I Can Still Survive [Interstellar]Chapter 158


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  1. Hahahahaha 😂😂😂 I can’t hahahahhaha wheezing hahahahhahha. How cute at the same time it hurts my heart 😭😭.

    Thanks for the update꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡.

    P.S. the first one to comment while somewhat tipsy hhehehehhe😁.

  2. Bert is not the parent of the year, sadly he’s on to something

    Thank you for the chapter

  3. Lmaoooo not him being praised for useless fool 😭😭 poor baby, he need security but he won’t get that by being attached at the hip. Although, it doesn’t seem like much time has passed. It seems fast? I feel like a week or two of velco Xavier would be fine in this situation. 🤔

    • I feel like it’s been a month or more. Since it said everyone thought it would be temporary but it only worsen with time. If it’s bad enough that Bert’s speaking out knowing he’ll get beaten up, it’s probably been more than a week or so.