Heal That Poor Little OneCh50 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

If it were in the past, Yan Xinjue would have definitely agreed with Xiao Yuzhen’s words. However, recently, he was having a feeling that Yan Shengchen was acting a bit strange. But up to now, it could only be attributed to his intuition; there was no evidence, so he hasn’t mentioned it to Xiao Yuzhen.

Originally, Yan Xinjue was against letting Yan Shengchen know that all his works were fakes. But thinking that now, Bai Su and Yan Shengchen have such a good relationship, it’s possible that Bai Su has already told Yan Shengchen about these things. Otherwise, how could Yan Shengchen’s attitude towards him be so cold today? EcfZF4

He never expected that Bai Su, who usually appeared so innocent, could have such deep schemes.

Since that’s the case, he might as well seize this opportunity. Instead of letting Bai Su reveal it, it’s better for him to find an excuse to soothe Yan Shengchen himself. He believes that Yan Shengchen would still help him.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

However, while Yan Xinjue was thinking this through, he didn’t know that his conversation with Xiao Yuzhen inside the room had already been overheard by the person outside.

Yan Shengchen never imagined that, after all these years of giving his true heart and treating them as family, this is how they viewed him. In their eyes, he was just a fool, a puppet they could manipulate at will. hoOKw3

So, what did all the emotions he had invested over the years amount to?

Yan Shengchen returned to his room in a daze, feeling a bit heartbroken. But perhaps because Bai Su had already warned him before, he wasn’t too devastated. He just didn’t expect that at this juncture, Yan Xinjue would take the initiative to come to him.

Looking at Yan Xinjue standing in front of him, still with that gentle smile on his face, Yan Shengchen took a deep breath to stop himself from punching him right away. Then he heard Yan Xinjue hesitantly say, “Shengchen, I’ve noticed that you’ve been getting along well with Bai Su recently. Could you do me a favor?”

“What kind of favor?” Yan Shengchen lowered his eyelids, his attitude cold.


But Yan Xinjue was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice Yan Shengchen’s indifference. Hearing his question, he quickly said, “It’s almost time to compete for the university recommendation quota. I need better research reports and works, but I am never quite satisfied with what I’ve designed myself.

Previously, Bai Su also helped me a lot. Can you ask Bai Su to help me again? I really need this opportunity. If I can successfully get the recommendation, I can receive a better education in university, and I will definitely help you in the future.”

“Help me?”

Hearing this, Yan Shengchen’s mouth curled into a mocking smile. He suddenly remembered what Bai Su had said before, about how he didn’t know anything and how the company should be left to Yan Xinjue to manage. jcS7P4

So, what does Yan Xinjue mean now? Has he long been thinking of making him a puppet? And he had been foolishly thinking all along that this mother and son duo genuinely cared about him.

Yan Shengchen suddenly felt like laughing at his past naive self. But looking at Yan Xinjue’s flattering face, he couldn’t laugh.

“Yan Xinjue, you have to do your own things yourself. Even kindergarten children understand this principle. Who would be willing to hand over such an important report and project? Don’t come to me for these things anymore.”

After saying this, Yan Shengchen ignored Yan Xinjue’s ugly expression and left directly. H4O1UQ

The sky outside had already darkened, but Yan Shengchen couldn’t care less. He suddenly wanted to see Bai Su very much.

These past two days, Yan Quan was on a business trip, and there was no one at home to manage him. So he left home, called a car, and went straight to Bai Su’s door.

The sound of knocking came as Bai Su had just finished making dinner. He opened the door and was surprised to see Yan Shengchen, quickly inviting him in.

After coming into some money, Bai Su had replaced two chairs. However, since he was planning to move, he hadn’t changed the other furniture yet. On the table were two simple dishes, one of hand-torn cabbage, a pot of stewed beans with meat, and a plate of pickles from Uncle Wang. There weren’t many dishes, but they were all in generous portions. reMmxf

Seeing Yan Shengchen’s lonely face, Bai Su naturally served him a bowl of rice.

Silently sitting next to him, the boy took a bite of the stewed beans with meat, finding it quite tasty, and began to eat large mouthfuls.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Bai Su didn’t ask much, just quietly accompanied his lover as he ate. After they were both full, Bai Su brought him a cup of juice and then started to clear the table.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vlqqlcu atf rkffa jcv rbeg bgjcuf pelmf, Tjc Vtfcumtfc olcjiis ibbxfv eq jcv revvfcis jrxfv Djl Ve, “Djl Ve, jw P gfjiis raeqlv?” UKnE9O

Djl Ve qjerfv eqbc tfjglcu atlr, aegcfv ab ibbx ja tlw, jcv rjlv, “Qts vb sbe revvfcis rjs atja? Qtja tjqqfcfv?”

Ktf ajii ybs vlvc’a jcrkfg, pera kjixfv bnfg jcv revvfcis teuufv tlw.

Feeling the other’s emotions, Bai Su didn’t refuse, letting him hold him while gently patting his back, comforting his sad lover. After a long while, he finally heard him speak sullenly, telling him everything that had happened today.

“Bai Su, am I really stupid? But now I don’t know what to do. After all these years of being together, even if they weren’t sincere, they have indeed taken care of me for a long time. I suddenly don’t know how to handle this.” LQTOdH

Bai Su gently patted his head, understanding Yan Shengchen. Facing a brother he grew up with and people who had taken care of him for years, a normal person wouldn’t be able to harden their heart immediately. Moreover, they had worn their hypocritical masks for so many years without making Yan Shengchen feel wronged.

The boy regarded them as family, and knowing the truth, it was natural for him to feel at a loss, especially since Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen hadn’t done anything excessive yet. So, in this situation, he wouldn’t force Yan Shengchen to make any immediate decisions.

Seeing his lover unconsciously rubbing his neck, Bai Su’s lips curved into a smile, patting his head.

“It’s okay. If it feels too complicated and bothersome, don’t think about it. Just don’t wrong yourself. If you’re happy, be happy. If you’re unhappy, be unhappy. Ignore people you don’t like. U7gDfA

As long as they don’t provoke you, just leave them be. If they really do something, don’t hesitate. Don’t forget, your current goal is to study hard. You promised me you would get better results in the next exam.”

It seemed Bai Su’s comfort was effective. Yan Shengchen responded with a light “hmm,” feeling much better.

Seeing the boy leaning against him, Bai Su silently tightened his arms.

It’s okay. How could he let his lover be troubled? 8MUtKn

If his partner couldn’t handle this matter, then he would take care of it. He wouldn’t let anyone who hurt his beloved off the hook!

In the following days, Bai Su had 555 closely monitor Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen’s actions. He knew that as the day for the university recommendation quota approached, Yan Xinjue would become more anxious.

What made him happier was that ever since Yan Shengchen overheard the conversation between Yan Xinjue and Xiao Yuzhen, he had turned his grief into motivation and was working even harder.

However, Yan Xinjue, who was rejected on both sides, wasn’t having such a good time. JSWRZx

He told Xiao Yuzhen about this matter, thinking she would stand up for him, but to his surprise, she didn’t care. It was unclear what Xiao Yuzhen had been preoccupied with lately. She always said she was busy and was often not at home.

After being rejected by both sides, Yan Xinjue knew it was unlikely Bai Su would help him, but he still didn’t want to give up on the opportunity for a recommendation.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

He knew that with his grades, it would be hard to get into a good university through the regular entrance exam. So, these days, he spent a lot of money hiring people to create projects for him, and he also went to the lab to see what he could do on his own.

However, after many attempts, he found that neither his skill nor talent could produce anything decent. But he did encounter Bai Su a few times in the lab. Every time he saw the projects Bai Su was working on, he felt even more ashamed. QV6OtB

One day, as he was heading to the lab, he saw Bai Su on the phone, walking out of the lab and towards a corner, seemingly not noticing him.

Ignoring this, Yan Xinjue entered the lab. He found it empty, with some of Bai Su’s design sketches and data on one of the workbenches.

Driven by a sudden impulse, Yan Xinjue walked to the table. Seeing these exquisite principles and designs, his jealousy peaked. Without thinking, he quickly stuffed the sketches into his bag and hurried away before Bai Su returned. When he got back, he immediately handed the sketches to the people who usually made projects for him. They were delighted and assured him he would win an award with this project. Yan Xinjue, overjoyed, paid a large sum to have the design made.

Yan Xinjue was not the only one who valued this competition. In fact, the entire Shenglin Academy placed great importance on it because it was the annual national league. swNQ7F

Each school would send three representatives, and Shenglin Academy’s representatives this year included Bai Su and Yan Xinjue.

Due to their previous years’ experience, in the eyes of others, Bai Su and Yan Xinjue’s works were always top-notch. They had become seasoned seed players, consistently bringing surprises to everyone. Now that they were in their third year of high school, they were also eligible for recommendations to universities.

This year’s competition attracted representatives from many prestigious schools, including Professor Liu from the University of Technology, who was one of the judges. Over the years, Professor Liu had achieved many outstanding accomplishments in technology, winning numerous international awards. He was a highly respected figure.

If the participating students performed well, they had a great chance of being invited by these universities and directly securing a recommendation. Being noticed by Professor Liu could even lead to joining his research team in the future, a dream for many. 29pQTX

Yan Xinjue was well aware of this, so before their turn to compete, he didn’t reveal his work. In the past, he always paired with Bai Su, but this year they were separate. The school leaders found it strange but didn’t doubt Yan Xinjue’s abilities based on past performance.

When it was time to present, Yan Xinjue was the first to rush out, showcasing the robot he claimed to have created.

The robot had a sleek, black body with smooth lines. Though it somewhat resembled a toy model, it was clearly much more advanced, capable of performing complex actions that simple toys couldn’t achieve.

Most notably, the robot showed significant advancements in receiving commands, exhibiting a trend towards intelligence development, which greatly impressed the judges. After the presentation, several schools immediately extended invitations to Yan Xinjue, making him feel very proud. yOso4H

However, what surprised Yan Xinjue was that the judges from the University of Technology merely nodded slightly. While they praised the work, their comments were limited to the project itself, without lauding him as a genius like the other judges did.

He had expected that presenting such a project would prompt an immediate invitation or recommendation from the University of Technology. However, given the university’s prestigious status, he could understand their reserved reaction.

After the presentation, Yan Xinjue went off stage and gave Bai Su a provocative look as he passed by.

Bai Su ignored him. After a few more presentations, it was finally Bai Su’s turn. 6oMNmh

Bai Su calmly walked onto the stage. When he unveiled his project from beneath the curtain, everyone was shocked. Bai Su’s project looked almost identical to Yan Xinjue’s.

The only apparent difference was the color: Yan Xinjue’s robot was black, while Bai Su’s was white.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Before anyone could say anything, Yan Xinjue rushed onto the stage, angrily pointing at Bai Su and shouting, “Bai Su, I can’t believe you’re so shameless as to plagiarize my work! Teachers, I want to report him.”

Hearing Yan Xinjue’s words, Yan Shengchen clenched his fists. He knew better than anyone that Bai Su hadn’t plagiarized. Although Bai Su had kept the project secret, saying he wanted to surprise him, Yan Shengchen knew Bai Su had worked hard and trusted his character. 5FczHn

Recalling how Yan Xinjue had previously asked for Bai Su’s help with his project, Yan Shengchen quickly concluded who had plagiarized whom. He couldn’t believe Yan Xinjue was so shameless, stealing Bai Su’s work and then accusing him of plagiarism.

Yan Shengchen looked worriedly at Bai Su, but Bai Su remained calm, giving Yan Xinjue a cold glance before stepping forward and addressing the crowd with composure, “Shouldn’t I be allowed to demonstrate my work before any conclusions are made? After all, the similarity is only in appearance. Besides, deciding who plagiarized whom now seems premature, doesn’t it?”

The surrounding staff hesitated at Bai Su’s words, but Professor Liu from the University of Technology signaled for Bai Su to continue, and the others did not stop him.

Bai Su then presented a low-end primitive mech that middle school students in the interstellar era could make, his mind repeatedly recalling his mech teacher’s disdainful look. XPuZ1

However, due to the technological gap, the audience was already stunned.

They hadn’t expected Bai Su’s project to include a flight function, powered by an unknown device, unlike anything they had seen before.

Most astonishingly, Bai Su’s project was truly integrated with artificial intelligence, capable of receiving extremely complex commands—a feat difficult to achieve with current technology.

After this demonstration, the superiority of Bai Su’s work over Yan Xinjue’s was evident. Though Yan Xinjue’s project looked similar in appearance, the technical content was vastly inferior, making any comparison meaningless. 8f7arB

Yan Xinjue realized that the design report Bai Su had left in the lab was likely just a semi-finished product, and the current project far surpassed those initial designs.

Why was this person so talented?

His heart filled with jealousy and hatred, Yan Xinjue was unwilling to give up, insisting, “No matter what innovations he made, he still plagiarized my work! Look at the identical appearance of both projects. He stole my design and improved it. Even if he is more capable than me, plagiarism cannot be excused!”

Yan Xinjue’s words sparked murmurs among the audience. All the participants understood how painstaking it was to create original work, and they despised plagiarism the most. Rqd7vt

No matter how talented a person is, without good character, they cannot be accepted, as this is a basic principle of being a human.

Seeing public opinion starting to sway in his favor, Yan Xinjue’s eyes flashed with pride. He smirked at Bai Su standing beside him, but Bai Su’s expression remained calm, as if the matter being discussed had nothing to do with him.

Yan Xinjue felt a bit uneasy due to Bai Su’s composure. He sneered and walked provocatively up to Bai Su, saying, “What’s wrong, Bai Su? Are you so ashamed of becoming a thief who steals others’ work that you have nothing to say?”

“The word ‘thief’ is more fitting for you. Plagiarizing your work? As if you’re worthy,” Bai Su replied lightly, lifting his eyelids. TWBmNa

Bai Su’s confident attitude made many people in the audience waver. Bai Su’s past excellence had left a deep impression on many people; he didn’t need to plagiarize anyone. Besides, would a plagiarist really be this confident without any guilt?

Professor Liu, who had been silent, saw Bai Su’s unruffled demeanor and nodded approvingly. He walked up to the stage, took a USB drive from his pocket, and plugged it into the amplifier used for the presentation.

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The giant screen switched to footage from the surveillance cameras in Bai Su’s lab, showing him working hard on his project. Although the crucial parts of the design were not displayed, it was evident that the design was Bai Su’s own painstaking work.

After showing this part, a more critical segment followed, showing Bai Su leaving the lab temporarily after receiving a phone call. Then, someone sneaked in and stole the unfinished design—a thief who was none other than Yan Xinjue, the one accusing Bai Su of plagiarism. YLPdKj

After the video, an audio recording played, revealing a conversation in which Yan Xinjue offered to pay Bai Su to write a report and create a project for him. Bai Su refused, telling him not to rely on others and to work hard himself.

So, Yan Xinjue was a repeat offender, having previously exploited Bai Su and their friendship!

With these pieces of evidence, it was clear who the thief was and who the original creator was.

Seeing this, Professor Liu looked at Yan Xinjue and said, “Since you claim this project was created independently by you, explain to us its special features and design concepts.” s3mS6z

By now, Yan Xinjue was sweating profusely after seeing the surveillance footage, but he had no choice but to respond to Professor Liu’s questions. He recited the prepared information like a memorized script.

However, Professor Liu continued to ask, “Which references did you consult for these concepts? The energy system you mentioned is quite special. How did you develop it, and why did you not use one of the conventional methods? And what do you mean by the term ‘gesture recognition system’ that you mentioned earlier?”

Yan Xinjue was at a loss for words. The information he had memorized was only for today’s presentation, and he had no deeper understanding.

As for the “gesture recognition system,” he had seen that term in Bai Su’s design notes and mentioned it in a panic, but he had no idea what it actually meant! urZef7

Now, everyone had a clear understanding of who was in the wrong. It was obvious who the real thief was without Bai Su having to say a word.

Professor Liu, seeing the situation, ignored Yan Xinjue and addressed the audience, “A few days ago, someone sent these videos and audio files to my email. I don’t know who it was. After watching them, I didn’t understand the full context at first, but the email mentioned that I should bring them to today’s competition. It was signed: ‘Someone who doesn’t want the truth to be buried.'”

“I don’t know who did this kind deed, but these pieces of evidence have saved a genius. As for someone with poor character who steals others’ work and tries to frame them, the University of Technology will never accept such a person. On behalf of our university, I declare that Yan Xinjue will never be admitted.”

For everyone, the University of Technology was the leading institution in H country’s technological field, having cultivated countless talents. q5Te4t

Hearing Professor Liu’s stance, other schools also expressed their disapproval of admitting students with such bad character, eager to demonstrate their own institutions’ integrity.

Yan Xinjue was completely dumbfounded. He had hoped to use this opportunity to get back at Bai Su and secure a recommendation but ended up losing everything. Not only was his reputation ruined, but his resume would forever bear this huge blemish, and no reputable school in H country would ever accept him.

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  1. Welp, that’s what he gets. I still think China’s education system is fucked up regardless of this cannon fodder idiot

  2. Yeah~

    Thank you for your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖