Heal That Poor Little OneCh53 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

After leaving the hospital and sitting in the car, Yan Quan finally turned to his son. “What did you mean by what you said to Yan Xinjue just now?”

Thinking of the young man at the birthday party who wore a similar outfit and had a remarkable temperament like his own child, Yan Quan raised his eyebrows. “Shengchen, you and Bai Su…” aO9fSv

“Dad, didn’t you say before? If I’m lucky, I’ll meet the right person, and Bai Su is the one I’ve chosen.”

Yan Quan was momentarily stunned by these words, observing the determination in Yan Shengchen’s eyes. After a while, he nodded.

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Suddenly informed that he had a daughter-in-law, as a father, he needed some time to absorb this.

Although he was somewhat surprised that his child had fallen for another boy, same-sex marriage had been legal in Country H for many years, so it wasn’t uncommon. P5DtlM

Yan Quan was heterosexual, but he didn’t impose on Yan Shengchen to like women. He respected his son’s choice. Moreover, he had heard Yan Shengchen talk about Bai Su many times and knew how outstanding he wasβ€”a promising student selected by a prestigious university for a continuous bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral program.

More importantly, he believed Bai Su had good character. Since his child had become better with him, why should he object?

Thinking this through, Yan Quan coughed and said to Yan Shengchen beside him, “Well then, get along well with him. If you have time, bring him home for dinner.”

Yan Shengchen looked at Yan Quan in astonishment. He hadn’t expected his father to accept his relationship with Bai Su so readily. He was excited beyond words.


With Yan Quan’s affirmation, Yan Shengchen’s previously troubled feelings, disturbed by Yan Xinjue’s nonsensical words, eased considerably.

The next day, Yan Shengchen sorted out his feelings and specifically invited Lu Junfeng, who had nothing else to do, to accompany him to the mall to pick out a gift. He planned to make up for Bai Su’s missed birthday and spend some quality time together.

Initially worried about his Boss’ mood after what happened with Yan Xinjue yesterday, Lu Junfeng was now relieved to see him in a better state.

As they continued selecting items at the mall, Lu Junfeng couldn’t help but reflect, “Boss, life sure takes unexpected turns. I mean, initially Bai Su beat us up, stole our food, and we were at odds. But now, the three of us get along so well, no, it’s more than thatβ€”he’s even become my sister-in-law!” GF5MeS

“Boss, why didn’t you ever tell me you liked guys?”

Yan Shengchen lightly curled his lips upon hearing Lu Junfeng refer to Bai Su as his sister-in-law. He casually replied, “I don’t like guys.”

Lu Junfeng looked sharply at Yan Shengchen, “You don’t like guys? Then why are you with Bai Su?”

Seeing the implication in Lu Junfeng’s tone that he might be a scoundrel, Yan Shengchen glanced at him coldly. XIi2jR

“I don’t like guys. I just like Bai Su.”

Was that flirting? It sure sounded like flirting!

Being fed so much dog food by his own Boss, Lu Junfeng felt completely awkward.

Looking at the satisfied Yan Shengchen, Lu Junfeng thought of his own unrequited love for Yu Shuxuan and said sourly, “Alright, alright, Boss. You’re really hitting the jackpot in both love and career. Meanwhile, spare a thought for me, the forever single dog.” fBYEkl

“But seriously, Bai Su treats you too well. Remember how you once claimed you were getting close to him for revenge? I actually believed you. Now look, you’ve managed to trick him into becoming your wife!”

Hearing Lu Junfeng’s words, Yan Shengchen remembered his past stubborn remarks. To prevent any slip-ups, he quickly warned, “You better not mention this in front of Bai Su.”

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Unexpectedly, Lu Junfeng’s face showed a conflicted expression after hearing that. “Well, Boss, I won’t say anything. But Bai Su already knew about it. When we left that day, he was standing outside and heard our entire conversation.”

“But don’t worry, Bai Su didn’t take it to heart. He actually advised me, saying you talk tough but have a soft heart, and you weren’t really out to get revenge on him.” Ou3DkL

Lu Junfeng found it amusing to recall the incident, realizing his Boss was indeed stubborn. Pursuing a wife was pursuing a wifeβ€”there was no need to be embarrassed about it.

However, Yan Shengchen frowned upon hearing this, feeling a bit panicked. Bai Su knew all alongβ€”he knew about that day. Why didn’t he react then? Did he truly believe in Yan Shengchen, or did he simply not care?

Thinking back to what Yan Xinjue had emphatically stated in the hospital yesterdayβ€”that Bai Su liked him and wanted revengeβ€”Yan Shengchen wondered if there was a possibility that Yan Xinjue hadn’t lied. If Bai Su wasn’t upset when he confessed his alleged motives, was it because Bai Su didn’t actually like him?

Although the kisses later were initiated by Bai Su, all the gestures of goodwill were initiated by himself, including his confession. W74epO

Considering the possibility that Bai Su might be using him, Yan Shengchen felt suffocated.

His initial reaction wasn’t anger but a concern: now that Yan Xinjue had ended up in his current state, what if Bai Su had achieved his goalβ€”would he still be willing to stay by Yan Shengchen’s side?

He’s going to ignore me from now on?

Yan Shengchen was lost in his thoughts, no longer in the mood to wander with Lu Junfeng. He stuffed the gifts he had bought into his pockets and went straight home. Iv9WhF

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

All the way back, his mind was elsewhere, and he entered his room in a daze. Images of his time with Bai Su together flashed through his mind.

Ktf wbgf bcf mjgfr jybea rbwfbcf, atf fjrlfg la lr ab kbggs jybea ibrlcu atfw…

Lf kjr ufcelcfis kbgglfv. Qtja lo atflg gfijalbcrtlq kjr pera j gerf? Dfmjerf tf xcfk tbk vffqis tf tjv ojiifc.

Lf ilxfv Djl Ve rb wemt. Snfc lo Djl Ve kjr bcis qgfafcvlcu, Tjc Vtfcumtfc mbeivc’a yglcu tlwrfio ab ifa ub. Lf kbeiv gjatfg qgfafcv cba ab xcbk jcsatlcu jcv yf vfmflnfv ys Djl Ve obg atf gfra bo tlr ilof. Dea lo la kjr jii ojxf, kbeiv Djl Ve ralii yf kliilcu ab mbcalcef vfmflnlcu tlw? Vldwp4

Despite his unease, Yan Shengchen ultimately wanted to believe in Bai Su. Instead of agonizing over it here, he decided it was best to just ask him directly.

Yes, I should trust him!

With that thought, the young man nervously took out his phone, quickly found Bai Su’s number in his contacts, and dialed.

The phone rang on the other end, but after a long while, no one answered. NuRj1x

Yan Shengchen didn’t give up and dialed again, several times, but there was still no answer. Finally, the phone was turned off!

Yan Shengchen immediately stood up from his seat, suddenly feeling frantic.

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Why wasn’t Bai Su answering his calls? Why did he turn off his phone? Did he really not want to see him anymore?

No, this can’t be! MgwkGW

Yan Shengchen couldn’t calm his heart. Unable to sit still at home, he hurriedly put on his coat. Seeing Yan Quan in the living room, he said he had something to do and rushed out.

He had to find Bai Su. Only by seeing his beloved could he feel at ease.

Yan Quan watched Yan Shengchen’s hurried appearance with a nod of approval, telling Aunt Wang, who was cooking, “Sister Wang, just prepare dinner for me tonight. Shengchen probably won’t be coming back to eat.”

After saying that, he shook his head as he walked towards his study, thinking to himself, “The child has grown up. As soon as he’s an adult, he rushes off to his partner’s house. Look how urgent he is; he probably wants to do something good. He probably won’t be back tonight.” 9PODGe

But Yan Quan didn’t realize that his son, who was enjoying success in his love life, was actually in such a hurry because his wife had disappeared.

When Yan Shengchen arrived at Bai Su’s house, what awaited him was an empty apartment.

The door was tightly locked from the outside, and no matter how hard he knocked, no one answered from inside. Looking through the window, the young man saw that there was no one inside. Anxious, he could do nothing but stand there, waiting helplessly.

About to leave, a kind-hearted neighbor auntie saw him and asked, “Are you waiting for the kid from this household?” 0FNMPE

Yan Shengchen immediately nodded upon hearing this, “Auntie, do you know where the people from this house went? When will they be back?”

The neighbor aunt shook her head, “I’m not sure either. They moved out this morning in a hurry, so they might not be coming back.” With that, she left.

Yan Shengchen felt like his world was collapsing upon hearing the neighbor’s words.

Bai Su didn’t answer his calls, and when he came to find him, the apartment was empty. Bai Su hadn’t even told him that he was moving. LCZ2mO

Was Bai Su cutting off all contact with him for good? Where did he go? Why didn’t he leave any explanation?

In an instant, Yan Shengchen’s resolve crumbled. The pain of losing his lover spread throughout his body. It felt like someone was cutting pieces of flesh from his heart, making it difficult for him to breathe.

As the sky outside gradually darkened, the young man didn’t know how long he stood in front of Bai Su’s door. Even though he had heard from the neighbor that Bai Su had moved out, as long as he waited here, there was still hope. It was as if Bai Su might actually come back.

Feeling bitter and desolate, Yan Shengchen couldn’t bring himself to blame Bai Su at this point. Even if Bai Su was willing to stay with him, Yan Shengchen didn’t care about Bai Su’s motives anymore. He was willing to humble himself, as long as Bai Su was willing to look back at him. ScyCZO

Just as Yan Shengchen was about to despair, his phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He hurriedly took out his phone and saw the familiar name on the screen, almost bringing tears to his eyes.

After answering the call, he couldn’t wait and shouted, “Where are you?”

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Bai Su was taken aback by Yan Shengchen’s urgent tone. He quickly gave him his current address, which was a bachelor apartment near Yan’s home. Before he could say anything else, Yan Shengchen hung up.

Seeing the screen go dark after the call, Bai Su was puzzled. Nonetheless, he put down the phone and continued packing his belongings. 5Yzdhe

After a short while, there was a knock on the door.

Upon hearing the sound, Bai Su smiled knowingly. He knew as soon as he heard the call that his lover would come looking for him. He hurriedly went to open the door, excited.

However, when he opened the door, he saw Yan Shengchen standing there with eyes red from crying.

Quickly scanning the room inside, Yan Shengchen closed the door with a ‘click’ as he walked in. The next moment, he pressed Bai Su against the wall. DmtP5Q

A passionate kiss ensued, filled with a desperate intensity that made Bai Su’s lips ache.

Bai Su was bewildered. They had never kissed so intensely before. Yan Shengchen’s demeanor was completely different, devoid of the usual tenderness, as if he just wanted to vent something.

Being tightly held, Bai Su felt like he was suffocating. Despite sensing the other’s emotional turmoil, he restrained himself from struggling and tried to cooperate.

After a while, Yan Shengchen finally let go of him, though the embrace remained tight. Auk v0

Holding Bai Su firmly in his arms, Yan Shengchen’s heart finally settled a bit.

Looking up at Bai Su’s swollen lips and tearful eyes, Yan Shengchen’s voice was hoarse as he said, “Why did you suddenly move? Why didn’t you answer my calls? Do you know that I waited for you outside your house the whole afternoon?”

Bai Su was surprised to hear Yan Shengchen’s words. He didn’t know any of this had happened; his apartment had little to pack, so the move was quick. They had agreed to busy themselves today, so he moved without worry, wanting to surprise his lover by living closer to him.

But seeing how nervous his lover was, Bai Su quickly apologized, “I’m sorry! I wanted to surprise you, to live closer to you. I didn’t hear the phone ring while I was packing, and then it ran out of battery. Later, when it got dark and I thought of you, I tried to find my phone, only to realize it was off.” Zywmfn

Hearing Bai Su’s explanation, Yan Shengchen remembered that the apartment was indeed very close to his own place, and there were still many things left unpacked at home.

He buried his head deeply in Bai Su’s neck, his voice choked with emotion, “I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

“How could I!” Bai Su comforted, patting his back gently.

“How could I not want you? Even if I don’t want anything else, I would never not want you. There’s nothing more important to me in this world than you.” RC IZE

Seeing his lover like this, Bai Su realized that Yan Shengchen had probably imagined a lot, not knowing how sad he must have been. Although he knew his partner had this tendency, there was nothing he could do; he would still feel sorry for him.

Hearing Bai Su’s words, Yan Shengchen was still a little slow to react. Was he really so important to Bai Su?

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His confession was too beautiful; he felt like he was in a dream.

Thinking of what Yan Xinjue had said, Yan Shengchen decided to ask clearly, “So, you haven’t liked anyone else in the past?” WF4GDf

“Of course not.”

Bai Su smiled and raised his head, planting a kiss on his lover’s chin.

“You are my first and only love. I liked you very early on, from the first time we met.”

Bai Su was referring to their first encounter in the first world, where he fell in love with his partner at first sight, but Yan Shengchen thought of when they first met in high school. U7mVOK

He didn’t expect Bai Su to have liked him so early on. Yan Shengchen felt overwhelmed by the huge surprise.

Unable to control himself, he pressed his lips against Bai Su’s, and after a passionate kiss, he gasped for breath and said, “When I was in the hospital, Yan Xinjue told me a lot of things. He said you liked him and that being with me was all to get back at him!”

“I didn’t believe it at first, but when you disappeared today, I started to panic. I remembered how good you were to him in the past, doing so much for him without asking for anything in return, and I thought maybe you…”

“What did you think I was doing?” JcboZk

Bai Su helplessly reached out and pulled Yan Shengchen’s face, saying, “How could I possibly like him? I was nice to him initially because I thought he was your brother. I thought by being kind to him, I might get to know you through him. But he was the one who approached me first.”

“But I never expected that despite everything I did for him, you never noticed me. And later on, when we were together, I had no reason to help him anymore.”

Realizing that Bai Su had done so much for him, all to get closer to himself!

Yan Shengchen felt ecstatic, unable to control the joy in his heart, wanting to express it freely. He grabbed Bai Su by the neck, silencing his sweet words with a kiss. They walked and kissed along the way, unaware that they had already arrived in the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. MKoxh8

Watching the youth lying defenselessly in his arms, Yan Shengchen lightly kissed his beautiful brows and eyes, gently caressing Bai Su’s cheek with a look of infatuation in his eyes. The items around them were still scattered and the corner of a black box peeking from under a pillow caught Yan Shengchen’s attention.

He curiously reached out and took the box, only to find that it contained a small raincoats. He looked at Bai Su in shock, and saw his beloved blushing as he said, “We’re both adults now, and I moved here to surprise you. I thought maybe someday you might stay over, so I bought this. Um, just in case we might need it…”

Looking at the embarrassed youth in front of him, Yan Shengchen felt like he was going crazy.

He had previously thought that the person he liked didn’t like him back, but now he understood it was all a misunderstanding. This person not only deeply loved him but also wanted to be completely together with him. jp gGk

He was truly, unbelievably happy!

He kissed Bai Su firmly, then quickly felt around in his jacket pocket for the gift he had prepared earlier. Luckily, he hadn’t changed his jacket, and the item was still there.

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He hastily sat up, pulling Bai Su up as well, and then opened the small box inside the jacket.

Inside the box lay two simple rings. Without hesitation, Yan Shengchen took one of them and slid it onto Bai Su’s finger, saying earnestly, “Wearing my ring means you’re mine. When we reach legal age, we’ll get married officially, and from then on, you can’t be with anyone else.” rZTtRW

Bai Su nodded with a smile at his words, then picked up the other ring and put it on Yan Shengchen’s finger.

“Now I’ve got you locked down too. We’re going to be together for the rest of our lives,” Bai Su said happily.

Under the moonlight, the two of them exchanged a smile. In the serene and cozy atmosphere, the lips of the two lovers met once again as they opened the small box hidden under the pillow. With the temperature rising in the bedroom, the gift that Bai Su had prepared was used to its fullest.

Although Yan Shengchen lacked experience and his movements were awkward, he was gentle enough that Bai Su didn’t suffer any harm, and the experience turned out well in the end. XJl0wQ

After everything was over, the two satisfied individuals embraced each other, lying on the bed, silently soaking in the warmth of the moment.

Following that day, Bai Su soon visited Yan’s family. They navigated the relationship smoothly thereafter, spending nights together without necessarily staying over at one person’s place.

The second half of their senior year in high school quickly passed, culminating in the challenge of the college entrance examination (gaokao). Both Bai Su and Yu Shuxuan secured spots through recommended admissions. However, they were equally concerned about Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng during the exam days, even more nervous than their own exams.

Fortunately, Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng had strong psychological resilience. With Bai Su’s tutoring, their grades soared, and they performed exceptionally well during the gaokao days, entering the same university together, joining Bai Su. vbGzy6

Unfortunately, Yu Shuxuan chose a university (H University) that suited her better and did not attend the same school as them.

Encouraged by Bai Su, during the summer vacation after the gaokao, Lu Junfeng often invited Yu Shuxuan to join them, and the relationship among the four grew stronger.

In the days just before the start of university, Lu Junfeng finally gathered the courage to confess his feelings to Yu Shuxuan, successfully winning her heart.

The four equally outstanding young people found their own academic paths in university and worked hard towards their goals alongside their loved ones. PZ 02h

On the other hand, without the support of the Yan family, Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen naturally did not have a good life.

Yan Xinjue’s injuries were severe, and Xiao Yuzhen’s facial injuries began to pus and inflame after healing, leaving half of her face disfigured. They didn’t have the money to treat their injuries or undergo plastic surgery, so they were forced to leave the hospital, becoming homeless and hiding from the Li family’s retaliation.

Xiao Yuzhen, originally a transmigrator with little emotional attachment to Yan Xinjue, felt that he was dragging her down after a while. One night, she took all the money and quietly left.

When Yan Xinjue woke up, he had nothing left. Still recovering from his injuries, he wandered around with a serious illness. After his wounds became infected and deteriorated, his lower body became paralyzed. Fortunately, he eventually received assistance from a shelter, barely surviving. He could only eat meager meals every day, just enough to avoid starvation, but not much else. qfUhVC

As for Xiao Yuzhen, the money she took wasn’t enough to fix her face, and she didn’t want to do any rough work. After hiding for a while, the money ran out quickly, and she was caught by the Li family.

The Li family was never kind, and after catching Xiao Yuzhen, they vented their anger on her, beating her severely before selling her to some special club.

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Despite her disfigured half face, Xiao Yuzhen had maintained her figure and skin over the years. The club forced her to serve clients with specific fetishes.

Initially, Xiao Yuzhen resisted, but after being beaten several times, she became afraid. Eventually, she adapted to this life, pleasing others and even becoming a small boss’s mistress for a while. For some time, life was not bad for her. dwS3vr

However, not long after enjoying the limelight, she remained unchanged in her ways and tried to scam money by getting involved with an underling of that small boss, intending to escape. Little did she know, the man was only after money and had no interest in her, a disfigured older woman. After taking the money, he left her behind as a scapegoat.

When the small boss discovered this, he was furious and beat her within an inch of her life before selling her to a remote tribe in Africa.

At this point, regardless of how Xiao Yuzhen and Yan Xinjue, the mother and son, were living, Yan Shengchen and his friends no longer cared.

After graduating from university, Yan Shengchen started his own business, while Bai Su pursued a career in technology, inventing numerous patents that he provided to his partner’s company. He kept a low profile and made sure his inventions were in line with the times, careful not to cause too much change in this dimension. xq23yZ

Liu Junfeng became Yan Shengchen’s right-hand man, and Yu Shuxuan studied economics, balancing her family’s business responsibilities with occasional help for them.

Eventually, Liu Junfeng also established his own industry, and the two buddies, Yan Shengchen and Liu Junfeng, complemented each other in the business world, expanding their careers.

By that time, both couples had already obtained their marriage certificates and held a grand wedding together.

On the day of the wedding, the two couples stood on the platform, receiving blessings from everyone. TUE8j3

Watching Liu Junfeng and Yu Shuxuan embracing sweetly together, Bai Su tightly held his lover’s hand, welcoming his affectionate kiss.

Bai Su knew that in this lifetime, he would also live very happily!



Translator's Note

“小雨董” translates to “small raincoat” in English. It’s a colloquial term for a condom in Chinese slang.

Leave a Comment


  1. Aww, I love weddings

    Thank you for your translation πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

  2. Small raincoat πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    … I’m going to ignore “sold to a remote African village” because wtf and why would they want her.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Took me a while to decipher what ‘small raincoat’ meant πŸ’€ and sheesh, life ain’t good for that nasty woman and her son at all

  4. I hate how author dealt with Yan Xinjue, he was barely 17. Noone deserves a fate like that, there is almost always a way for rehabilitation.

    Thank you for the translation!

  5. This arc was so face slapping satisfying and so fluffy awwwwhhhhh πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ’•πŸ’•

    Thanks for the chaptersss 🀭🫢🩷🩷