Long AoTian Transmigrated Into the Wrong BookCh15.2 - “Young Master Fang, what are you intending to do to my person?”

As soon as he said this, the room fell silent in an instant.

To the onlookers, Yu Han’s win in the last round was solely because Fang Jiming had gone easy on him. Now, after winning just once, he was getting conceited. He really has no sense of self-awareness. qf6WjK

The spectators shook their heads, thinking that Yu Han, coming from the countryside, clearly didn’t know his place.

However, Fang Jiming suddenly seemed interested. “Oh? How do you want to play?”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

If Yu Han wasn’t afraid, Fang Jiming certainly had to step in and crush him.

Indeed, Fang Jiming had gone easy in the last round, deliberately trying to lure Yu Han in. Sure enough, Yu Han was visibly pleased after just one win and even wanted to raise the stakes. He really didn’t know his place. gxsaVA

Yu Han, seemingly oblivious, continued with his plan. “Of course, we should play for money. Otherwise, how can it be called raising the stakes? If I win three rounds in a row, Young Master Fang will invest a sum of money in my new project. How about that?”

Fang Jiming found this very amusing. “So that’s your plan. Quite a dreamer, aren’t you? I can agree to that though. But what if you lose three rounds in a row?”

Yu Han: “If I lose three rounds in a row, you can do whatever you want with me.”

“Okay,” Fang Jiming agreed immediately. Fearing that Yu Han might back out, he added, “You said it yourself, I can do whatever I want.”

1d lcs

Yu Han smiled, “Of course, everyone here can be our witnesses.”

The people nearby quickly confirmed that they had heard and could vouch for Fang Jiming.

Fang Jiming displayed a confident smile, “Fine, since you’ve thrown yourself into my hands, don’t think of running away today.”

He had already thought of hundreds of ways to humiliate Yu Han and make sure he couldn’t stay in City A. EfY0Au

When Yu Han proposed raising the stakes, Lin Yucheng also showed a gloating expression.

Go ahead and play. After all, it won’t be me getting embarrassed. Lin Yucheng couldn’t wait to see Yu Han make a fool of himself.

Just as Lin Yucheng was feeling elated, Yu Han seemed to sense his thoughts and looked over, instantly catching the expression on Lin Yucheng’s face before he could even hide it.

“It seems that our Young Master Lin also wants to join,” Yu Han said with a half-smile. “How about you join in too? Both of you can play.” yT89dp

Fang Jiming looked over as well, surprised. “Yucheng wants to play too? Then let’s all play together.”

Lin Yucheng: “?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf vlvc’a xcbk tbk ab qijs!

Lbkfnfg, Mjcu Alwlcu atbeuta atlr kjr j ugfja bqqbgaeclas obg Olc Temtfcu ab ufa gfnfcuf, rb tf lcrlrafv atja Olc Temtfcu pblc lc. RYNeo6

“Ktfc… P’ii pera qijs mjrejiis.”

Olc Temtfcu atbeuta atja, klat Mjcu Alwlcu yflcu rb rxliifv, fnfc lo tf vgjuufv tlw vbkc, atfs kbeiv ralii fjrlis yfja Te Ljc. Vb, tf gfiemajcais jugffv.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

He took the dice cup from the waiter and inadvertently met Yu Han’s gaze, only to find that the other party was looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

Yu Han said lightly, “Since Young Master Lin is joining, shouldn’t you also place a bet?” TndkGV

Lin Yucheng suddenly felt a chill, inexplicably sensing that Yu Han might have been here for him in the first place.

It must be an illusion. How could Yu Han possibly win against Fang Jiming? The only reason Yu Han won earlier was because Fang Jiming went easy on him.

Receiving an encouraging look from Fang Jiming, Lin Yucheng said, “Then I’ll also…”

Lin Yucheng was about to say he would also follow Fang Jiming’s lead when Yu Han interrupted, “Why would I take your money? How about this: if I win, you have to bark like a dog three times at the entrance of the club. How about that?” sNw20Z

Someone in the room stifled a laugh. Lin Yucheng’s face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot. “Don’t go too far!”

Yu Han smiled, “You think that’s too much? Are you implying that you expect to lose?”

“Yucheng, accept it,” Fang Jiming snorted coldly. “We can’t lose.”

Lin Yucheng instantly calmed down at Fang Jiming’s words. He had been too angry to think straight. Of course, they couldn’t lose. “Fine, I accept.” 3KhkR5

Once Fang Jiming wins, see how they’ll torture him to death!

Fang Jiming, holding the dice cup, was confident he would win and looked at Yu Han with pity. “I gave you a chance.”

Yu Han lazily replied, “I gave you a chance too.”

So stubborn! w2Ay7g

Fang Jiming didn’t bother talking further and started the game.

He had tested Yu Han earlier and found him not very skilled, so he hadn’t taken it seriously and had been rather casual.

But what happened next quickly began to spiral out of control.

The initially clumsy Yu Han seemed to vanish, replaced by a Yu Han who exuded calmness both in his dice-rolling technique and demeanor. UqOJ61

As Yu Han won three rounds in a row, Fang Jiming’s face turned completely dark. “You tricked me?!”

Yu Han looked up with a bewildered look on his face. “How did I trick you?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Fang Jiming’s face twisted with anger.

Yu Han had clearly deceived him. He even deliberately lost the first two rounds to make Fang Jiming drop his guard and agree to Yu Han’s subsequent proposal. NsX48I

But how could Fang Jiming admit this out loud? Even if he didn’t say it, everyone in the room had slowly realized what had happened.

They all understood that Fang Jiming had been thoroughly duped once again.

No one dared to speak. All of them were carefully observing Fang Jiming’s expression.

Fang Jiming even wished he could go back half an hour and slap his boastful self. gV7cbM

He and Lin Yucheng combined couldn’t match Yu Han, especially with Lin Yucheng constantly shouting nonsense like an idiot, allowing Yu Han to find and exploit their weaknesses.

Who knows where Yu Han learned his skills, but despite Fang Jiming’s many years of dominating drinking games, he had never encountered someone as skilled as Yu Han, who could effortlessly roll triples. It was maddening.

This was the first time Fang Jiming had lost so badly, and he lost to Yu Han, whom he had looked down on from the start.

Yu Han casually pushed the dice cup aside and asked with a smile, “Still want to play?” BzInN5

Fang Jiming restrained the urge to curse. “No more!”

If he continued, he would end up completely humiliated today.

Yu Han, looking relaxed, pulled out a contract from somewhere. “Since we’re not playing anymore, Young Master Fang, why don’t you go ahead and sign this contract?”

Fang Jiming: “……?” h w7XY

He actually came fucking prepared??

If Fang Jiming’s initial anger from being tricked was forcibly controlled at eighty percent, seeing the contract pushed it straight to one hundred percent.

Fang Jiming almost coughed up blood in rage.

What he thought was a trap for Yu Han was actually his own downfall from the beginning. Yu Han must have been planning this since the moment he walked into the room. eTrRVt

In Yu Han’s eyes, he was probably nothing more than a clown, being toyed with in the palm of his hand.

Fang Jiming had never been so humiliated. As the heir to Qingming Enterprises, everyone treated him with respect and deference. Today, he suffered several losses, all because of this country bumpkin in front of him!

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Fang Jiming never considered himself a good person. Besides, they had originally planned to thoroughly humiliate Lin Han, this bumpkin.

As for the investment promise he casually agreed to earlier, he never took it seriously, nor did he intend to honor it. 65E9zq

After all, everyone here was his friend. Once he dealt with Yu Han, this incident would never be spoken of again.

Yu Han came alone. There was no way Fang Jiming would sign that contract!

In that instant, Fang Jiming had already thought of all his escape routes.

He cast a vicious glance at Yu Han and signaled to his friends. QTou3O

Just as Fang Jiming and his friends were about to make a move, the door to the private room suddenly swung open from the outside. A group of bodyguards flooded in, surrounding Fang Jiming and his group.

Fang Jiming was stunned, staring blankly towards the door.

Bathed in the dazzling lights from outside, the man who walked in seemed like the most wicked deity, his sharp gaze almost piercing through people. His refined features, coupled with that cold expression, exuded an aura of inviolable authority. His tone was as frigid as ice: “Young Master Fang, what are you intending to do to my person on my turf?”

Yu Han, who had been clenching his fists, relaxed the moment he saw Xie Sixing. However, hearing those words, he tensed up again: “?” XQKZcB

Who the hell is “your person”??

The author has something to say:

Fang Jiming: You fucking called for backup?

Yu Han: He’s here to save you, idiot nvbG5D

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  1. That’s so vicious!

    Also, what is happening? How does this keep escalating? We threw dice, then I expected there to be fists thrown, but alas.