I Can't Be This ProtagonistCh46 - Blessing


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  1. Five Star Baby has been misunderstood. Somewhat.

    The only way to acquire scum scum gongs is to show grass seeds and create dog blood. 😌

  2. Baby Ji Baby Ji Baby Ji. Adorable. So cute, naive, sheltered Lil Master who thinks he’s gonna save his flower. Oh Baby Ji. Where’s your daddy I miss him

  3. When i first read the spoiler at the synopsis, i was kinda apprehensive if i would continue to read this or nah. But now, BUT NOW, i’l so very glad that i took the risk. ☺️☺️☺️

    Now i understand, what you’re trying to say to me (starry, starry night~). Why no one was chosen. Turns out no one is really quite worthy. 🧏🧏🧏