I'm Very Strong, I KnowChapter 20

Zhou Ruiyi simply maintained his action and began to perform.

The kumquat-colored little flame, under the watchful eyes of three pairs of eyes, boldly and vigorously lunged at the iron craft placed on a porcelain plate. fpoSrQ

As soon as the sparks touched it, the poor little angel’s head was half melted away.

It was Zhou Ruiyi who felt sorry for the little angel, but he was also the one who started burning it from the head.

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Zhao Chenggong had a reasonable suspicion that Zhou Ruiyi just wanted an excuse to tease him.

The black molten iron flowed onto the porcelain plate, and Bai Yunlai, watching, was both delighted and amazed, unable to hold back a gasp. skUhnr

He felt that Zhou Ruiyi’s supernatural ability was much more powerful than his, but then he thought, his own ability as a mobile warehouse wasn’t bad either, able to store many things.

Yet he couldn’t stop his heart from leaping with joy, filled with happiness, even his eyebrows tinged with delight.

Zhou Ruiyi had awakened his supernatural ability, and he was happier than anyone.

Seeing his expression, Zhou Ruiyi was so moved, but with Zhao Chenggong, the third wheel, present, he could only restrain himself and modestly tousled Bai Yunlai’s hair.


The rest would have to wait.

His hair was black and soft, the quality was impeccable, Zhou Ruiyi really liked it.

The demonstration that Zhou Ruiyi’s supernatural ability was hot enough to melt iron boosted their confidence immensely, giving them more assurance in their survival strategy going forward.

“Safe zones and shelters would only start appearing a few months after the apocalypse begins. Right now, most people are trapped in their homes, many are even afraid to go out to find food.” dpigFN

At this point, Zhou Ruiyi glanced at Zhao Chenggong, and seeing no unusual expression on his face, he continued: “The military areas are already in chaos, and the central institutions holding power are probably also fragmented under the impact of the virus… Taking advantage of today, let’s roughly discuss whether to use Shui Yi Fang as a base to hole up for a few months, or fix things up for a few weeks and then drive to find a safe zone.”

As the words fell, Zhao Chenggong shook his head: “You decide, I’ll follow your lead.”

It’s impossible to say he doesn’t think about his family at all.

But similarly, forcing Zhou Ruiyi to go with him to the military district and the city government to rescue his own parents and grandfather is not realistic. bhrK9f

Even if he wanted to rescue them, he would have to wait until he awakens a supernatural ability himself one day.

Zhao Chenggong always told himself that his family must be alive and well.

Bai Yunlai looked at Zhou Ruiyi gently, without saying a word.

But his attitude was clearly the same as Zhao Chenggong’s. zri4T1


He thought Zhou Ruiyi looked so handsome like this.

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Seeing them like this, Zhou Ruiyi was somewhat caught between laughter and tears.

“What is this, planning to have a one-man rule?” Seeing that no one spoke, he added: Q7TvCc

“Just me blindly guessing and commanding is no use.”

This is actually the same as managing a company. Everyone has their say, each one presenting plans and ideas, and finally, the best decision is made.

Hearing him even start to belittle himself, Bai Yunlai furrowed his brows: “I just trust your judgment.”

How could it be blind guessing and commanding? XvYyG

Zhao Chenggong also spoke up: “Same here. You first share your thoughts, and if we think something is inappropriate, we will still raise our concerns to complement yours.”

Zhou Ruiyi: “…”

He thought about it and felt this was also fine, so he no longer dwelled on whether it was a one-man rule or a two-man rule, picking up two enamel cups and said: “This one represents going to the safe zone, this one represents staying at Shui Yi Fang.”

The two cups lightly clinked in his hands. 0sFE9K

“If we go to the safe zone, in three weeks we’ll be ready with food and all sorts of resources, then get in the car and go. Take advantage of the fact that there’s still a signal, listen more to the radio and broadcasts during this time, and remember all the key news.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Vajslcu ja Vtel Tl Mjcu lr wemt rlwqifg, pera atlcx jybea ktja ab vb lo atf kjafg jcv fifmaglmlas rabq.”

“Ktbrf jgf atf akb qijcr cbk, lo sbe atlcx bo rbwfatlcu relajyif, pera afii wf.”

Coafg tfjglcu tlr kbgvr, atf akb cbvvfv, fjmt qbcvfglcu lc atflg bkc wlcvr. Wh9Il5

“Cirb, Itjb Jtfcuubcu, xffq jc fsf bc atf cfkr ogbw sbeg ojwlis’r rlvf. Po kf eialwjafis vfmlvf ab ub ab atf rjof hbcf jcv lo atf rlaejalbc jiibkr, ifa’r ags la. Yo mbegrf, lo la’r abb vjcufgber atfgf, kf mjc’a vb wemt, yea kf’ii vb beg yfra, jigluta?”

Hearing this, Zhao Chenggong’s eyes widened.

He was momentarily speechless, staring blankly at Zhou Ruiyi. It took him about ten seconds to respond, but he didn’t know what to say.

Zhou Ruiyi made a “shush” gesture with his lips. v8k6bh

“When I was a kid, Uncle Zhao and the others took good care of me, it’s only right.”

Zhao Chenggong’s face turned red with emotion.

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He stammered for a long time but couldn’t think of any words to express his gratitude, struggling to find the right vocabulary.

Zhao Chenggong was always the worst at Chinese, he never scored more than twenty points on essays. dPclN1

Seeing that he still wanted to speak, Zhou Ruiyi covered his mouth.

“Alright, alright, I’m really hungry, let’s eat!”

In front of Yunlai, he didn’t want to create a melodramatic scene with Zhao Chenggong!


In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

The only clothes he had besides a bathrobe were the wrinkled ones he had washed; the days were quite pleasant, but the clothes were always unsatisfactory.

Zhou Ruiyi and Zhao Chenggong have hardly put down their phones these past few days, browsing forums and scrolling through Weibo. The content posted on these two major information platforms revolves around two points: one is calls for help, and the other is negative commentary, there are even taking advantage of the virus situation to come forward and preach their doctrines.

Such as claiming that the apocalyptic virus descended because of the deep sins of people, and that one must pray devoutly to the Lord to overcome the hardship. Or that one should self-immolate to cleanse oneself of sins, pray for heaven’s forgiveness, to avoid earthly suffering and pass on happily. 8l0KqH

Zhou Ruiyi couldn’t help but feel that these people are really tenacious, not forgetting their true religious ideals even at the end of the world.

A bunch of crazies.

And there are actually people who believe them.

Then there are those negative comments. zhlJ1F

Quite a few people are even planning suicides together.

Weibo’s trending searches and big data have already crashed, but the servers are still dutifully running.

Many people are also doing survival live streams online, since money is useless now, viewers are generously buying gifts and boosting the rankings, acting as if there is no tomorrow.

A group of people are despairing and contemplating suicide, while another group is frantically celebrating. HQ0tnC

Besides these, the topic of awakened supernatural abilities is also fermenting online.

The world is so big, even if only one in ten thousand awaken, that is still a very significant number.

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Many people fantasize about becoming superheroes and saviors like in novels, but very few can actually step out of their own front doors. Even those who awaken supernatural abilities get frightened back inside after seeing terrifying zombies.

Like Hu Wenbin, those who feel as bold as if they have eaten a tiger’s gall after awakening abilities are, after all, a minority. dxvYW5

“Let’s explore the mall next door today.”

Tugging at his clothes with some distaste, Zhou Ruiyi sent a message to Zhao Chenggong.

Zhao Chenggong’s eyes lit up, and he quickly typed a reply.

“Let’s do it!” PogAwQ

He added a vigorously nodding emoji.

It’s evident that he has been thinking about changing his clothes for a long time.

Flipping over while using Bai Yunlai’s leg as a pillow, Zhou Ruiyi put down his phone and wrapped his arms around him: “I’m so tired.”

Damn, already feeling tired before even going out. IddJ07

Am I getting lazy?

But if you give me a kiss, Yunlai, I could be fully revitalized.

Zhou Ruiyi’s mind was working overtime.

Smoothly stroking the back of the great tiger’s neck, Bai Yunlai curved his eyes, enjoying his coquettish behavior: “Like this, huh.” YAGV1p

After that, he softly added: “Then let’s go tomorrow.”

Absolutely shameless.

Zhou Ruiyi: …

Zhou Ruiyi thought it was fortunate that they couldn’t have children. wXQvJe

If they had a child, Yunlai would probably spoil the little one into becoming the number one spoiled brat of Haishi.

He pinched himself in his heart, warning himself not to indulge and succumb to the pleasures of tender affections.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

I am an adult.

I must not be without self-control. lQGYhJ

I must not!

“It’s okay.”

He propped himself up, hugged Bai Yunlai’s head, and kissed him several times, ending with a long twenty-second kiss, looking at those lips he had kissed until they were rosy, Zhou Ruiyi was exhilarated.

“You are my charging station.” GJbCQ7

Kissing someone so recklessly that their lips changed color, observing his own attitude as if he could do anything he wanted with him, Zhou Ruiyi couldn’t help but recall the time when he had first pursued Bai Yunlai.

Back then, he was a bit incredulous that he had actually managed to win him over. Each time he invited him out on a date, he was somewhat reserved, and he would fret for half an hour in front of the mirror about what to wear today, never repeating the same outfit.

Even going to the garage was a challenge, afflicted by indecision, pondering which car to drive out to make an impression.

Dressing up so meticulously every day, there were private rumors within the company that President Zhou recently seemed like a peacock courting a mate. MqGfZe

For their first date, Zhou Ruiyi chose what was rated as the most romantic restaurant in Haishi, the Cloud Top Restaurant.

Having read too many domineering CEO novels, Zhou Ruiyi told the restaurant manager in advance: “I want to book the entire venue today.”

Hearing this request, the manager was shocked.

He had been working at this restaurant for many years and seldom did anyone ask to book the entire venue; usually, those who did had major events like marriage proposals. H ohTU

President Zhou is so young and already preparing to get married?

He asked Zhou Ruiyi again uncertainly.

After receiving the same reply, the manager readily agreed and thoughtfully asked if he wanted to prepare a proposal surprise and how the scene should be decorated.

Denying the proposal idea, Zhou Ruiyi said, “It’s not a proposal. It’s my first date, do it to the highest standard, make it look good.” nYj4ML

Manager: “…Okay.”

Are CEOs nowadays this extravagant? Booking the entire venue just for a meeting?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

That night, more than 2 million yuan was charged to Zhou Ruiyi’s card.

Spending a million on a meal, President Zhou became famous in one go. bKwd8f

This act, akin to throwing money around, caused quite a stir in the upper circles of Haishi for a long time, wondering if Zhou Ruiyi had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Zhou Ruiyi had heard these comments but didn’t take them to heart, instead feeling quite pleased with himself.

He couldn’t quite remember the music and luxurious setting of the restaurant that day.

The only thing he still remembers is… y8UdRY

That day, he kissed Yunlai for the first time.

Kissed him on the mouth.

At that moment, Zhou Ruiyi thought.

Ah. B1mdDy

How can someone’s lips be so soft and so fragrant?

Makes one want another taste.

The excitement and joy in his heart are still vividly remembered.

It was like stealing a long-coveted treasure, almost wishing he could jump three meters high on the spot. C81Jkp

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he sent Yunlai back to the dormitory that evening, said goodbye, and was about to get into the car when Bai Yunlai patted Zhou Ruiyi on the shoulder, called him back, and gave him a kiss on the lips.

“See you tomorrow.”

Zhou Ruiyi nearly fainted on the spot.

He gathered his energy, calmed himself, and managed to mutter with ecstatic joy, “See you tomorrow.” v5s3dX

Looking back now, that day’s behavior was simply foolish.

Both were beginners in love, fumbling their way through many things.

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But they never made each other suffer any grievances.

“Zhou Ruiyi?” iCmOjV

Stretching out his hand and waving it in front of the giggling Zhou Ruiyi, Bai Yunlai was quite helpless.

He’s reminiscing about the past of their romance again.

Catching the hand waving in front of him, Zhou Ruiyi smiled radiantly: “I was just remembering our first date.”

———— SdANti

The author has something to say:

Little Zhou: Friends, am I a domineering CEO?

All Advanced Chapters Available!

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  1. … I hope Mr. Dominating Possessive Jaded CEO managed to recoup that money

    Thanks for the chapter! I love seeing these casual displays of affection in an established relationship