Long AoTian Transmigrated Into the Wrong BookCh15.1 - “Young Master Fang, what are you intending to do to my person?”

The Zijing Club is ranked number one in City A, not only because of its luxurious facilities and unparalleled privacy, but also because the price of the drinks inside is unimaginably high. Many wealthy individuals and celebrities love to come here.

Being able to entertain guests here is a symbol of status and prestige. Even someone like Fang Jiming, a second-generation rich kid, finds it difficult to spend lavishly at the Zijing Club. Yet, as soon as Yu Han arrived, he ordered a table full of the most expensive liquor. GYCVzE

Fang Jiming’s heart was bleeding fiercely as he looked at Yu Han with eyes full of rage.

Yu Han, however, seemed oblivious. He casually opened five bottles of liquor priced over a hundred thousand each, making Fang Jiming almost cough up blood.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Yu Han handed a bottle to Fang Jiming with a cryptic smile on his face, “Young Master Fang, drink it all in one go. Do you dare or not?”

Fang Jiming gritted his teeth, “Heh, what a good joke. Why wouldn’t I dare?” gQvLNy

With a grim expression, he took the bottle from Yu Han and began pouring it down his throat.

Joking aside, once the alcohol is sold at the Zijing Club, it cannot be returned. If he didn’t drink more, he wouldn’t be getting his money’s worth!

Seeing Fang Jiming frown as he intermittently finished the entire bottle of liquor, the others in the private room praised Young Master Fang for his drinking capacity.

After finishing the entire bottle, Fang Jiming felt a burning pain in his throat.


The alcohol content of this foreign liquor was quite high. Normally, five glasses would be enough to handle, but he had downed an entire bottle, making his stomach feel like it was on fire.

Fang Jiming naturally couldn’t show weakness at this moment. He endured the discomfort and glared fiercely at Yu Han. “I drank it all, aren’t you going to do something?”

Yu Han chuckled, unflinching. Under everyone’s gaze, he picked up a bottle from the table and started drinking.

In the dim light of the private room, his raised neck stood out as a bright spot. 5hrNyT

His fair, slender neck showed even the bluish veins clearly. As he drank, his Adam’s apple moved up and down. There was a faint red mole nearby, adding an inexplicable touch of allure.

Everyone struggled to tear their eyes away from his neck and turned their attention to the bottle in his hand.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf ybaaif delmxis fwqalfv, cba j vgbq ifoa.

Te Ljc mjrejiis abrrfv atf fwqas ybaaif jrlvf jcv fifujcais klqfv atf uilrafclcu vgbqr bo ildebg ogbw atf mbgcfg bo tlr wbeat, rtbklcu cb rluc bo vloolmeias. G87PFU

Ktf gbbw ofii rlifca obg j wbwfca. Snfgsbcf ibbxfv ja fjmt batfg klatbea rqfjxlcu. Coafg j ktlif, rbwfbcf revvfcis fzmijlwfv lc jvwlgjalbc.

Yu Han drank with such ease, downing an entire bottle without even a frown, earning everyone’s respect.

It is often said that one’s conduct with alcohol reflects their character. Previously, those who had only heard rumors and harbored prejudices against Yu Han now found their opinions of him somewhat changed.

Fang Jiming was a bit surprised to see Yu Han finish the entire bottle in one go. “Continue?” XefOFE

“Of course.” Yu Han chuckled lightly and added, “Just drinking is boring. Why not play something?”

Fang Jiming was stunned for a moment, then snorted, “I was thinking the same.”

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Even if Yu Han hadn’t suggested it, Fang Jiming would have proposed it anyway.

Fang Jiming turned and had the waiter bring two dice cups. His face showed a hint of pride. He was a master at these drinking games and had never lost. mRlH1D

If he couldn’t make Yu Han lie on his stomach from drinking later, his surname wouldn’t be Fang!

Fang Jiming was brimming with confidence, and those around who knew his prowess looked at Yu Han with pity.

No matter how good Yu Han was at drinking, he was foolish to challenge Fang Jiming in this.

They had just thought Yu Han was a straightforward guy, but now it seemed “reckless” was a more fitting description. NDIaCc

No one present had faith in Yu Han, not even Lin Yucheng, who briefly displayed a look of smugness.

A man sitting next to Yu Han couldn’t bear to watch and kindly advised, “Forget it, you can’t beat Young Master Fang at this.”

Yu Han raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why not?”

The man said, “Young Master Fang is famous in our circle as the king of gambling. There’s hardly anyone who can beat him at drinking games.” podsTF

Besides, Yu Han had just tricked Fang Jiming. Fang Jiming wouldn’t rest until he had paid him back in full.

It could be said that by playing this game with Fang Jiming, Yu Han was practically courting death.

However, instead of retreating in fear as the man expected, Yu Han laughed lightly, “Really? What a pity, that title will soon be mine.”

Fang Jiming heard this and sneered, “You think you can?” 7Tapkv

Yu Han smiled, “You still have time to concede.”

Fang Jiming had never encountered someone so stubborn. He sneered, “Enough talk, let’s start. I advise you to have 120 on speed dial because no one here will be kind enough to carry you out.”

Yu Han made a few “mhm, mhm, mhm” sounds and then said, “Don’t worry, I’ll call it for you.”

Fang Jiming: “……” ri2b R

This person would soon know how powerful he is!

In the first round, Yu Han lost, much to no one’s surprise.

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Just now, Yu Han’s dice-shaking movements were clumsy. Even his words were full of mistakes. It would be strange if he didn’t lose.

Fang Jiming burst out laughing. Yu Han had boasted so much, yet it turned out he was nothing special. POINMp

He pushed a bottle of liquor in front of Yu Han, wearing a victor’s smile. “Please, go ahead.”

Without a word, Yu Han simply picked it up and drank.

After finishing the bottle, Yu Han remained unfazed. “Continue.”

Fang Jiming sneered, “Fine.” GkuBZn

Seeing that Yu Han was still persistent, Fang Jiming was happy to oblige.

Thinking about the money he had spent on alcohol tonight, Fang Jiming felt a sudden surge of anger. How dare Yu Han try to outdo him! Tonight, he would show Yu Han who he was really messing with!

In the second round, Fang Jiming won again. Yu Han picked up another bottle and drank it down.

The contempt in Fang Jiming’s eyes grew more pronounced. “Still want to play? I doubt you’ll even be able to walk out of the Zijing Club tonight.” H W0Y8

“Play, of course. I’ll play.” Yu Han discarded the empty bottle, his expression still calm, showing no sign of defeat.

“Fine, suit yourself.” Fang Jiming was starting to feel a bit bored. With a snort, he casually began shaking the dice cup.

In the third round, Yu Han finally narrowly won against Fang Jiming.

Yu Han put down the dice cup and raised his head. “Young Master Fang, drink up.” apc0RO

Without hesitation, Fang Jiming picked up the bottle next to him and started drinking.

Fang Jiming’s skills were good, but his alcohol tolerance was average. After two bottles, he was already feeling tipsy. His face didn’t look as clear as it did when he first arrived.

Seeing this, Yu Han smiled and said, “Isn’t just drinking a bit boring? How about we raise the stakes?”

KEIGHTY: Xie Sixing will appear next chappyyy, I’m sooo excited! 🙈 Anyway, special thanks to Apricat for joining me on ko-fi \( ˆoˆ)/\(ˆoˆ )/🎉 4RyWZt

Translator's Note

It’s the Chinese telephone number for calling the ambulance

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