He's Pregnant with the Major General's Fish Cub [Interstellar]Ch54 - Declaration of War

Translator/Editor:- Max

Back on the ship, Yi Nuo still felt unwell and somewhat heavy-hearted. SVvI5z

Yue Zhan had many things to take care of, but seeing him like this, he was not at all relieved. He stayed by his side, and talked about other things to distract him.

“…Zhao Yunwei is still under investigation. His father, Zhao Baixuan, is a core leader of ECO. Having been by Zhao Baixuan’s side for many years, he knows a lot of inside information and has already exposed several core members. As for those families on the Imperial Capital Star, His Majesty and I are currently planning to capture them all at once. As for Zhao Baixuan and the others…”

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Yi Nuo frowned, looked up, and asked, “Can I join?”

Yue Zhan was worried about his safety and initially wanted to decline, but thinking of Li Ya, he remained silent for a moment before finally nodding. Rt9HY0

Actually, even if he didn’t agree, Yi Nuo would still have a chance to join.

Scott wanted Yi Nuo to be more qualified to become the crown prince and had already decided to have him and Yue Zhan handle this matter together. He also ordered the Imperial Capital Star Intelligence Office and the Special Security Department to cooperate with his work.

After arranging these, Scott couldn’t help but call to claim credit and asked after careful consideration, “Nuonuo, I heard you went to the Sea Country yesterday. Did you… did you see your mother this time?”

His tone was somewhat cautious and solemn, but Yi Nuo, feeling unwell, couldn’t help but respond fiercely, “I saw her. Her tail is broken, and her life is worse than death. It’s all because of you. Are you satisfied now?”


Of course, Li Ya’s tail wasn’t actually broken, but he deliberately made the situation sound very serious. After speaking, he quickly said in his heart: Sorry, Mom. I’m not cursing you. I just wanted to anger him.

“Stop entangling with this. It’s for your good and her own good. Isn’t that enough?” He snapped one last sentence and then angrily hung up the phone.

But hanging up didn’t relieve his anger; he still wanted to call back and vent more.

Yue Zhan hurriedly stroked his back and coaxed him: “Don’t be angry, don’t be angry. Being angry is not good for your health, and it’s not good for the baby either.” Ic39Cy

After coaxing him, he continued, “Actually, someone who can let go as easily as the princess must live very freely. Even if she was sad, she could still let go. So, you must not suffer from pent-up frustration either.”

Yi Nuo nestled in his arms and said in a sad voice, “I’m not worth it for my mother.”

“I feel like if she hadn’t met Scott, she would definitely have lived happily.” He continued in a muffled voice, this time not even referring to him as “Father Emperor”.

Yue Zhan rubbed his head and said softly, “But then there wouldn’t be Your Highness, nor our little fish baby.” 23HGNx

Yi Nuo: “Eh.”

“I think someone as free and at ease as Her Royal Highness the Princess wouldn’t regret her choices. She may have loved the wrong person and paid the price, but it was not nothing. At least… she has you, and in the future, she’ll have our little fish baby, right?” Yue Zhan added.

Yi Nuo nodded and said, “Only cowards regret their choices when they have to pay the price.” Like Scott, for example.

After saying this, he suddenly looked up and curiously asked, “I just realised, you’ve gotten really good at comforting people lately. Did you secretly take a psychology course?” KcRGbp

Yue Zhan gently kissed his cheek and said, “Because it’s you.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yi Nuo stared at him blankly, his ears turning suspiciously red. It seemed that no matter how many times it happened, he could never resist Yue Zhan’s teasing.

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【Dea kts vlv Tef Itjc lwqgbnf rb delmxis? Qtfc atfs olgra wfa, tlr qfgrbcjilas kjr jr glulv jr j gbmx.】

Tl Reb kjr j yla meglber. iD9Sry

Tef Itjc rwlifv klatbea rjslcu jcsatlcu. Cr tf teuufv tlw, tf delfais yibmxfv atf afgwlcji wfrrjufr jcv jirb yibmxfv Tef Xf’r ybwyjgvwfca bo wfrrjufr.

Yue Ge: I’ve analysed everything for you and even gave you suggestions. Now, can you tell me when the Eldest Princess will be back?

Yue Ge: Hey, where are you? Don’t just use people and then throw them away!

Yue Ge: Fuck, blinded by love. Got a wife and forgot about your brothers. rjYCBi

Yue Ge: Pole vaulting in the toilet, too much (shit)!

Yue Ge: #¥%……

Half an hour later, after coaxing his wife, Yue Zhan finally remembered his own older brother and lazily replied: The Eldest Princess led the fleet back this morning.

Yue Ge replied instantly: I already fucking know, get lost! 2fwBE0

Yue Ge: I don’t have a brother like you, got it? No, cutting ties.

Yue Ge: Middle finger.jpg

Yue Zhan: “……”

He thought for a moment and replied: Commander Yue asked me the day before yesterday, where have you been hiding recently? 4iaSyk

Yue Ge: ! ! !

Yue Ge: Little brother, dear little brother, please help me block it for a while?

Yue Ge: Once I catch up to your sister-in-law, I’ll definitely reward you. By the way, does your little friend have any other psychological issues? Free consultation, considerate answers…

Yue Zhan: Get lost, you’re the one with psychological issues. XYai9D

His little fish is just feeling depressed for a while, okay?

At this moment, Yue Zhan forgot that he used to suspect Yi Nuo of having delusional disorder.

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Although Yi Nuo was angry at Scott for Li Ya’s situation, he remained level-headed in other matters, such as reassigning the Special Security Department and the Intelligence Department to let the two agencies cooperate in arresting people.

He was very clear that this was official business. The Intelligence Department and the Special Security Department were funded by taxpayers, not Scott’s private institutions. Therefore, they naturally had to serve the citizens. U17h u

Furthermore, he heard that Scott vomited blood again after hanging up the phone last time and was sent to the hospital.

Yi Nuo didn’t feel guilty this time. He believed it was Scott’s own guilt and remorse, not because he angered him.

As usual, he worked with Yue Zhan on devising plans to catch the ECO members, and he also used the Intelligence Department and the Special Security Department very well.

Especially with the Intelligence Department as his cousin, Allen, recently got accepted there. Having someone inside was both reassuring and useful. vG2C8d

As for the Special Security Department, Yi Nuo had heard about Freeman from Yue Zhan before, but Freeman had already been convicted of dereliction of duty. Besides, Yi Nuo only interacted with the head of the department, Li Xiao, who was a capable person and was okay.

After a month of planning, they finally captured all the core members of ECO on the Imperial Capital Star. Overnight, nearly half of the major nobles on the Imperial Capital Star fell.

Such a major event, which directly impacted the Empire’s economy, shocked many people.

Especially those nobles and tycoons who were unaware of the reasons behind it, never expected the Emperor to really dare to touch them. Caught off guard, some tried to transfer their assets and flee, some threatened to resist by using their wealth, and others resorted to parliamentary impeachment. In short, the Imperial Capital Star became very lively for a while. CcXvIK

Soon, they found out that it wasn’t the Emperor who caused all this commotion, but the little prince. They immediately became confident again, thinking it was just the little prince causing trouble, and the Emperor still wouldn’t dare to touch them.

When ordinary people saw this news, they were very excited and enthusiastically ate melons——

【Oh my, the little prince seems soft and tender, but who would have thought he would do such a big thing!】

【Did the little prince really do this? Such strong methods? Unbelievable, the little prince is obviously so adorable~】 Bwrnug

【Could this be a power struggle among the upper echelons? Exciting, watching intensely.】

【I think it’s good. Those tycoons and nobles should have been dealt with long ago.】

u1s1, the problem with tycoons and nobles needed to be solved, but the methods used by the little prince were too aggressive. Offending so many tycoons and nobles at once. Unless the Emperor, the military, and the parliament are all backing him up, otherwise…】

Yi Nuo was far away on Sea Star. While handling official duties, he still went into the sea to sing every day, and was not affected by the disputes. 2BV7yc

As for Scott, he had been tormented by pain and guilt during this period. Even after a month in the hospital, he still looked sick.

Due to the trouble caused by the nobles and tycoons, he had to step in to appease them. He also gave an interview, expressing his support for Yi Nuo’s actions.

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“This was my order. The arrested nobles and tycoons are all members of ECO, a notorious organisation.”

Shortly after, Xie Qingran also stated in an interview, “This is an anti-crime operation, and the parliament naturally supports His Highness Yi Nuo.” cTSQy9

Recently, he became famous in the Interstellar Court, and successfully sentenced those people to death or life imprisonment in the Desolate Star Base. Although he was not yet the Chairman, he already had a group of supporters in the parliament.

Online, he also had many supporters. Netizens, unaware of the complex dynamics within the parliament, saw his statement and assumed that the parliament was in support of him as well.

As for the military…

【Hey, isn’t Major General Yue from the military? How could they not support the little prince?】 dSleU3

【In that case, it really does seem like His Majesty, the parliament, and the military all support the little prince.】

Upon seeing this news, Zhao Baixuan who was far away in the Second Galaxy was finally unsettled.

He had been negotiating with the Emperor all along, using the military to threaten Scott to release his son, Zhao Yunwei. He was certain that Scott would not want internal conflict within the Empire and would definitely back down.

The calmness of the past month made him think that his prediction was correct. However, he didn’t expect Yue Zhan and Yi Nuo to act swiftly and capture nearly half of the organisation’s core members in no time. XOLu4E

Furthermore, in the Federation, with Huo Xite back in power, he also collaborated with Yi Nuo. Many ECO members within the Federation were secretly captured. As a result, more than half of their core members were arrested.

Zhao Baixuan no longer hoped for negotiations. Instead, he directed his fleet towards the vicinity of the First Galaxy, intending to cower Scott by military force into releasing his people.

Of course, he also didn’t want to be seen as initiating conflict or starting a civil war. Therefore, he publicly declared: Scott, in his efforts to rescue his son, had abused his power. He launched an expedition to Sea Star, and even ambushed fleets passing through the Second Galaxy near Sea Star, deliberately provoking conflict.

The public was somewhat confused. Didn’t the Imperial fleet go to Sea Star to arrest criminals? hODjZU

Soon after, the Second Galaxy stated: The fleet’s deployment to Sea Star was not at all related to arresting criminals or the major attack in the Central Zone. It was merely because the little prince was taken by the Sea Country people, prompting the Emperor to deploy a large military force privately to get back his son, and even using this as an opportunity to attack the fleet of the Second Galaxy. Could it be that the military is not the nation’s army but rather the Emperor’s private army?

The people were even more confused. Why would the Sea Country people kidnap the little prince? And are the Second Galaxy and the First Galaxy… going to fight?

Seeing no response from Scott, Zhao Baixuan decided to personally declare: He hoped the royal family and the military would release his people soon, otherwise, he believed there was no need for such a royal family that abuses its powers to continue to exist.

This was a blatant threat + that he was ready for war. AYpZTV

Previously, when they watched Yue Zhan and Yi Nuo arrest those nobles, the public had a sort of “watching a fight between the immortals” attitude. But now, seeing that a real war was about to break out, they finally began to feel nervous.

【No, they’re not really going to fight, are they?】

Chrysanthemum Garden.

【If what the Second Galaxy says is true, then the royal family is indeed abusing their power?】

【Hey, I had a pretty good impression of the little prince, but how come…?】 Tf4zKc

【This isn’t his fault.】

【Although according to what they said, His Majesty and Major General Yue are suspected of abusing their power, why do I feel so awkward when these words come from Zhao Baixuan’s mouth?】

【Exactly, hasn’t Zhao Baixuan abused his power enough already?】

This time Scott didn’t respond, and Yue Zhan responded first. The fleet stationed at Sea Star held a press conference directly, stating that the Imperial fleet’s expedition to Sea Star was to combat the Eco organisation, with Zhao Baixuan being a core member of Eco. The research on mermaids, the human experimentation at the Desolate Star Experimental Base, and the attack in the Central District of Imperial Capital Star are all the work of this organisation. qR6HUL

Even Yue Zhan personally attended the press conference and said firmly, “We hope the Second Star System will promptly hand over Zhao Baixuan. Otherwise, the Third Army will assist in capturing him.”

But the Second Galaxy was controlled by Zhao Baixuan himself, so how could he hand himself over? These words clearly meant a declaration of war, and they were declaring war without the Emperor’s permission.

Translator’s note:- Ughhh this Zhao Baixuan ughhh, I can’t wait for when he gets face-slapped by the ML. Too much of a nuisances.

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Kofi count:- 1/3

Translator's Note

to forget loyalty when in love; hoes before bros

Translator's Note

It is a chinese slang term which means when you pole vault over a toilet, it’s too much shit(feces) meaning to accuse him of words and deeds that go beyond the proper rules and status.

Translator's Note

Evolved from “Say it like that or Let’s talk”, after careful polishing and evolution by netizens, it eventually became a simplified form of “Say it like that”. In fact, it means to tell the truth as it is. It is often used as a catchphrase by many users. Finally, for convenience, it was typed as [u1s1].

Translator's Note

of a legislative assembly

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