I Became the Vicious Senior Brother of “White Cut Black” Junior BrotherCh43 - You Look The Best

It was clearly said with a smile, but everyone only felt the chill to the bones. All of them were simultaneously stunned.

Because the other person said it casually, as if he didn’t take them seriously at all. j80Exr

Liu Ruyan was also the same.

She has always been proud and arrogant, and is an outstanding figure among her fellow disciples. Now that she was being looked down upon, she was even more furious.

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The atmosphere was tense.

“Calm down.” A fellow disciple tried to persuade her, “If you really do this, I’m afraid you will implicate the sect.” MXvy5O

After all, they are both Lingyuan Continent cultivators. It was just a private conflict, that’s all. If it’s really killing someone, it would be more than just apologizing to each other.

Shen He frowned: “I just said that we shouldn’t let them in.”

Xiao Lin didn’t have any reaction to what these people said and still looked at Shen Xingcong.

Shen Xingcong knew in his heart that the other person didn’t care whether they stayed or not. But likewise, he also didn’t care about whether or not they implicated the sect.
If the conflict continued to intensify, Xiao Lin perhaps would really make a move.


Therefore, he took a step forward and blocked the person behind him.

Shen Xingcong: “Since the two of us have already agreed to the deputy officer’s daughter, I’m afraid it’s inappropriate for us to leave at will. Let’s wait until the person comes back.”

He saw that Liu Ruyan still didn’t have the idea of withdrawing the sword, and then toward Shen Hanling said: “Hanling, our dispute can be discussed later, the most urgent matter is to solve the demon cultivator. Can you please ask your fellow disciples to stop?”

Perhaps because of the direct address to him, Shen Hanling finally responded, slightly lowering his eyes: “Ruyan.” P vQM4

In just two short words, the tone was still cold.

Liu Ruyan paused, and finally put her sword back into its sheath.
But she still didn’t plan to walk with the two of them, wrinkling her eyebrows: “When the deputy officer’s daughter comes back, you need to leave immediately.”

Not long after, the green garment woman crossed the threshold while holding a box.
She didn’t notice the abnormality, handing over the small box.

“Listening to the immortal’s entrustment, in order to avoid being contaminated by other people’s breath, this thing is kept by me alone. It has always been placed in the box and has never been touched by others.” dF0L 8

Liu Ruyan was about to pick it up, when she suddenly saw a black shadow flashing past. In the next second, the green garment woman had nothing in her hand.

She was slightly stunned, then glared at the culprit: “What are you doing!”

Shen Xingcong had already taken the box one step ahead, and was now standing a few steps away: “Well, of course, it’s for chasing after the demon cultivator.”

Liu Ruyan stretched out her hand: “That’s ours, still didn’t give it back quickly.” 6gY8lz

Shen Xingcong smiled: “It’s the same for subduing demons and eliminating evils, so why should it be divided into you and me?”
“I won’t be as petty as you all,” he said as he lifted the lid of the box, “If you want to go together to find the demon cultivator, just follow.”

Since these people were unwilling to walk with him, he could only take the initiative into his own hands.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The green garment woman appeared to want to say something, but it was too late.

The box lid was open, and a milky white silk undergarment was folded inside, emitting a slight fragrance.

Shen Xingcong paused for a few seconds and slammed the lid closed.

“This is a woman’s private property, and it is inconvenient for men to touch it.” Liu Ruyan sneered, “Please return it.”

Shen Xingcong has been a single dog all his life, and when he saw this thing for the first time, his ears were already red.
But he still forced himself to be calm: “This is a clue. Since it is for the purpose of getting rid of demons, why should you mind about this.” mRxEnB

The green garment woman looked around, not understanding why these two sides of immortals were arguing again after she had just left for a while.

“Young lady.”

She heard Liu Ruyan call her, “If you wish for these two to work for you, we will leave right away.”

At those words, the green garment woman was even more flustered.
She didn’t want to offend anyone. gI5MP2

Seeing her hesitation, Shen He spoke up and provoked her: “This person harbors evil intentions, and we don’t know what kind of wicked ideas he has. You see that his companion beside him doesn’t even dare to show his face, surely he has a guilty conscience.”

The green garment woman was somewhat convinced.

In the end, she first asked the Tiandao Sect.
Not to mention that in comparison, the Tiandao Sect’s group looked more immortal.

Especially that indifferent male immortal. Although he hadn’t said a word all this time, he was so good-looking that she couldn’t help but trust him. cAdOPx

Shen Xingcong noticed the woman’s bias in her heart, weighing the box in his hand.

He didn’t care if he returned it or not. In any case, the fundamental purpose was to travel with the male protagonist. But without it, there would be no leverage.

“Covering his face,” he said, “is only due to the fact that my junior brother is good-looking, and afraid of attracting the envy of idlers.”

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and then couldn’t help feeling ridiculous. nUl1E3

Most of the cultivators were originally born pretty good, but after seeing much more, they became numb.
Other than Shen Hanling, they really hadn’t seen anyone who could cause people to take a quick glance.

Saying these boasting words in person, really not afraid to make a fool of themselves.

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Liu Ruyan is especially so.
The reason why she liked Shen Hanling was because of that stunning face.

She didn’t think there would be a second “Shen Hanling” in the world. 9fqXC7

“So that’s the case, why don’t you take off your conical bamboo hat and let us see?” Liu Ruyan said disdainfully, “It might not be a bad idea to put the young lady’s mind at ease.”

Shen Xingcong crossed his arms: “Xiao Lin, take it off.”

He had a well-thought-out plan and waited for the crowd to exclaim, but after a few seconds, he saw that these people’s expressions hadn’t changed.
Looking back in confusion, he found that Xiao Lin hadn’t moved at all.

Shen Xingcong:【What are you doing.】 Ulwjsv

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Lin glanced at him, then turned his head away.

Lf kjr jybea ab offi atf tewliljalbc.

Vtfc Wlcumbcu: Yxjs.

Pa kjr lcvffv delaf ragjcuf ab jguef bnfg ktb ibbxfv yfaafg ja atlr alwf. K0xXwh

Lf mbeutfv ilutais jcv vgfk tlwrfio klat gfrqfma: “Aeclbg ygbatfg vbfrc’a mjgf jybea atlr, ifa’r ajix jybea rbwfatlcu firf.”

Ole Eesjc kjrc’a regqglrfv.
After all, Brother Hanling is here, who would dare to boast of his own appearance? He must be lacking in confidence.

“…young master,” the green garment woman said timidly, “It’s not that I don’t trust you. It is just that this thing was urged by these immortals here before leaving, isn’t it better to return it back?”

There is no way out. zYeUjt

Shen Xingcong was able to forcefully keep the item. But if the Tiandao Sect really gave up on the task just like that, wouldn’t it be putting the cart before the horse?

For this operation, keeping up with the male protagonist was the point.

Another method must be thought of. QF9fTp

“Young lady, I have some things to talk to these immortals.”
Shen Xingcong smiled and said, “Can you please excuse yourself for a moment?”

Green garment woman: “Huh?”

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Shen Xingcong: “Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”

Although the green garment woman was puzzled, she still made a bow with her hands clasped, closed the door, and left. UAnWVJ

Now, there were only two sects left in the room again.
Shen He laughed coldly: “Why, you sending people away is to continue the private fight just now?”

“No.” Shen Xingcong said, “I have said that I want to get along well with you.”

Shen He noticed a slight change in Shen Xingcong’s personality, not as irritable as before. But he still didn’t let his guard down.
“Ridiculous, you heartless and ungrateful person. Are you eyeing Hanling again this time?”

Shen Xingcong: “You are all unwilling to go along just because you are afraid he will mind, what if he volunteers.” 8TNp6L

Liu Ruyan blurted out: “How could Brother Hanling voluntarily——”

“If you don’t believe me, then ask.” Shen Xingcong looked at Shen Hanling who had never said a word and asked, “Do you still hate me?”

Shen Hanling looked at him, still expressionless.

Shen Xingcong said again: “Dying to hack me to pieces and put me to death?” 4wZXhv

Shen Hanling: “…”
He finally spoke, “Why should I answer this.”

Shen Xingcong didn’t respond, pointing his finger at himself: “Do you want to kill me.”

Everyone’s eyes fell on the two of them, and no one interjected.

After a long time, Shen Hanling shook his head lightly.
Although the arc was tiny, the movement could be clearly seen in the end. PguZrJ

Shen He and Liu Ruyan were both startled.

Especially Liu Ruyan. She heard Shen Hanling’s past from Shen He’s mouth, it’s said that he was poisoned by his older brother out of jealousy, lying in bed for a long time.
The more she loved Shen Hanling dearly, the more she hated this so-called older brother.

Unexpectedly, the person involved wasn’t worried?

“Hanling,” Shen He urgently said, “Have you forgotten, this traitor has done everything to you! Not only did he poison you in the end, but he also never treated you as his own blood brother before!” IKDjrX

Shen Hengling glanced at him: “Forgot.”

Hearing this, Shen He couldn’t help but hold his breath, extremely incredulous.

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Could it be because of blood ties? If the relationship wasn’t good, they were born of the same parents in the end. Was that why he could forget everything in the past so thoroughly?

If Shen Xingcong heard what Shen He was thinking in his heart, perhaps he would have to say it was a misunderstanding straightforwardly.
Based on his understanding of the male protagonist Shen Hanling, this person is “cold-hearted and cold-blooded” in another sense. YpDUOI

People and things that he didn’t care about wouldn’t consume his effort at all, and they would be left behind in the blink of an eye.

As described in the original story, Shen Hanling grew up as a core figure, surrounded by people who loved him. No matter whether it was his own biological parents or relatives, they were all good to him without asking for anything in return.
And his own older brother was just one in the vast sea of people, and they usually had very little interaction. He only vaguely remembered that he had an older brother above him, and he couldn’t even remember what he was called.

Shen Xingcong felt that the relationship between these two people was about one person’s hatred of the other to the bone, but the other didn’t pay attention to him at all.

Even after the poisoning incident, when he heard that it was his own older brother who had poisoned him, Shen Hanling had no emotional ups and downs. The feeling is similar to listening to strangers’ poisoning. rHXvlu

What’s more, after so many years——Shen Xingcong just saw Shen Hanling’s reaction, and there was a speculation in his heart.

Probably, Shen Hanling had long forgotten who the original owner was.

Since he didn’t remember, how could he talk about hatred.

That’s why he asked such questions.
On the contrary, if he had asked Shen Hanling whether he still regarded himself as his own older brother, the other person would definitely have shaken his head as well. B51vkM

Then, now was the last question.

Shen Xingcong: “You don’t want to travel with my Xiaoyao Sect that much?”

Shen Hanling: “…”

Shen Hanling: “It doesn’t matter.” bd8gnV

Good Lord.
Doesn’t matter is fine.

Shen Xingcong spread his hands towards the others again: “You see, the person involved don’t mind anymore.”

“…Brother Hanling.” Liu Ruyan hesitated, “Do you really think so?”

Shen Hanling faintly: “I only want to fulfill what master has entrusted.” 91y5bC

It seemed that Shen Hanling probably meant to continue the task.

The Tiandao Sect disciples looked at each other.

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Shen Xingcong struck while the iron was hot: “Right, right, wouldn’t it be detrimental to the face of the Tiandao Sect to return empty-handed like this? It would be better to join forces and make it a beautiful story.”

Liu Ruyan knew in her heart that Brother Hanling had never lied. zh8 3H

She bit her lower lip and turned towards Shen Xingcong, saying: “I don’t know why you have to go along, but since Brother Hanling doesn’t mind, let’s forget about it for now. But remember, brother is broad-minded, and that doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
“Although we will be traveling together in the future, we must not rest in one place. I will guard against you.”

“Yes yes.” Now that the goal has been achieved, Shen Xingcong was also not in the mood to care what Liu Ruyan said, and responded to everything.

Shen He: “Ruyan…”

Liu Ruyan: “That’s enough, this matter is settled.” 3uF8RO

Shen He frowned.
This matter has come to an end for the time being.

Liu Ruyan infused spiritual energy to the half-dead deputy officer who was lying on the bed. This operation requires extreme caution, otherwise, if it’s too much, he will explode and die.
Previously, the fellow disciples didn’t do it because they lacked experience.

It took effect soon.

The deputy officer’s face gradually became rosy, and no longer murmured nonsense. TmBYRg

Later, the green garment woman and her mother were called back. When they saw the deputy officer’s face return to normal, they were all excited. Kneel down immediately.
“Many thanks to the immortals, many thanks to the immortals!”

Liu Ruyan: “After this, he still needs to adjust his breath and self-cultivate, don’t exert himself too much.”

Madam Deputy Officer: “Then when the lord wakes up, will he also recognize us and be freed from that fox spirit’s charm?”

Demon cultivators do have gu techniques, so the recipient can only follow their own orders. However, there were restrictions on distance and time. That demon cultivator had been away for a long time, and theoretically, he would have been able to come to his senses a long time ago.

The deputy officer had been chanting that person’s name, fearing that it wasn’t only because of the gu techniques.

Liu Ruyan didn’t want to meddle in other people’s business, and was about to make a perfunctory comment, when she heard someone beside her interject: “After the deputy officer received that woman back, did he think of taking a concubine?”

Upon hearing this, the deputy officer’s wife and daughter both paused. fxqAvF

Liu Ruyan glared: “What are you doing?”

“Just asking to be clear.” Shen Xingcong smiled, “If there is this matter, it means that the deputy officer is not bewitched, and he will not necessarily give up when he wakes up.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Because the demon cultivator’s gu techniques could make people obey their words. He didn’t think the demon cultivator would make such a request and willingly become a mortal beauty concubine.

And the original story did say that the demon cultivator was used as a cultivation furnace before she became a demon, and she was still trapped by her “love/lust” to this day. It was about the time when the illness was discovered by the deputy officer, and it was just a matter of pushing the boat.

The deputy officer’s wife’s face was green and white for a while.

The woman in the green garment hesitated: “Father…did say before. But it’s just crazy talk, not to be taken seriously.”

Both mother and daughter seemed unwilling to believe in this possibility. sYkRyW

Or perhaps deep down, there were doubts, but they were unwilling to face them. Instead of disgracing the face of the deputy officer, it would be better to call it a fox spirit and shirk all the responsibility.

Shen Xingcong nodded: “I am also only guessing. After all, there is more than one ‘Susu’ in this world for the deputy officer.”

When the deputy officer’s wife and daughter heard this, they all fell silent.

After leaving the Fengtian Mansion, Liu Ruyan frowned: “I really don’t understand why you have to bother with these talking.” j6Gasd

“I’m doing it for the good of the deputy officer,” Shen Xingcong said, “Otherwise they all think he is being bewitched, what if they have to seek Daoist priests to perform the rituals when the person wakes up? How tortuous.”

Liu Ruyan: “This is a mortal world, and it has nothing to do with us.”

Shen Xingcong: “But I love to meddle in other people’s business.”

Liu Ruyan paused. wAiJbG

After all, she is a woman, she also heard the other person’s words just now was hinting at the deputy officer’s wife: the crux of the problem was the deputy officer himself.
Although she had the same idea, she would never go and say anything more.

She was suddenly a little puzzled.

This kind of person, would he really be the kind of heartless and ungrateful person who poisons secretly?

. 6zVAjU

The next step is the main topic.

Shen Xingcong successfully joined the protagonist’s group. The next step was to find that female demon cultivator, and then wait for the medical cultivator to appear.

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Half a month out, now they have finally gained something.
The box was still in his arms.

Shen Xingcong held the box and got closer to Xiao Lin, sighing: “Just now, I asked you to take off the conical bamboo hat. You don’t move, and how embarrassing for me.” kdUTV9

Xiao Lin glanced at him: “What’s the benefit of taking it off?”

Shen Xingcong: “Attracting everyone to be stunned.”

Xiao Lin retracted his gaze.

Shen Xingcong stretched out his hand again: “As well as my favor.” cPEbul

Xiao Lin lowered his eyes and saw his thumb and forefinger pinched together, not knowing what it meant.

Xiao Lin: “What is this.”

Shen Xingcong: “Love.”

Xiao Lin: “…”
He bent his eyes, “Senior brother is not smart, that’s all, and he is even more frighteningly stupid on usual days.” T0sWMC

Shen Xingcong simply carried the box under his armpit, and formed a hand heart on both hands by using his thumb and forefinger in quick succession.

Xiao Lin didn’t want to go the same way, walking faster and faster.

Until they get out of the city, and find a secluded place. Shen Xingcong opened the box lid and was ready to follow the trail.
As soon as a gap was opened, the afterglow came into view with a milky white color.

He snapped it closed at once. LmAWqy

Liu Ruyan was amused: “It’s better for me to do it.”

She used her sword to pick up the milky white undergarment. Shen Xingcong observed with eyes and nose in his mind, but he didn’t dare to look straight at it.

After some investigation, Liu Ruyan put it back into the box. In her hand, she held out a compass.

There was no pointer on the compass, instead there was a thin red thread that was poking out towards the southeast direction. rWDdPj

“It seems to be heading this way.”

Without further ado, everyone didn’t stop, and called their flying swords to set off.

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The demon cultivator had already fled far away. They followed the trail while adjusting their direction according to the compass pointing.
When the sunset, they descended to a hilltop.

“It’s already dark, let’s take a short rest first. Set out again tomorrow.”
Liu Ruyan put away the compass. vJ9LjG

Cultivators weren’t really particular about the environment, and could sit on the ground everywhere to adjust their breath and recuperate.
Therefore, they didn’t make a special trip to find an inn, rather they found a random cave near the top of the mountain. Preparing to rest on the spot.

Liu Ruyan drew her sword and drew a horizontal line across the cave entrance. As the tip of the sword passed, a bright light was emitted. This was a simple barrier, if there are bad persons approaching, they can be detected at any time.

Shen Xingcong clapped his hands: “Fellow Daoist Liu is really meticulous.”

Liu Ruyan: “You are not allowed to cross this line.” 4tuVHa

This was to guard against them.

Shen Hanling had already entered the cave by himself at this time, cross-legged and entered a meditative state. It seemed that the disturbances of the world couldn’t disturb him.

Shen Xingcong’s line of sight followed along, and sat down next to the horizontal line.
“With the earth as the bed and the sky as the quilt, it is not bad.”

He looked at Shen Hanling from this side, but saw a pair of long boots blocking him. Looking up, he saw Liu Ruyan. An8S6L

“I noticed that you were peeking at Brother Hanling all the way.” Liu Ruyan frowned slightly, “I warn you, you are not allowed to have the idea of hitting Brother Hanling.”

Why did these words sound strange.

Shen Xingcong raised his hand: “I said I have repent sincerely and mend my way.”

Liu Ruyan didn’t know if she believed it or not, and with a delicate hum, she turned around and headed inside. The other Tiandao Sect disciples also meditated one by one. Cn5IJS

“So that’s how it is.”
At this moment, someone next to Shen Xingcong approached.

“The target this time is him?”

Shen Xingcong turned his head. Seeing Xiao Lin standing beside him, he had already taken his conical bamboo hat off and was similarly looking at Shen Hanling.

“Hush, hush!” vckxY6

Shen Xingcong forcefully dragged the person to crouch down, “What target or not, how unpleasant to hear it.”

He just wanted to rub off on the male protagonist’s opportunity. It’s all about saving people anyway, saving one more life is better than building a seven-floor pagoda.

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“Sect Leader’s direct disciple is the younger sister, Teacher Lan Jin is the elder,” Xiao Lin looked as if he hadn’t heard him and said, “And who is this one?”

Shen Xingcong didn’t quite understand what the connection was and said back: “…younger brother?” JUt5YK

He seemed to hear a light snort beside his ears.

“No, it’s really younger brother! The same father and mother kind!” Shen Xingcong pointed to himself, “You don’t think I look a bit like him?”

These words made Shen Xingcong have a little guilty conscience himself.

Although he also looks good, the male protagonist is, after all, the author’s own son, his facial features are comparable to the addition of a tenth-grade filter. Coupled with that cold and detached temperament. Even if they stand together, it is estimated that no one will think that they are siblings. f1oJzZ

Xiao Lin really scrutinized him for a while.

At such a close distance, Shen Xingcong realized that the man in front of him had really long eyelashes. The bridge of his nose was high and straight, and his lips were slightly thin.
The way he looked at him with his eyes downcast was like looking at a lover of his dreams.

Because it was peach blossom eyes.

Shen Xingcong suddenly understood a bit the reason for those young girls’ heart palpitations, and couldn’t help shrinking back. dxkRiS

No, no, why on earth do you look so serious ah.

He was a little embarrassed.

At this time, the person in front of him showed him a smile. There were shallow dimples at the corners of his mouth.

“Don’t think so.” M8dUpR

The shyness immediately dissipated, followed shortly by the next sentence.

“Senior brother is much better looking.”

“Especially the other’s appearance.” Xiao Lin whispered softly, “I’m afraid there won’t be anyone that looks better than senior brother.”

Translator’s Notes: 7Heds

Big thanks for all of your encouragement! It keeps my spirits up! ^^

And sorry for the late response to your comments in the previous chapter :”(

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Translator's Note

肚兜 (dùdōu) H4hJyt

It’s an undergarment that covers the chest and abdomen.

Translator's Note

本末倒置 (běnmò-dàozhì)

It’s an idiom that means reversing the importance of things.

Translator's Note

蛊术 (gǔ shù) AGwYc6

I bet you guys already know this kind of technique. It was when people made gu poison by sealing several venomous creatures inside a closed container and letting them devour each other until there was only a single survivor. That single survivor will have highly concentrated toxins in its body, and it’s usually fed upon to a person so they can be manipulated or even die.

Translator's Note

顺手推舟 (shùn shǒu tuī zhōu) yZvT9b

When searching for this, I found 顺水推舟 (shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu), which means to push a boat along the direction of the current, and is a metaphor for speaking and doing things in accordance with a certain trend or way.

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  1. Liu Ruyan only likes Shen Hanling for his looks, and has the audacity to hold grudges for him like he’s the white moonlight of her life? Girl I’m losing braincells just reading your dialogue 💀💀

    On another note, that was very smooth Xiao Lin! 😭🤧