The Little Zombie [Infinite]Ch21 - He is gonna let his little wife experience dangers of world

It tasted unlike anything Jiang Shishi had ever tried. Not at all like cherry tomatoes, it resembled biscuits, but softer and fluffier, making it much easier to bite into.

It was strange; he couldn’t say he hated it, but he didn’t really like it either. nrxIfD

At least it tasted much, much, much better than the shiny liquid.

Imitating his bad brother’s action, he chewed it and then swallowed it.

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Soon, he obediently opened his mouth again.

The other players watched as You Wusi cut the beef into small pieces and fed it to Jiang Shishi with a loving expression on his face. Occasionally, You Wusi would taste it himself, but most of it went into Jiang Shishi’s belly. jHGPqu

Unknowingly, Lin Qiyue also picked up the knife and fork. When the meat was placed in her mouth, she suddenly snapped out of her daze.

She glanced around.

Seeing everyone else had their utensils in hand, and figuring they all had already eaten, she thought there was no harm in joining in. So, she began to savor the dinner in earnest.

After surviving on compressed biscuits for so many days, this moment truly tested one’s willpower!


God knows when she took the first bite, she felt like she was biting into a rock!

Initially, the others were just touching their tableware to satisfy their cravings. But seeing Jiang Shishi and Lin Qiyue enjoying their meal, and You Wusi already reaching for a second plate of steak…

It seemed fine.

As the rest of the players thought about it, their hands moved faster than their brains and they began devouring the food without hesitation. dbdyZ5

In the end, only two mentors remained with blank faces.
They were more cautious than the new players. Having been through several scenarios, they had originally planned to be safer and ask NPCs to confirm whether the food was safe to eat or not.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the new players were not only exempted from the punishment but were also given all the advantages.

Being too independent in a dungeon was very risky behavior.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Lin Haoguang and Wen Qingxue also picked up their knives and forks in silence. After all, the taste of nutrient solution was hard to describe. IshMLV

In fact, in certain dungeons, the food provided to players may have special effects. However, such dungeons are few and far between, and more often than not, it’s a gamble with one’s life.

In fact, the meals provided in some dungeons can bless players with special benefits, but such dungeons are very rare, and most of them pose a life-or-death situation with just one bite.

Of course, they didn’t expect to be that lucky. As long as the food was edible and had no poison or side effects, they considered it great.

As it turned out, this decision couldn’t have been more correct. 8QVCP2

This meal has the effect of a nutritional solution! It can optimize the state of the human body to its best! Although the effect is not as significant as the nutrient solution, it’s still beneficial!

In less than five minutes, the players had devoured all the food on their plates, including the small flower and carrot decorations, which were eaten with the sauce.

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Even the Little Mermaid was shocked to see how quickly the players finished their meal.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“P jqbibulhf obg cba jcalmlqjalcu atf uefrar’ jqqfalafr. Cc Cc klii qgfqjgf j wbgf jyecvjca wfji abwbggbk!” Ktf ilaaif wfgwjlv lc atf ktffimtjlg mifcmtfv tfg olrar jcv mtffgfv tfgrfio bc. 6 dBVJ

Pa rffwfv ab tjnf atbeuta bo rbwfatlcu jcv mbcalcefv, “Pa’r ijaf ja cluta, uefrar, ub jcv gfra! Vajs jifga ab yfaafg olcv atf wegvfgfg! Cc Cc klii jikjsr yf tfgf kjlalcu obg sbe!”

After that, the little mermaid adjusted the wheelchair to an angle, opened her small mouth to face the full moon that appeared outside the window, and slowly sang soft sleep-inducing music.

You Wusi gently wiped the mouth of his little wife who had eaten enough. Seeing Jiang Shishi staring at the little mermaid seriously, he didn’t even realize when the fat duck in his hand fell to the ground. Then he said to the little mermaid: “Butler An An, don’t you need to go back and rest?”

The little mermaid, while singing, paused when it heard the question. It appeared puzzled and responded with confusion, “Your question is strange… Little Butler An An has always been here…” ATPXdm

As it spoke, its eyes showed a growing sense of determination. The mermaid spoke seriously: “A competent little housekeeper never leaves or takes a break! They never betray their master!”

You Wusi didn’t expect to get some interesting hints just by asking casually.

Catching a glimpse of Zhou Qingxing’s thoughtful expression, he decided not to care anymore. He picked up Jiang Shishi, who was no longer staring at the Little Mermaid, said “Excuse me,” and headed towards the stairs.

He was eager to return and let his little wife see the dangers of the world! U3FDVR

Jiang Shishi didn’t comprehend anything about danger; all he knew was that one of the little tomatoes he had painstakingly nurtured was gone!

Sitting on the bed, he extended his sharp nails and counted repeatedly, eight times in total!

There were six tiny tomatoes, but now only five remained!!!!

He didn’t want to believe this. brNdv4

He stared at the big green seedlings with many leaves on the paper cup for a long time, and finally found a small tomato on the dark soil in the paper cup.

With a heavy heart, Jiang Shishi extended his claws and gently poked the bad brother, who was fixated on a particularly large black bead. Then, he delicately cradled the paper cup in his hands.

Tears seemed to cloud his clear eyes.

He felt extremely wronged! C6MIzy

You Wusi caught Jiang Shishi’s fingers as it kept poking him. He ignored the strange black pearl on the bedside table and instead focused on comforting his wife. He gently ran his fingers through his soft, long hair.

With a meaningful tone, he said, “Shishi, did you encounter rain today? Otherwise, how could the little tomato fall down? Just like apples, once they fall from the branch, they won’t grow anymore.”

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After hearing this, Jiang Shishi took a long time to think before realizing that he had indeed lost the little tomato because of his mistake.

He quickly took back the paper cup and held it tightly in his arms, lowering his head in disappointment. XTNaF2

He stopped paying attention to his bad brother and became completely withdrawn.

“It’s okay. The small tomatoes will soon grow into big red tomatoes. Then you can eat five big tomatoes every now and then,” You Wusi said softly, and at the same time, he changed his little wife’s sleepwear into that of a dinosaur with a tail.

Only Five!!? But he originally had six!

The more he thought about it, the more his head lowered. n9C0MI

The delicate little face was hidden within the oversized dinosaur pajamas, appearing more fragile and pitiful.

You Wusi, feeling no remorse, hugged his little wife and lay on the bed.

He opened a new bedtime story, gently pinching Jiang Shishi’s unresponsive and withdrawn face, and whispered softly: “It’s time to close your eyes and sleep. You need a good rest, or else, none of the little tomatoes will grow.”

Jiang Shishi wasn’t feeling sleepy still he was worried that none of the little tomatoes would grow up. After thinking for a while, he finally obeyed and closed his eyes. Cdwn7

Losing one was bad enough, he couldn’t bear to lose five more.

But, it was still so upsetting!

The next day, Jiang felt better after his bad brother woke him up.

Because the little tomatoes had actually grown up. 87AwdH

Although they hadn’t turned red yet, they were as big as a small paw when he held them!

He sat obediently in his new wheelchair, clutching the small paper cup tightly. He didn’t even take the Little Mermaid bubble machine handed to him by his bad brother and concentrated on staring at his tomatoes.

“Keep studying hard today. The more you learn, the better you’ll understand how to grow a small tomato, and you won’t lose one just because you’re not good at it.” You Wusi skillfully used tomatoes as bait and placed an electronic learning device for children on his little wife’s lap. He took the charger with him, and then pushed the wheelchair out of the room.

Just then he saw a group of players standing at the door, about to knock. k6ItP

He greeted them politely, “Good morning! Did something happen today that I should know about?”

As everyone stood at the door, they were greeted by the sight of the couple, who had just changed into fresh clothes. Their unexpected appearance left everyone momentarily speechless.

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They too don’t even want to knock on the door every day either!!!

The players understood that it wasn’t that the young couple took too long to come out, but rather, today was a special day. With the thunderstorm last night, bones and human skin monsters disappeared and they woke up early. But who knew You Wusi, had some unconventional thoughts and would sleep until dawn. vXGm71

“Seems like it’s something hard to describe. Let’s go and take a look.” You Wusi interpreted everyone’s expressions very considerately, not thinking that these ‘hard to describe’ expressions had anything to do with him.

Soon, they arrived at the familiar second floor.

The sky was starting to get brighter as the rain stopped after a few days. The clouds were clearing up, and sunlight was coming through the windows, making the corridor bright.

The players quietly went to the study room and opened the door. nGMfdu

The big teddy bear was gone, and in its place was a corpse that looked young and lively.

This was the real Mr. Wang.

“It looks like he died peacefully,” You Wusi remarked, his gaze lingering on the content smile on Mr. Wang’s face. As he pushed Jiang Shishi into the study.

Noticing that several players were hesitating at the door, he made a light-hearted remark: “Just a few days ago, we were all in the same room with Mr. Wang, and everything was calm and friendly. Why the cold feet now? Let’s not be speciesist.” KXlZtN

[That’s some damn speciesism! Why’s no one daring to explore?]

[Seriously, Brother Si is ruthless. He talks nonsense while exploring. He’s lucky to be alive; otherwise, we’d all be rich by now.]

[Come on, come investigate like you guys did before! How else will we know what’s up with the Black Pearl?]

[Hope they can keep paving the way with their lives for the progress of the Black Pearl.] Amj1WZ

[They’re so reckless. I doubt they’ll survive the next few days.]

[I actually think the Black Pearl is even more dangerous now. Without the overt constraints, then…]

[Without the threat of ghosts and monsters, the threat from people becomes even greater! Please be careful of your… companions.]

[Hehe, it’s time for purge!!!] LUhEGD

The red messages flashing on the screen in the study looked like bloodstains, and there were mean words everywhere.

It felt like all the evil thoughts in the world had come together there.

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You Wusi took Jiang Shishi straight to the balcony. He saw a familiar snake shadow in the grass but still decided to take his wife to the balcony for some fresh air.

Although Mr. Wang died peacefully, it’s still not suitable for his little wife to see too much of these bloody and violent scenes, as he might pick up bad habits. i Nw0D

He turned on the learning equipment and whispered in Jiang Shishi’s ear about the importance of learning for tomato growth. Seeing his little wife focused on the screen, he glanced at the rest of the players who had finally entered the study room.

Continuing with his cold jokes: “Aren’t you going to say hello to Mr. Wang? He looks like he is asleep. He is smiling a little inappropriately, and I don’t know if he can wake up.”

This made the new players stop in their tracks.

Doesn’t he look like he’s just asleep? QreFKL

Whether it was the resilient and normal-colored skin or the fresh crimson bloodstains on the floor, it felt like a murder had occurred just before they opened the study door.

But the most eerie thing was the smileβ€”not exaggerated, almost normal.

It was like a joy that couldn’t help but spill over…

The author has something to say: I51edi

You Wusi: They are not afraid of ghosts, but actually afraid of dead people… This generation of players is so strange. But fortunately, I have a sense of humor, and I hope it can alleviate their inner fears.

Players: They weren’t afraid at first, but now they feel like they are going to turn into a corpse…

Jiang Shishi: (One little tomato is missing!!)

The author with a straw hat in his mouth (meaningfully): You must study hard, if your head is empty, you will be bullied by certain bad men! N1 g7w

Translator's Note

Those who understand will know how Jiang Shishi lost one

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  1. Well honestly for me dead people kind of scarier than ghost, at least ghost can’t touch you…

    Thank you for the chapter πŸ’•

  2. Well dead people or corpses are tangible whereas πŸ‘» or spirits…πŸ˜‰ I prefer ghost than something you can touch and see or smell😱

  3. Tomato orientated family

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›