I Don't Know Martial ArtsChapter 26

I apologized again, but Moyong Hwa’s mouth remained tightly closed. I would have been more comfortable if he had been as arrogant and hopeless as he was before. I remembered Soseo’s words. The Moyong Family is really a place where people can’t help but go crazy. I opened my mouth.

“Young Master Moyong Hwa, as an apology, shall I tell you a secret?” 5dXFWV


Moyong Hwa stared at me and then looked back at the flowing water. He’s probably not interested. I immediately said something to catch his attention.

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“Even Young Master Soseo doesn’t know this.”

Moyong Hwa looked at me again, but I didn’t stop there just to make sure. Xik3K1

“If you know this secret, you might win the Martial Arts Tournament……!”

I shrieked and fell to the floor again. No, I’m not saying nonsense, why does he like to get on top of people so much. He even got on top of Soseo, and this time he’s on top of me……! The moment I thought so…


A sleek silver sword was right next to my neck. Even in the dark alley, the sharp blade shone. If that sleek, long sword next to my neck hit me…. I almost fainted while imagining what would happen. Moyong Hwa clenched his sword, spewed out a snarl and said.



I stared up at him. Looking at him like this……. Suddenly, an idea crossed my mind.

“……You haven’t changed, have you?”

I was really mistaken. He hasn’t changed at all. The face of the child who was always anxious and eager to be appreciated of five years ago remained on him. Moyong Hwa shouted sharply, applying more strength to his hand holding the sword. EBnfzw

“Quickly say it!”

As soon as I realized that, neither Moyong Hwa nor the sword that he was threatening me with seemed scary at all.

“The secret is…….”

If I babble “I’ll tell you in 60 seconds”, he’ll really slit my throat. I said immediately, without pausing. QZEavT

“Young Master Moyong Hwa is a really cool person.”

For a moment, time seemed to stop. Nobody moved. Neither Moyong Hwa nor I. The moment I thought so, my throat felt painful.

“……Is that the secret?”

Moyong Hwa clenched his teeth. jxJwoC

“Do you think that makes sense? Tell me what the real secret is before I really cut you down.”

“No, this is the  real secret.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

My mouth moved as fast as a motor.

“I insist, this is such a secret that not even Young Master Soseo and Young Master Moyong Hwa know themselves. Only I know……!” WCLdt2

“Stop bullshitting!”

Seeing Moyonng Hwa screaming with a Yaksha-like face, honestly, he became a little scary unlike before. I take back what I thought. I think that sword will really cut my throat, but……. I should say this.

“Young Master Moyong Hwa is really cool. Never mind what the people around you say……!”

Tuck. MG7Y8n

A cold drop of water fell on my cheek. I stopped talking and looked up at Moyong Hwa. His eyes were holding back tears. Did he grow his bang to cover up his pretty eyes? His bangs…… No, what am I really thinking? In the midst of this, I was the only one who was dazed. I gathered myself and looked at Moyong Hwa again. His mouth moved slowly.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Lbk mjc P cba wlcv la?” OH GT3

Zbsbcu Lkj’r tjcv, ktlmt kjr tbivlcu atf rkbgv, ojlcais agfwyifv.

“P ags ab lucbgf la, yea P gfjiis mjc’a.”

“P xcbk la’r tjgv. Dea…….”

Zbsbcu Lkj jvvfv, mgslcu, yfobgf P fnfc olclrtfv ws kbgvr. 2d9HMK

“P’ii cfnfg yf jyif ab yfja Vbrfb Lsecu-clw.”

“Do you really need to beat him?”

“Hyung-nim won’t even recognize me.”

“What?” vcUJS4

Moyong Hwa hurriedly closed his mouth, maybe because he had not meant to say that. I continued as if I hadn’t noticed.

“You don’t have to be recognized. Young Master Moyong Hwa is a valuable..….”

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“Shut up!”

Puk. He put his sword on my neck again. I once again shrieked. This time I knew it would really slit my neck. Did I irritate him too much? I calmed my startled chest and finished what I meant to say earlier. v36Q1W

“Young Master Moyong Hwa is a valuable person just by existing.”


The hand holding the sword began to tremble a lot more than before. Moyong Hwa quickly backed away from me the moment he noticed this. He trembled while leaning on the wall and then asked.

“……What’s with you?” xd9Tjg


With a fierce look on his face, Moyong Hwa asked me again.

“Why the hell are you doing this to me? Scary.”

“……Me?” gVsTnR

It seems like he’s referring to my words. You too, why the hell are you crushing the wall right now? And how are you, a martial artist, scared of me. If you stop people on the street and ask them which is the scariest between the two of us, in all likelihood, they’ll say that you’re the scariest. I was dumbfounded, so I crossed my arms and kept silent. But really, what’s scary about me?

That question was quickly forgotten. Suddenly, Moyong Hwa gripped his sword to the point his hands turned white. Then, he asked me, while pointing its tip at me.

“What the hell do you want from me?”

“What do I want…….” C owFr

I shook my head.

“I don’t want anything.”


Moyong Hwa stuck to the wall even more. LqJBR

“I’m sure you have something you want, like Father or Grandfather. That’s the reason for all that sweet talk…….”

Those words got me in trouble. As expected, I can’t lie. I finally came clean.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Actually, there’s something I want.”

“Of course! I knew it!” LHtsRN

As soon as Moyong Hwa shouted in a voice mixed with relief and anxiety, I also loudly shouted as if I couldn’t lose to him.

“I hope Young Master Moyong Hwa cheers up!”

It seemed like I was doing well enough, but it somehow seemed the surrounding people were telling me to take a hint. Moyong Hwa was surprised by what I said, and was fuming as much as a train chimney. His eyes through the split bangs were like a really surprised cat. Moyong Hwa muttered as he put his sword back in its scabbard.

“……You’re so weird.” HZ30hn

With that being said, he disappeared like a lightning bolt. As expected of Moyong’s heir. Moyong Hwa must also be good at Qinggong, a martial skill that allows people to move at high speed by lightening the body. But what will I do about this? Even the food bag flew far away when I fell down…… I raised my hand and felt around my neck. It stung when my finger touched the wound.

* * *


Cold. A heavy atmosphere. I sat in a chair and bowed my head quietly. Myoryeong was staring at me with her arms folded. RNGwMi

“I’ll forgive you for going out to buy food and disappearing for a long time.”

“……Thank you.”

“But this.”

Myoryeong held both my cheeks with both of her hands. Her anger-filled gaze completely remained on my neck. mWZQjJ

“You’d better tell me the truth about this wound.”

“……I wasn’t going to lie to you either. Instead,”


I took a small piece of paper out. IOBrgN

“Please sign here.”

“……What’s that?”

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“A document promising you won’t be angry after hearing me out.”

Myoryeong gently wrote her name on the paper. All right, that’s enough. I put the paper back in my arms and told her what had happened earlier. YMxZeE

“-And that’s how me and Moyong Hwa went our separate ways. The end.”


I finished speaking and looked at Myoryeong’s face. Myoryeong, who was breathing very hard, got up from her seat. Then, she slapped me on the back. Me and the chair staggered and flew toward the door. Feeling wronged, I shouted back.

“You said you wouldn’t get mad at me!” os384P

“You believed in that? Did you? Huh?”

Myoryeong grabbed me by the collar.

“Who wants to seduce a guy without permission again?!”

“……I didn’t seduce anyone! I just encouraged him!” B1sfC

“Shut up, you seductive bottom! Do you think I have something to say to you?!”

Myoryeong started continually punching me. No way. I’ll accept this beating since I’ve committed an offense, but I’ll have to make sure she gets this right.

“Again with this bottom thing……! Why do you keep calling me a bottom!”

I made my demand clear. 5 AiPd

“If you’re going to call me something like that, call me a top!”

The ruthless punches suddenly stopped. Myoryeong asked in a trembling voice, with her fist paused in the air.

“……Do you actually know what a bottom and a top are?”

I asked, blinking my eyes. JPO13h

“I don’t really know, but I heard the top is on top and the bottom is below. Then isn’t the top better?”

“You’re definitely a bottom because of what you’ve just said.”

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“Why? Is it because of my height? You said that even short people could be tops!”

“……You’d still be a bottom even if you were tall, friend.” 38Oejy

I had a nervous breakdown.

“How the hell is this top/bottom thing decided!?”

“Even if I told you, you wouldn’t understand. Let’s heal that wound first.”

Myoryeong put medicine on my neck. But after that, the cut looked redder. It’s really only a slight cut, but……. What should I do? What should I tell Soseo? 4MsqhF

“What must Soseo be doing by now?”

“I’m sure he’s being dragged around by Young Master Soyu. But he won’t be back too late.”

“Let’s figure out how to cover this wound before that.”

“Will you be honest and tell him what happened?” orUkYd

“I don’t want to see Mo Yong Hwa and Soseo fight before the Martial Arts Tournament starts!”

“So you do know Soseo cares about you.”

“Of course.”

If my beloved friend gets hit by someone, I’ll immediately go back and confront the person. If you cover up a wound like this with a bandage, it’ll stand out even more. Covering it up with makeup…… No, that’s too dangerous. What if it gets wiped away while I’m with Soseo? Then, a good idea popped into my head. I immediately asked Myoryeong to find the sewing box and ran outside again. If my memory is correct, it’s surely around here……! I was looking around, and I saw a poorly made wood and cloth stall, and a vendor who was just about to pack in front of it. 9 1hmE

“Wait a minute……!”

I shouted from my core, ran, and quickly scanned the stall. Then I pointed to a bracelet with blue beads.

“Mister, give me this!”

“Uh……? Oh, sure.” QcWjSM

The merchant was embarrassed by my overly serious attitude, but he took the money. I grabbed the bracelet and went back to the inn. In the meantime, Myoryeong had found the sewing box and was waiting for me.

“What are you really trying to do?”

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“You’ll know when I finish.”

There was also a lot of leftover fabric inside the box. This should work. I cut a thin black fabric. And I also cut the bracelet, separating the string and the bead. Finally, if you put beads on the fabric……. Done! I proudly shout out. 82j05p

“Ta-da! The choker is done!”

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  1. MY DEAR!! You are a walking flirty bottom!! Youvare so adorable if I have someone like that around I would pinch their cheeks! Must proteccccc

  2. If that beautiful emotional speech was in a xianxia novel he would have a gotten a loyal brother to fight with. Too bad it’s a bl novel. Your bottom will not be spareddddd.

    Choker gang!!