My Crush Picked Up My DiaryChapter 42

February 9, 2024. Sunny

It’s currently half past two in the morning, and I initially didn’t feel like writing today’s diary entry because I have to get up early tomorrow to visit relatives for New Year greetings. I wanted to sleep early. However, after tossing and turning in bed for over ten minutes, I found myself unable to fall asleep, so I decided to get up and write in my diary. IdP0Xo

But when I picked up the pen, I didn’t know what words to use to describe my current feelings.

Happiness, excitement, joy, beauty, colorful… like sparklers, like fireworks, like the countless overlapping “Happy New Year” greetings echoing on the streets in the early morning. I’m not someone who’s very ceremonial. Before this, I hardly celebrated any holidays. Back home, my family used to celebrate my birthday for me, and later, in college, I only received a few red envelopes for my birthday.

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But now I’m starting to look forward to every holiday!

Christmas this year was very enjoyable, and so was New Year’s. Many memories now have clear time points as clues. It feels like I don’t even need a diary; I can suddenly recall many things all at once. This feeling is quite something. FB9Edh

Before, I always felt that life was a very flat thing, and all people in this world were very flat beings. I don’t know how to explain this sentence. It’s like the sun sets in the west and rises in the east every day; it’s like students have to arrive at school on time every day, bring homework home to complete, and then go to bed; adults go to work at the company every day, then return home to do housework and cook.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

I never realized before that I was such a blatant pessimist until I wrote this paragraph just now. But things are different now. Life is a maze full of surprises and expectations. Sometimes, even when I find myself in a dead end, there’s still a chance to turn around and find a way out. At the end of the journey awaited someone unknown yet known to me.

P tjgvis wfcalbc tlr cjwf lc atf vljgs, qgbyjyis yfmjerf P kjcafv ab mbcmfji ws offilcur lc atf qjra, jcv ijafg, yfmjerf P kjr jogjlv tf wluta rff atlr vljgs jcv offi fwyjggjrrfv.

Kbvjs lr vloofgfca, abvjs lr atf Rfk Tfjg.


Pa’r atf ygjcv cfk sfjg bo 2024 ktfgf Zjl Gbcu jcv Tjc Wewlcu rajga j cfk mtjqafg!

February 9, 2024. Sunny

Confession Bureau: Tonight, I really had the idea of not letting you go home, but I didn’t go through with it in the end because seeing you waving the sparkler around made you look like a child. Don’t blush when you read this and don’t secretly curse at me in your heart. I usually act very gentlemanly in front of you, but you should know that it’s all an act.

Boyfriend, Happy New Year. 9JVl24

I bought those fireworks from several places during the day. The ban on fireworks has been in place for several years now, and it’s not easy to find good fireworks these days. Trying to gather all these varieties is not a simple task. I’m stating these facts plainly. I worked so hard, so I deserve some compensation. You still owe me a Gege. If it’s convenient next time, I’d like Mai Dong to make up for it.

Since it’s the Confessions Bureau, let’s be completely honest this New Year.

You’ve asked me a few times, unintentionally, when I started liking you. Honestly, I’ve thought about answering, but you always quickly change the subject. I know you’re curious to hear it, but you don’t seem to care much. You only care about the result, which makes you a bit too easy to coax.

I’ve never liked anyone else. I didn’t have any thoughts of early romance in high school, and I haven’t met the right person in college. So, I’m not really sure how to define liking someone. I looked through your diary for reference. You believe you started liking me on the day of the sports meet in our sophomore year. If we go by your definition of liking, then I probably started liking you on the day I found out you were also coming to Nanjing University. Uei9NR

My mom and I have talked about the topic of “destiny.” She thinks I’m too young and shouldn’t prematurely label a relationship as destiny. I said I never thought of us as destined. I admit I lied. When I found out you were coming to Nanjing University, I wondered if we were destined to meet. But the moment I saw your diary, I knew we weren’t destined; it was your hard work that made it happen.

Boyfriend, you’ve worked hard for many years. Let me take over from here.

Happy New Year. Perhaps this marks the first official year we’re together.

Let’s slow down and keep our expectations high. Let’s meet again every year from now on. zk3uvg

I love you.

Author’s Note:

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The end! It’s a very small and simple sweet story. Thank you all for accompanying me! Starting a new lilyYuri, GL,GxG. I haven’t checked that XD[/tn ] story for some fun, interested readers can poke the author’s head and bookmark it!

Jie Jie: Finally done with the main text! :blobmelt: F8Bqbj

I’ll post the extra chapter later this week, sorry for delaying it! :blobpeek:

Translator's Note

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  1. Oh no, it’s ended 😭😭😭

    So sweet book about real relationship and students’ love ❤️

    Thank you so so much for your translation of this wonderful book ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Oh, it’s the end 😶

    They are so cute, so lovely, and heartwarming and…and I love them both 💗💗💗

    Thank you for picking this up and for your hardwork in translating this 🍫🍫🍫

  3. Such a refreshing cute story! No misunderstandings that snowball or linger. It’s been a long time since I’ve read something as cute and humorous as this. Thank you very much for your hard work!

  4. So cute! I love this novel so much! ML is right, it was MaiMai hardwork that they get to be together but it was also a destiny that he was the one who pick up the lost diary. MaiMai works really hard to be together with him, destiny bring them together. ❤ Thank you for the translation