Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch58 - Support you financially

Ai Mo sat on the beach, staring blankly at the distant horizon, hoping to see the silhouette of a ship that could take him away from this place—not because he longed to return to the civilized world, but because he no longer had the courage to be with Sang Sang.

It had been two days, and he still hadn’t recovered from that terrifying scene. Every time he closed his eyes, it was as if he could see Sang Sang beneath him, crying uncontrollably and tremblingly begging him to stop. tYDjlL

The more Sang Sang cried, the more excited he became. He couldn’t rein in his out-of-control fantasies. He even fantasized about truly entering that tight paradise, using his burning passion to drench the tender core of the omega, embedding his pheromones deeply into Sang Sang’s sweet genetic sequence… From then on, every smile and frown of Sang Sang would be because of him, every tear and emotion would belong to him. How wonderful…

Ai Mo’s mind was in chaos. At that moment, he caught a whiff of that sweet scent, faint but unmistakable. He knew Sang Sang had completely restrained it, but the alpha, still in a manic state, could sense it.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Besides the sweetness, Ai Mo could also detect the delicate fragrance of Omega’s hair, the fruit juice lingering on his fingertips, and even the faint scent of blood from the yet-to-heal wounds between his legs.

His mind uncontrollably flashed back to the day he almost marked Sang Sang. The tip of his tongue seemed to taste the flowing sweetness, like the finest acacia honey—smooth and gentle, just like Sang Sang, his most wickedly enchanting ripe berry. s5TZnU

He watched Sang Sang approach, his expression uneasy, and his gait a bit awkward, likely because each step pulled at his wounds. Recalling his own violent actions that day, Ai Mo was filled with self-loathing.

…In the end, he had become just like his father, a domineering tyrant, unable to escape that fate…

Seeing Sang Sang’s troubled expression, Ai Mo felt his fiery passion instantly cool.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Vfflcu Cl Zb aegc jkjs jcv rajga ab ifjnf, Tf Vjcu mjiifv bea ab rabq tlw.


“Lfs, vbc’a ub sfa. P tjnf rbwfatlcu ab rjs ab sbe.”

Cl Zb qjerfv, tlr ygbk oeggbklcu jr lo tf kjr lc jc lcafcrf lcafgcji rageuuif. Coafg j wbwfca bo tfrlajalbc, tf rja yjmx vbkc.

Seeing him relent, Ye Sang sighed and tightened his grip on the object in his hand before slowly sitting down next to Ai Mo.

Neither of them spoke, listening instead to the sound of the waves crashing against the beach. Ye Sang had intended to break the silence by talking about the stars, but when he looked up, he saw that the clouds were thick tonight. There weren’t even stars, and the moon was barely visible, which annoyed him. However, since Ai Mo had finally stopped avoiding him, Ye Sang bit his lip and decided to speak first. CePI3l

“… The beach gets pretty cold at night. Why don’t you come back to the cave to sleep?” Ye Sang suggested.

Ai Mo didn’t respond, staring silently at the sea.

— This stubborn mule! He could at least say something! Ye Sang thought angrily, poking the sand and stirring up small puffs of dust along with a few startled crabs.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” Ai Mo suddenly asked. His voice was typically gentle but now sounded indifferent, like a pre-recorded message from a customer service line. Ye Sang was about to lose his temper at this bland, indifferent attitude. zXxS6D

… You, are you a robot or just unwilling to admit it?! You called me ‘Sang Sang’ so affectionately, and now you don’t want me just because I wouldn’t let you mark me?! Damn it, I never said I wasn’t willing…

Ye Sang cursed inwardly, suddenly realizing that his words sounded like he was begging Ai Mo to mark him!

His face burned with embarrassment. He thought he was being foolish—his butt still hurt, and here he was, eagerly trying to please this detestable ice-cold Alpha, making a fool of himself as an Omega!

Angrily, he clenched his fists, and the rough edges of the shells in his palm pricked him, the pain reminding him that he wasn’t here to pick a fight. 7uvM8L

He took a few deep breaths, then slowly extended the hand he had been hiding behind his back, opening his palm in front of Ai Mo.

Ai Mo looked closely and saw a delicate bracelet made of various shells and corals, each of different shapes and colors. It had a primitive charm but didn’t seem overly feminine.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“I’m not very good with my hands, so this is all I could make.” Ye Sang said, blushing. Seeing that Ai Mo didn’t take it, he clicked his tongue impatiently and grabbed Ai Mo’s hand, forcefully tying the bracelet on.

Ai Mo stared at the simple yet heartfelt little trinket on his wrist, unable to react for a while, just staring blankly. LfWoXG

“Um, it’s not much, but it’ll do for now—when we get back, I’ll buy you something better.” Ye Sang said gruffly, adjusting the tightness of the bracelet while muttering under his breath, “Happy 21st birthday.”

Ai Mo looked at the delicate, colorful shell bracelet on his wrist, realizing how much effort Ye Sang must have put into finding those shells.

…From the bracelet to that romantic flower bed, had Sang Sang remembered his offhand comment about his birthday all along?

Seeing Ye Sang’s haughty and arrogant expression, but with eyes clearly seeking praise, Ai Mo felt the tightly suppressed storm of emotions within him breaking free again. 8SJVun

Ai Mo pulled Ye Sang over and pinned him directly onto the sand, his burning lips pressing against Ye Sang’s. He dominantly pried open the omega’s lips, his tongue eagerly exploring the sweet mouth he had longed for, nibbling on the soft, sweet tongue. Hearing Ye Sang’s sweet moans only made the fire within Ai Mo burn hotter.

“…When we get back, I’ll help you start a live-streaming show, okay? Something like ‘Sexy Chef,’ how about that? Each episode you could cook with a popular singer or a gravure idol, how does that sound?”

As their lips and tongues intertwined, Ye Sang whispered while cupping Ai Mo’s face. Ai Mo paused, slowly stopping his kisses, and looked puzzled.

Seeing his confusion, Ye Sang continued, “You don’t like it? Or would you prefer a music show? That’s fine too. I have plenty of trainees in my company, you could be a music producer. Whatever resources you need, I can get them for you…” x9tiMf

Ye Sang earnestly listed the connections and resources he could mobilize, explaining for a while. But seeing Ai Mo’s frown deepen, Ye Sang started to panic. He didn’t understand what was wrong with his offer; he just wanted to give Ai Mo everything he could. Yet, as an adult, he couldn’t show how desperately he longed for Ai Mo’s affection in front of this socially inexperienced college student. It would be too undignified!

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