Jovial Records of the Bamboo BeautyCh22 - Copper Foil

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The whole country mourned the passing of the empress dowager. The elaborate ceremony for her funeral lasted two days; the court officials and the common people all wore mourning garb – plain clothes draped with coarse hemp cloth – in her honor. Looking around, the entire city of Chang’an appeared to be wrapped in a layer of white cloth. S39lZI

Thousands of people knelt outside of Changle Palace, where Wang Zhaojun had lived throughout her life, all dressed in plain white robes. However, no body lay in the coffin in the center of the palace, only a phoenix crown and golden gown.

Liu Xin was still worried about Dong Xian confronting Wang Mang, so he refused to let him attend the funeral under the guise of illness. Liu Xin glanced toward Wang Mang and couldn’t help but be impressed by the man’s remarkable acting skill; he looked so sad and distressed during the proceedings, as through he truly mourned the loss of a loved one.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Three short days lay between the incident and the funeral, yet Liu Ao appeared to have aged three years. Zhao Feiyan helped him all the way to the palace, his steps seemed slightly unsteady. The last day of the funeral proceedings was finally over.

After returning to Weiyang Palace and noticing that Liu Ao hadn’t drunk any water yet, Zhao Feiyan specially cooked some ginseng soup for him and brought it to the study. Xmjk t

“Your Majesty, I grieve the Empress Dowager’s passing too, but you mustn’t neglect your health. Please, Your Majesty, don’t give up on yourself and have a sip of this tonic.”

“No need, take it away.” Liu Ao felt depressed and dismissed her. Zhao Feiyan insisted on staying by his side and handed him the ginseng soup again. “Your Majesty, I know you worry about your heir… However, the inner palace houses countless consorts and concubines, one will certainly bear you a prince.”

Her words hit Liu Ao’s sore spot. Now that he couldn’t have a child of his own anymore, Zhao Feiyan wouldn’t have a child to rely on in the future. He thought to himself, We only hope that Xin’er will treat her well after he ascends the imperial throne.

Liu Ao took the ginseng soup and placed it on the table. He said with a sigh, “We’re a little tired and want to be alone for a while. My dear, please take your leave.”


Hearing what he’d said, Zhao Feiyan couldn’t hide her disappointment; she stiffly bowed and left the study.

In the dead of night, rays of silver moonlight shone upon the Empress’ exclusive courtyard in Weiyang Palace; the moonlight made the courtyard appear deserted, desolate even. After she’d dismissed her servants, Zhao Feiyan sat alone by the lotus pond.

It was early winter, merely murky water remained in the now empty lotus pond. The once beautiful lotus flowers had wilted.

Zhao Feiyan felt depressed. s9mVTZ

She took Liu Ao’s concerns to heart, she wanted to help him. However the Emperor seemed to have closed off his heart to her, he no longer considered spending time with her. They no longer had their thought provoking conversations of the past.

The nightly breeze gently lifted the hem of her silken skirt in invitation. Zhao Feiyan stood up and danced with the wind. Her figure looked charming, her every move enchanting. Every time she spun in a circle, her silken skirt burst into bloom like a bud-ding flower. Zhao Feiyan’s slender waist and swaying arms were like flowing water or drifting clouds, continuously in motion.

Zhao Feiyan had performed this peacock dance for Liu Ao, when she’d first met him at Princess Yong’a’s estate. However, now that she danced alone in the darkness, she looked like a lone peacock who’d lost its mate.

Zhao Feiyan didn’t know how many moves she’d made, how many swirls she’d danced, when her vision suddenly darkened. Startled, Zhao Feiyan tied to halt her movement yet failed to find her center of gravity and lost her footing. She fell straight toward the lotus pond. Iq9dDf

To her surprise she sensed a swift breeze sweep past her, then felt herself being grabbed by strong hands and returned to stable ground. Zhao Feiyan opened her eyes a little to take a brief look, yet her cheeks flushed bright red in an instant; a look of fondness flashed through her eyes.

Moments later, she came back to her senses and immediately removed herself out of the man’s arms. In a soft tone, she said, “Thank you, Your Excellency.”

“It’s late into the night, Your Majesty. Why are you dancing by yourself at this hour?”

Zhao Feiyan frowned and said nothing. 2w4nAL

Wang Mang laughed lightly, grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the empress’ chambers. Though she had a bad hunch in her heart and blamed him for dragging her by the arm, in a tight grip, Zhao Feiyan didn’t dare attract any attention and followed him without another word.

“I’m afraid that someone will pass by the courtyard, so I have no other choice than to offend you, Your Majesty, and enter your private chambers.” Wang Mang closed the doors, turned around and explained his reasoning.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

A man and a woman, alone together. Zhao Feiyan’s heartbeat accelerated as she hastily asked him, “Your Excellency, why’ve you come to visit this late at night?”

The moment she finished speaking, she was suddenly pulled into his embrace. Zhao Feiyan’s thoughts raced; her weak, white hands tried to push Wang Mang away, yet to no avail. hJlmCd

“No! No…” Zhao Feiyan sobbed in horror, “We’re cousins-in-law, a family! You mustn’t do such a treacherous thing…”

When Wang Mang heard her horrified tone, he lifted her chin and questioned, “Feiyan, why’re you crying? It must be because we can’t be together due to our identities, right?” As soon as he said this, Zhao Feiyan resolutely wiped away her tears.

Wang Mang chuckled, “Fear not! I too can give you the status you have today.” Zhao Feiyan was stunned still by his statement; without waiting for her consent, Wang Mang picked her up then carried her to the bed. He removed her intricate clothes, layer by layer, till even her undergarments lay aside.

Zhao Feiyan couldn’t stop crying, tears streaming down her cheeks. She said in a sobbing voice, “I already serve His Majesty wholeheartedly, why must you lay a hand on me?” XI1Rb4

How could she know that Wang Mang wanted her precisely because she was solely the emperor’s woman. Why Why must the throne be hereditary? Wang Mang thought to himself. Why can’t the Han Empire imitate the successions of Yao and Shun? Why must I submit to another, merely because I’m of a different family name? At present, the Liu Clan’s country, its people, even its highest-ranked woman were easily within his grasp.

Wang Mang didn’t answer her earlier question.

He cupped Zhao Feiyan’s pale face in his hands, kissing the tears away that ran down the poor woman’s cheeks.

That night, on that bed, Wang Mang rewarded himself for his years of hard work. FeJk3n


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

It was customary to remain indoors throughout the mourning period, as such the households of the capital had shut their doors to the outside world. It was inconvenient for Zhiwei to leave and return to Yuyang Palace to replay a message.

Gbcu Wljc kjr rlmx klat kbggs, sfa Ole Wlc vlvc’a jiibk tlw ab ajxf j rlcuif rafq bea bo Tesjcu Ujijmf. Ynfg atf qjra wbcat, Gbcu Wljc tjv ibra j iba bo kfluta bea bo kbggs jcv veglcu atflg ifrrbcr, tf jqqfjgfv vlrlcafgfrafv lc afjmtlcu tlr ojnbglaf abqlmr.

Kbvjs abb, Gbcu Wljc rffwfv mjeuta eq lc atbeuta. jkZMf3

Knowing that nothing would come of today’s lesson, Liu Xin simply shut his wooden slips and ordered a servant to bring them wine. Holding out the jug in invitation, Liu Xin asked Dong Xian to have a drink with him.

After sharing a few cups of wine, Dong Xian felt his chest slowly turn warm. Throwing his head back, Dong Xian downed the cup in his hands only to pour himself one more cup of wine. The two of them had a weakness for good food and drink, Dong Xian and Liu Xin savored the exquisite wine, emptying the jug in no time.

After a while Liu Xin had an attendant remove the empty jug.

“Let me leave the palace, at least once…” Dong Xian pleaded. pcUMLz

“No!” Liu Xin exclaimed.

Dong Xian’s eyes seemed dull, as he said in a sad tone, “You put me under house arrest! Although there’s no danger to her life not a day goes by without worrying about her. I can’t stand these endless thoughts of fear.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Liu Xin glanced at him and asked, “What… would make you feel better?”

“Leaving the palace!” D20aC4

Simple and to the point.

Liu Xin’s ink black eyes narrowed as he said, “Alright! In ten days, I’ll take you out of the palace.”


Ten days later, Liu Xin kept his promise and left Yuyang Palace along with Dong Xian. However, he seemed to have changed his mind and didn’t lead him to the Grand Marshal’s Estate. Liu Xin and Dong Xian strolled through the streets of Chang’an instead. Qx91Az

It didn’t take long till Dong Xian realized that he’d fallen for his trap. Seeing his sister-in-law had to be done in secret, Dong Xian didn’t dare to be discovered. Though Liu Xin’s martial arts skills were inferior to his own, he was extremely difficult to deal with. Getting rid of him rashly and rushing to the estate, would simply be a self-defeating maneuver.

Dong Xian felt anxious and angry, he didn’t speak a word to Liu Xin as they walked. Nearly two months had passed since the Empress Dowager’s passing. By now, the countless streets of the capital city had resumed the hustle and bustle of the past.

Liu Xin dragged Dong Xian along, taking a look around.

When they came across a clothing store, Liu Xin and Dong Xian headed inside. The shopkeeper saw that the two young men wore fine clothes and were of noble disposition, he immediately came forward to peddle his wares. Dong Xian ignored the shopkeeper, he preferred to stand aside as the shopkeeper enthusiastically ex-plained his shop’s signature styles to Liu Xin. OXgUmx

Liu Xin selected a few robes and showed them to Dong Xian. Whenever he saw him shaking his head in disinterest, he had the shopkeeper put the robe away. After they’d gone back and forth a few more times, Dong Xian felt tired of the charade and simply selected an intricate rice-white robe.

“Shopkeep, I’ll buy that one!”

Liu Xin interrupted Dong Xian, before he could take a closer look at the piece of clothing.

Seeing that Dong Xian seemed to like the rice-white robe and changed into it immediately. Dong Xian couldn’t help but laugh out loud, when he noticed that Liu Xin wore the rice-white robe he’d chosen, “Your Highness, you may wear whatever you want to wear. However, aren’t you afraid that others will think you’ve forgotten that the Empress Dowager’s mourning period is over?” Jan8xN

Hearing his teasing tone, Liu Xin replied with a smile “Aren’t you the one who always wears plain clothes, why’re you making fun of me?”


Liu Xin and Dong Xian spent the entire morning shopping, they strolled through bustling street after street together; while Dong Xian still felt like he’d been deceived, when he saw that Liu Xin was in high spirits, he no longer made things difficult for him.

From a distance, the two noticed a lot of onlookers gathered around a street corner. Dong Xian quietly told Liu Xin that he’d rather walk around the crowd than through it. The sheer amount of people made him uncomfortable. 4lVzjd

Liu Xin compromised, “Then how about you wait here, while I check what the excitement is all about?”

“Aren’t you afraid, I’ll take advantage of your absence and leave for Wang Mang’s Estate to see if my sister-in-law is alright in person?”

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“I can catch up to you in no time!” Liu Xin countered, full of confidence. Meeting Dong Xian’s eyes he smiled and said “Who keeps someone under house arrest like I do? Not only do I try to find ways to relieve your boredom… I even take you out of the palace to play around.”

Dong Xian pursed his lips and stayed silent. DBMljI

Liu Xin chuckled then turned to squeeze past the people; after half a cup of tea’s time, he returned with a silk scroll in his hands and said, “Turns out, there’s an artist at the streetcorner selling portraits of the most beautiful person in the world. I bought one too, take a look!”

Dong Xian didn’t expect Liu Xin’s gentle teasing, the young man didn’t act as arrogant and conceited as in the past. Laughing out loud, Dong Xian went along with it, “So, who’s Great Han’s greatest beauty? Wang Zhaojun?”

“No, the most beautiful person in the entire Han Empire is of stunning appearance and exceptional character… Wang Zhaojun pales in comparison.” Liu Xin handed him the silk scroll. Seeing his reluctance to open the scroll, he teased, “Teacher, why don’t you take a look at this portrait? You aren’t self-conscious of your own appearance, are you?”

Provoking him turned out to do the trick. Though Dong Xian reminded himself not to fall for it, he still unrolled the scroll. gd T6u

“How about it? Isn’t he breathtakingly beautiful?”

The silk scroll didn’t depict a painted portrait, the scroll only contained a polished piece of copper foil, which clearly reflected Dong Xian’s face; his elegant and dignified features.

Dong Xian’s eyes widened and his heart warmed, melted like sweet and sappy honey. He closed the scroll with a smile on his lips and joked, “I’m afraid that you’re the only one in the whole world who’d call me ‘Great Han’s greatest beauty!’”

“One person’s approval is neither too much nor too little. If that person thinks it’s the truth, then it’s the truth.” It was rare to see Dong Xian’s eyes wandering about, at a loss. Chuckling, Liu Xin continued, “Not too long ago portraits of you were sold here, but I managed to buy most of them.” tmerxn

Smiling slightly, Dong Xian asked, “Why’re you coming up with all these tricks today? Is something good going on?”

Liu Xin took hold of his hand and replied, “No need to worry. It’s nearly noon, I’ll take you to a unique place to have a meal.” The Qingling Pavilion, like its name alluded, truly was a unique place. The restaurant was built on poles above an azure pond and was surrounded by green bamboo on all sides. The pavilion itself and the tables and seats within were all made of robust stalks of bamboo. Carps with golden scales played in the clear blue water below the bridges to the central pavilion; the Qingling Pavilion’s windows and entryways were covered with light gauze curtains, looking uplifting and pleasant to the eye. The pavilion really was a great place to relax.

After he had a taste of the exquisite and delicious pastries that had been prepared, Dong Xian took the time to tour the pavilion. The scenery looked stunning and the subtle fragrance of bamboo floated in the air. Dong Xian finally felt his racing thoughts slow down. “I didn’t expect there to be such a unique restaurant in the capital.” Dong Xian praised. It appeared that there were no other guests except for Liu Xin and him. He then asked, “Why’re there no other guests? Is this place very expensive?”

Liu Xin shook his head, “Before they passed, my father gave my mother the Qingling Pavilion. My mother had always loved bamboo groves, azure waters and lively places, so my father had this place built for her. Now, I want to preserve this pavilion for them. It’s no longer open to the public.” uQ27RL

“In that case, you didn’t merely bring me here to have a meal and enjoy the scenery together. It’s not as simple as that, is it?”

Liu Xin wore the rice-white robe Dong Xian had chosen; along with his slight smile, it made him look exceptionally handsome. He stayed silent, took hold of Dong Xian’s hand and they walked back to the pavilion.

When they returned, cooking utensils and various uncooked foods had been placed on the table. Noticing that not one of the dishes on the table was properly prepared for consumption Dong Xian questioned in confusion “What’s going on here? You don’t want to eat raw meat and drink blood, do you?”

Liu Xin asked him to sit down, then opened the lid of the pot placed in the center of the table. Seeing that the water within was boiling, he put a few pieces of the raw food in the pot. pC0dhB

After a while, he took out the boiled food with his chopsticks, placed it in Dong Xian’s bowl and poured some condiment over it. “This cooking method is called ‘hot pot,’ you place these raw foods in the simmering broth and boil them before eating.”

Dong Xian appeared doubtful, he picked at the pieces of meat and vegetables in his bowl, then looked at them for a long time. He only put a piece in his mouth after he’d made sure that it was indeed boiled properly. The beef and mutton soaked in the broth tasted particularly delicious. Dong Xian had never tried cooking and eating like this before. He put a few vegetables into the pot and asked, “When will these vegetables be considered cooked?”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Liu Xin smiled and said, “You quietly count to ten, then you take out the food and eat it.”

Noting that Dong Xian took him seriously and counted to ten in his head, Liu Xin secretly snickered. He then took the cooked vegetables out of the pot and said, “Teacher, eat these with some condiment. I’ll cook the rest for you.” yZ58j2

Cooking and eating at the same time was bound to be slow.

By the time the two of them finished eating it was already getting dark. Dong Xian sat next to Liu Xin and asked him, “Why’d you spend so much money today?”

In the blink of an eye, Dong Xian’s body was embraced by a pair of strong arms. Liu Xin’s breath briefly ghosted over his delicate ear, when he whispered, “Today’s my eighteenth birthday.”

Dong Xian shuddered from the sensation. BlfAjk

However, he blamed himself for not paying any attention; they’d spent the day strolling through the bustling streets of Chang’an, buying silken clothes and copper scrolls. If he’d paid attention, he’d have known that they’d been celebrating Liu Xin’s birthday together. Why didn’t I think of that? Dong Xian thought.

As though he could se through his heart, Liu Xin calmly said, “You don’t need to give my anything, Shengqing. Just spending some time with me, is a great birthday present. Most of the time, parents throw a birthday party for their child. But… my parents died when I was young, so I can only drag you along.”

Dong Xian’s heart ached terribly.

Upon noticing that there was a guzheng in the corner of the room, he got up to grab it and adjusted the strings. riddmB

Dong Xian began to play.

Liu Xin listened attentively then asked in a low voice, “Is this The Lord Amid the Clouds from Qu Yuan’s Nine Songs?”

Dong Xian nodded, then softly began to sing,

“I have washed in brew of orchid, bathed in sweet scents,
Many-colored are my garments; I am like a flower.
Now in long curves the Spirit has descended,
In a blaze of brightness unending…” 64zbVR

Once the song ended, the singer and the listener seemed to have lost their bearings. It was already dark outside, when Dong Xian and Liu Xin walked toward a window of the pavilion and looked out at the nightly scenery together.

Liu Xin hugged Dong Xian, pressing his broad chest against Dong Xian’s back, and asked, “By the way, I know that you’re older than me, but I don’t know how much older you are.”

Dong Xian reached back and stroked Liu Xin’s cheek; traced his chiseled features. It must take endless trials and tribulations to become this thoughtful he’s mature for his age.

“I’m five years older than you.” bzHgVR

“Luckily you’re not much older than me!” Liu Xin kissed his cheek, then abruptly pointed out the window and yelled, “Look! There’s a shooting star!”

The moment wasn’t merely of brief beauty, but of eternal luster. Bouts of bright light illuminated the night sky; the colorful lights cutting through the darkness in an instant.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Dong Xian told Liu Xin, “Since ancient times, it’s said that shooting stars bring bad luck, yet you’re overjoyed the moment you notice one. Today’s your birthday, I’m sure the shooting star isn’t a sign of misfortune, so… Hurry and make a wish!”

Liu Xin laughed out loud and obliged Dong Xian. Facing the shooting stars cutting through the darkness, he said, “I want…” dF7A1z

“Wait!” Dong Xian pressed his hand on Liu Xin’s mouth, “It  won’t work, if you say your wish out loud.”

“If you make a wish yet refuse to say it out loud how can you let it come true? Just speak up! Stop this, the shooting stars have nearly vanished.” Dong Xian’s hand on Liu Xin’s lips muffled his voice. Having had enough, Liu Xin pulled Dong Xian’s hand away and yelled, “I want to be with Dong Xian forever!”

After the brief brilliance, the night sky turned dark again. The shooting stars had fallen from the sky.

Dong Xian stood in place, starstruck. QLXWAx

He slowly recovered from his stupor and said with a slight smile, “Am I not with you right now? Congratulations, your wish came true!”

“That’s not all.” Staring straight at Dong Xian, Liu Xin said, “I meant ‘forever.’”

Dong Xian was stunned silent again, Liu Xin’s aura appeared to envelop his entire being. Slowly parting his lips, he asked him, “How long is ‘forever?’”

“‘Forever’ is the time till the end of this life, then till the end of our next life, then the life after that… ‘Forever’ is as distant as the sky and as endless as the earth. It’s a length you and I cannot measure.” Once Liu Xin concluded, he thought for a moment, then abruptly asked, “Did you just say that my wish came true?” 71Cdo6

Aware that he’d fallen for his trap again, Dong Xian didn’t say another word. Instead, he looked out the window and noticed snowflakes slowly falling from the sky.

Pure and white, like spirits singing and dancing in the skies. Moments later, the snowflakes started to swirl together, forming large clusters of ice crystals. Heavy snowfall obscured the view out the window. After a while, a layer of white had accumulated on the windowsill.

Liu Xin was still waiting for Dong Xian’s answer. However, the man took his time; he grabbed a handful of snow and slowly said, “Freshly fallen, unpolluted snow tastes quite sweet. I grew up drinking melted snow” Dong Xian paused, “You should have a taste yourself.”

After he finished speaking, Dong Xian secretly scooped up a handful of loose snow then threw it straight at Liu Xin. Seeing him covered in white snow, Dong Xian burst out laughing, “You ’ve repeatedly tricked me, your teacher. If I fell for another trick of yours, I wouldn’t be much of a teacher.” hIWBwy

It made Liu Xin happy to see Dong Xian laugh from the bottom of his heart. With a smile on his lips, he closed the window and cleaned his clothes, “Teacher, you may punish me however you want, but please don’t stand in the draft.”

Dong Xian reached out to put a stray strand of Liu Xin’s hair behind his ear and replied in a low voice, “You’ve always been  talented, yet now you’re fully fledged. Even if I’m not around in the future, you’re able to fight for yourself…”


“Why must I fight on my own, why’re you leaving?” Liu Xin interrupted Dong Xian, then pulled him into his arms and whispered in his ear, “Didn’t you just say that if I wish upon a shooting star, my wish will come true? Don’t you dare break your promise Teacher!”

Dong Xian’s hands slowly climbed up Liu Xin’s strong back, wanting to pull him away and escape his hold. He didn’t use his qi to enforce his actions, however. Dong Xian faced Liu Xin and kissed him deeply. For the first time, he took the initiative to kiss Liu Xin. The tip of his tongue slipping past Liu Xin’s lips had a surprisingly sweet taste. c1gvwT

Liu Xin indulged in the kiss; the sweet taste of Dong Xian’s tongue left him breathless and made him go mad. Moments later, Liu Xin found himself lying on a nearby bed.

Light gauze curtains danced on the sides of the spacious bed. The two of them couldn’t help but kiss and caress, tangling their bodies together till they were inseparable.

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Liu Xin’s body gradually heated and his manhood hardened; he felt so burning hot, he seemed to be set on fire. Liu Xin gasped for breath, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He’d long taken off his new rice-white robe and thrown it by the bedside. Dong Xian’s passionate kisses nearly melted his heart; his entire being.

Dong Xian grasped Liu Xin’s erect manhood in a tight grip, then started stroking up and down. In response, Liu Xin covered Dong Xian’s body with his own and took the initiative to press their lips tightly together. Liu Xin sucked on Dong Xian’s lower lip, then pushed his tongue inside his mouth. xWYsi5

To Dong Xian’s surprise, the moment Liu Xin’s tongue thrust into his open mouth, a seductive moan escaped past his lips.

Dong Xian’s fair fingers didn’t stop stroking across Liu Xin’s body his slender legs were wrapped around the other’s waist. Liu Xin felt like he was about to combust. Unable to bear the fever raging in his veins, the fervor burning for Dong Xian’s body, he violently thrust into Dong Xian. Penetrating him to the root.

The one below tilted his neck back and arched his back. Dong Xian took a deep breath, he appeared to have reached the peak of pleasure. His eyes were slightly shut; his sight unfocused.

“Ah… ah…” jWsGKd

Dong Xian’s uninhibited moans made Liu Xin unable to halt his thrusts. The tight hot flower path kept shrinking, inviting him to penetrate deeper. Liu Xin found himself in a state of confusion he seemed to be under Dong Xian’s spell; brought to the peak of pleasure by his skilled moves and seductive moans.

Dong Xian sounded ecstatic, yet slightly sorry too.

Their limbs were tangled together, pleasure filled them to the brim. Caught in each other’s tight embrace, they finally escaped the clutches of their opposing positions for a few moments.

Finally, they could fly beyond the sky. UkQn5I

They didn’t know how much time had passed since they’d began making love. Liu Xin’s body seemed to have been drained of its entire strength. His eyelids felt so heavy, he couldn’t keep them open any longer.

Liu Xin collapsed onto Dong Xian’s bare chest, tired out. The two men refused to let go of each other for a moment; their hands tightened their hold around the other’s body, their limbs tangled together, till they couldn’t be closer.

Dong Xian’s chest rose and fell rapidly.
He took a deep breath to calm his heavy breathing, then carefully lay Liu Xin’s body aside.

A heavy snowstorm caused havoc outside the window, when he got out of bed to wash up and change clothes. After securing his robes with a sash, he turned back and walked to the sleeping Liu Xin. Looking at his silhouette in the dim candlelight, Dong Xian softly whispered, “Didn’t you notice? I hid an aphrodisiac in my mouth when I kissed you.”

He couldn’t resist slowly stroking across Liu Xin’s handsome and heroic face; he sighed and said, “I told you, if you wish upon a shooting star, your wish’ll come true. However, I also told you, if I want to leave, no one can stop me. ‘Forever’ is such a long-term commitment, I can’t fulfill it by merely making a promise.” He spoke from the heart, said each sentence with a sigh. Liu Xin, who’d long fallen asleep, didn’t respond. xvBPD3

Dong Xian covered him with a thick blanket, placed the rice-white robe close at hand, then turned around, opened the window and leaped out. Flying afar like a swan with spread wings.

Translator's Note

This chapter contains references to the off-page rape of a secondary character.
Please read at your own discretion.

Translator's Note

Yao and Shun were legendary sage-rulers, who put the interests of the country first. Tang Yao, who ruled from 2356 to 2256 BCE, was a ruler of great virtue. He considered his son unfit to rule and thus selected Yu Shun to be his successor. Shun served Yao first as a minister, then in Yao’s old age as regent, finally succeeding him and ruling for fifty years. In turn, Shun considered his own son unworthy to rule and selected Yu as his successor. Yu then founded the Xia dynasty.

Translator's Note

Qingling lit. means green or azure woods.

Translator's Note

The Nine Songs or Jiu Ge is an ancient set of poems. Together, these poems constitute one of the 17 sections of the poetry anthology Songs of Chu.
Translation credit goes to The Nine Songs: A Study of Shamanism in Ancient China by Arthur Waley.

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