Imprisoned in Eternal NightCh43 - Gu Yunchi, take some medicine TAT


With his eyes closed and his brain untainted and without experience, Wen Ran could not instantly identify what was being pressed against his lips. It wasn’t until a wet, soft tongue slipped between his slightly parted teeth that he vaguely realized it was a kiss. He instinctively gripped Gu Yunchi’s sleeve, blinking his eyes beneath the hand that covered them. z56edy

Without giving Wen Ran any time to react, Gu Yunchi pressed against his lips, his tongue curling around Wen Ran’s to tease him. The invasion was so intense that Wen Ran couldn’t help but retreat. Gu Yunchi removed his hand from Wen Ran’s eyes and instead grasped the back of his head to delve deeper into the kiss.

It turned out that the concentration of pheromones in saliva was indeed high—Wen Ran thought hazily. Their highly compatible pheromones collided and merged in their mouths, leaving Wen Ran’s entire body numb. His face burned from the kiss. He had to cling to Gu Yunchi’s waist just to stay upright. The rapid breathing and wet sounds of their kiss filled his ears. His heartbeat pounded like a powerful drum against his eardrums. Guided by Gu Yunchi, Wen Ran began to try responding to the kiss, his movements jerky but earnest. He could feel Gu Yunchi’s grip tightening with each proactive move until their bodies were squeezed firmly together.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

After a few minutes, Gu Yunchi noticed that Wen Ran’s body was drooping from lack of oxygen and pulled back to let him breathe. Wen Ran rested his forehead drowsily on Gu Yunchi’s shoulder, gasping for air.

Wen Ran’s hand groped its way upward to encircle Gu Yunchi’s neck. As his breathing steadied, he asked, “What happened? Are you in a bad mood?” 7U 1ou

“You’re this upset just because of Fang Yisen, not knowing if he’s alive or dead.” Gu Yunchi’s hand gently caressed Wen Ran’s hair as he whispered, “What would you do if it were someone more important?”

The latter part of the statement inexplicably made Wen Ran think of Li Qingwan. There seemed to be only two important people left in his life: the alpha in front of him and his mother, who was still missing.

Wen Ran hugged Gu Yunchi tighter, “They will both be safe and sound.”

Gu Yunchi fell silent for a moment before saying, “I can’t promise you that.”


“Why do you need to promise me?” Wen Ran lifted his head, cupping Gu Yunchi’s face, and clumsily leaned forward to kiss his lower lip softly, “It’s not your obligation. As long as y-you’re happy, I’ll be happy for you… As for other important people, you don’t have to promise me anything.”

Tears glistened in Wen Ran’s eyes and the mole beneath his eye was wet as well. Moonlight and starlight fell under his eyes like reflections on a lake. Gu Yunchi lowered his gaze to look at him and said, “Not my obligation? Or do you only think of me when you need something?”

Wen Ran was unable to grasp the full meaning of the sentence. He could only make out the most superficial interpretation and replied, “I think of you often. When I can’t resist it, I text you.”

“So every time you text me, it means you miss me a lot,” Gu Yunchi calmly summarized. wl6keN

Wen Ran no longer had any surplus consciousness left to recollect or verify, so he nodded, “Whenever you’re abroad and we can’t see each other often. But it’s too embarrassing to bother you with messages all the time, so I just look at our chat history, even though there’s very little in it.”

“Is there anything interesting?”

“Yeah. The more I read, the more I realize how good you are. You’re the one who treats me the best.” Wen Ran leaned in to kiss Gu Yunchi’s nose, cheeks, and lips, speaking with heartfelt sincerity, “Gu Yunchi, you treat me the best.”

He had no intention of asking Gu Yunchi why he had kissed him. He only knew that now he could get closer to Gu Yunchi. r RM1t

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gu Yunchi didn’t say anything, allowing Wen Ran to kiss all over his face for a dozen seconds. Finally, he picked Wen Ran up by his legs while tilting his head to receive another kiss, and carried him into the bedroom.

Cr Xe Tecmtl’r ifur tla atf fvuf bo atf yfv, tf kgjqqfv tlr jgwr jgbecv Qfc Ejc’r kjlra jcv ijs vbkc. Qfc Ejc rja bc tlr ibkfg jyvbwfc jcv ifjcfv vbkc ab xlrr tlw, eckliilcu ab qjga ogbw tlr ilqr fnfc obg j wbwfca.

Qfc Ejc tjv cfnfg yffc xlrrfv yfobgf, yea atja vlvc’a rabq tlw ogbw atlcxlcu atja Xe Tecmtl’r xlrrlcu rxliir kfgf fzmfiifca. Lf kjr xlrrfv ecali tf kjr vlhhs jcv tlr ilwyr aegcfv kbyyis. Gfrqlaf ijmxlcu atf ragfcuat, tf ralii vfrlgfv ab gfrqbcv ab atf xlrr. Snfcaejiis, tf mbeivc’a reqqbga tlwrfio jcv mbiijqrfv bcab Xe Tecmtl, qjcalcu tfjnlis.

Gu Yunchi rolled over with his arms around Wen Ran. He reached out and tapped the touch screen on the bedside table. Shortly after, 339’s voice came from the device, “Dear young master, I believe I mentioned that tonight is my charging time. Please refrain from disturbing me during this time.” YD5dce

“Bring over the things you bought last time.”

Upon hearing Gu Yunchi’s hoarse voice, 339 fell silent for a second, then ended the call. After thirty seconds, 339 appeared in the bedroom, placing a box on the bedside table without glancing around before speeding off.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Even though Wen Ran didn’t know what was in the box, he kept his face turned to the side, not daring to look at 339. It wasn’t until Gu Yunchi’s hand slid from under his pajamas up to his waist that he shivered and looked at him red-faced.

Wen Ran’s most vivid encounter with the word “lust” had been at the Huyan Mansion, where he had witnessed the sex act on stage and noticed the entranced expressions of the spectators. That kind of concrete embodiment of lust had nauseated him. He remembered Gu Yunchi’s disinterest back then, scrutinizing everything indifferently from beginning to end. WDFmvA

Tonight, his body’s reaction seemed to redefine the word. But in the dim light, Wen Ran couldn’t discern Gu Yunchi’s eyes and expression. He couldn’t confirm if Gu Yunchi was looking at him with the same calmness as in the Huyan Mansion.

As Gu Yunchi’s hand stroked up from his stomach, Wen Ran’s heart pounded and his breath quickened. He asked, “You have calluses on your hand?”

Gu Yunchi leaned closer while massaging the tiny nipple with his fingertips and asked back, “You don’t like it?”

A strange sensation tingled in Wen Ran’s chest, making him moan a few times. He shook his head. As soon as Gu Yunchi drew closer, he wanted to kiss him. Wen Ran hooked his arms around Gu Yunchi’s neck to cling to him and pressed their lips together. However, Gu Yunchi seemed unmoved and didn’t return the kiss. Instead, he unbuttoned Wen Ran’s pajamas with one hand. vohsQW

Wen Ran kissed down his jawline to his neck, kissing the protruding Adam’s apple, licking it with his tongue, and sucking on it with his lips. He exuded a naive straightforwardness, seeming inexperienced yet unashamedly eager to try. Gu Yunchi’s Adam’s apple bobbed between his lips and tongue. Straightening up, Gu Yunchi gripped Wen Ran’s ankle and lifted him to strip off his pants.

Gu Yunchi leaned down once more and showered kisses on Wen Ran’s exposed chest and nipples, which had been kneaded until they were hot and swollen. His hair brushed against Wen Ran’s chin. Wen Ran panted a few times, slipping his hand into Gu Yunchi’s hair and gripping it without strength.

Gu Yunchi’s right hand caressed Wen Ran’s waist and slid between his legs. As he reached Wen Ran’s butt crack, his fingertips became slick with moisture. Gu Yunchi raised his head and trailed slow kisses from his neck to his ear, asking with a heavy breath, “Are you in heat? So wet.”

As he asked, he slipped two fingers inside. Wen Ran simply couldn’t answer. He pressed his lips tightly together as soft moans escaped his nose. Wen Ran instinctively wanted to clamp his legs together, but with Gu Yunchi kneeling between them, he could only open his body to accept the expansion. oNODxp

When the two fingers turned into three, Wen Ran found it difficult to breathe. He clutched onto Gu Yunchi’s shirt collar, pulling him closer with a struggle. Wen Ran tilted his head to kiss him, but Gu Yunchi pulled back each time, making him miss repeatedly. Only when Wen Ran’s anxiety became unbearable did Gu Yunchi finally lower his head and meet him for a deep kiss.

Gu Yunchi pulled his hand out, took off his pajamas, and retrieved a condom from the box on the nightstand. He knelt on the bed, tearing open the wrapper. The cold liquid splashed onto Wen Ran’s belly, causing a shiver to run through him. With half-closed eyes, Wen Ran glanced down, then quickly squeezed them shut again—Gu Yunchi was putting on the condom. Within seconds, Gu Yunchi clicked his tongue in irritation.

“What’s wrong?” Wen Ran asked in a frail voice.

“Bought too small,” Gu Yunchi scolded 339, “Idiot.” sxn9yL

Who knew there was someone even more stupid here—Wen Ran wondered, “Do you have to wear it?”

Gu Yunchi barely managed to get the condom on. He leaned over Wen Ran with one hand placed beside his ear while the other held his cock, rubbing it back and forth between Wen Ran’s butt cheeks. He said, “If you want to get pregnant, I don’t have to.”

Then he began to push in slowly. This intrusion felt even more alien and difficult for Wen Ran to accommodate than the fingers. Instinctively, he pushed against Gu Yunchi’s abdomen, trying to slow the process. His palm felt the taut muscles of a body that seemed too perfect even among S-level alphas, towering and pressing down on him. Wen Ran opened his mouth but couldn’t make a sound, all that came out were gasps for air.

Without going all the way in, Gu Yunchi pressed against Wen Ran’s hips and started thrusting in and out to a small extent. The retreat was shallow, and the subsequent thrusts went deeper each time. This method allowed Wen Ran’s body to open up little by little, minimizing the pain and discomfort. anOhRq

Wen Ran moaned intermittently. Unsure of where to place his hands, he searched desperately for something to hold onto. He stumbled upon Gu Yunchi’s wristband, feeling the back of Gu Yunchi’s hand pressed against his hips and the veins bulging on his skin from exertion.

Wen Ran pried his eyes open for a brief moment. Through the moonlight shining through the window, he caught Gu Yunchi’s intense gaze, which was restraining the oppressive desire brimming within. When their eyes locked, Wen Ran felt the thing inside him swell even more.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The fluid continuously oozed out of their joined bodies, producing sticky sounds with Gu Yunchi’s movements. Wen Ran’s whimpers grew more distinct and filled the room. Wen Ran quickly reached his first climax, gripping Gu Yunchi’s wrist and quivering uncontrollably while his behind also contracted tightly. Gu Yunchi paused his movements, gazing at him for a few seconds before leaning down to kiss him, muffling Wen Ran’s cries with his mouth.

Gu Yunchi held onto Wen Ran’s left hand, guiding it down to feel his belly, slick with his own cum. Wen Ran’s fingers tingled in the aftermath of his orgasm, and he could only feel the bulge below his abdomen. Between kisses, he said in a nasal tone, “My stomach feels like it’s bursting…” wfCL0I

“Because you’ve taken it so deep.” Gu Yunchi continued leading his hand further down to touch the outrageously sticky area where they were tightly joined. “There’s still a little left to go.”

“I can’t take more…” Wen Ran couldn’t even open his eyes, clinging to Gu Yunchi’s neck. “This is enough.”

Gu Yunchi didn’t reply. He squeezed Wen Ran’s waist and resumed thrusting. Wen Ran was quickly fucked to the point where he no longer expected an answer. His fingers clawed at Gu Yunchi’s back, and he wrapped his legs around his waist to prevent himself from being fucked off the bed.

This time they ejaculated together, their lips locked in a kiss. Saliva dribbled from the corners of Wen Ran’s mouth as his consciousness faded. His palms were damp from the sweat on Gu Yunchi’s back. Despite the collar and wristband, Wen Ran could detect the potent pheromones emanating from the alpha’s saliva and semen. 1VKbJS

When Gu Yunchi changed to a new condom, Wen Ran was still unsuspecting. Everything proceeded much more gently than he had anticipated. If they were to continue, Wen Ran felt he could endure it.

As Gu Yunchi flipped him over and pinned his waist down, Wen Ran complied without protest, drowsily hugging the pillow as he knelt. Gu Yunchi’s hand pressed down on the back of his head with unyielding force. Wen Ran didn’t even have a chance to make a sound when Gu Yunchi’s slick member shoved fiercely into his body, penetrating deeply. At that instant, Wen Ran’s vision went dark. By the time he regained his senses, tears were streaming down his face.

Wen Ran’s face was buried in the pillow, muffling his cries. His body jolted with each thrust. He tried to crawl forward but couldn’t escape. The alpha’s cock pounded fast and forcefully into him from behind, heating the base of his thighs. Gu Yunchi’s thumbs pressed and kneaded Wen Ran’s back dimples, causing the omega’s waist to quiver and sag down while his buttocks stuck up higher, exposing his turbid hole glistening in the dim light.

Gu Yunchi released his grip on the back of Wen Ran’s head and wrapped his arms around his waist instead, leaning down to kiss his back and ears. Wen Ran cried, turning his head to gasp for air while calling “Gu Yunchi” to beg him to slow down. However, the relentless thrusts and the overwhelming pleasure coursing through his body rendered him speechless. All he could do was cry and call out Gu Yunchi’s name amid the back-and-forth movements. oPemQK

“I heard you.” Gu Yunchi panted and said, “Such a crybaby.”

He wrapped a hand around Wen Ran’s collarbone and scooped him up. They both knelt on the bed. This position allowed for even deeper penetration, thrusting upwards from below. At one point, the tip of his member unexpectedly struck a tender spot deep inside Wen Ran’s stomach. Wen Ran suddenly cried out involuntarily, convulsing as he experienced a mixture of pain and climax simultaneously. His mind went blank. He hunched over, his body curling up tightly. His nails dug into Gu Yunchi’s arms as tears dripped onto the bed.

As the intense tremors subsided, Wen Ran’s body went limp. Gu Yunchi laid him flat on his back again, kissing him face to face while slowly re-entering him. It took Wen Ran a while to recover, his voice hoarse as he asked, “Why did it hurt so much just now? Did my stomach tear…?”

“It hit your womb,” Gu Yunchi lifted Wen Ran’s legs and rested them on the crooks of his arms, “What were you doing during health class? Sleeping?” Uh87dG

“…Mm.” Other than that Wen Ran couldn’t think of any other reason.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll teach you.” Gu Yunchi turned to kiss Wen Ran’s inner thigh and said, “But I can only teach you in bed.”

“Thank you… But why were you so rough from behind?” Wen Ran shuddered, “Is that in the physiology textbooks too?”

“It has nothing to do with the position.” Gu Yunchi said, pressing down on Wen Ran’s legs and leaning over, “I was just fooling you at the beginning.” nTZFG0

“What—” Wen Ran’s question quickly turned into a moan as Gu Yunchi suddenly deepened his thrusts. Whether it was witnessing his body being contorted into an exaggerated, fully exposed position, or the frequency and intensity of the member ramming into him, it exceeded his limits of endurance. The climax came swiftly. At the moment of ejaculation, Wen Ran couldn’t help but arch his waist upward, chaotic cries escaping his lips unconsciously.

Gu Yunchi groaned as Wen Ran’s body tightened around him. Gu Yunchi pulled out and flipped Wen Ran over, pinning his waist down and plunging back in. Wen Ran, still recovering from the orgasm, was unable to bear it and began to struggle, his fingers gripping the bed sheets. His beautiful back and waist trembled incessantly as he pleaded incoherently.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Please… p-please… Gu Yunchi… wait…”

Ignoring Wen Ran’s pleas, Gu Yunchi lowered his head to look down at the place where they were connected. The already swollen entrance struggled to accommodate the oversized, rigid, and heated member sliding in and out. The wet sounds were distinct with each thrust. OJurA

He spread Wen Ran’s buttocks which had been slammed against until they were red, and then thrust deeper, saying, “Why didn’t you ask me to wait when you were all over me begging for kisses?”

Since Wen Ran had never done this before, he hadn’t anticipated having to do it so many times.

Gu Yunchi was a sex addict—Wen Ran only vaguely recalled this fact as he was fucked to the brink of collapse. By then, it was too late.

He lay weakly on the bed, face buried in the soft pillow, struggling to speak coherently, “Gu Yunchi… you… you should take some medicine…” WZ5Dcx

Wen Ran ended up being fucked by Gu Yunchi while receiving a hard slap on his swollen and burning buttocks. He cried out miserably a few times before finally passing out, unable to endure any longer.

Translator’s note:

I have to share a funny post from the super topic 😂

Xiao Gu: Bring over the things you bought.
(link to the original post)


Translator's Note

sexual content

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  1. 339 had better packed up some chrysanthemum ointment in that box too!! 😩 Rip wen ran’s chrysanthemum, I thank thee for thee sacrifice 🙏 the smut was so delish tho ✨

  2. was this what 339 bought a few chapters ago 🤣 i can picture yunchi’s face when 339 showed them to him