Imprisoned in Eternal NightCh35 - A Good Person

ko-fi chapter for Nichelbichel ❤️ thank you so much :blobkissblush:

A week later, Wen Ran learned through messages with 339 that Gu Yunchi had gone abroad the day after coming to school. 339 mentioned that Gu Yunchi’s luggage was minimal, consisting only of a backpack. Despite this, it couldn’t be ruled out that he happened to have a house in the city he was visiting. zJfW4m

Nevertheless, 339 said it was strange. Normally, Gu Yunchi’s assistant would update 339 on his flight details and itinerary, but this time there was nothing. A week had passed, and 339 remained completely in the dark.

339: Do you think the young master has a new robot elsewhere?

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Wen Ran: No way. You’re irreplaceable. Can you tell me your young master’s birthday? Or is that considered private?

339: Irre…placeable… You said I’m… irre…place…able… Thank you….my Xiao Ran… 2dqCVx

At the end of thirty lines of crying emojis, Wen Ran saw Gu Yunchi’s birthday. It was still several months away.

There was enough time to complete it. Wen Ran took out a blank sheet of paper and paused to think before beginning to sketch.

Even with a rough outline, Wen Ran was so overwhelmed with excitement that he couldn’t sit still. He opened his phone contacts and found the contact named “A Good Person”.

Even though it was unlikely that anyone would be interested in his single-digit contact list, Wen Ran used a nickname to disguise Gu Yunchi’s contact for safety’s sake.


Wen Ran: Hello, I am Wen Ran. This is my number, please save it [​ handshake]

Wen Ran: Have you reached your destination? [​ airplane]

Wen Ran: I’m working on something very important!

Wen Ran was aware that Gu Yunchi didn’t have time to pay attention to him and might not even bother, so he locked his phone after sending the message and returned to his drawing. n6y3Bj

As evening fell, Auntie Fang called him downstairs for dinner. Wen Ran remembered that Chen Shuhui would be home for dinner today and didn’t dare delay. He hastily tidied up his drawings and stashed them in the drawer before heading downstairs.

The front door was ajar, and Chen Shuhui was standing on the steps giving instructions to the driver. Wen Ran proceeded to the dining table, where Chen Shuhui’s phone vibrated on the edge with an incoming call from Manager Liu.

Worried that something urgent might have happened at the company, Wen Ran picked up the phone intending to pass it to Chen Shuhui. However, his thumb accidentally swiped the screen and answered the call.

There was no sound from the other end. Both parties remained eerily quiet for two seconds until Wen Ran realized, “I’m sorry, I accidentally answered. Please wait, I’ll give the phone to…” PFfjk4

“Who allowed you to touch my phone?”

Chen Shuhui had returned to the living room without Wen Ran noticing and was standing just a few steps away. Wen Ran immediately fell silent, looking at the gloomy and chillingly cold expression on her face. She stared at him intently, her gaze almost piercing through his body.

“I saw a call coming in and wanted to give it to you. But I answered it by mistake.” Wen Ran took a few steps forward to hand her the phone, “Sorry, I won’t do it again.”

Upon giving it to her, he noticed that the other party had already ended the call. Chen Shuhui glanced at the screen and took the phone, “What did he say?” ys49S3

“He didn’t say anything. I didn’t hear a sound.”

“Eat your dinner,” Chen Shuhui glared at him and said, “Don’t touch my things again.”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

She turned and left the living room. Wen Ran stood there for a moment before slowly returning to the dining table.

Chen Shuhui’s look and expression just now felt like deja vu. Wen Ran swallowed a mouthful of rice, recalling the time during summer camp when he was caught eavesdropping outside the staircase and Wei Lingzhou stepped out with a piercing stare. c1enu9

The dinner was eaten with apprehension and haste. Wen Ran took only a few bites before putting down his chopsticks. As he walked up the stairs, he glanced back to see Chen Shuhui still on the phone, standing at the far end of the garden.

Upon returning to his room, Wen Ran received a message from the official website for mechanical models. This was the same site that had previously manufactured and sold the helicopter model for 186,000 yuan. Although Wen Ran couldn’t afford it, he had shamelessly registered an account to receive notifications about new products.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

This time, the pre-sale was for a small oceangoing frigate model, gray-white and 50 centimeters in length, priced at 170,000.

Qfc Ejc cb ibcufg mjgfv jybea atf qglmf. Qtjafnfg atf mbra, tf mbeivc’a joobgv la jcskjs. Cr wemt jr tf kjcafv ab xffq ibbxlcu, tf mbeiv bcis mibrf atf kfyqjuf joafg jvwlglcu atf qlmaegfr jcv rqfmlolmjalbcr. 5iv0 h

Aera atfc, j wfrrjuf qbqqfv eq bc atf abq bo tlr qtbcf rmgffc.

A Good Person: it’s been a week. even the seventh day of mourning would have passed, and you’re asking me if I’ve arrived

It was indeed too late to ask. Wen Ran quickly replied: Sorry, I just found out today that you had gone abroad, so I was just asking out of courtesy [​ rose]

A Good Person: not interested 2v6sTn

This was in response to the “I’m working on something very important” message. Wen Ran had anticipated that he wouldn’t be interested. Wen Ran: That’s okay [handshake]

Afraid of disturbing him, Wen Ran swiftly added: I won’t bother you anymore. Hope you’ll have fun [​ fireworks]

A Good Person no longer responded.


The next day at school, Wen Ran ran into He Wei and Xu Ze walking ahead of him in the hallway. He Wei had his arm draped over Xu Ze’s shoulder, hanging onto him as if boneless while lamenting, “Yunchi went abroad for vacation. How come Heyang also started skipping school and ignoring my messages for a whole week? It’s so lonely. Is there anything left for me in this world?”

Before Xu Ze could answer, He Wei laughed mischievously, “There is, there is. There’s you and Xiao Chi~.”

“…” Xu Ze nodded in consolation.

Wen Ran silently turned left into his classroom and took his seat. Everyone was on the same floor this semester. Every day when Wen Ran passed the back door of Class 2, he would see Lu Heyang sitting at the back. Lu Heyang wasn’t someone who often skipped class, but now he had disappeared for a week, coinciding with Gu Yunchi’s trip abroad. DSqsMu

Were they traveling together? But if so, why hadn’t they taken He Wei along?

Although reason told Wen Ran not to worry about the affairs of the Golden Triangle, he couldn’t shake his unease. His thoughts darted around until his hand brushed against a stack of papers in his backpack. They were the design sketches he had drawn the night before. Wen Ran’s attention was pulled back as he took out the drawings.

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“What’re these?” Tao Susu leaned over curiously, flipping through the pages. “Did you draw this?”

“Yeah.” AUGQ6v

“Awesome! Why did you draw it? What is it?”

“I want to make a birthday gift for a friend. I’m still designing it.”

“It’s like a mechanical model, right?” Tao Susu covered her mouth and blinked a few times, “Can you make one for my kangaroo? Like a little mechanical kangaroo. I’ll pay a high price.”

“Ah? No, you don’t have to pay. I can make one if you like it. But I’m worried about the prototype and production, because it’s not mass-produced. There may not be anyone willing to take it on.” mypKh8

“I’ll take care of that. I’ll find a workshop. You just handle the sketches.” Tao Susu gestured with her hands, “It should be about this size, and add those gears. They’re cool. It would be even better if it could move… Hey, you know what? Would you like to come to my house this weekend and meet my kangaroo?”

Wen Ran thought about it and nodded, “Sure.”


On Saturday morning, Tao Susu sent a driver to take Wen Ran to her house. Situated next to a nearly 300,000 square meter natural lake, the estate retained much of its original ecological landscape, complemented by thoughtful design to resemble a natural park. Living in such a place every day, it’s wonder Tao Susu was always as cheerful as an elf. I8gdHY

Within the first two minutes of meeting the kangaroo, Wen Ran nearly got punched. Tao Susu stepped forward to persuade and reprimand, but ended up getting smacked in the shoulder. She was knocked off her feet and tumbled down the hill onto the grass, where two distraught housekeepers helped her up.

This was truly embarrassing for Tao Susu, who had always emphasized how well-behaved her baby kangaroo was. She angrily pulled Wen Ran away from the scene and returned to the villa to change her clothes. She acted as if nothing had happened and invited Wen Ran to have tea.

“So, do you still want help with the kangaroo model?” Wen Ran asked.

“Yes.” Tao Susu said with a cold expression, “But I will never give it genuine feelings again. The only relationship left between us is that of owner and pet.” sklFGB

“Okay.” Afraid of not being able to hold back his laughter, Wen Ran took a sip of tea to cover it up.

The slightly burning liquid rolled over his tongue and down his throat. The tea had a rich aroma, leaving a sweet aftertaste on his taste buds. Wen Ran hadn’t drunk much tea growing up, but could still recognize these as high-quality tea leaves. He racked his brain but was unable to think of any eloquent praise about tea tasting. He could only say superficially, “Super delicious.”

“It’s grown by my grandfather. He has a tea plantation and runs a tea house on it.” Tao Susu pointed to the small incense burner that was emitting a faint wisp of white smoke, “This tea incense is also blended by him. It helps calm the mind.”

Wen Ran took a few careful whiffs. It was quite a comforting smell, a sweet freshness with a hint of bitterness. CDuvS9

“Let’s go to the tea house together next time. It’s a bit boring, though. Most guests are there for business discussions, so it’s not really suitable for kids.” As if remembering something, Tao Susu said, “By the way, when I was thrown there to meditate last winter break, I bumped into Mr. Gu twice in just one month.”

Wen Ran was taken aback, “Mr. Gu?”

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“Gu Chongze, Gu Yunchi’s uncle.” While trying to shake the incense, Tao Susu burned her hand on the lid of the bowl. She endured the pain and pretended to be calm as she continued, “He seemed quite decent to me. I’ve always heard rumors about his involvement in the plane crash, but it doesn’t seem like it. Why would Director Gu still let him into Baiqing if it were true?”

“I looked up that plane crash before, but it seems like the news had been edited and the details were vague,” Wen Ran said. UV1hZA

“Of course, details of such incidents would be sealed. From what I know, it was basically that the captain of the private jet owed a huge gambling debt and felt he couldn’t repay it, so he retaliated by finding someone to accompany him in death. On the plane were not only Gu Yunchi’s parents but also a co-pilot, a doctor, and three flight attendants, all of whom were killed. In short, it wasn’t an accident.”

Indeed, it couldn’t have been an accident. Otherwise, the police wouldn’t have arrested Tang Hua and Gu Peiwen wouldn’t have sent someone to kill Tang Hua before his execution.

“That’s how it’s for heirs of wealthy families. Danger is everywhere. I heard that not long after Gu Yunchi’s parents passed away, he fell seriously ill when he was seven. Following that, one of his personal nannies was arrested, but I don’t know what she did.”

The first thought that came to Wen Ran’s mind was Gu Yunchi’s peculiar pheromone condition, which only allowed omegas with a compatibility exceeding 95% to get pregnant. The sex addiction had likely appeared due to the instability of his glands and pheromones—could this be why someone close to him schemed against him, leading to Gu Yunchi’s serious illness and subsequent health problems? slGqcN

That’s why when faced with the betrayal of the bodyguard, Gu Yunchi had said calmly, “No need to be. It’s not the first time.”

Tao Susu poured some tea for Wen Ran, “I think meeting you might be a stroke of luck for someone who grew up amid all these conspiracies and plots. After all, you’re so kind.”

If someone else had said this, Wen Ran would have thought it was sarcasm, but he knew Tao Susu meant it sincerely.

The fact that she was sincere made it even more ironic, considering that he was just a pawn amid conspiracies and plots—an accomplice. yLzR1s

Wen Ran forced a smile, “You already know.”

“I do, but it doesn’t affect me. To me, you’re just Wen Ran, my good friend.” Tao Susu took a sip of tea, then smacked her lips and exhaled.


After returning from Tao Susu’s house, Wen Ran’s mood was gloomy. Whenever he tried to draw, he would unintentionally zone out. Eventually, he gave up and stared blankly at the chat interface with “A Good Person” from a week ago, even though the conversation contained only a few words. 6INyPt

Gu Yunchi was fully aware of his intentions and knew he had offended his parents. But what had caused Gu Yunchi to gradually change his attitude?

A person who had grown up surrounded by disappointment, betrayal, lies, and pain had cautiously begun to extend trust and patience after thoughtful deliberation. How would Gu Yunchi react upon discovering that everything from his glands, pheromones, and compatibility had been tailor-made for him as part of a conspiracy? Would he be unsurprised, disappointed, or furious?

Raindrops pattered against the window as it started to rain.

Wen Ran’s phone screen automatically turned off, then lit up a second later with a new message in the chat window. NdaJv9

A Good Person: where

Wen Ran was stunned for a moment before hurriedly replying: At home

Chrysanthemum Garden.

A Good Person: and the others

Wen Ran: My mom and brother aren’t here. The housekeeper auntie is here, but she should be sleeping by now. VH6PSM

A Good Person: got it

Wen Ran: Is something wrong?

Wen Ran didn’t get a reply and waited silently for five minutes to verify Gu Yunchi had just asked casually.

It didn’t matter. Wen Ran was happy to be asked a couple of casual questions. He locked his phone and pulled himself together to continue the sketch. paQmNH

Ten minutes later, the rain intensified. Wen Ran closed the window slightly. As he pulled his hand back, his phone buzzed and a new message appeared on the screen.

A Good Person: come down

Wen Ran paused for a full five seconds before springing up, opening the door, and running downstairs. He only remembered it was raining when he stepped outside. He scrambled back to the living room to grab an umbrella.

Holding the umbrella, he squeezed out from the side door beside the black iron gate. The two bright headlights blinded him for a moment, the pouring rain glistening in the light. At the other end of the beams, a blurry figure stood beneath a black umbrella. FDUKH5

Wen Ran splashed through the rain to run up to Gu Yunchi. The car’s lights illuminated half of the alpha’s figure. Wen Ran looked up, unsure what to say after not seeing him for half a month. He pursed his lips and after a pause asked, “Why did you come?”

Gu Yunchi lowered his eyes to look at him without answering. He opened the car door and Wen Ran peeked inside. On the back seat was a transparent model case, containing the gray-white oceangoing frigate that had not yet been officially released for sale on the official website. Under the golden light, it exuded a sense of meticulous craftsmanship.

Without waiting for Wen Ran’s reaction, Gu Yunchi folded the umbrella and tossed it under the seat. He lifted the model case into the crook of his left arm and closed the car door. Wen Ran’s thoughts were scattered as he instinctively raised his hand to hold the umbrella for Gu Yunchi. He stared at the model case and was about to burst. Finally, he managed to make a sound, “Are you coming to my house?”

“Can’t I?” m8HSNq

“No, no, you can.” Wen Ran moved closer to him, patting the raindrops off his black T-shirt. “Watch your step.”

The short walk from the entrance to the living room felt deafening. Wen Ran couldn’t tell if it was the rain pounding outside or his heart thrumming in his chest. When they entered the house, he first stuck his head in to listen. Auntie Fang was still asleep. He fumbled around in the dark for a pair of slippers for Gu Yunchi.

Now it really felt like they were sneaking around. Wen Ran resigned himself to the thought, leading Gu Yunchi to the stairs. He turned on the wall lamp at the staircase landing, and they walked up the stairs together.

Once inside his room, Wen Ran noticed Gu Yunchi pause in his steps. After closing the door behind them, Gu Yunchi surveyed the tiny spare bedroom, which could be toured in just two seconds, and remarked, “It’s like a single-person prison cell.” mS5Iuz

Wen Ran didn’t hear a word and was fixated on Gu Yunchi’s face. He asked, “Did you go hiking? You look a bit tanned and thinner.”

Gu Yunchi placed the model case on the desk and said, “Mn.”

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He noticed the pile of drawings on the table and reached out to pick them up, but before he could, Wen Ran rushed over in two steps and grabbed them. After glancing down, Wen Ran breathed a sigh of relief upon realizing they were sketches for the kangaroo model he had just been drawing. He finally released his grip, “These are designs for a kangaroo I’m making for Tao Susu. She wants a kangaroo mechanical model.”

“Can you make it?” W3iU5M

“Yeah.” Wen Ran was already crouching by the table, his eyes locked on the frigate model, “It’s so beautiful. Are you giving it to me?”

“Or what? I brought it over to show you in the middle of the night? I’m so idle.”

“Thank you. It’s been ages since I’ve owned a model.” Wen Ran stood up and carefully opened the case to peer inside, “I was looking at pictures of it the other day. I really like it, but it’s so expensive.”

“Where do you plan on putting it in this tiny space?” Gu Yunchi leaned against the desk, “Under the blanket?” FZK0Cl

“In the closet.” Wen Ran turned to him with a smile, “My mom doesn’t like me playing with models, so I have to hide it. I’ll keep it in the closet and take it out at night. That way it’s safe.”

His smile had no trace of seeking sympathy or pretending to be pitiful; it came from the bottom of his heart. As long as he could own the model and keep his hobby, it didn’t matter if he had to hide it away. It was as if he had long been accustomed to this way of life.

Gu Yunchi was about to say something when Wen Ran suddenly stood up and took a few steps in place like he didn’t know what to do. It seemed like the more he thought about it, the happier he got. He was so happy that he wished he could run around the room.

Of course, this prison-like single room couldn’t accommodate any form of parkour. Eventually, Wen Ran looked at Gu Yunchi with bright eyes and asked, “Can I hug you?” lf2ohi

Author’s note:

Another one who went back to his wife halfway through training.

Translator's Note

(The emojis he uses are from WeChat. I’ll use standard emojis for the ones that are similar to the WeChat emojis and add pictures for the ones that aren’t in the standard emojis)

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

something like this:Frigate model

Translator's Note

this refers to the 7th day after a person’s death when it is believed that the deceased’s soul returns home for the final time before moving on to the afterlife.

Translator's Note


Translator's Note


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  1. They are so sweet!! 🥹 😭 Bracing myself and enjoying the sweetness before the upcoming, heart breaking drama. Thank you for the chapter!!

  2. Wen Ran is such a cutie! I hope they are able to get closer without all the crazies getting in the way 🤞😣

  3. Author’s note is a chef kiss. I know Gu Yunchi’s like a block of ice on the outside but exclusively soft on the inside for his wifey..

  4. They’re so cute!!!!!!! Gu Yunchi is so attentive in his own way, and Wen Ran so straightforward- such a good match of personalities