Killing ShowCh57 - The Fallen Land

Editor: Elanor

It was midnight and Xia Tian was sleeping when the phone rang, although he had set the phone on silent mode. kp18ow

He picked it up in a daze and saw that the caller was Minkov Jr. These wealthy people had no consideration for other people’s sleep.

He answered the call and the first thing the young man on the other end said was, “You guys have been having a bit of an exciting time lately, haven’t you?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Not much. I’m hanging up,” Xia Tian said.

“Don’t! I only wanted to offer my congratulations. The ratings are top notch and I thank you on behalf of the shareholders of the Floating Gold Group,” Minkov Jr. said, “Seriously, you guys have been a little unlucky lately… ‘Abnormal Lab’ wanted you guys, and I took your names down right away. Do you want me to say hello to the company and look after you guys a little bit more?” Im8lGP

Xia Tian immediately withdrew his finger from the “end call” button.

“This was the best decision you have ever made,” he said, as if he had never told Bai Jingan how annoying the backers in the Killing Show were and how they should all be killed.

“I also think that I am really a saint,” Minkov Jr. said, “The saint has another good thing for you—the list of Honey Pavilion members. Go check it. Then we can get started.”

He hung up the phone.


Xia Tian checked the list. The list was really a good thing that could soothe the mood; the next generation bigwigs of the Upper City were really generous.

The Honey Pavilion did not consist of just five people, but seven in total. These people didn’t always make up the number when they committed a crime, but every one of them had been involved in those things.

These rapists were all from good backgrounds, had no big contractual debts, were born to enjoy the sunshine of the Upper World, and had access to endless supply of entertainment and drugs, and assumed that everyone else should be their slaves.

Xia Tian lay on the bed, thinking about the information he had just received. Maybe he didn’t have to be in a hurry to take revenge. Anyway, he knew everyone’s names and could take his sweet time delivering the revenge. ea84E1

It was just that… he didn’t feel as strongly for that kind of fun anymore. At that time, he wanted revenge. Killing the person who offended him seemed to be the answer to all of his problems. But now… the whole world felt suffocating.

He remembered what happened to Wei Xi.

After all these days of running-in shows with his comrades-in-arms, he had gotten a good understanding of this very capable network logistician.

He had indeed seen him on TV. Wei Xi was a very famous hacker before. In the first two rounds, he had caught a lot of attention, and in the third, all the network logisticians had been sidelined. Fb9tXM

But half a month ago, “Abnormal Lab” approached him.

It was an escape-type Killing Show known for its sadistic abuse, where Wei Xi was gang-raped by a group of people.

He really didn’t know what the escape show was doing having a network logistician on the show. Wei Xi could be said to be a person lacking physical strength, with no ability to escape and no ability to fight back. It wasn’t a battlefield suitable for individuals like him.

Those people tied him to a bed and tortured him for a week. The scene was utterly horrifying. They injured him quite severely, breaking five of his ribs and three of his fingers. But after editing, the video came out glamorous and exciting. dbxYIM

Before the drawing ceremony, Wei Xi had been staying in the treatment cabin.

They did those things… for fun only. It was abnormal, brutal, and well, boring.

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We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This was not like the Lower City.

Ktfgf, fnfgsatlcu kjr qgfaas ragjlutaobgkjgv. Snfc lo bqqgfrrlbc jcv yfagjsji kfgf ogfdefca, sbe jikjsr xcfk ktb sbeg bqqbcfca kjr. yjbYA7

Dea ktfc tf mjwf ab atf yerailcu Fqqfg Qbgiv, tf obecv atja la kjr jc fcvifrr wjhf klat cb frmjqf; lar fzla qblca kjr alutais rfjifv. Ublcaifrr yjaaifr jcv jagbmlalfr mbeiv yf rffc fnfgsktfgf. Ktf jevlfcmf vgloafv klat atf meggfca ktlif lcabzlmjafv. Po sbe kfgf cba tjqqs, sbeg bcis bqalbc kjr tfjv ab j yjg, yes j uijrr bo rqlxfv vglcx, jcv yfmbwf kjrafv.

Xia Tian then recalled the details of the members of the Honey Pavilion. They were just a microcosm in a corner of this madhouse.

But… Well, hunting them down would still be an enjoyable spare time activity.

Xia Tian huddled back into the blanket and continued to sleep, thinking that he would have to report this to Bai Jingan first thing in the morning. yipO 5

He was now used to having someone by his side who could be trusted unreservedly, someone who made others feel that he would support you no matter how dire the circumstances were.

Though in his experience, this was never a good thing.

Xia Tian didn’t like the Upper World. Although it was affluent and sunny, its very bones were icy and bloody. People here always questioned him about what made him feel warm, what kind of belonging he longed for, and so on.

However, Xia Tian was indifferent to such things. DdJVfL

Only anger, hatred, and pain were things that could be judged accurately in his life. He was familiar with desire and passion, but he lacked the concept of warmth and longing.

He was able to converse with the Upper City reporters about a wide range of relevant topics, as if he were a civilized new citizen who was moved by the good things in the Upper City. But he had no affection for the world; instead he had a bone-deep apathy towards it.

When he was asked what good things he had encountered in the Upper World, Xia Tian could only think of Bai Jingan.

He still remembered Bai Jingan’s panic-stricken face as his hand pressed tightly against his carotid artery, and the pain in those gray eyes. EizjGr

The moonlight from the Upper City fell on Xia Tian’s face, cold as ice. However, he thought to himself, this kind of thing would not last long.

These days, their trust and fellowship was nothing but a show that was worth a lot to the world. Here, apart from violence and death, nothing lasted long.

The next day, before breakfast was over, Huitian visited and said that the company was going to make a movie about Xia Tian’s time in the Lower City, and brought him the script and asked him what he thought of it.

Xia Tian didn’t think he could act in a movie, but the contract stipulated that he had to do it. 1xnmg4

According to Huitian, the crew making the movie was fantastic and had the potential to make a lot of money. Xia Tian believed that by releasing the script and the production crew at this time, they would probably lose money. He was about to enter the fourth round, and no one knew how long one could survive in the Killing Show… That was when he suddenly realized he would survive.

They wouldn’t let him die.

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As long as there were no accidents, the organizers would let his reputation rise to the next level and then make him participate in the film shooting as that would have a stronger box office appeal.

Xia Tian felt a sense of security, but did not feel any more at ease. 6VglDA

—By the way, Huitian, who had just learned about Minkov Jr., showed them the happiest expression they had ever seen on her face.

“I don’t know how you met him, but he is a first-class backer,” she said, “and I’m told he doesn’t watch the Killing Show very much.”

“How do you even know what shows he watches?” Xia Tian said.

“They’re… well, the kind of folks who live atop Mount Olympus. Of course you need to know a little about them,” Huitian said, “You guys are famous now, and when you’re popular to a certain extent, you need to have a bit of connections at the top. Otherwise, everyone would want to step into your life, and anyone could hurt you.” 6PRVdZ

Xia Tian nodded. Huitian was very blunt when she said such things, and he also understood the truth of her words.

She didn’t ask why Minkov Jr., who didn’t watch the Killing Show, did what he did. It seemed as though, since he was an influential person, anything he did was correct. There was no need to doubt him. They just needed to do as he said.

At this point, they had entered the end of the battle and reached the peak of significance.

For people like them, fate was within reach, and this was also the end. ASBNHr

So far, Xia Tian had already learned a lot about the dark lives of the powerful people in the Upper World.

As he entered the upper hall, the number of private gatherings he couldn’t put off was still significant, but all the specifications had changed.

Different from the large-scale carnival parties, at the private parties of the Upper City elites, Xia Tian saw a bunch of erotic and perverted stuff that he didn’t have the ability to come up with even at the height of his fantasies as a Killing Show star.

Bai Jingan didn’t show up at the dinner that day, but Xia Tian was accustomed to such occasions. He knew how to follow the rules, not cross the line, and act like a local. L90RJP

The party was of a very high standard and was said to be a traditional party in a small circle in the Upper City. Xia Tian found it difficult to comprehend how such a “tradition” could exist.

All of the waiters at the party were clothed in nothing but occasional accessories that served more as highlights than something to cover their bodies. There were also some physical performances.

The point of these parties was that you couldn’t stare. You could take a casual glance at it like appreciating flowers, but you must never react or touch it. You had to show that you were not interested in it at all, or it would be too vulgar.

When serving dessert, you could order food from a specific person, who would crawl under the table to serve you… Alternatively, you could simply eat. MzqwTX

The food was pretty good, but there was always a lot of leftovers, and people were not allowed to take them home.

Xia Tian concentrated on the eating process as much as possible, since each dish had to be eaten in a specific way. Huitian had repeatedly emphasized that there was absolutely no room for error at etiquette in such parties.

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Those naked people next to him performed with unusual dedication. They must have been injected with drugs, starkly constrasting to the indifference of the guests. This was also a special requirement.

Xia Tian didn’t understand the meaning of this program. Maybe it was just to show that they had the power to let some beautiful men and women move around naked. z4Ey7V

According to Huitian, attending such a gathering meant that he was slowly entering the circle of the Upper City dignitaries.

Xia Tian saw Mr. Minkov Sr. at the party, and it was the first time he saw Minkov Jr.’s father. He was a tall man with an arrogant expression. Minkov Jr. resembled him a lot; his appearance was probably genetically altered.

People who saw Minkov Sr. for the first time would hardly notice his appearance. He exuded the aura of a man who was accustomed to giving commands and would not put up with any resistance. When you saw him, you would understand that it was best to keep your head down, just listen to him, and occasionally nod your head in agreement.

Minkov Jr., dressed in an extremely expensive but conservative formal suit, followed his father, with eyes downcast and a blank expression. He seemed to be a size smaller than he had been at his birthday party, looking thin, distant, and submissive, like a small ball of fire curled up tightly. He seemed a little young and out-of-place for this type of adult gathering. qHiRm1

He sat diagonally across from Xia Tian, but treated him like a stranger, not even glancing at him once. His dining etiquette was impeccable, without a single hint of curiosity, and when his father occasionally spoke to him, he simply responded with “Yes, sir” or “No, sir”.

When the twenty-three dishes were finally finished, the waiters took away the plates and served tea. The host and guests spoke politely for a few moments before everyone rose and moved around the elaborate party room, enjoying refreshments, drinks, and small talk, appreciating or being served.

Naked men and women gave their all to their performances, and the wealthy men and women always used “please” or “may I trouble you…” when talking. Each and every one of them had impeccable manners.

Xia Tian saw Minkov Jr. strolling up the hallway behind his father, explaining to him some of the things depicted in the incredibly weird and erotic paintings. Looking at this, Xia Tian genuinely questioned what bizarre knowledge Upper City minors were expected to learn in today’s times. EunJzW

He briefly caught sight of Minkov Sr.’s hand that was resting on his son’s shoulder, making the latter appear even more thinner. The man’s thumb was pressed against the back of the boy’s neck, rubbing it gently.

Minkov Jr. stood motionless next to him with his head lowered.

Although the movement was subtle, Xia Tian could smell the blood and toxins beneath the solemnity, and he would never misjudge something of this kind.

After watching for two seconds, he was certain that something nasty was happening in Minkov’s house. He turned his head away. The playful stroking of the thumb against Minkov Jr.’s collarbone was agonizing. He then realized that he didn’t know how to react. rDFHIf

Xia Tian had never encountered such a problem in his life. He was always able to respond to situations quickly. He might think about plans, but he always knew what he wanted.

But now, even though he knew what he wanted, he also knew that he could do nothing about it. He was powerless to intervene and save Minkov Jr from this situation.

By now, Xia Tian already knew what the nature of the Upper City was. There were some people you just couldn’t kill. He also knew that even if he did something, none of the numerous catastrophes in this enormous cloud of hell would be resolved.

He couldn’t even ask Minkov Jr. “Did he do something to you?” He couldn’t provide any aid, and asking that question would just embarrass the other person. SgjPMQ

This place suffocated him endlessly, and he couldn’t wait to leave this place and go home… Although it was actually Bai Jingan’s house.

“You know what,” a voice said from behind him, “this chair is made of human skin.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xia Tian stood up abruptly.

Minkov Jr. who was standing behind him, smiled when he saw his actions, and said, “I lied to you.” 3hCwfR

At first, the smile still had a hint of beauty, but it quickly vanished, like fire in the deep ocean. Xia Tian looked back at his father, Minkov Sr., and saw that he was discussing something with a group of people in the corner. Minkov Jr. appeared to have sneaked over.

“But, there really is a chair like that,” Minkov Jr. said.


“Chairs made of people,” the other person said, “There is a whole room of furniture like that. Transforming people into something extreme that only they can use is their way of possessing and destroying. It has developed to the point where it’s very specialized.” 3VtC R

“Then what you said is not a complete lie, is it?” Xia Tian said.

Minkov Jr. gave him a smile and it was still gloomy and illusory, like a little gleam of distant water. But he straightened his back and stood in front of him with a perfectly normal look.

“There won’t be any big problems in the fourth round, but the TV station likes you a little too much these days, so be careful,” he said changing the topic completely.

“The Upper City’s ‘like’ is not the same as down in the Lower City,” Xia Tian said. heJcmO

“A lot of things above are different from those below,” the boy said, “This place has developed in an anti-human direction for a long time, and it’s a dark and exotic world.”

Then he took a quick glance at Minkov Sr.’s direction, took a step back, lowered his head like a well-mannered young man, then made his way to his father’s side, standing at the edge of the group.

His hands that were behind his back were clenched in a death grip.

Xia Tian never told anyone about it. dHYmT7

What else could you do about this kind of thing besides keeping it in your heart and letting it grow moldy and twisted? He felt that the shiny exterior of the entire Upper City was just a cover to hide its dark, rotten interior.

The fourth round was about to begin, and he didn’t find it scary anymore.

Even the fabricated world of the Killing Show was more normal than this messed up Upper City.


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