Jovial Records of the Bamboo BeautyCh20 - Submerged Secret

The sleeping Dong Xian leaned against his chest as Liu Xin rode toward Yuyang Palace. They’d left the Wei River outskirts, after he’d ordered an attendant to wet their robes with river water.

When the two entered the nearest gates to Chang’an, Liu Xin showed his imperial token to the guards, ordering, “The Empress Dowager’s dragon boat caught fire for no apparent reason, most of the survivors made it to the riverbank.” He paused, “Send out two guard teams: One must rush to the Wei River and rescue the banquet attendees, the other must enter Weiyang Palace to report to the Emperor!” Liu Xin looked at the man in his arms and said, “Lord Dong has inhaled an unhealthy amount of smoke, he’s in poor health and it’d be unsuitable to remain outside for too long. I must take him back to Yuyang Palace.” XT3FrJ

Hearing the news, the guards standing by the gate stood still, utterly stunned. After a moment, they followed Liu Xin’s orders and dispatched their forces.

Liu Xin rode his horse into the capital, caught up in thought. At this time, the survivors washed up on the riverbank should’ve already been replaced with my own subordinates. Truth be told, the attendants were replaced twice throughout the banquet.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wang Mang had Wang Zhengjun’s people killed,

then Liu Xin had Wang Mang’s people replaced. FgZc3H

Due to the violent ride across the capital, the man in his arms coughed from time to time. They’d had to wet their robes to hide their prior actions from people’s prying eyes and ears. Deep into the night, the wind picked up and the water stains on their clothes began to freeze, chilling them to the bone.

Liu Xin hugged Dong Xian even tighter.

After a moment, however, his arms were pushed aside.

Liu Xin abruptly pulled on his reins and glanced down, meeting Dong Xian’s widened eyes.


“Release me!”

Dong Xian shouted, his voice hoarse.

“Besides Yuyang Palace, where can you go?”

Liu Xin replied, his tone even. mIgWAD

Dong Xian couldn’t stand the sound of his confident tone.

“Your Highness Xin, you’re clever and calculating, you pull the strings behind the scenes.” Dong Xian admitted, through gritted teeth. I taught you all I could teach you throughout my tenure as your tutor. It’s high time I left.”

Liu Xin spurned his horse, calmly replying, “Shengqing, you once told me ‘a teacher for a day, a teacher for a lifetime.’ Why give in now? You’re a talented and upright teacher, you’ve saved me from danger repeatedly. Thankfully I woke up in time to hear you sing The Song of Beauty for me.”

“I didn’t!” Dong Xian exclaimed in denial. mehEVK

Everything he’d done for Liu Xin last night, appeared redundant and ridiculous now. Dong Xian heard a chuckle above his head, as Liu Xin’s arms wrapped around him again.

“Emperor Wu of Han may not have understood Li Yannian’s song, but I did the moment you sang it…” Liu Xin’s warm breath ghosted over his skin while he spoke.

Dong Xian took a deep breath and asked him, “When did you know that Wang Mang would attack the Empress Dowager?”

“Only recently, the day you received the pigeon letter.” ixCtyQ

“Were you aware of everything that occurred on that boat?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Seeing Dong Xian shudder Liu Xin spurred his horse once more. “Don’t speak, Shengqing, your body’s still very weak.”

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“Qts vlvc’a sbe xlii wf?” Gbcu Wljc ktlrqfgfv, ibbxlcu eq ja atf tjcvrbwf jcv tfgblm wjc tbivlcu tlw lc tlr jgwr. Pc atf wbbc’r rlinfg iluta, tlr fzqgfrrlbc rffwfv agbeyifv.

Ole Wlc uijcmfv ja Gbcu Wljc, ktb ugfk kfjxfg klat fnfgs qjrrlcu wbwfca. Lf megnfv atf mbgcfgr bo tlr ilqr lc j iluta rwlif “Zs gfjrbc’r atf rjwf jr sbegr.” u7zxID

These few words of his, made Dong Xian’s heart skip a beat.

Dong Xian had avoided thinking about his reasons for liking Liu Xin. I didn’t kill him, because

I want him to escape the shackles of his position,
He’s still so young,
I can’t bear to hurt him,
I’ve fallen in love with him.

Cun by cun, these reasons tore Dong Xian in two. Yb79PZ

Looking at Liu Xin, he silently replied, “It’s not the same…”

“Shengqing, aside from keeping the truth from you, ruining Wang Mang’s plan and preventing you from accomplishing your task… I don’t understand why you hate me so much.” Hearing Dong Xian’s disdainful snort, Liu Xin softly whispered, “Don’t deny the truth, ask yourself if you truly hate me.”

The one in his embrace stayed silent, thus Liu Xin continued, “Shengqing, you only focus on completing your mission step by step. Have you ever thought that, after this mission, Wang Mang wouldn’t keep you alive any longer… that you’d die if you went back to him?” The clopping of the horse’s hooves filled the brief bout of silence.

Once they neared Yuyang Palace, Dong Xian softly spoke up “You’re really smart and handsome, yet you scare me…” wkKmqZ

His trembling lips were abruptly pressed by a long finger; Liu Xin lowered his head and assured him, “I’m sorry, I won’t scare you again like I did tonight; as you said, we aren’t suited for the intrigues of the imperial palace.” Liu Xin met Dong Xian’s eyes. “However, I can’t walk away, if you can’t fly afar.”

Turns out, Liu Xin came to on the fishing boat.

Did he hear everything I said?

Dong Xian’s beautiful face instantly flushed red. 8Sw Df

He pursed his lips and pushed Liu Xin’s finger on his lips aside.

They returned to Yuyang Palace late into the night.

Liu Xin held Dong Xian in his arms as he dismounted his horse; when the servants on duty stepped forward to welcome them, he ordered them to boil water for bathing.

Dong Xian had sustained internal injuries, struggling left and right as he was moved about. Liu Xin didn’t want to worsen his injuries and hurt him again, so he could only touch the acupoints on Dong Xian’s shoulders to seal his movement. Seeing that the two men returned in such a state, the servants didn’t dare to ask any questions and quietly adhered to their orders. cVnMUG

The heated water was quickly delivered to Liu Xin’s chamber Seeing him dismiss the servants and busy himself with the bath-tub, Dong Xian had to ask “Your Highness, you brought me back to Yuyang Palace in a hurry… to let me watch you take a bath?” Steam rose into the air, the water’s surface was shrouded in mist.

Liu Xin reached out testing the water to ensure it had the right temperature. He turned around and replied, “We need to cleanse your wounds and wash away the clotted blood, alright? Little by little.”

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Dong Xian numbly reclined on the chaise, he couldn’t move. Hearing that the bathtub had been prepared for him, he panicked. Intending to break the seals on his shoulder acupoints, he hastily gathered his remaining internal energy. Noticing his actions, Liu Xin reminded him “Teacher, did you forget what you taught me? The harmony of yin and yang is reflected in the Liangyi Art and I sealed your left and right acupoints. Remember, you told me if sealed acupoints are forcibly released, the body’s aura will be in chaos. I’m afraid you’ll lose your life!”

Despite his outburst, Dong Xian gritting his teeth and pursing his lips looked lovable to Liu Xin. j E8YS

I only have myself to blame, for teaching such a shameless student.

Smiling a foolish smile, Liu Xin stepped towards Dong Xian to untie his tattered robe. His fair chest was covered in cuts and bruises, while his legs were rubbed raw. However, the most con-spicuous injury was the stab wound on his left shoulder.


His own low sweet moan made Dong Xian wish he could bite off his tongue out of shame; at this time warm lips kissed his left shoulder, lingering on the wound. VsmxLv

“Shengqing, you repaid the favor you owe your sister-in-law with this sword strike of mine. Don’t ever forget!”

Liu Xin picked Dong Xian up and placed him in the bathtub.

The dense, curling steam dulled Dong Xian’s heightened senses, while gentle hands slowly submerged his worn body beneath the warm water. To Liu Xin, Dong Xian’s soaked skin glistened like crystal clear jade.

Liu Xin’s long fingers caressed Dong Xian’s chest, his hands continuously washing his neck, torso and limbs. Though the two of them had been more intimate with each other, at this moment, Dong Xian could not help feeling shy and uneasy. He closed his eyes and didn’t look at Liu Xin, sweat beading on his forehead. w2 rfa

To Dong Xian’s surprise, the headpiece holding his long hair in place was taken off. Startled, Dong Xian opened his eyes and exclaimed, “Don’t touch my hair!”

He hadn’t finished speaking, when the silken strands of black hair were caught in the other’s hand. Liu Xin untied Dong Xian’s hairtie and his long hair fell down his back like a waterfall. In an instant, his half of the broken jade pendant plunged into the bath-tub along with his hair.

Dong Xian bit his lower lip nervously.
I wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

Liu Xin picked up the jade pendant and took a look at it. biqsMo

Noticing Dong Xian’s nervous expression, he laughed out loud. “Turns out, the missing half with the character ‘Xin’ was always with you. No need to worry, Shengqing, I’ll tie it back into your hair after washing it for you.”

“I don’t want it anymore, take it back. It ought to be returned to its rightful owner.” Enveloped in mist, Dong Xian silently sat in the warm water, eyes closed, cheeks rosy.

Black hair draped over his slender, snow white shoulders.

Liu Xin simply smiled, remaining silent.
He looks like an immortal from the heavens. BTN tE

Liu Xin took care of Dong Xian till the bruises on his chest faded then carried him to the chaise. Compared to the mist that covered Dong Xian before, now nothing concealed the bare body that Liu Xin carefully wiped dry.


Dong Xian lay stiff on the chaise, brows furrowed, lips pulled down. “Unseal my acupoints, I’ll wipe myself down!” However, the hands caressing Dong Xian’s body disobeyed his command. When they gently grasped and stroked his manhood, Dong Xian couldn’t help moaning and tightening his buttocks.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Forcing himself to return to his senses, Dong Xian exclaimed in irritation, “Don’t touch me!”

Liu Xin ignored his outburst and helped him sit up. He dried his long hair and tied it into a topknot, placing the jade pendant’s ‘Xin’ half back into his hair. TWy06H

“Why’re you doing this to me?” Dong Xian asked him, doubt appearing in his beautiful pair of eyes. Caught up in thought, he reclined on the chaise.

Putting a broken heart back together, piece by piece is an experience I’d do without. However, I’d rather ask him, so he’ll smash my heart apart, than not speak at all.

Sitting on a corner of the chaise, Liu Xin glanced up and met Dong Xian’s gaze. Rather than answering him, he asked instead, “Shengqing, you’re clearly reluctant to leave my side, so why’d you want to send me away from Chang’an?”

How could I ever give in? Dong Xian thought, as he returned Liu Xin’s gaze. After escaping one catastrophe after another, he still had to face the consequences that followed. Wang Mang had schemed for years and was sure of his success. The Liu Imperial Family resembled a dying elder, even if an enlightened emperor took the throne in the future, it’d be difficult to change the course of history. 10KTdJ

Love and hate were two sides of the same coin.

Dong Xian smiled bitterly and said “If you’d realized my true feelings for you, you wouldn’t have returned!”

Dong Xian’s stiff body was suddenly hugged tightly. Liu Xin caressed his cheek, kissing him tenderly; he whispered in his ear, breath brushing over sensitive skin, “As fate would have it, you’ ve nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide. Shengqing, you’re filial and loving from the bottom of your heart, yet you’re also one of the most selfish people in the world.” Liu Xin paused, “The way you’re acting toward your sister-in-law, toward me, is the same.”

Love is a form of sacrifice, it requires your time and energy. Love can even be twisted and twined, but it shouldn’t be selfish. qRpzZ8

“No one should single-handedly decide over the future of others. Yet you, Shengqing mistakenly think that by destroying yourself you can give others peace and quiet.”

This is the first time someone considers my feelings selfish.

Shocked, Dong Xian replied in a soft tone, “It doesn’t matter to me if you think I’m selfish… Your Highness Xin, how can you not know what’ll happen if I don’t hide you from these turbulent times?”

“Shengqing, you pay for your sister-in-law’s health with your heart and soul, yet you can simply send me away without another thought. After all, there’s no more space left for me in your heart, is there?” Liu Xin caught hold of Dong Xian’s lips with his own, attacking him with a series of angry yet intense kisses. vJ4nTO

“I wasn’t making you leave.” Dong Xian said, out of breath. “I only hoped that you’d stay safe and sound, that you’d survive this calamity! Why won’t you understand my troubles?”

Not noticing that the acupoints on his shoulders had been un-sealed at some point, Dong Xian lifted his pale pair of arms and returned Liu Xin’s embrace without another thought. Their two bodies fit perfectly together, nothing keeping them apart. The tip of Dong Xian’s tongue fought off the other’s desperate demands.

Liu Xin ended their kiss, cupped Dong Xian’s flushed face in his hands and said clearly, “Shengqing, you stay behind selfishly facing these troubled times on your own, yet have me sent away to far off Jiangnan… How can I comprehend your troubles?” Liu Xin tightened his grip around him, “Considering that your sister-in-law’s kindness is as vast as the seas, I won’t threaten her like Wang Mang does, but I will tell her everything you’ve sacrificed for her over the years.”

“Don’t!” hGfDNW

In horror, Dong Xian gripped Liu Xin, his red eyes brimming with tears. The kisses that fell on Dong Xian’s lips turned tender. Liu Xin’s lips met Dong Xian’s, while he whispered, “Since you hold filial piety in high regard, why’re you so afraid? Shengqing, why won’t you admit that keeping these secrets from your sister-in-law is selfish?”

Liu Xin carefully lay on top of Dong Xian. Like caring for a wounded swan, his kisses and caresses were slow and languid. That night, he moved into him with slow, considerate thrusts.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Caught in a trance, loud moans escaped past Dong Xian’s lips

Slowly, his heart succumbed to Liu Xin’s steady rhythm, to their bodies’ ups and downs. TAP6dl

Dong Xian had gone through countless hardships yet Liu Xin simply claimed that his thoughts, his feelings, were selfish?

Hearing Liu Xin’s heavy breathing next to his ear, Dong Xian knew that Liu Xin held himself back for his sake. So, Dong Xian forcefully tightened his hot entrance, making the man above him moan in comfort. The two reached the peak of pleasure together, climaxing one after the other.

Can’t Liu Xin’s actions be considered selfish too? Who knew if pointing out Liu Xin’s selfishness would change his future like he’d changed his.

Lingering till late into the night exhausted the two of them. AdZwsV

Holding onto him firmly Dong Xian fell asleep in Liu Xin’s arms When dawn broke, he looked outside the window. The rising sun tinted the sky a tragic red for a few moments. Dong Xian thought to himself, What you have to face, you have to face in person.

Translator's Note

Traditional unit of measuremen: 3,3cm or 1,312in.

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