Kill Your XCh1 - Prologue

What are the odds that I’ll ever meet the junior who confessed to me ten years ago. He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life, so maybe I’ll be happy to see him again.

“Long time no see. Song Gyu-Jin seonbae” aZHlIz

Unless the place we reunited with was the private room in the gay bar. And if I wasn’t sucking another guy’s dick in real time.

“Ooh, whoop!”

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“What, is it someone you know?”

I’d be a little wary of a stranger barging into my room, but the guy I’ve chosen for the night seems to be a bit of a voyeur. He glances at the spit particles, then plunges his fully erect cock, now even bigger, deep into my mouth. The back of my head was gripped tightly by his hand, and a funny sound escaped. 6hXIzr

“Aang (wait), Aeo-orao (take out)!”

“Are you his former lover? I’m not usually good at 3Ps, but I think it would be okay if I were at that level, right?”

A grave face loomed behind the excited partner. He stood about six feet tall, his sleek black suit contrasting with his snow-white skin.

The impeccable appearance was reminiscent of a sculpture painstakingly carved by a craftsman.


His eyes, blacker than his clothes, were directed at me, and in his hand was a master key that only the bar’s general manager could possess.

When our eyes met, he took one step and entered the room.

It was just him, but the air around him turned cold.

“Ugh!” IHsdmG

I couldn’t take it anymore and shoved my partner. On the subject of getting fucked, this guy’s dick was so big it hurt my jaw. “Cover your face,” he said, tossing me a piece of clothing that was lying around and wiping his saliva-soaked lips roughly with his forearm. I was interrupted in the middle of a good moment, so my tone was a bit rough.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever had a junior like you in my life, let alone one who kicked in the door without permission.”

I knew him, but I pretended not to. His handsome appearance was not something to be forgotten so easily, but it’s also true that the memories surrounding him were strangely blurry.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zs peclbg, ktb jaafcvfv atf rjwf tlut rmtbbi jr wf 10 sfjgr jub, jcv ktb tjv mbcofrrfv ab wf bc atf ugjvejalbc vjs, atja’r jii P gfwfwyfg gluta cbk. tPW5OS

“Vbcu Xse-plc rfbcyjf”

Lf mjiifv ws cjwf jujlc. Llr nblmf, ibk jcv olgw, rfca j rtlnfg vbkc ws rqlcf. Zs ybvs gfjmafv ab tlr qgfrfcmf yfobgf ws tfjv. Zs ygfjatlcu ugjvejiis delmxfcfv fnfc jr P gfwjlcfv ralii.

“Ten years ago, when I told you that I liked you, you said…”

The past, summarised as ‘the day I was first confessed to by a man’, slowly unfolded. He looked at my dumbfounded face as if he had expected it. ZAyd0V

‘I’m not prejudiced against men dating, but I never thought it would be me.’

I know that’s what I said, but it was a lie. I was aware of my sexuality as early as middle school.

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‘That’s nice of you to say, but I’m afraid that what you’re feeling right now is just an impulse. So I’ll pretend I didn’t hear your confession.’

‘I didn’t say it on impulse. How can I get you to accept me?’ TvYV2o

I remember it vividly. I expected him to walk away if I refused, but he was particularly persistent that day. It wasn’t hard to guess why my excuses didn’t work on him.

It was because for some reason my junior already knew that I liked men.

Gyu-jin! Song Gyu-jin!

It was already confusing, but to make matters worse, he was looking for me everywhere, asking to take a picture with me. On a crowded high school graduation day, the prospect of such an uncomfortable, prolonged conversation was too much for me. oDdAMS

However, I knew that if I reacted clumsily here, I might end up in trouble. I had no intention, then or now, of revealing my sexual orientation to the world. It was scary to even imagine the rumour spreading that he was.

‘Ten Years.’ 

Wait! I’ll be right there!

I shouted at my friends and looked back at him. yQfP3J

‘Are you confident that you won’t change your mind in ten years?’

‘Ten years?’

‘Yeah. I have my doubts. They say that mountains change in ten years, so if you still like me after all that time, I’ll accept you. But on one condition.’

In retrospect, it was just a stupid idea. I was just trying to be nice and say, ‘Get out of here.’ h1qMgx

‘What is it?’

‘Don’t contact me in the meantime. You can’t even show up in front of me.’

I don’t know why he suddenly confessed to me when we weren’t even that close, but once out of sight, out of mind. I thought about stopping there, but then I saw his face and decided to add one more condition that was too much.

‘And most importantly…!’ a36mhC

Even though he was still in high school, he was literally a sexy looking guy with a lusty vibe. In a few years, when he became an adult, there would be a truckload of people, whether men or women, running behind him.

‘You’ll have to keep your virginity for ten years, because I’m not a fan of people who roll around with others.’

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The words came out of my mouth without a hitch. I’m not sure how he reacted when I said that, but I think he gave me a small nod as I scurried away, excusing myself to call a friend.

“Si Yeon-ho.” lu1S96

At the name I finally remembered, he gave me an unreadable look. I was still standing there in a dishevelled state, his eyes darted from me to the half-naked, writhing figure beside me.

“I’ve been a good dick jailer for ten years, and you’re not seonbae.”

I digested his words slowly. I burst into laughter without realising it. That’s nonsense. That body, that face, has been kept virgin? To keep the promise you made with me in the past?

Even though I thought it was a lie, I couldn’t immediately refute it. It was because I felt a subtle anger in his voice. HEeAwT

“I think you remember something wrong.”

His eyes focused on me, unblinking.

“I said it’s good for you to be a virgin, I didn’t say I’d keep my virginity.”

“Oh, right.” iJ kxj

The place made my excuse feel even more shabby. I’m trying to figure out how to turn this situation around.


My eyes closed as an automatic reflex to the foreign object that suddenly flew into my face, and my partner, who had been rubbing his cock and looking towards me and Si Yeon-ho, ejaculated. Annoyingly, there was a lot of it. A fishy aroma filled the room.

“Ah… really.” YL0e4H

I am going crazy. I couldn’t decide whether I should get angry at my tactless partner or kick Si Yeon-ho out of the room right now. All I could think about was that I was screwed after living a promiscuous life.

“Seonbae, you look pretty even if you are covered in cum.”

He mocked me for being cornered.

“In high school, I fell in love with the way you read so neatly in the library.” hPebLZ

I was confused by his lack of facial expression, which was frighteningly unchanged. His demeanour was too dry for someone I’d waited nearly a decade to meet. It was as if he had an ulterior motive.

When my partner gestured to him to join 3P, he looked at me and then walked away. He left behind only a few words.

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“I missed you to death.”

That night, even as I was fucking my partner as if to vent my anger, I could not forget Si Yeon-ho’s face. The eyes of a young man who grew up so well, were eerily black. VOH4XQ

TL/n- :blob0w0: that is some way to start a novel… Hehe i am loving it. And, Join my discord link is given below.

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