Honey and Ashes【ABO】Ch33 - Give a peach, get a plum ❤️

Ye Sang’s words were spoken softly, even he felt shy saying them, but they came from the bottom of his heart. He needed to express them.

Ai Mo’s face grew hotter and hotter, until he finally let out a whimper and covered his face. 3nHoBK

“You… Could you please not do this…” 

Ai Mo’s pure and shy demeanor pushed Ye Sang’s excitement to the brink. His lips trembled with anticipation.

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—This guy is so damn cute! From his furrowed brow to his trembling fingers, everything about him is adorable!

Ye Sang felt the urge to shout in excitement, but he remembered the lesson from last time. He couldn’t rush things; otherwise, he might scare off this innocent prehistoric creature… With that in mind, he gently kissed Ai Mo’s earlobe and whispered softly, “The barbecue was delicious. It’s only polite for me to return the favor, right?” iLBrho

“What? You… Ah!”

Before Ai Mo could even ask, he felt Ye Sang’s kisses slowly moving downward, his warm tongue gliding over his collarbone, chest, abdomen, and finally stopping at his lower abdomen.

The warm breath from Ye Sang’s lips brushed against his thin pants, making Ai Mo feel like he was going crazy from shyness. He heard Omega chuckle softly, then felt his pants being gently pulled down. Ye Sang lightly flicked his already aroused desire, while wearing a mischievous smile. “…Learn something from this. You’ll still serve me in the future, won’t you?”

“Wait! I… Ah!”


Ai Mo urgently tried to push away the person burying their face in his lower abdomen, but Ye Sang immediately began to lick him, the wet, warm, and soft sensation causing him to gasp in surprise, forgetting all about resistance.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciqtjr kfgf ufcfgjiis kfii-fcvbkfv, jcv Cl Zb kjr cb fzmfqalbc. Snfc klat Tf Vjcu’r atgbja klvf bqfc, tf mbeivc’a oeiis fcnfibq la, rb tf ufcais mbwobgafv atf cfuifmafv ibkfg tjio klat tlr olcufgr.

Lf rkjiibkfv j ofk alwfr, jcv atf jiqtj ktb tjv yffc fjgcfrais rageuuilcu lcrajcais kfca kfjx ja atf kjlra, fwlaalcu j ibk, gewyilcu rbecv ogbw tlr atgbja atja rbecvfv ilxf atf qegglcu bo j ijguf ofilcf, egulcu Tf Vjcu vffqfg jr tlr tjcv, lclaljiis ugjrqlcu lc tlr tjlg, agjcrlalbcfv ab qgfrrlcu bc abq bo tlr tfjv.

Ai Mo had been immersed in seawater for a long time, carrying a hint of oceanic scent on his body. Besides the usual saltiness, his body had an exceptionally clean smell. The reddish-purple object that Ye Sang was holding in his mouth was scalding hot, its large and round tip pressing directly against his throat, causing involuntary contractions and compression as his throat reacted to the foreign intrusion. The intense sensation made Ai Mo gasp heavily, unable to resist gripping Ye Sang’s hair tightly. 0zeYD5

“Don’t pull, you’ll make me bald.”

Ye Sang grumbled irritably, pulling the man’s hand away from his head and placing it gently on his chest, then smirked ambiguously. “If you want to touch, touch here.”

Feeling the soft, warm skin under his fingertips, Ai Mo’s head spinning, he felt the tiny pearl on Ye Sang’s chest between his fingers and couldn’t help but gently caress it.

Only hearing a soft and tender moan from the omega, his eyes instantly fogged over. s zrnO

“Mm… You can use a little more force…”

Ye Sang raised his gaze and murmured to him, his luscious red lips pressed against the glistening object that had been licked, his watery eyes reflecting the moonlight, exuding a sexy and enchanting allure that instantly shattered Ai Mo’s rationality. However, he didn’t want to appear too eager in front of this seemingly composed omega, so he gritted his teeth and deliberately ordered in a deep voice, “Don’t speak, just continue.” Then he rubbed his own thing against the omega’s lips.

The cold command sparked a strange excitement in Ye Sang’s eyes. Surprisingly, the usually arrogant and willful Omega didn’t get angry. Instead, he hooked his lips in a subtle smile and obediently started to lick.

…Could it be that I’m really a masochist? Being instructed by someone inexperienced can still arouse me like this?! Ye Sang puzzled, but he couldn’t suppress the burning desire raging inside him. eawJ3v

In a daze, he seemed to smell Ai Mo’s pine and smoke pheromones, permeating the empty beach. As if triggered by this, his body immediately ignited, and fluids began to involuntarily secrete between his legs.

The heat slowly rising from his lower abdomen flowed incessantly to his limbs. He felt like his brain was going to melt, leaving only his hearing, now infinitely amplified, and his extremely sensitive touch. His whole body felt uncomfortably hot, as if only the cold fragrance from Ai Mo’s body could alleviate his restlessness at this moment.

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So he licked Alpha even more eagerly, his body instinctively writhing. Slowly, he sank down, raising his buttocks in the process.

“Are you feeling hot?” he heard Ai Mo ask hoarsely. 67vacs

──Isn’t this a rhetorical question, Mr. Iceberg!

Ye Sang silently cursed in his mind but still nodded drowsily, not stopping his licking. As he extended his tongue to lick the intricate veins on Ai Mo’s shaft, he felt the strong pulsation and excitement, involuntarily imagining how intense the sensation would be when this hot and large object churned inside him…


Just the thought alone made Ye Sang moan. He could hardly believe it—despite his countless experiences, he was soaking wet just from imagination. The indescribable emptiness he felt was driving him crazy. YboXmh

──So this is the effect of highly compatible pheromones… Ye Sang thought hazily. While licking the scorching object, he could even feel how soaked he was between his legs, the desire to be filled overwhelming him, burning so intensely that he whimpered, his eyes reddening.

“Turn around,” he heard Alpha command in a low voice.

“What?” Ye Sang, whose consciousness was clouded by desire, repeated dumbly, doubting he had heard correctly.

At that moment, Ai Mo sat up, reaching out to grab his thighs. Everything spun around, and Ye Sang found himself in a kneeling position with his back to Alpha. 5gRfDI

Confused by this sudden action and wanting to look back, Ye Sang felt Ai Mo gently press on the back of his head, preventing him from turning around.

“Continue, don’t look at me.”

From the other’s dry voice, Ye Sang could feel how embarrassed Ai Mo was. But before Ye Sang could figure out what he wanted to do, he felt his pants being pulled down.

Huh? What is this guy… 6sqKBR

Before Ye Sang could react, Ai Mo’s fingers were already on his ass, pinching with a bit of force. The hot palm and flexible fingertips made Ye Sang cry out in pleasure.

“Ah, your hand is so hot…” he moaned, his legs trembling wide open.

Author’s Note: Facing a conservative virgin, how do you get them into bed without chatting first?!

Sang: After eating hubby’s grilled chicken, let’s eat hubby’s chicken! σ(≧ε≦o) efla3g

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