Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch59 - I’m ready❤️

He steadied himself, struggling to maintain his usual light-hearted smile, legs cautiously positioned around Ai Mo’s waist. Despite every movement pulling at his wounds, he couldn’t betray any hint of pain. With a strained grin, he remarked, “Are you thinking of going back to finish your studies? That’s fine too. I can buy you an apartment near the school and hire a maid. You won’t have to worry about living expenses. I’ll make sure…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ai Mo covered his mouth and said in a deep voice, “…Are you trying to keep me?” PvEb0s

Stunned into silence by Ai Mo’s interruption, Ye Sang hesitated. He had only been outlining what he was willing to provide for Ai Mo’s future. Little did he expect it would sound to Ai Mo like he was some wealthy sugar daddy?

He felt a twinge of regret—he didn’t understand Ai Mo’s university major or his outdoor interests, but he could offer immediate financial support. Even if his Alpha wanted to buy this island, he would find a way to make it happen for him. He wanted Ai Mo to be like any other spirited 20-year-old man, laughing and joking freely, rather than burdened by unpleasant memories and the struggle for basic living.

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He looked at Ai Mo’s tightly knit brows and, after much deliberation, finally realized what he wanted to express: Mark me, and let’s be together forever.

This humble yet sweet self-awareness made Ye San almost explode with embarrassment, but seeing Ai Mo’s insulted expression at the mention of money, he grew furious. qd7B5h

── Yes, I’m vulgar and crass! I’m so rude that I don’t know how to express it properly, but I really, really like you!

On the island for nearly three weeks, with no sign of rescue, Ye Sang had transitioned from initial panic and frustration to a state of peace and contentment. He was surprised at his own transformation—he had learned to judge the next day’s weather by the state of the clouds and to calculate the tides. These primitive skills for coexisting happily with nature were things he had never even considered before meeting Ai Mo.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He enjoyed these quiet little days, surprising himself by quickly adapting to the primitive lifestyle he thought he would hate. The extravagant life he once knew now felt like a distant dream from a past life. He didn’t mind this simple, ordinary life and had come to like this man.

Tf Vjcu uglaafv tlr affat, mjamtlcu j ktloo bo Cl Zb’r ufcaif qlcf rwbxf qtfgbwbcfr atja wjvf tlr wlcv rajga ab yieg. Lf vfmlvfv tf kjr algfv bo kjralcu alwf klat atlr mjealber, tfrlajca ues.


Cl Zb jikjsr rjlv tf kjr mgjhs. Vb yf la! Lf rtbeiv tjnf vlfv atf vjs tf ofii lcab atf rfj. Snfgs fzagj vjs tf ilnfv rlcmf atfc kjr vef ab atlr wjc’r mjgf, jcv tf kjr kliilcu ab boofg fnfgsatlcu ab tlr rjnlbg.

Ye Sang inhaled Ai Mo’s elegant pheromone scent, feeling himself once again entering a state of blissful euphoria and satisfaction. He had no regrets; he wanted to belong completely to this man—his destined Alpha.

Ai Mo was about to pull away from Ye Sang’s embrace when suddenly, the Omega released all his pheromones, turning into a bomb of intoxicating scent that burned Ai Mo to the core.

“Let’s finish what we started last time,” Ye Sang whispered softly, nibbling on Ai Mo’s ear and directly touching the throbbing desire between his legs. “Ai Mo, I’m ready.” 0dabK9

These words acted like a fuse, instantly blowing apart Ai Mo’s rational barriers. He felt like he was losing his mind again, but this time, Sang Sang was willing to indulge his madness. Could he really let loose? Would Sang Sang no longer cry?

His mind was still hesitant, but his body was completely out of control. He roughly tore off Ye Sang’s clothes, forcefully spread his legs, and buried his face in the sweetly scented swollen area, passionately licking.

“Mn…” As Ai Mo’s tongue prodded him, Ye Sang immediately let out a cat-like moan, his entire body turning into a puddle of water, lying limply beneath Ai Mo’s control.

Ai Mo’s tongue felt the clear sweetness and faint salty tang, and with a forceful kiss, Ye Sang’s breathing changed instantly. His suddenly higher-pitched voice, tinged with a sweet, tearful tone, made Ai Mo’s eardrums itch. Usr2dh

“Ah… more, a little more…” Ye Sang moaned loudly, tugging at Ai Mo’s hair, his waist writhing. Ai Mo felt that the bud pressed against his lips and tongue was exuding clear nectar, the delicate petals incredibly soft, as if always waiting for his affection.

“That’s enough, come on…” Ye Sang lifted Ai Mo’s chin, gently wiping the liquid from his jaw with his fingertips, then pulled him up, taking control by straddling him.

The moonlight sneaked through the clouds, casting a gentle glow on Ye Sang’s delicate face. His moist red lips shimmered, and his seductive eyes, filled with allure, made him look like an angel tempting one to fall.

At this moment, the devilish angel bit his lip and smiled, revealing his gleaming white teeth. Slowly, he leaned down, burying his face in Ai Mo’s neck, taking a deep breath, and letting out a satisfied sigh. E2P98g

“Ai Mo, I love your scent.” The omega laughed hoarsely, his voice deeply alluring, but it brought Ai Mo a moment of clarity.

…My scent? Is that all it is…?

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While his thoughts were muddled, Ye Sang cupped his face, gazing deeply into his eyes, mesmerizing him completely.

“Ai Mo, mark me—make me your exclusive bitch.” 8WqDvC

Ye Sang’s words, imbued with extreme sensuality and gentleness, made Ai Mo stiffen instantly, his arousal gradually fading.

Sensing something was wrong with the alpha, Ye Sang remembered that Ai Mo didn’t particularly like his lewd talk in bed. Cursing himself for his loose tongue, he was about to act coy to change the mood when Ai Mo suddenly pushed him away forcefully. For once, his usually expressionless face showed a rare hint of astonishment—a panic born of deep-seated fear and confusion.

Ye Sang was taken aback, not only by the sheer force of Ai Mo’s shove but also by the way the man seemed to treat him like some poisonous creature to be avoided at all costs. This feeling of being rejected so thoroughly made him instantly furious with both anger and embarrassment.

── Begging to be fucked and marked, only to be despised! Ye Sang, you are the most pathetic omega ever! Iae7Fz

Ye Sang had never experienced such humiliation, nor had he ever liked someone this much. He liked Ai Mo to the point where he was willing to give everything, just to see him smile, to hear him say ‘Sang Sang’ in that gentle way that made his heart leap with joy. It was utterly shameless!

Author’s Note: Sang Sang doesn’t know about Mo Mo’s childhood traumas, so what he thought were romantic dirty talks ended up scaring his husband away! (Dun dun dun)

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