Long Live HateChapter 7

At that point, the esper’s wavelength had long penetrated into the guide’s body.

Ki Beak-han didn’t have to put in any effort to take away every bit of guiding that was hidden in Chiyoung’s body, as if plundering Chiyoung’s body. V6ShI9

Maybe even his breath.


Chrysanthemum Garden.

Chiyoung couldn’t inhale or exhale, as if his respiratory muscles were paralyzed.

Ki Baek-han’s esper wavelength was just as rude as his manner. It seemed to suck the guiding wavelength that had been slowly flowing over the surface of Chiyoung’s skin as if it were accustomed to it. 9KdIWa

Because of that, Chiyoung’s senses became numb. Chiyoung was particularly prone to feeling that her guidance was slipping away. It was as if his sensitive nerves were freaking out at the invading esper wavelengths.

Our eyes met. A familiar feeling, like the predatory wavelengths that had entered Chiyoung’s body, rampaged through all of his veins. Dark, like the intense waves in the middle of the ocean on a moonless night.

It shimmered black, like the scales of some large beast, as if it wanted to show the elegance of darkness.

At first, it just felt good. She later realized that she was just trapped in delusion, in his lust, which he had no idea of. (Marked Guide seem to be implied with more details later on to feel extra good from guiding’)


If he just blankly drew Baek-han’s nose, dark eyebrows, and lines, he would only sporadically blur his eyes over those lips.

The atmosphere was “strange.”

Baekhan blinked. He frowned as if he were enduring something horrible. The words that seemed to be held back in his grinding teeth would be more terrifying than the growl of a wild beast.

“You, you piece of shit…” ptSdIa

“Colonel, that’s not it…!”

Chiyoung didn’t know what to do anymore, so he started by pouring out his excuse. Desperation appeared in the eyes, which were like polished obsidian.

He started begging without even knowing that his legs were entangled between Baek-han’s legs and that our chests were rubbing together without even a small gap.

He didn’t want Baek-han to hate him even more. He was still scared to death. During the six months Baek-han was gone, Chiyoung withered away like a sapling planted in the wrong place. XhD0lu

It was Baek-han who rescued him. It was Baekhan who allowed him to live in a dream for two years. Even though Baek-han had pushed him into the abyss over the past half year, he couldn’t bring himself to hate that man.

Chiyoung hoped Beak-han would like him, even just a little. However, he had no courage to even muster out any words. Without knowing what to say, Chiyoung just trembled beneath Baek-han.

He could feel Baekhan taking a deep breath and exhaling as their upper bodies joined. He felt like he was being held in the arms of a huge beast, and his neck was being targeted.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Colonel… I am…” 5pOTYH

“… Vtea eq.”

Ktf uelvf kjnfifcuat kjr mbcrajcais vgjlclcu lcab Djfx-tjc ogbw atf qblca bo mbcajma, gfifcaifrris.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ktfs kfgf rb mibrf atja fjmt kbgv fmtbfv ilxf j nlygjalbc.

Ktfgf kjr j ojlca rwfii bo qfgoewf. Pa kjr j qfgoewf gfrfgnfv obg frqfgr klat j rfcrlalnf rfcrf bo rwfii. Pa kjr ilxf atf cjaegji ybvs rmfca, ufcfgjafv ogbw atf gjaf bo wfajybilrw jcv jmmfifgjafv ys atf lcmgfjrlcu ybvs afwqfgjaegf. uyfP9e

The light scent of magnolia, birch, and musk mixed together and spread into Chiyoung’s nasal passages. Chiyoung thought that his body temperature was gradually rising as well. Heat rose down his spine.

There was something big touching Chiyoung’s belly button. Chiyoung thought it was a Tokarev. (A short type of gun; you can check the image on Google, btw.)

As he unconsciously turned his body a little to escape the discomfort, Baek-han hugged Chiyoung tighter and growled.

“Let’s stay still. I don’t want to turn around and bite the nape of your neck while you’re in such a foul mood.” 2SoEdm

“… ”

His hot breath spread out the back of Chiyoung’s neck. The esper wave that had been making Chiyoung’s entire body tingle slowly became quieter, as if Baek-han had taken all that was necessary.

Since he had been told to stay still, Chiyoung rolled his eyes and looked at his dashboard without even being able to breathe.

The yellow graph had changed to yellow mixed with green. When it turns completely green, it means that the esper has been stablized. FBwlyP

Chiyoung unconsciously let out a sigh of relief. That made some of Baek-han’s hair wave a little.

The tightness of Baek-han’s embrace was painful. Chiyoung couldn’t tell which sensation was the most uncomfortable. It was hard to resist, so he could only quite breathe out a sigh.

It felt like an eternity, or maybe just a few seconds. Baek-han finally stood up rather hastily, just like when he first pulled Chiyoung.

Beep—beep—. ejasiH

As if the numbers were becoming normal, all the red lights turned off, and the graph also took on a new green color.

Baekhan raised his upper body, looked down at Chiyoung, and ripped off the wires connected to the node attached to his chest.

Only then did Chiyoung realize that Baek-han was not wearing a jacket. So, he has been holding on to Baek-han’s bare skin this whole time… (He probably didn’t notice due to the stress from the situation.)

Chiyoung’s face turned red in an instant. Baek-han, who was looking down at him, said it in a condescending tone. vwh6pr

“Are you satisfied? You’ve forgotten all the things I said, huh, you little bastard.”

Baek-han frowned and threw away the wire. Baek-han had already climbed down from the bed and was about to leave the confinement room with his bare feet.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Chiyoung, who barely got up from the bed, tried to follow Baek-han but almost fell due to exhaustion.

Baek-han was already holding the doorknob. YaWs7P

“Colonel Ki”

“Hey, you bastards. You found it ok to lock people up?  You throw in one F-grade guide, look the door and call it a day, huh?”

Espers who show signs of imploding are confined in special hatches.

After moving the doorknob a few times,Baek-han realized that it was locked from the outside, so he tore off the door like it is paper. 70mVia

Chiyoung swallowed a gasp. Even with Baek-han’s physical abilities as an Esper, which were stablized. With the wavelength suppression system inside the containment chamber, Chiyoung couldn’t imagine him ripping the titanium door and its frame apart with just his fingertips.

Whether Chiyoung was surprised or not, Baek-han grabbed the whole thing with his hands, as if crushing tofu, tore it apart, opened the tattered door, and went out.

The face of the researcher waiting outside turned pale.

“Colonel Ki! If you leave the isolation room door like this…!” LdJrpE

“You talk a lot, fuck. You seem to have a lot of things you want to say, so I’m sorry. Do you mind if I want to talk here?”

“Hey, please just refrain from swearing…”

“You’re being a dick. You fucking pussy.” (you freaking coward)

Baek-han took the tablet PC from the hands of the researcher, who was frozen in surprise, broke it in two, and returned it to the researcher. VW5wfi

The researcher, who had been dumbfounded by the smooth movements as if splitting a thin cookie, opened his mouth when he saw the tablet PC broken in two.

“Colonel Ki, what the…?!”

“Wasteful? I wouldn’t have let that guide in there without a protection suit if I cared about wasting supplies. Aren’t guides also national property? Doesn’t it cost a lot more money to raise a guide than your fucking tablet?”

“…” ZhdJkY

“It looks like you like to lock the guide, who was raised with taxpayers’ money, to die with me. What is your name? … Park Han-sik? The next time I have an implosion, I will find you, hug you, and die with you, so look forward to it. Let’s place our names side by side on the graves at the National Cemetery.”

(Hansik means Korean food. It is probably just a joking nickname to imply that the researcher is just a prey for Baek-han.)

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The researcher’s face turned blue. It was obvious that he had messed with the wrong guide.

Seeing the researcher’s stern face, as if the inhumane treatment he had done to Chiyoung was a separate matter and this situation was the only thing that mattered, Baek-han drew up his elegant lips in a sneer. MVkKdw

“Hey, Han Sik. Behave properly. You thought I was about to die; you wanted to take a poke at me, huh, but if that idiot guide dies, you’ll all die.”

“Colonel, that’s not it…”

“But why the fuck do you assholes put up using human as a cure, the ones you step on too.”

His tone was chilling as he spoke to the researcher. gArsJV

The tone of voice was so irritated by the “annoying insect” that there was not even a trace of mercy to be found, to the point where it was scary.

Baek-han stared at the researcher for a while before the researcher can open his mouth…


He was startled when I heard Chiyoung, who was standing far away next to the broken doorpost, calling him. Chiyoung knew that that anger at the researcher was for Chiyoung’s justice Ly8EFb

When he slowly turned his head, Baek-han was giving Chiyoung a cold stare.

Chiyoung remembered Bai Han’s eyes. Those eyes are dark, like the abyss, like the sea of a shimmering night.

Unlike back then, when there was a lot of unknown warmth, Baekhan’s eye are now as cold as a winter breeze.

“Let’s live without fooling around. I don’t think they keep you alive because they find you pretty.” (He is talking the researcher.) rcCiYO

“… ”

“What was your name again? Anyway, don’t try to stand out, my friend. Before I swallow you all up, then suck the life out of you before spitting it all out.”

It was a warning from a beast. Chiyoung couldn’t quite remember whether the researcher nodded his head or answered, ‘Yes, sir.’

All that was in Chiyoung’s mind was the bed where he was hugged and then thrown away like trash, looking at the wide back moving away. qgmBNS

“What was your name, again?”

There was not a single trace of humanity in Baek-han’s voice as he asked that question.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Only then did Chiyoung realize that he could never become Ki Baek-han’s guide.


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  1. Damn, ml sucks. I’m ready for him to pay already lol, maybe even a whole new ml would be good (tho that never happens)

    Thanks for the chapter!