The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch59 - What is acting???

Seeing that You Wusi had deceived the villagers, the other players began to secretly observe the villagers and the grand but simple town in front of them.

Perhaps because they rarely interact with the outside world, the villagers wore simple clothing styles. Despite the simplicity, the colors of their clothes were varied and vibrant. They also adorned themselves with many different small accessories, adding a unique touch to their appearance. Zc5tPX

Even the men wore brightly colored braided bracelets on their wrists, adding a touch of color to their attire. It was notable that all the villagers present were good-looking; their features were well-proportioned and their demeanor confident. At first glance, there was a similarity in their appearance,

Like other ancient towns, Xishi Town was also full of traces of history.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The blue bricks and green tiles, carved beams, and painted pillars showed how rich and fancy this place used to be. Over time, these once beautiful features have become worn out and faded, showing cracks and chips. Everything now has a dim and ancient look, like it’s been around for a very long time.

If there was anything special, it was that in front of every household, there were a variety of vivid and lifelike paper-cuts! These intricate cutting arts combined objects from different times. EhatXq

As the sun set, each house in the town turned on its lights. The lights mixed with the sunset and reflected on the moving paper-cuts, creating a beautiful sight that caught the players’ attention. They stared for a long time, feeling like they were seeing the world through silhouettes.

When the players snapped out of their trance, they discovered that You Wusi had already taken the scissors given by the townspeople and the special paper that was rumored that could only be found in Xishi Town.

With a few quick cuts, he crafted a beautiful three-dimensional hollow rabbit.

“My skills are a little rusty,” You Wusi said modestly. He then borrowed a thin rope from the villagers nearby. With his little wife watching eagerly and with shining eyes, he tied the three-dimensional paper bunny to the base of a certain pointing finger of the toy.


While Jiang Shishi was already happily shaking the paper bunny enjoying it with joy.

He continued with a hint of regret, “It’s a pity there are no electronic lights here. Otherwise, we could have placed lights to create rabbit lanterns directly.”

The players were truly impressed now. They realized You Wusi’s paper crafting skills were genuine.

They had initially thought he was just good at talking, but now they saw he was truly talented! F3PCRO

They were fully convinced that You Wusi knew more than they initially thought.

Before entering the Endless, he wasn’t doing this as a business, right? He said it was just a hobby, so how did he become so good at it?

This didn’t stop villagers who were initially wary of them from complimenting him.

“Very impressive!” HZL7w3

“Your craftsmanship is as good as mine.”

“Let’s compete when we have time!”

“Have you had dinner yet? Why don’t you and your wife come to my house? I also enjoy making paper bunnies; let us share ideas together!”

“No, Come to my house! I made chicken today. Your cutting is very three-dimensional, but it lacks a bit of spirit. Let’s sit down, have a few drinks, and I’ll explain the technique in detail.” VLdPT3

“Hey, Young man, aren’t you and your wife recording a show? I have a lot of old things passed down from my ancestors at home. Remember to come to my house and take a look at them when you have time!!”

In the blink of an eye, You Wusi found himself receiving enthusiastic invitations from numerous residents of the small town.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

They eagerly gathered around him, intrigued by his paper-cutting skills and eager to share their own experiences and treasures. This sudden attention caused the other players, who had been somewhat overlooked before, to be pushed aside in the crowd.

It wasn’t the first time that the old players were ignored by NPCs. N61Ea7

But compared to the bustling scene of countless villagers surrounding You Wusi and his wife in the distance, they felt their surroundings were so desolate that they had to wrap themselves tightly when the wind blew, to avoid getting frostbite.

The old players who knew a bit about the Xishi Town dungeon watched You Wusi thoughtfully.

They knew how unwelcoming the NPCs in the Xishi Town dungeon were. There were even several times when the dungeon was opened, but the players who participated failed to stay and ended the dungeon on the first day.

You Wusi was able to gain the initial favor of the NPCs with his paper-cutting skills. He was indeed talented. RQcrlm

Shang Qingyun shook the wooden fan in her hand and walked over to Yan Tianyu. With a smile, she said “Little Fatty, did you rely on that big tree this time? You have a good eye!” Her tone was light and teasing, yet it carried a hint of genuine admiration for You Wusi’s resourcefulness.

He was handsome, could talk well, had skills, and was devoted to his wife.

It was pretty good.

She had lived for so long, but she had never seen such a “perfect” man before! 05zmuq

His character was exceptionally complete and well-rounded.

Especially when she thought about his skill, it was clear he loved his wife more than his life.

Upon hearing this, Yan Tianyu felt a bit flattered. He hadn’t expected that someone as important as the big lady would remember him.

After all, he hadn’t referred to himself as Little Fatty in the waiting area before the dungeon opened this time! DkNtmu

Unless Shang Qingyun remembered him only then she would know his pet name.

Shang Qingyun in front of him was a seasoned old player. Although she had never entered the top 100 rankings, she had been in Endless for so long before Endless started taking newcomers.

He had only vaguely heard that she belonged to the same generation as the group of great god players who had all passed away in the early years of the game.

Even if players like her weren’t on the ranking, she was still famous in the game and could even be called “god”. CwSdOc

Endless was not solely about rankings.

Being able to survive for a long time was a true skill! The rankings of Endless fluctuate constantly, and not many people could truly endure and thrive. Only those with genuine skills and talent could survive till now.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Actually, the big tree I rely on is our director,” Yan Tianyu answered with a smile. From their previous conversations, it wasn’t hard to guess that this important figure might not have followed the Black Factory copy, otherwise she would have known that his skill was used on Jiang Shishi.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although he wasn’t sure why the other person remembered him, a relatively insignificant player, it didn’t stop him from smiling and saying, “Since Sister Yun remembers me, if we happen to be in the same dungeon again next time, please give me a chance to carry the loot!” bfQkev

Vtjcu Hlcusec mbnfgfv tjio bo tfg ojmf klat atf ojc, gfnfjilcu bcis atf mbgcfg bo tfg ilqr. Vtf rwlifv mtjgwlcuis jr rtf gfqilfv, “Yxjs, bxjs, lo atfgf’r j mtjcmf cfza alwf, P’ii vfolclafis ifa sbe mjggs atf ibba.”

Snfgsbcf xcfk atlr ilaaif oja ues kjr delaf mecclcu. Pc atf kjlalcu jgfj bo Scvifrr, tf kbeiv erf tlr rxliir ab lvfcalos atf qijsfg tf kbeiv ilxf ab reqqbga. Ccv jr ibcu jr tf kjr ralii ygfjatlcu, fnfc lo tf kjr tjio-qjgjishfv, tf kbeiv vgju atf batfg qjgas bea bo atf vecufbc.

Originally, she had just thought this chubby guy had good judgment.

Until a few dungeons later, Yan Tianyu was forced to select someone with questionable character. This decision caused numerous problems in that dungeon. And many numerous old players weren’t able to clear it. YMvhVE

This news spread in the high-level player circles that this chubby guy’s skills were suspicious, and they planned to avoid this strange kid at any cost!

Shang Qingyun quickly moved on from the topic. She looked around the busy crowd and noticed Jiang Shishi, who appeared innocent and pure. With a smile, she casually mentioned, “Oh, so you know our director? I find this girl quite charming; I’d like to get to know her too.”

After making her remark, Shang Qingyun glanced around and noticed Zhou Qingxing standing at a distance. His expression was guarded, with a hint of defensiveness in his eyes. This observation caught her attention, possibly indicating that Zhou Qingxing had some reservations.

So, Shang Qingyun stepped forward and approached him, she leaned in slightly closer. Before she could speak, the other party was startled and took three steps back like a frightened rabbit, with a look on his face as if he had just been violated. FfvpDe

She burst into laughter, covering her mouth with the wooden fan, and joked, “Brother, do you really dislike me that much?”

“Hey, Miss Yun! Miss Yun! He has only been in the game for less than two months, so he is still new and inexperienced. Please don’t take offense!” Yan Tianyu quickly stepped forward, smiling as he continued, “You’re interested in what our director has to say, right? Let me explain it to you properly…”

He only mentioned things that the live broadcast audience already knew. In reality, he didn’t know much more, so he brushed it off with a vague explanation.

“One-click outfit change? What a magical skill! Does it really have everything? And it’s free? Why don’t I have such great skill!” Shang Qingyun exclaimed. She closed her wooden fan, placed a hand over her chest, and stared at Jiang Shishi with envy. Y739t

However, beneath that envy, Shang Qingyun couldn’t help but ponder deeply.

Such skill……

Could players truly possess such a skill? The idea seemed almost too good to be true.

Virtual three-dimensional projection with a variety of objects felt strangely familiar to her. She pondered why it gave her the impression that it was the system’s doing. hYNGDK

Wasn’t the system mall operated in a similar manner as well?

Yan Tianyu could only smile and admit he didn’t know much; he only knew there were plenty of daily necessities in it.

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He was just a younger brother of the big boss who was responsible for carrying a wheelchair—how could he know so much?

So, Shang Qingyun didn’t press further either, seeing Zhou Qingxing eavesdropping vigilantly nearby. She smiled sweetly and said to Yan Tianyu, “So, tell me about that guy. It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone dislike me so much in a dungeon.” X2Asv1

Those who don’t like her. She feared the grass on their graves wouldn’t grow anymore.

The more advanced this technology becomes, the less popular their burial will be.

Judging by the advanced technology Endless had, the ashes could probably be blown away cleanly without leaving any traces.

Of course, those who like her won’t be able to stay either. uzCg0h

After all, Endless truly dislikes people.

Yan Tianyu wasn’t sure if Shang Qingyun was singling out Zhou Qingxing or just teasing, so he smiled and responded, “Oh, he’s just a newcomer, not much to say about him. I’ve just come out of the dungeon after spending a month, so I don’t know much. I have only seen him in Black Pearl.”

He didn’t elaborate further. After all, the other party was a teammate of the big boss, who held a favorable impression of him. Yan Tianyu didn’t want to cause any unnecessary trouble for the other person.

As Yan Tianyu observed the ongoing barrage of comments mentioning Zhou Qingxing, he reacted with a smile and a shrug. He remarked, “Look at that, they seem to have more information than I do. I can’t say for sure if it’s accurate.” gqt51m

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage of comments began to criticize him.

Yan Tianyu didn’t mind and smiled as he said, “Thanks to all the brothers, sisters, and everyone else for your attention. Next time, let’s clear the dungeon together.”

The chat comments grew even more intense, with many people cursing and calling him bad luck.

Seeing this, Shang Qingyun smiled at Yan Tianyu as she shook her fan. d2hvHY

Obviously the little guy didn’t want to talk anymore, so he was causing unnecessary trouble. At the same time he was directing the barrage away from Zhou Qingxing.

Looking at this she found it quite amusing.

Initially, she intended to leave after hearing the news, but upon further thought, she decided to keep following this chubby guy.

At least it would help pass the time and alleviate her long boredom for sometime.
Shang Qingyun’s decision to stay with Yan Tianyu did not go unnoticed by other players who had been observing her actions. They began speculating about her intentions after seeing her decision to follow Yan Tianyu. uXNoYV

Shortly after, the player was taken by villagers to the inn that had been said to be uninhabited for many years.

They claimed someone frequently cleaned it, but in reality, the inn was covered in a thick layer of dust.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The furnishings were quite complete, and there were no issues with water and electricity.

The inn didn’t have many rooms, likely because it wasn’t originally designed to accommodate a large number of guests. It had only nine rooms available in the three-story building with a courtyard, and one of those rooms belonged to the inn owner. 8DlT0e

“Sister Su’s room still has her things, so it’s not available for staying. You can divide the other rooms among yourselves,” said Xu Yi, the man who spoke up to communicate with the players on behalf of the villagers.

He retrieved a bunch of keys from the counter and handed them to You Wusi and explained, “These are the keys to the inn rooms. Sister Su’s key has been taken out. Her room is in the backyard. Please avoid going there unless necessary.”

“Alright, so how much is the rent for staying here?”

You Wusi smiled with a touch of helplessness and financial strain visible in his expression. He continued, “We don’t have a large budget for this filming. If possible, could the price be lower? We’re ready to pay for fifteen days’ rent immediately if it’s reasonable.” GyC0PJ

Upon hearing this, Xu Yi hesitated briefly.

They seldomly receive visitors. About five or six years ago, a similar place in the city cost around thirty. Initially, he had intended to quote three hundred to deter these outsiders, but now…

Looking at You Wusi, who was still on good terms with him, Xu Yi silently extended five fingers.

“Never mind, fifty will do,” Xu Yi decided, relenting on the price. 0kpGAz

The players who were familiar with the dungeons were a bit puzzled when they saw the amount Xu Yi quoted. Why did the price suddenly go up?

Three hundred was already considered expensive, and now it had jumped to five hundred?

Wasn’t he trying to loot them???

Just as they were about to speak up, they witnessed other villagers taking the lead, reaching out to knock on Xu Yi’s head. “You rascal! When Sister Su was here, the price was only thirty-five. Why are you asking for so much now!” bAOpdI

“That’s right! Asking for fifty is too much!”

“It’s not easy for Brother You to earn money. Didn’t you hear that there’s a fat boss who was always looking for different ways to deduct his pay every day?”

“Oh, sisters, sisters, prices have gone up over the years! Even the chicks we buy outside are more expensive now!” Xu Yi exclaimed, dodging the hands reaching for his head to knock.

“Okay!!! Let’s settle on forty. Times are tough for everyone. Prices have indeed been rising over the years, but wages haven’t kept up. Even factory workers are only earning two cents per piece,” Xu Yi proposed. bDQmA9

You Wusi sighed and pulled out a wallet from his pocket.

Perhaps due to the plot, the wallet that was originally empty miraculously contained exactly 4,800 yuan, not a single yuan more.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“What! Back in my day, I was paid two cents for piecework!”

“Why hasn’t it increased all these years?” HL2zfR

“It seems staying in town was the right choice for us.”

“Last year, when I went to the city to buy chicks, I thought it was lunchtime, so I stopped for a meal, but they charged me 30 yuan for single bread. Isn’t that robbery in daylight????”

As the villagers chatted, they glanced at You Wusi with a hint of embarrassment. The additional five yuan per room seemed a bit steep for their liking!

To be honest, the inn did not belong to them, and technically they shouldn’t have been collecting rent. However, since Sister Su was no longer alive and her parents had passed away, the income from the inn now went to the clan. It was supposed to be public, but in reality, they were the ones who used it as needed. v7Bwg

You Wusi took out the money, counted it carefully three times, and handed it to Xu Yi. Sensing that the villagers around him had something to say, he closed his wallet.

He sighed slightly and continued, “After a whole day of riding, my colleagues and I are exhausted. If it’s possible, could you prepare some food for us? I wonder… Would two hundred be enough? If not, we can make do with less…”

Before You Wusi could finish his words, he was interrupted by the guilty villagers.

“Enough! Of course, it’s more than enough!” vm8DRX

“Two hundred is plenty for your meal!”

“We can even slaughter a chicken in that!”

“Leave it to us. We may not have many dishes, but we’ll make sure there’s enough rice to fill you young people up!”

You Wusi was very grateful. He opened his wallet and found two hundred yuan in the wallet. He handed it to the villagers around him, repeatedly expressing his gratitude. hzCT72

He also mentioned that if they needed help with any tasks, they could just let him know. He was more than happy to help them.

Whether it was the veteran players or the audience watching the livestream, they all greatly admired You Wusi’s skill in interacting with the NPC. His every word, action, and expression had a captivating effect on NPC’s hearts.

Every word was carefully chosen, and there wasn’t a single unnecessary action throughout the entire interaction!

In fact, many have attempted to build good relationships with the NPCs in Xishi Town before. They’ve struggled with even the simplest greetings. You Wusi’s skill makes conversing with NPCs seem effortless. Which made others to believe they too could also have good talk with villagers. 6w7iJq

However only they knew it was not possible….

At that moment, Jiang Shishi was deeply engrossed in learning how to become a director. He was captivated by the equipment he held in his hands that he didn’t bother with anything.

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Or it would be more accurate to say that he was more confused than ever.

Why do directors need to learn so many things? Photography and acting! What was acting? CbicID

Why must someone pretend to be someone else?

Cry, laugh, and then be happy?

Thinking about this, he looked up at You Wusi, who was grateful. His little head was full of big doubts.

So….. Boad85

Was acting like a bad brother was doing?

Jiang Shishi didn’t quite understand it.

Despite watching for a while, he still couldn’t understand it. Silently withdrawing, he quickly skipped to the next section of the video, following his habit of moving on when he couldn’t understand something.

The next lesson was on the art of cloth matching. KDTwBz

Hey, he seems to get it now! Doesn’t Bad brother do this every day!

“Shishi, can I call you that?”
Shang Qingyun switched her fan to a fluffy feather fan when she saw You Wusi busy talking to the NPC. She smiled, fanned herself gently, and pulled up a chair. Despite Zhou Qingxing looking wary, she sat down next to Jiang Shishi.

Seeing the words “Director Quick Training” on the video, she covered her mouth with the fan and smiled.

Jiang Shishi had no interest in paying attention to the other human women around him. After all, he still had to learn how to be a good director! fo9ad8

He was very busy and had no time to waste on others!!!!

But the other person pointed at the clothes and spoke faster than the video played. It was much more interesting, and she also shared little stories about them.

Unconsciously, he found himself listening to this beautiful human woman with the fluffy fan.

He looked at the beautiful things in the video, then at the beautiful human who was sitting beside him. Then finally he stared at the fluffy fan. As the feathers on the fan moved, his eyes also moved. IvZKa9

“What is Shishi looking at?”
You Wusi, having finished his conversation, smiled warmly as he gently restrained his wife’s eager hands. His voice was exceptionally gentle.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shishi silently turned his head back, glanced at the learning device on his knees. He tapped his fingertips on the screen showing the beautiful fan.

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He was learning how to use a fan!

On the screen, the fan was entirely made of wood, but this beautiful woman’s fan was made of feathers! 65lysP

Shang Qingyun raised her head and glanced at the fake gentleness on You Wusi’s face.
Seeing that he had already brought up the virtual screen to search for the fan, she took the initiative to hand the feather fan to Jiang Shishi.

In the same gentle tone as that certain someone, she slowly said, “Since Shishi likes it, sister will give you the fan, okay? This little fan isn’t just for fanning; it can also blow away those annoying bugs. It’s not very strong and only works for a few seconds, but it’s perfect for self-defense.”

You Wusi felt that the female player in front of him was strange, and her words sounded oddly familiar.

Shouldn’t this be what he should say? 2sdaST

He quickly picked up a bone-carved fan decorated with colorful butterflies from a one-click outfit program and bent down slightly as handed it to his wife, and said with a smile: “Doesn’t Shishi like shiny little things? See, there are glowing butterflies flying on the fan which Shishi can play with.”

At that moment, he opened the bone fan in his hand. It seemed plain at first, but as he unfurled it, colorful butterflies with long tails and wings flew out. Their bodies were dotted with fluorescent colors which made them glow, making them incredibly beautiful.

Jiang Shishi’s beautiful and clear eyes were immediately captivated by it.

Seeing this, Shang Qingyun also turned her unfolded fan in her hand. She shook the feathers on the fan’s tip gently, causing lotus flowers with glowing light to appear one by one from the feathers, swaying in front of Jiang Shishi. gPGI85

It was clear that she was showing off her fan-turning skills.

Jiang Shishi turned his head, his eyes wide and curious like a cat’s. He stared at the floating lotus for a moment, then glanced at Shang Qingyun who was waving a fan in her hand.

Seeing Jiang Shishi’s interest,
Shang Qingyun smiled and said, “Sister’s fan also glows, and it is also adorned with flowers. Do you enjoy watching Sister fanning? It’s quite easy. Sister can teach you…”

Before Shang Qingyun could finish talking, You Wusi quickly put away his bone fan and waved it in front of Jiang Shishi’s eyes. Then he suddenly opened it, making lotus flowers scattered everywhere. He twirled the fan in a fancy way, and colorful butterflies started flying around. Rtb4s8

The bone fan would sometimes open and sometimes close, flipping back and forth on the fingertips peeking out from the sleeve. Sometimes, Bad Brother would let it leave his palm, spin a few times in the air, and then catch it steadily back in his palm.

Seeing his little wife’s wide-eyed and amazed expression, You Wusi smiled and said, “There are countless ways to turn the fan. I’ve learned a bit myself, but I didn’t feel skilled enough before, so I didn’t demonstrate it to Shishi.”

However this was not so impressive for Shang Qingyun. She maintained her gentle smile, but a trace of coldness flickered in her eyes. As You Wusi’s bone fan was still out of his hand, Shang Qingyun also displayed her own fan skills to Jiang Shishi.

She said slowly, “There are only a few ways to move a fan, and they’re all meant to make people happy. Other fans are a bit boring and simple. Look at my fan! It can even turn into a cute bracelet that looks like a fluffy rabbit. It feels really soft and cozy, even nicer than a real rabbit.” ntq9MW

As she finished speaking, the feather fan in her hand suddenly transformed into a small and beautiful bracelet covered in smooth fur. It resembled a little rabbit, round and chubby, complete with two ears, looking incredibly cute.

She gently blew on the bracelet and the fluffy rabbit slowly started to move with the wind.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

It was the first time Jiang Shishi had seen such a fluffy little thing.

Jiang Shishi had never touched a rabbit before. As he looked at the fluffy thing floating in the wind, his fingers and heart itched with curiosity. H3BasC

Without much hesitation, he raised his little hand directly, wanting to touch this furry thing.

But before he could stretch out his hand to touch the fluffy thing. At the same time Bad Brother’s fan started spinning again in front of his eyes.

He was waiting for his bad brother to bring out butterflies again.

However, suddenly two beautiful fans started fluttering (fighting) in front of him. pWFocd

Wow, they were all glowing!

It was just like little animals fighting with swords, making whooshing and swooshing sounds, with glowing lights! It was better than watching cartoons!

Jiang Shishi picked up the little mermaid and adjusted An An’s direction towards the glowing fans before he continued to watch the fight between the bad brother and the beautiful sister attentively without blinking.

It was really thrilling! 2brljR

The people in the town were a bit confused about what was happening, but they also found it quite entertaining.

After watching for a while, Xu Yi hesitated and turned to Cheng Wei, who was closest to him, and asked, “Are you guys practicing for filming a martial arts TV drama? You know, the kind where heroes fight over a beautiful woman?”

Author’s message:

Shang Qingyun: Can’t stand seeing sisters being deceived! 9yaPJl

You Wusi: ??

Jiang Shishi: Wow! That was intense! Even better than an cartoon

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  1. It’s good to not take things from strangers

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖