Equinox, angrily ordered, “It’s a critical time, and you’re causing trouble… go to the confinement room. Once things settle down, we’ll have a priest check if you’re possessed by something dirty.”

“Check then,” the round-faced officer agreed nonchalantly, rubbing his eyes and feeling incredibly powerful. When entering the confinement room, he swaggered in like a triumphant general. Equinox watched him with growing suspicion, frustrated that there wasn’t time to thoroughly interrogate the fool. After ensuring he was securely isolated, Equinox specifically instructed a reliable subordinate to closely supervise the cat demon. KsDH6L

Though it seemed far-fetched that a demon would be loyal and clever enough to act as a spy, their organization couldn’t risk exposing any information before their plans succeeded. If there was the slightest sign of trouble, the cat demon would be killed without hesitation.

Toxoplasma, Meow put Toxoplasma on him!” VFIw24

The Persian cat wagged the tail on its back proudly, its tail fur fluffy like a big feather standing up, extremely proud. When it ran to the vegetable garden and saw the amorous ghost sitting on the stool and seriously picking vegetables, it restrained itself slightly, eagerly emphasizing, “This cat did as you said, can I have meat for lunch today?”

The Persian cat had been actively integrating into this family, striving to become a member of the family—especially as there were more and more delicious things in this house, tempting it endlessly. The more it couldn’t get, the more unwilling it was to give up, it must get it! It had to specially suppress the stupid dog thoroughly to feel satisfied!

“I want to eat steamed fish.” SdnBKD

The Persian cat swallowed its saliva, slyly rolling its eyes. Of course, it wouldn’t be easily recruited by a shabby organization, just like how a cat used to eating delicacies wouldn’t go back to eating plain food.

Although it hadn’t really eaten anything substantial in Wu Rong’s place yet, satisfying its cravings was good, at least there was hope in its meow life!

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Moreover, staying by Wu Rong’s side, its strength was growing rapidly. Its Ghost Qi’s resentment was even purer and more concentrated than in the Ghost Territory, which made it even more unwilling to leave.

“Steamed fish, I want steamed fish.” rlWShm

It meowed persistently and stuck close to the amorous ghost who was washing the vegetables. In the end, it only got a chicken leg that seemed to have been dug up from somewhere.

The Persian cat grumbled in dissatisfaction, carried the chicken leg, jumped onto the refrigerator, and tore open the packaging with a shake of its head. With its front paws holding the chicken leg, it elegantly took a bite. It stared at the people and ghosts in the living room, squinting its beautiful eyes, which sometimes flashed a cunning light and sometimes squinted comfortably, as if savoring something.

Fortunately, it sent the cat gu away to freeload. Now, what the cat gu ate turned into energy, constantly supplying it. If this continued, it would grow up soon. When that stupid dog comes back, it’d teach him what it means to be the Cat King.

Thinking of its future glory, the Persian cat secretly straightened its chest, revealing its small white teeth, looking around and feeling satisfied. 4ZoFAf

It was indeed very clever.


In the Red Star Training Hall’s underground, Equinox stared at the screen with a serious face, not missing any changes in trend for the expansion of the cemetery. While he was fully focused on his calculations, his subordinate, who had been sent to supervise the Black Cat Demon, reported back: “The Black Cat Demon is under solitary guard and shows no signs of unrest. However…”

“Just what is it?” Equinox impatiently interrupted, too busy to worry about taming cat demons. “If there’s a problem, just kill it and throw it into the culture pool.” wFlO8o

“Nothing major, it’s just that it started eating as soon as it was locked up, and it hasn’t stopped since.”

Eating? Is that worth reporting?

Equinox scolded his subordinate. If the cat demon wants to eat, let it eat.

He’d deal with it when he has the time to, after all these matters are settled. jdqTwh

Besides, how much can a cat demon eat? Can it really eat them to death?

Equinox sneered contemptuously and went back to supervising the spread and reproduction of the Grave Worms on the ground. Ordinary people who raised ghosts were excellent experimental materials. Equinox was ambitious and couldn’t let them all evacuate safely. At least half of them needed to be captured.

“Release those useless grave slaves.” 3 hlMp

The Grave Worms spread too slowly, and he was a little dissatisfied: “Disperse the crowd; we can’t let them escape.”

Watching his subordinates execute the orders swiftly and seeing the blocks on the screen turn red, as if infected, transforming into graveyards, Equinox felt satisfied and fanaticism gleamed in his eyes. Just wait, this isn’t the end yet. This Safe Zone, and even the whole world, will become their playground!

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Who would think that they were actually controlling this graveyard’s expansion!

Editor: Cloud Chip Cake CXY6kQ

Translator's Note

more accurately a yao (a category of supernatural beings in Chinese folktales.)

Translator's Note

m1zushi: omfg i love this cat he’s so sassy yet adorable ;www;

green snake refers to the qinling gu which is a green snake

Translator's Note

mother wu

Translator's Note

reader: what’s your power?

cat: toxoplasma!! AMWE6Z


toxoplasma: a parasitic spore-forming protozoan that can sometimes cause disease in humans.

it normally contaminates people by cat feces and is dangerous to pregnant women

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

grave slaves is how the holy edge society refers to grave beasts

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