Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch60 - Am I not good enough?

Ye Sang grew more furious the more he thought about it, but his tears betrayed him, spilling over despite his efforts to hold them back. Biting his lip to stifle his sobs, his pitiful appearance made Ai Mo feel a pang of heartache. Ai Mo reached out as if to wipe away Ye Sang’s tears, but his hand froze in mid-air. Clenching his fist, he turned away, his voice strained.

“Sang Sang, I can’t.” ZCDtoq

With those vague words, Ai Mo left the beach, heading up the mountain.

“Fuck, what do you mean you can’t! You cold bastard! Impotent jerk!”

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Ye Sang shouted in anger, but Ai Mo didn’t look back.

He pounded the sand in frustration, only to get some in his eyes. Covering his face, he let out a pained scream. W2r4LA

Fuck, it hurts like hell!

The sharp pain from the sand in his eyes triggered an unstoppable flood of tears, a self-protective reflex. Cursing in his mind, Ye Sang lay down on the beach, covering his face as tears streamed into his ears.

…What do you mean you can’t… Am I not good enough… With his face covered, he thought no one could see his pitiful state, so he allowed himself to cry freely.

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Ye Sang saw his mother’s silhouette in the kitchen, the air filled with the aroma of strawberries and cream. She was humming a tune while busy with something. Overjoyed, Ye Sang leaped forward and hugged his mother’s slender waist.

“Mommy, I want the biggest strawberry cake!” he shouted.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr wbatfg vlvc’a aegc jgbecv, pera rwlifv ufcais jcv rjlv, “Yxjs.”

“Ktf mjxf rtbeiv yf mbnfgfv klat ragjkyfgglfr, jcv P kjca mgfjw oibkfgr… Ct, jcv atf mjxf rtbeiv tjnf j ragjkyfggs pjw oliilcu…”  ImMqdH

Lf xfqa ilralcu tlr vfwjcvr, jcv tlr wbatfg cbvvfv klat j rwlif yea vlvc’a ibbx ja tlw bcmf, mbcalcelcu ab tew tfg rbcu.

This dismissive attitude made Ye Sang furious, and he hit his mother hard.

“You’re lying! No one has ever made me a strawberry cake! No one ever slept with me… No one calls me Sang Sang anymore…”

Ye Sang cried loudly in his dream, but his mother still didn’t turn around. She just kept humming her song, seemingly indifferent to his tantrum. RCvGxj

… It’s always like this. No one wants Sang Sang…

Ye Sang covered his face and cried. Then, strange whispers echoed in his mind, a deep, magnetic, and sexy voice.

… I won’t let you die, I won’t let go, I picked strawberries for you, Sang Sang looks the best…

But the soothing male voice only made Ye Sang’s tears flow even more. j18rFW

… One after another, they all break their promises…

Ye Sang opened his eyes and found himself still lying on the beach. The sky was already getting light.

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He brushed the sand off his cheeks. He was covered with Ai Mo’s shirt, washed clean without a trace of scent, as if it were brand new—just like how they were back to the beginning.

Ye Sang clutched the shirt, anger surging through him. WseTHM

“Damn it, I’m a top-notch sweetheart adored by everyone! Who cares about your fake gentleness?!”

He twisted the shirt furiously on the beach, suddenly hearing rustling footsteps. Turning around, he saw Ai Mo not far away in the woods, gathering firewood with a calm expression, as if he was just passing by during his morning exercise.

Seeing Ai Mo’s unruffled demeanor made Ye Sang’s current rage seem particularly ungracious, as if he was the only one bothered by their awkward situation. This realization made him even more furious.

Ye Sang immediately charged forward, picked up a fairly thick branch, and swung it at Ai Mo with all his might. 9ZJsBd

He didn’t hold back, expecting Ai Mo to easily dodge given his reflexes. However, the man stood still, letting himself be hit. The branch broke in two on impact.

The sharp end of the broken wood left a gash on Ai Mo’s chest, quickly seeping blood. Ye Sang was stunned.

“Y-You idiot, why didn’t you dodge?”

Seeing the not-so-light injury, Ye Sang was stunned. He instinctively wanted to press down on the bleeding wound, but Ai Mo just brushed his hand away. SQ3YEN

“I’m fine, thanks for your concern.” Ai Mo’s tone was gentle, but his words erected an unmistakable wall.

Ye Sang couldn’t understand it — this guy was holding him and kissing him passionately a few days ago, even desperately restraining his urges to protect him. And now, just like that, he said he didn’t want him anymore? … Was it because his wealth had insulted Ai Mo’s pride? Or was it his own numerous experiences that had turned Ai Mo off?

His mind was a chaotic mess, unable to contain the frustration that had built up all night. He shouted angrily, “Shit, what’s wrong with you?! What do I lack in your eyes?”

He was panting heavily from the shouting, but Ai Mo just stared at him, still wearing that icy expression, not even blinking. rwkDBx

Say something, I… I can change… I won’t say dirty words anymore, I’ll learn to tidy up, I’ll watch the stars with you… Just tell me.

Ye Sang had never felt so heartbroken, not only realizing how much he cared about this guy but also knowing that he had completely fallen for him.

“Ye Sang.” Ai Mo finally spoke, his tone extremely flat.

It had been a while since he heard his real name, and for a moment, Ye Sang hesitated. What followed was a strong surge of bitterness. TzZXwC

Heh, it’s ‘Ye Sang’ again, cutting ties so cleanly…

He glared angrily at the alpha. Ai Mo furrowed his brows, seemingly choosing his words carefully. After a moment of contemplation, he said, “I told you, I won’t let you die. So, until we’re rescued, if you need me, I won’t refuse — but it ends there.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Ai Mo’s businesslike, indifferent tone made Ye Sang furious, but he laughed in his rage, almost squeezing the words through clenched teeth: “Help? Help with what? Helping me survive? Or helping me deal with my heat?”

Ai Mo gazed at him calmly, remaining silent for a moment before replying softly, “Both. As long as you ask, I won’t refuse.” gMdsRY

The man’s tranquil tone made Ye Sang so angry he felt dizzy. He punched Ai Mo hard, putting all his strength into it, and shouted, “What do you mean! Do you think I’m begging you to sleep with me?! Do you think I have a choice, you bastard!”

His fists landed mercilessly on Ai Mo, but Ai Mo only furrowed his brows. Like a statue, he stood there, letting Ye Sang vent his anger, without getting angry or upset.

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  1. Can there be some communication please?? Just TALK TO EACH OTHER AND MAKE THINGS CLEAR REEEEEEE….this is what I usually dislike in novels, the lack of communication…it’s maddening. Thank you so much for the chapter!! ❤️