In Name OnlyCh56 - Starlight Awards (3)

Xu Jingzhe didn’t necessarily think that Tang Mian wanted to become a third party in their relationship. It was typical for any young artist to want to be popular. Xu Jingzhe himself had no shortage of people like that around him. It wasn’t that they were bold, but rather the exposure it would give them was worth it.

Xu Jingzhe didn’t mind if these people wanted to ride his popularity, he did mind when it came to Liang Yu. He wasn’t even willing to take advantage of the man himself, so how could he allow others to do so? H7y4XE

Liang Yu lowered his head and sent out a message on WeChat, probably tattling to Yang Jierui. Shortly thereafter, Manager Yang appeared. He gave Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu an apologetic smile before turning around and scolding the young idols, telling them to sit tight and not run around. With him was a makeup artist who was there to touch up the idols’ makeup. As he was leaving, Yang Jierui reminded Liang Yu one more time that he was sitting behind them and to reach out if anything happened.

“Try and keep a leash on them.” Liang Yu was still angry about Tang Mian having stared at Xu Jingzhe. He sneered, “They have no discipline at all.”

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Yang Jierui awkwardly rubbed his hands together and said very humbly, “Yes, sir, it’s all my fault.”

Liang Yu snorted and ignored him. Xu Jingzhe smiled at Yang Jierui, and Yang Jierui gave him a pleading look before hurriedly slinking back to the back row. XcUYrt

Liang Yu’s anger dissipated quickly, or rather he hadn’t really cared about it to begin with. In no time at all, Tang Mian and Yang Jierui were pushed to the back of his mind. Xu Jingzhe’s makeup artist was touching up his lip makeup, reminding him again and again, “Mr. Xu, no more kissing, okay? I have to come back and touch you up every time you two kiss. You guys don’t want to be seeing me all night either, right?”

Liang Yu’s makeup artist was cleaning up the lipstick stain that was left on the tip of his nose, a grumpy air about her. Makeup artists were actually the last group of people a celebrity would want to offend, even for someone as temperamental as Liang Yu.

“Why don’t I just give you a peachy makeup look?” His makeup artist said pointedly, “We won’t have to cover up the lip stain on your nose then. I think the color pink suits you very well.”

This time, Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu obediently sat still, no longer daring to move. The two makeup artists quickly finished touching them up.


Actually, there were very few in the industry who wouldn’t want to do makeup for Liang Yu and Xu Jingzhe. It was like painting a work of art. Moreover, the two of them had good reputations in the industry. Liang Yu may be well-known for his bad temper, but that was only for the media. He was polite and respectful with his staff.

Luo Yaoye only arrived after the makeup artists had left. Most female celebrities had to change into another outfit once they’d finished walking the red carpet. Her second outfit wasn’t as grand as the first one, but it was definitely more practical for going up on stage. She wore an iridescent pink dress, the hem styled like a fish’s tail. Its spaghetti straps accentuated her swan-like neck and delicate collarbone. Her earrings were shaped like fish fins, and even her makeup was changed to fit the mermaid theme.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Helaf ogjcxis, atlr beaola kjr fnfc wbgf fsf-mjamtlcu atjc atf olgra beaola, rqjgxilcu jr rtf kjixfv atgbeut atf vlw nfcef. Vtf ujnf We Alcuhtf jcv Oljcu Te j aklgi, qijsoeiis qgbmijlwlcu, “Vjs tfiib ab atf Heffc bo atf Vfj.”

We Alcuhtf ijeutfv jcv qijsfv jibcu, jqqijevlcu tfg, “Nfgs yfjealoei.” x6B9O5

Oeb Tjbsf yifk tlw j xlrr, agfjalcu tlw fcalgfis ilxf bcf bo atf ulgir. Vtf fcaterljralmjiis rja vbkc cfza ab Oljcu Te, yea cba klatbea ifaalcu tfg mbwqijlcar yf xcbkc. “Qts jgf sbe rjcvklmtfv lc atf wlvvif? P mjc’a fnfc ajix ab ws ulgilf.”

Liang Yu’s forehead vein throbbed. Luo Yaoye’s casual way of addressing people left him completely speechless. He said through gritted teeth, “He’s a man! Stop calling him that!”

Luo Yaoye didn’t care. “You just don’t get it. I only call him that because we’re close.”

Since that first game of mahjong with the four of them, Xu Jingzhe had long given up on changing Luo Yaoye’s way of addressing him. Now, it hardly even phased him. Sure enough, a man’s bottom line can always go lower. TgZcPx

Luo Yaoye didn’t have her cell phone with her. One time, she’d gotten so caught up with her phone that she didn’t hear the host call her name, and the host had to call her over five times. She even ended up on the trending list for this and was nicknamed “Websurfer”. Since then, Zeng Nian had forbidden her from bringing her cell phone.

“Ugh, that agent of mine,” Luo Yaoye complained. “He’s like a nagging father.”

She chattered with Xu Jingzhe from the other side of Liang Yu. “He’s always fussing at me too.”

Xu Jingzhe comforted her, “He means well. You’re the last artist under his wing, so he probably thinks of you like a daughter.” 4Wmb2Q

Luo Yaoye: “I’m already thirty, for crying out loud! He won’t even let me date!”

Xu Jingzhe hadn’t anticipated that, but Luo Yaoye really didn’t look thirty in any aspect. Zeng Nian had protected almost too well. Just by looking at her Weibo, it was clear that she was different from those celebrities who only posted advertisements. Luo Yaoye’s Weibo was often whimsical and free-spirited.

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Luo Yaoye had even come through in a big way for Jiang Yueming. She ended up sharing and liking the photos that Jiang Yueming posted, leaving curious netizens wondering when the two of them had gotten to know each other.

“It was the same girl from before, the one that was copying my outfits, my nails, and even my choice in salons.” Luo Yaoye scoffed, lacking any semblance of her usual demure persona. “She’d wanted Jiang Yueming’s role, but Mr. Liang didn’t pick her. Now, Jiang Yueming can somewhat be considered a female lead with a box office of five billion, so she’s definitely feeling bitter about it. She sure knows how to vent her frustration.” ZVkX4T

Liang Yu suddenly asked, “Is her team planning to switch to another company?”

Xu Jingzhe didn’t quite grasp who they were talking about. He wasn’t familiar with the film industry nor did he know much about specific actresses, so he simply treated it all like a bit of gossip.

“I heard that she was considering it,” Luo Yaoye whispered, “However, there are only so many companies that focus on film, so it won’t be easy for her to switch. Judging from her arrogant attitude, though, it seems she must’ve found a pretty good one.”

Luo Yaoye and Xu Jingzhe both made their living through television dramas and established their own studios, so they didn’t need to rely on entertainment companies for their livelihoods. However, there were few in the film industry who could establish semi-independent companies like Liang Yu. Most either became directors or transitioned to behind-the-scenes work. It was for this reason that Liang Yu had to take huge risks in order to accumulate funds to keep operations running. d62zgp

Thinking of this, Xu Jingzhe couldn’t help but shoot another look at Liang Yu. The latter’s face was calm, and he gave him a sideways glance. “What’s up?”

Xu Jingzhe was silent for a moment before saying, “I just feel like you’ve got it pretty hard.”

Liang Yu raised an eyebrow and leaned forward slightly, probably intending to kiss Xu Jingzhe again. However, he realized that both of them had makeup on their faces and kissing would get them scolded by the makeup artists, so he unhappily clicked his tongue and pinched the back of Xu Jingzhe’s neck, comforting him, “It’s a man’s responsibility to provide. What are you getting so worked up about?”

“…” Luo Yaoye closed her eyes. It was so dark in the venue that she felt her eyes must actually be going bad. She was really going to go blind. T9eSOq

Although the categories at the Starlight Awards were rather trivial, they still had to go through the motions. After all, the guests had already come, so it would feel kind of like a loss to leave with nothing. Moreover, this event was co-sponsored by Weibo and Phoenix TV, both of which were platforms that were disliked by many. They naturally weren’t going to hold back when it came to an opportunity to profit.

Luo Yaoye won “Best Viral Actress”. Displayed on the big screen in real time was content from her Weibo. Xu Jingzhe watched it all the way through and found that she really did deserve the title.

Luo Yaoye happily went up to receive the award. By the time she returned to her seat, they were already presenting “Best Reality Show Couple”. Unsurprisingly, the host announced the names of Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu.

Luo Yaoye was probably still wrapped up in the excitement of winning an award, but, at this moment, it was as if she had just won two whole Oscars. She immediately hugged Liang Yu and Xu Jingzhe and even began jumping up and down. pldz6F

Liang Yu killed the mood by saying, “Watch out or your strapless bra might fall off!”

“…” Luo Yaoye quickly covered her chest, pushing the two of them forward to receive their award.

With a smile, Xu Jingzhe took Liang Yu’s hand, and they walked up the stairs together. The center of the stage had already been cleared for them. The host had two trophies in his hands, and he handed them over one after another.

The big screen was broadcasting real-time reactions on Weibo. Since the award was more for entertainment than prestige, the atmosphere was generally pretty relaxed. The host read a few comments before he suddenly stopped, a puzzled expression on his face as his eyes darted between the audience and the trending searches on Weibo. It was clear that he was feeling flustered. uvkJWA

Initially, everyone’s attention was on Xu Jingzhe and Liang Yu. It was actually Luo Yaoye who first noticed that something was amiss. She immediately stood up and looked towards the back of the room, likely intending to get her phone from Zeng Nian.

Xu Jingzhe realized that something was wrong.

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Liang Yu had already turned around, his gaze fixed upon the endlessly changing trending topics on the big screen. He raised his head slightly, his tense line of his jaw resembling a taut string that was about to snap. Although his expression remained calm, it seemed like a prairie fire that had just burned out, an ice cold frost accumulating on the ashes of his brow.

The host tried his best to regain control, directing the technicians to cut off the big screen. “There seems to be … a slight issue. Let’s cut to commercial for now.” WydAg3

Xu Jingzhe followed Liang Yu’s line of sight and glanced over. Before the big screen went dark, he saw that #LiangYu’sFather had reached the top of the trending list.

Translator's Note

Makeup artists control their makeup and could potentially make them look bad for the camera.

Translator's Note

Think pink, blushy, feminine makeup look.

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