Heal That Poor Little OneCh45 - The School Bully Gets Beaten Up Every Day

Yan Shengchen now didn’t dare to look at Bai Su. He didn’t know what Bai Su would think of him.

His whole body hurt. Bai Su had hit him really hard, and when he fought back, he held back his strength, afraid of hurting him. Ja2PUY

The boy didn’t know that Bai Su had developed a habit of hitting hard during past combat training. His injuries only hurt, but wouldn’t damage his internal organs or bones. Now Yan Shengchen felt embarrassed, angry, and a bit of unrecognized sadness.

But as he and Lu Junfeng lay there pretending to be dead, the demon walked toward them again.

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The two boys instinctively shivered, and Lu Junfeng quickly stood up and took a step back. Bai Su saw Lu Junfeng’s protective stance, hands covering his chest, and couldn’t help but chuckle. He said to them helplessly, “Just clean up this mess, and you’re done.”

“Oh, okay! I’ll do it right away!” VbtynN

Lu Junfeng, being sensible, immediately started cleaning up.

As for Yan Shengchen, he glanced at Bai Su, then covered his eyes with his arm, continuing to play dead. He was already too embarrassed to face anyone and didn’t mind avoiding it a bit longer.

But before he could escape for a minute, someone grabbed his collar and lifted him up!

Seeing the boy in front of him, who was shorter and thinner but managed to lift him off the ground with ease, Yan Shengchen felt utterly humiliated.


It turns out, there’s no most embarrassing, only more embarrassing.

Yan Shengchen, with a dark expression, glanced at Lu Junfeng, who was bent over picking up balls and hadn’t noticed. He quickly whispered to Bai Su, “Put me down, I’ll clean up!”

Bai Su smiled and nodded, putting him down and even helping him straighten his collar.

Seeing Bai Su’s gentle actions, the boy pouted and resignedly started picking up balls. He thought bitterly, This person looks weak on the outside, but it’s all a facade! VGn0YP

Seeing the two obediently picking up balls, Bai Su sighed inwardly. No choice, he’d have to manage his bratty lover himself.

After all, a tree needs pruning to grow straight, and a good beating made them behave immediately.

After the gym class incident, Yan Shengchen was downcast the entire afternoon.

Seeing his classmates stifling laughter at his black eye, he was furious. At first, he could still glare at them fiercely as usual, successfully scaring them into turning away quickly. MzR43u

But before he could feel pleased, Bai Su’s gaze swept over lightly, and he immediately shrank back.

If he got beaten up in front of everyone in the classroom, he’d never be able to face anyone at Shenglin Academy again.

Just like that, a peaceful day passed, and Yan Shengchen didn’t dare to look at Bai Su. But by the second day, he started to feel restless again. He didn’t know why, but he found he couldn’t control his eyes. Even though he had been beaten, his attention to Bai Su actually increased.

Could it be that he’s a pervert and likes being beaten? rlNBb5

No, that couldn’t be it!

Yan Shengchen looked at the boy in the front row focused on his book and quickly banished that strange thought from his mind.

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It was all this person’s fault! Because he beat him, Yan Shengchen wanted to get back at him, so he paid more attention to him.

Yes, that must be it! Mk7EgT

With this excuse in mind, Yan Shengchen’s attention to Bai Su became more blatant. He had a reason; he was observing his enemy. Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.

Bai Su was very calm, accustomed, and even a bit pleased with Yan Shengchen’s constant secret glances. He thought, no matter how they changed, his lover would definitely still like him. He was just too charming, though it wasn’t good that he was distracting the other from his studies.

The next day, it was Bai Su’s turn to be on duty as a discipline committee member.

In the morning, Yan Shengchen’s attire fully complied with the regulations, and Bai Su felt a bit regretful that the Dean didn’t catch him and give him a lecture. If Yan Shengchen had been caught, he could have stayed with him until class started. r3mR54

Bai Su felt he was becoming bad, hoping for others to break the rules. Could it be because he had seen too many of his lover’s antics in his past lives?

Whatever the reason, this wasn’t good.

After reflecting on himself, Bai Su saw Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng sneaking out of school at noon. He didn’t reveal himself but quietly waited by the wall.

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A person needs food to live, so while he was keeping watch, Bai Su had his lunch bag with him. sEIeLN

Ktfgf kjrc’a wemt ubbv obbv ja tbwf, jcv la kjrc’a atf kffxfcv sfa, rb tf vlvc’a tjnf alwf ab jrx obg wbcfs. Vb, obg iecmt, tf tjv rafjwfv yecr jcv qlmxifr jujlc.

Lbkfnfg, tf tjv fjafc j iba lc atf wbgclcu jcv kjrc’a tecugs sfa, rb tf pera tfiv atf yju jcv delfais obecv j tlvvfc rafq ab rla bc jcv kjla.

He thought he would have to wait a long time, but after a short while, Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng came back. They were carrying all sorts of food, including a whole, fragrant roast chicken.

It looked like they were planning to have a feast during lunch break! AtQ81a

Bai Su smelled the aroma, licked his lips, and almost drooled. He hadn’t eaten such good food in days.

In his past life, he ate whatever he wanted, and even when he got older, he still had a great appetite. Recently, he could only eat noodles and steamed buns with no oil, so saying he wasn’t craving was a lie.

So, when Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng happily climbed back over the wall, Bai Su walked straight up to them, startling them.

“Climbing over the wall to leave the campus is against the rules. What’s that you’re holding? Hand it over.” FSRj6x

Bai Su stood there with an expressionless face, making the two boys shiver as they recalled the beating from the other day. Lu Junfeng felt like his whole body hurt.

But Yan Shengchen still tried to appear tough, glanced at Bai Su’s armband, and knew it was his turn to be on duty as a discipline committee member. He hadn’t expected him to block them at noon.

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Shenglin Academy had semi-closed teaching; students were not allowed to leave the campus during the day. The cafeteria food was okay, but it couldn’t compare to the food from outside restaurants. So, Yan Shengchen, as usual, went out with Lu Junfeng to buy some food to improve their meals, never expecting to run into this nemesis.

They had worked hard to buy this food, and even if they were caught, they thought a scolding would suffice. Why should their food be confiscated? XJOagu

Yan Shengchen was angry that Bai Su was always against him and said sternly, “Bai Su, you better not go too far. We didn’t hold a grudge over what happened last time, but don’t think you can do whatever you want just because you’re on the discipline committee. If I say I had someone throw the stuff over the wall, and don’t admit to climbing out, what can you do? I won’t give you the food!”

“Just climbed out of the school?”

Bai Su raised his eyes and glanced at Lu Junfeng, pointed to the corner of his mouth with a slender finger, and then Yan Shengchen turned back to see the half-burnt cigarette butt in Lu Junfeng’s mouth.


Lu Junfeng awkwardly smiled and quickly put out the cigarette. Looking at Bai Su blocking their way, he decided to go all out to protect their food.

“If you don’t let us go, we’ll tell the teachers you took our stuff. Let me tell you, the boss doesn’t just have me as a sidekick. Even the gangsters outside the school call him boss!”

Lu Junfeng seriously looked at Bai Su, hoping he would back down knowing their strength.

Was this an attempt to call for backup after failing in a one-on-one fight? How cowardly could they get? nUeoXm

Bai Su was speechless at these childish threats and simply walked over, kicked each of them, and sent them flying into the corner.

Yan Shengchen and Lu Junfeng lay on the ground in a pitiful, disheveled state, looking at the high-powered “demon” in front of them, wanting to cry but unable to.

Seeing Bai Su take the food bag, Lu Junfeng almost cried out loud. But they didn’t expect Bai Su to take the food to report them to a teacher. Instead, he sat on a nearby step, opened the bag, pulled out a chicken leg, and started eating.

Delicious! oJE2le

Bai Su took a bite of the roast chicken, feeling like his eyes lit up. The chicken was freshly made, still hot, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a rich aroma. When he bit into it, the juices burst in his mouth. For Bai Su, who hadn’t had good food in a while, it was blissful!

Seeing Bai Su’s actions, Yan Shengchen was dumbfounded.

“You, how can you eat my food? If you eat it, what will I eat!”

After saying this, he saw Bai Su, not even looking up, focusing on eating, which made Yan Shengchen even angrier. OmZkVT

So, anger rose in his heart, and he grew bold with evil thoughts. He noticed a lunch bag next to Bai Su, presumably his lunch.

Since Bai Su had taken his food, he would take his in return!

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Yan Shengchen grabbed Bai Su’s lunch bag and opened it without a second thought. But to his surprise, inside were only two cold buns and a small bag of pickled radish.

Yan Shengchen stared at the food, then looked up blankly at Bai Su, “Do you usually eat this for lunch?” DGqHSJ

Bai Su, hearing the question, glanced at him but didn’t respond, focusing on eating his roast chicken.

Bai Su’s silence felt like a tacit agreement to Yan Shengchen, making the boy’s heart ache. Looking at Bai Su, his anger was replaced with sadness. He took one of the cold buns and took a silent bite, feeling a dense, sour pain in his heart.

No wonder this person looked so thin; he must not be eating well. At this age, how could he survive on just this!

Yan Shengchen completely forgot about being beaten by Bai Su, only thinking about how Bai Su must be suffering in silence. UmwC6F

He knew Bai Su’s family conditions weren’t great, but he didn’t realize it was this bad. In that case, sharing his food with him wasn’t a big deal.

Seeing Bai Su squatting nearby, silently eating the bun and looking at him with obvious pity, Bai Su was a bit comforted.

This person truly didn’t hold grudges. Despite being beaten and having his lunch taken, he showed such simple compassion.

Indeed, the core of his lover’s heart was gentle and kind. No matter how a person changes, their essence remains the same. cqXdw0

Bai Su didn’t want to let Yan Shengchen just eat buns, so he pulled off the other chicken leg and handed it to him.

Yan Shengchen, seeing Bai Su give him a chicken leg, was surprised but accepted it. After looking at Bai Su several times, he awkwardly said, “Thank you.”

Lu Junfeng, hearing Yan Shengchen’s words and seeing the unusually harmonious atmosphere, felt that his boss must have been hit too hard in the head. This guy took their lunch, gave him just a chicken leg, and the boss thanked him!

What kind of world was this! cvUZYA

But seeing the two eating so happily, Lu Junfeng swallowed hard, silently pleading, “Please, look at me too!”

I’m still here, why is no one noticing me? I don’t want a chicken leg, even a chicken wing would be fine!

Maybe Lu Junfeng’s pitiful gaze was too obvious, as Bai Su did notice him. He wasn’t heartless enough to keep all the food to himself.

The two had brought back a lot of food. After eating most of the chicken and trying each of the snacks, Bai Su left the rest for them to share. SIFAuV

Lu Junfeng finally got to eat and felt happy again, forgetting the earlier beating. Boys didn’t care much about these little scuffles.

Taking a big bite of his egg sandwich, Lu Junfeng shamelessly asked Bai Su, “Hey Bai Su, you’re amazing! How come I never knew you could fight like this!”

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Bai Su opened his juice and took a sip, smiling gently at him, “Maybe it’s because I do a lot of physical work and am in good shape. Besides, if no one bothers me, why would I hit them? It’s too much trouble.”

“Oh, oh!” cEbGvj

Lu Junfeng nodded, thinking Bai Su was like a hidden master, modest and unassuming. If he were as strong as Bai Su, he would have dominated both inside and outside the school.

Indeed, top students are on a different level!

But, according to Bai Su, were they asking for a beating? ∑(°Д°)

Suddenly, the meat in his mouth didn’t taste as good anymore… 9PTg2D

Yan Shengchen felt complicated hearing the words about physical work, thinking Bai Su must have suffered a lot without them knowing.

During lunch break, the three boys devoured everything, leaving nothing behind, and felt closer to each other after the incident.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The next day, Bai Su continued attending classes as usual, planning to find Yan Shengchen in the evening to bond since he couldn’t use his duty as an excuse anymore. But surprisingly, at noon, while having lunch on the rooftop, Yan Shengchen came to him.

Seeing Yan Shengchen standing in front of him, blushing and holding a sizable bag, Bai Su raised an eyebrow. LnZONI

Yan Shengchen noticed Bai Su’s lunch was still just buns and pickles, his eyes darkening. He walked over, grabbed Bai Su’s bun, took a big bite, and said, “I brought too much greasy food today, and I don’t want to eat it. I want something light, let’s trade.”

With that, he forcefully shoved his bag into Bai Su’s hands.

Bai Su, holding the bag in a daze, looked at the boy who was biting the bun, thinking there was no one cuter than his lover.

He smiled and walked over to the seated boy, who guarded his bun and snapped, “What are you doing? I’ve already eaten it. I said trade, so you eat mine!” oUBlr8

Suppressing his laughter, Bai Su opened the lunch box Yan Shengchen gave him and said softly, “Nothing, just that I had taken a bite of that bun.”

Yan Shengchen’s face turned red. He couldn’t spit out the bun, nor could he swallow it. Looking at Bai Su’s calm expression, he angrily took another bite of the bun, feeling that it tasted a bit sweet.

Bai Su’s lunch box was quite large, filled with a variety of dishes that looked and smelled delicious. He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite, finding the taste quite good. CwtKgc

Yan Shengchen usually didn’t bother to bring lunch from home, and Bai Su naturally knew he had brought it today for him. Such a large lunch would be enough even for someone with a big appetite.

Bai Su couldn’t help but smile, feeling happy. He didn’t stand on ceremony and sat down next to Yan Shengchen, pushing the lunch box between them and saying, “Let’s eat together. I can’t finish such a big portion by myself.”

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Seeing Bai Su’s gentle smile, Yan Shengchen didn’t refuse. He had asked the housekeeper to prepare it the night before, and it seemed Bai Su liked it. However, he had only brought one pair of chopsticks. How were they going to eat together? Would he have to use his hands?

Yan Shengchen wasn’t overly particular. He wouldn’t mind using his hands for the chicken legs and meatballs, but he wasn’t sure what Bai Su would think or if he would find it unhygienic. je0mbS

While he was thinking, a fried shrimp was brought to his mouth.

Bai Su smiled with his eyes, gently saying, “Ah.”

Those beautiful eyes curved into crescent shapes, making Yan Shengchen’s heart flutter. Before he knew it, the fried shrimp had already been placed in his mouth. As he chewed the crispy, delicious shrimp, he realized what had happened.

They had just shared a pair of chopsticks; how could they eat so intimately! n0PvYq

But seeing Bai Su act so naturally, Yan Shengchen couldn’t bring himself to refuse. He thought, if Bai Su didn’t mind, then why should he?

The two of them continued to eat lunch together, only Yan Shengchen knew how fast his heart was beating every time Bai Su fed him with the chopsticks he had used.

After they finished all the food, Yan Shengchen awkwardly said, “I think the buns you bring are pretty good. From now on, let’s eat together every day. The lunches from my house are too big, and I can’t finish them by myself. It’s not good to waste food. You have to help me eat them!”

After saying that, Yan Shengchen, afraid Bai Su might refuse, quickly took the empty lunch box and left the rooftop, not giving Bai Su a chance to say more. Zb1gxQ

The next day at noon, Bai Su went to the rooftop as usual. Sure enough, after a short while, Yan Shengchen appeared again.

This time, he was carrying an even larger bag, containing not only their lunch but also a variety of fruits for dessert. Seeing such a lavish meal, Bai Su didn’t know what to say.

However, Bai Su appreciated his lover’s concern for him.

But today, Yan Shengchen had again brought only one pair of chopsticks. Bai Su noticed his intention and didn’t say anything, even intentionally indulging him, thinking it made them seem closer. 3Ae6pb

They sweetly finished the food, planning to rest a bit before eating the fruits.

At this moment, Bai Su suddenly spoke to Yan Shengchen, “Thank you. I know you brought lunch especially for me. This is the first time I’ve had such delicious food. I can’t just eat your food for free. How about you bring lunch, and I’ll tutor you in return?”

Hearing this, Yan Shengchen quickly waved his hand. He didn’t like studying. He usually dozed off in class and didn’t care about his grades, so he couldn’t possibly want tutoring.

He enjoyed spending time with Bai Su, but he preferred their current dynamic rather than studying together. He thought that even without tutoring, they could still be together, eating, playing basketball, or going to the internet café. There were many things they could do together besides studying. 2 ABgd

Seeing Yan Shengchen’s refusal, Bai Su didn’t insist. After a while, when Yan Shengchen felt they had digested enough, he handed Bai Su a small box of strawberries.

Bai Su took a bite of the sweet, large strawberry and squinted contentedly. Seeing Bai Su enjoying the fruit, Yan Shengchen felt happy and they chatted idly.

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Remembering the night he saw Bai Su outside a shop talking to an older man, Yan Shengchen curiously asked, “Bai Su, one night I saw you talking to an older man outside a shop. Why were you out so late instead of going home?”

Bai Su smiled, “I saw you too that night. I had just finished work, so I was standing outside the shop. When I have free time in the evenings, I work at Uncle Wang’s hardware store. The pay there is pretty good, much better than doing odd jobs elsewhere or scavenging for recyclables to sell.” Eji3l2

Hearing Bai Su say he used to scavenge for recyclables and work hard at other jobs made Yan Shengchen feel an overwhelming sadness.

The boy bit his lip, carefully asking, “Why did you start working so early? Did something happen at home?”

Bai Su nodded, “Yes, there were some issues. It’s just me at home now. Although I have a scholarship, there are still many extra expenses. People need to eat and live, so I have to find a way to support myself.”

Hearing this, Yan Shengchen felt his throat tighten. Seeing Bai Su speak nonchalantly about his hardships, he found it hard to breathe. Dk7UcY

He had a sudden impulse to tell Bai Su that he didn’t need to do anything anymore, that he could take care of him.

But someone as proud as him, if he really said that, would Bai Su think he was being disrespectful?


Author’s Note:
Someone who lived off others their entire last life: “What is pride? Can you eat it?” (*/ω\*) 3OXjYx

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  1. Great work

    Thank you your translation 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Yan Shengchen supporting Bai Su? With what, from what? He’s dependent on his family, how is he supposed to do that? If you want to take care of another living being, you need to be able to take care of yourself first.

    Thank you for the chapter.