Heal That Poor Little OneCh56 - The Fierce Bride Brought in to Ward Off Misfortune

At the banquet, Prime Minister Shi was also present. He did not expect Shi Anrong to be so impulsive as to run over to the ceremony hall. And to be discovered by Bai Su, who publicly said such things.

For a moment, Prime Minister Shi’s face turned very ugly. He quickly looked towards the Marquis Anping sitting in the main seat. g6p07Q

Seeing this, the Marquis Anping felt anxious. He angrily looked at Bai Su, signaling Ling Ziang to take Shi Anrong back.

Bai Su, seeing that he had offended his supposed in-laws as soon as he arrived, didn’t care. From the customs of Chiyue, his appearance at the banquet wasn’t a big deal. Even if it was against the rules, so what?

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Not to mention that he wasn’t actually a woman; even if he were, he wouldn’t be bound by these moral restrictions. To be frank, he was just an impostor. His true identity was that of a bandit leader.

Once everything was settled, he could just take his beloved away and make him his wife in the mountain stronghold. Given his abilities, their latter half of life would be just as comfortable, even more free and easy than now! 29uTdx

With this thought, Bai Su cared even less about these people.

However, his act was only halfway through; how could he let the main character leave so soon? Seeing Ling Ziang approaching to pull Shi Anrong away, Bai Su smirked. The next second, Shi Anrong suddenly clutched her stomach and fell to the ground, crying out loudly.

Instinctively protecting her abdomen, she cried out in pain, “It hurts, my stomach hurts, the child, my child!”

Seeing this, Bai Su also put on a terrified look and shouted, “Someone, quick, someone, go find a doctor to see what’s wrong with my sister-in-law!”


Perhaps Shi Anrong’s voice was too miserable, so for a moment, the people at the banquet did not react. Bai Su ordered the nearby servants to quickly call the doctor, and the servants hurriedly obeyed.

They all knew that Shi Anrong was the legitimate daughter of the Prime Minister’s mansion, with a noble status. The people around didn’t dare to be negligent and quickly called the mansion’s doctor to check on her.

The doctor rushed over, only to see Shi Anrong clutching her stomach, lying on the ground in great pain. He hurriedly took her pulse but couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Just when he was at a loss, Shi Anrong’s pain suddenly subsided.

Shi Anrong stood up in confusion, feeling that the pain just now seemed like an illusion. Worried about the child in her belly, she anxiously asked the doctor in front of her, “Doctor, why was I in so much pain just now? Am I okay?” hUOEY4

The doctor shook his head upon hearing this, “I am not sure either. After diagnosing you, I didn’t find anything unusual.”

But as soon as the doctor finished speaking, Shi Anrong’s stomach started to hurt again. This time, the pain came more fiercely than before, and there was a faint feeling of pressure in her lower abdomen, which made her completely panic.

“Ah! It hurts so much, how could it be nothing! Doctor, it hurts! My child!”

Shi Anrong was in so much pain that she almost rolled on the ground. Her hair was disheveled, and she scratched and clawed at the people around her like a madwoman, which even shocked the doctor beside her. TP4VZC

Ling Ziang couldn’t bear to watch anymore and urgently tried to stop Shi Anrong. But as soon as he touched her, he was scratched on the face by her long nails.

Ling Ziang gasped, hurriedly stood up, and covered his face. There were already two scratches on his cheek. Ever since he had transmigrated, he had never been injured, especially not such scratches, which completely ruined his demeanor.

With a darkened face, he covered his face and directly glared at the stunned maids on both sides, “Why are you still standing there? Quickly help the madam up, what are you waiting for!”

The maids on both sides saw this and didn’t dare to care about Shi Anrong’s madness. They had no choice but to brace themselves to help her up. But to their surprise, Shi Anrong’s abdominal pain miraculously disappeared again in the next second. YJT3MR

This time, Shi Anrong felt completely exhausted. She was helped to a chair, still tense, and couldn’t care less about anything else. She grabbed the doctor in front of her and shouted, “Doctor, my child, quickly see if my child is okay!”

Prime Minister Shi was startled by his daughter’s condition. At this moment, hearing Shi Anrong clearly mention the child again, he was shocked and hurriedly wanted to step forward to stop her from exposing the matter.

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But just as he was about to speak, he was shocked to find that his throat felt as if it was being choked, and he couldn’t utter a single word. His body felt as if it was immobilized.

Seeing Shi Anrong’s pale face, the doctor, recalling the horrifying situation earlier, dared not be negligent and took her pulse again. nR9k3e

Hearing her inquiry, he braced himself and said, “Madam, rest assured, the fetus is not disturbed. The baby is now nearly three months old, and the pregnancy is stable. As for why you experienced such severe abdominal pain just now, further diagnosis is needed.”

Hearing this, Shi Anrong finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her mind was a mess just now, and when she stood up wanting to return to her room, she realized the environment she was in.

Remembering the secrets she had blurted out in her panic, and seeing the way the guests were looking at her, Shi Anrong screamed and fainted.

This time, she really fainted. She had made a complete fool of herself in front of everyone, and now everyone knew she was nearly three months pregnant. This meant that she and Ling Ziang had been secretly involved and had even conceived a child, forcing them to marry hastily and quietly. zNPd6n

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lfg gfqeajalbc kjr eaafgis gelcfv!

Fcjyif ab yfjg atf yibk, Vtl Ccgbcu ojlcafv jcv kjr mjgglfv jkjs. Ktf uefrar kfgf jrabclrtfv atja atfs mbeiv klacfrr remt j rmjcvji ja atf Zjgdelr’r yjcdefa, ifjnlcu atfw rqffmtifrr.

Ycis joafg Vtl Ccgbcu kjr ajxfc jkjs vlv Uglwf Zlclrafg Vtl olcv tlr atgbja jcv wbnfwfcar yjmx ab cbgwji, yea la kjr abb ijaf.

He didn’t have time to ponder the terrifying abnormality that had just occurred; he felt too ashamed to stay at the banquet any longer. He lifted his head and glared fiercely at the equally stunned Marquis Anping before storming off. JSc2ya

Though Shi Anrong had left, the banquet was in chaos, with guests whispering among themselves and the situation spiraling out of control.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Bai Su had no intention of staying to be a target. Amid the confusion, he swiftly picked up an untouched plate of roast chicken from a nearby table, covered it with his sleeve, and left easily.

He didn’t notice a cute girl in a light blue dress at the edge of the women’s banquet, watching him from afar with eyes full of curiosity and delight.

This incident caused both the Marquis Anping and the Prime Minister’s residence to lose face. Prime Minister Shi stormed off in anger, leaving the Marquis to figure out how to calm the remaining guests. K4xyB7

Bai Su, feeling refreshed, swaggered back to Ling Yancheng’s courtyard and walked into the room. He felt much better after giving a hard time to those who bullied his lover.

However, with this incident, he could forget about dinner tonight. Those people probably wanted to kill him now; there was no way they would feed him.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to grab a plate of roast chicken on his way back from the banquet.

He placed the roast chicken on the table and naturally went over to kiss the youth still lying peacefully on the big bed. Then he sat down in front of the mirror and started taking off the heavy head ornaments. BmPdFK

Looking at his reflection in the bronze mirror, Bai Su smiled wryly. He hadn’t expected that he would have to wear women’s clothes and even apply makeup himself.

Fortunately, he had stopped the makeup artist from putting on several layers of powder. Thinking of the makeup styles in the interstellar era, Bai Su had only slightly drawn his eyebrows and eyes and reddened his lips. This softened his masculine features a bit, making him look more pleasing.

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Otherwise, if he had worn a ghostly thick makeup, he wouldn’t have had the courage to walk out the door.

After washing his face and removing the makeup, Bai Su felt that he had made a big sacrifice. When he and his lover confirmed their relationship in the future, he would definitely make his lover wear women’s clothes for him to see. yuGBVE

Such grievances shouldn’t be borne alone!

Rubbing his throbbing temples, Bai Su felt that his mental strength had improved a lot after several worlds, but controlling both Shi Anrong and Prime Minister Shi simultaneously today was still taxing.

Luckily, Bai Su was experienced and skilled in controlling his mental power. Facing people in this world who didn’t even have mental power, he easily made Shi Anrong experience hallucinations of unbearable abdominal pain and used mental suggestions to immobilize and silence Prime Minister Shi.

Of course, he made sure Shi Anrong’s child was stable before taking action, ensuring that the fetus wouldn’t be harmed. Z1Ti4L

Sighing tiredly, Bai Su didn’t bother with formalities and sat at the table, tearing off a chicken leg and eating heartily. Seeing the fruits and pastries on the table, he didn’t hold back. After clearing the table of food, he stretched contentedly, feeling full.

Though it wasn’t completely dark outside yet, Bai Su was already feeling sleepy. Worrying about his lover had kept him from having a good night’s sleep for days. He took off his outer robe and climbed into bed, lying beside Ling Yancheng.

Perhaps because the familiar scent surrounded him, Bai Su felt especially at ease. Soon, he drifted into a sweet slumber.

On the other side, the Marquis Anping had no idea that the culprit behind all this was already sleeping peacefully. By the time he, exhausted, managed to see off all the guests and thought of punishing Bai Su, it was almost dark. t09aeL

No matter what, Bai Su was the newlywed daughter-in-law and was in Ling Yancheng’s room, so he couldn’t just call her out. He could only come to the courtyard, questioning the guards about why someone who should have been well-guarded could leave the courtyard so easily.

The guards were equally baffled, having seen no one leave at all. Seeing the Marquis Anping so furious left them puzzled.

Looking at the tightly closed door of Ling Yancheng’s room, the Marquis felt angrier than he had in years. He glared at Madam Ruan standing beside him and sarcastically said, “This is the excellent daughter-in-law you carefully selected!”

After saying this, he ignored the sullen-faced Ruan Mingshu and directly left for Concubine Jiang’s courtyard. uvCUw9

Ruan Mingshu cursed Bai Su in her heart and harshly punished the guards responsible for the watch, but she had to leave temporarily. She planned to severely reprimand this audacious woman during the morning greetings and tea ceremony the next day.

By evening, Shi Anrong finally woke up. Two doctors were specially invited to examine her and said she was fine.

However, as soon as she woke up, she immediately started to seek death and cry hysterically. It was only when Ling Ziang told her to think about the child in her belly that she stopped. But then she kept lamenting that her reputation was ruined and that she had no face to see anyone for the rest of her life.

At first, Ling Ziang comforted her with kind words, but after hearing such words repeatedly, he grew annoyed. Only because of Prime Minister Shi did he remain patient and not leave. djHuAo

Seeing Shi Anrong, whose makeup and hair were disheveled and who had completely lost her usual dignified and elegant demeanor, Ling Ziang unconsciously thought of his radiant new sister-in-law at the banquet. Such a uniquely beautiful woman was truly wasted on his elder brother.

Ling Ziang, being naturally flirtatious, almost immediately developed an interest in Bai Su. He even maliciously thought that Ling Yancheng, being crippled for so many years, probably had no capability in that regard.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But he was not in a hurry; they had just gotten married, and there was plenty of time. With the system on his side, that beauty would surely be his sooner or later.

Bai Su, unaware that he was being targeted, slept soundly through the night. auc9Q4

The next morning, when the sky was just starting to lighten, he still hadn’t woken up. Instead, the person beside him, having fully absorbed the effects of the medicine, finally regained consciousness.

Ling Yancheng slowly opened his eyes. The wound on the back of his head still hurt, and his body felt weak and uncomfortable, but overall, there was nothing particularly painful.

After sleeping for several days, it took him some time to adjust to being awake. But once he came to his senses, he felt another person’s body warmth beside him, making his heart tighten. He then recalled that what he thought was a dream yesterday might have been real.

After taking the life-saving pill yesterday, Ling Yancheng had gradually regained consciousness. Although he wasn’t fully awake, he was still aware of his surroundings. 5OPGlu

At that time, he felt someone had been by his side for a long time, touching him, kissing him, and saying things he couldn’t quite hear.

His perception was hazy, as if through a veil, but when that person kissed him, his heart was filled with joy.

Ling Yancheng had thought it was a dream. In his twenty years, he had never been interested in anyone. But somehow, he felt a real and strong desire for the person in the dream.

Unfortunately, that person didn’t stay long and left, making him feel deeply reluctant. 0lCZDY

But soon after, his senses gradually returned, and he could even hear the guards outside the room chatting loudly without care.

They were talking about his marriage and mentioned something about a bride brought in to ward off ill fortune. Ling Yancheng then remembered that his carriage had an accident before. The horses panicked, and he fell out of the carriage, sustaining what seemed to be severe injuries, causing him to lose consciousness.

Everything happened so fast that he didn’t have time to think before falling into darkness. He had thought he would die, but not only did he survive, he now had a bride brought in for good luck?

He wondered who the unlucky woman was, forced to marry a cripple like him, or if she was just someone Ruan Mingshu randomly found to appease him. HoWPI

Ling Yancheng felt strange about this. He had never planned to spend his life with anyone. Even though he had a marriage contract with Shi Anrong, he had never intended to marry her.

That engagement was a joke made by their parents when they were children and shouldn’t count as serious.

Because Shi Anrong was a woman, he didn’t directly refuse the marriage but had informed her to bring it up first to save her face. He believed they were both innocent in this arranged engagement since it was never his wish.

Later, even when he saw Shi Anrong with Ling Ziang, he felt nothing. Even knowing Shi Anrong was pregnant, he didn’t feel any anger because he had no feelings for her. aYsiw8

Ling Yancheng knew he was a cripple with a bad temper, disliked by everyone. He thought living alone for a lifetime was probably the best, and he had prepared himself for a lonely life.

But unexpectedly, an accident brought him a bride for good luck. Yet, even with a wife, he knew she must have been forced to marry him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Who would genuinely want to marry him?

Ling Yancheng found it ironic, but he was still curious. He turned his head and opened his eyes to see what the person looked like. But he didn’t expect to be stunned upon seeing the person’s appearance. OXpubd

Ling Yancheng never imagined his bride would be so good-looking!

Yes, good-looking. She couldn’t be described as beautiful because her appearance didn’t fit the traditional notion of female beauty.

By now, Bai Su’s makeup was completely removed, and his long black hair was loose. His high nose bridge, thick eyebrows, thin lips, and lean cheeks.

His face was slightly flushed from sleep, and although his eyes were closed, it was clear his features were too masculine. He didn’t look like an ordinary gentle woman, but for some reason, Ling Yancheng found this particularly pleasing, making his heart fill with joy at first sight. uc2ibF

This feeling left Ling Yancheng momentarily stunned.

His mind hadn’t fully processed it yet, but his hand had already reached out. When his fingertips touched the other’s warm cheek, he realized what he was doing and quickly withdrew his hand.

What on earth was he doing?

Why was he acting like a lecher, directly touching the face of a strange woman? PZMzCn

In his shock, before he could collect his thoughts, he saw that the person across from him had already opened their eyes and was looking straight at him.

“You’ve finally woken up!”

Bai Su said softly, his voice hoarse from just waking up. To Ling Yancheng, it sounded even more alluring, different from the gentle tones of typical women. It was low and magnetic, but still very pleasant to hear.

Ling Yancheng was at a loss. The person’s eyes were as beautiful as he had imagined, large single-lidded eyes, dark and shiny, reflecting his own image in their pupils. Dird6K

That brilliant smile on the person’s lips, so clear and unclouded, made his own mood suddenly brighten.

His heart raced uncontrollably. Ling Yancheng had never experienced such a loss of control. Not knowing what to do, he defaulted to his usual cold demeanor, turning his head away to ignore the person beside him, trying hard to calm his emotions.

Bai Su’s prepared smile froze on his face when he saw the person suddenly ignoring him.

In fact, Bai Su had already woken up the moment Ling Yancheng regained consciousness. lFkzZA

Sensing the change in the person’s breathing beside him, he didn’t immediately open his eyes. He wanted to see what reaction the other would have upon seeing him.

Feeling the young man’s cool fingertips touch his cheek, Bai Su felt a little excited. He had hoped for a tender kiss full of love. Unexpectedly, this person was rather timid, pulling his hand back.

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But this was an ancient setting, and it was understandable for his lover to be more reserved.

Bai Su felt a bit disappointed, but he decided to take the initiative, giving a charming smile and greeting him. ycMzrC

However, for some reason, the person’s expression changed from momentary daze to a cold demeanor. He even turned his head and closed his eyes, ignoring him altogether.

Barely able to maintain his smile, Bai Su thought, “I smiled so nicely, at least give me some reaction!”

Feeling a bit frustrated by the initial failure of his seduction, Bai Su, who was never one to give up easily, wasn’t too disheartened. After all, as an experienced lover through several lifetimes, such setbacks were insignificant to him.

Although it was still early, since they were both awake, having breakfast sooner didn’t seem like a bad idea. Bai Su sat up, thinking of asking someone to prepare some food. Just as he was about to call out, someone pushed the door open and entered. 89yql2

An elderly woman dressed in fine clothes walked in first. Upon seeing Bai Su sitting up, she gave a perfunctory bow, then rudely said, “Madam, it’s time to go serve tea to the Marquis and Madam.”

Seeing the haughty expression of the elderly woman, Bai Su immediately knew she was likely sent by Ruan Mingshu to make trouble. After yesterday’s events, they certainly wouldn’t let him off easily. Asking him to serve tea so early was clearly meant to catch him off guard.

However, Bai Su wasn’t someone who would let himself be wronged. He shook his head and said, “It’s not possible right now. Please inform the Marquis and Madam that the young master has just woken up, and I need to stay by his side to take care of him.”

“What? The young master is awake!” hJoaOG

Hearing Bai Su’s words, the elderly woman, Nanny Wang, was shocked. Sitting on the outer side of the bed, Bai Su blocked her view of the inner side, so she couldn’t see if the person inside was really awake. She wondered if this was just an excuse.

Wasn’t it said that the young master was at death’s door? Even the doctors said it was a matter of days. How could he suddenly wake up so easily?

The so-called warding off ill fortune was just a way for the Marquis and Madam to make the situation look better. It couldn’t possibly be effective.

But if he really was awake, wouldn’t the Madam and young master’s plans be ruined… qSHa1o

Nanny Wang was full of doubts and wanted to step closer to check, but then a cold snort came from the bed.

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  1. Yeah, the plot~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖