The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With MarriageCh15.2 - Clear My Name

How could Bai Juanqiu’s boyfriend be the Ren Empire’s young master?! (Part Two)

He looked at Bai Juanqiu with grievances, but the other person stayed silently…he even averted his gaze. s9dgwO

Wei Duzhou: “?”

A bust of bleak cold wind swept by.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

“You’re right. I’m not being a good enough human being. I’ll give him a raise once I get back.” Wei Duzhou finally carried the big pot with tears in his eyes.

Between these two, one of them was more toxic than the prior one. He dared not follow suit anymore and said weakly, “I still have things I need to do, so I’ll go on ahead.” wW9EYT

He dragged his stagger steps and left alone.

Ren Xingliu turned around, proudly took his credit and said to Bai Juanqiu, “Boyfriend, I negotiated a raise for you!”

“Thank you.” Bai Juanqiu coughed softly. “In my next paycheck, I’ll treat you to a meal.”

“Yay!” Ren Xingliu waved his hand in joy, then shook his head while clicking his tongue. “Although your buddy is also your boss, he is still very easy to talk to.”


To be precise, not only was Wei Duzhou easy to negotiate when it came to Bai Juanqiu, he also had this kind of protective instinct. The difference between them was quite subtle.

Before the Emperor of the Sheng Dynasty ascended to the throne, Ren Xingliu had fought alongside him on the battlefield, from the cradle to the grave. But after the ascension to the throne, there was inevitably a difference between a ruler and his ministers.

When authority was added to the equation, Ren Xingliu knew the impact of this on human emotions better than anyone.

Bai Juanqiu didn’t elaborate. After some pondering, he said, “I’m used to it.” wgxTQl

Ren Xingliu didn’t pry further, as if he had just mentioned it offhandedly.

Even if he didn’t ask, this still reminds Bai Juanqiu of something. With a smile, he asked in a warm voice, “Are you still getting other people’s phone numbers?”

It was quite inappropriate to ask this question, since they weren’t a real couple after all.

But Bai Juanqiu couldn’t explain his behavior, the question just came out of his mouth in a very natural manner. Nr h5S

Although he wasn’t sure what answer he was hoping for.

Ren Xingliu: “…!”

Comrade Xiao Bai was really terrifying. How could he use such a gentle tone to ask such a devilish question?!

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktlr wjvf tlw offi cfgnber lcfzqilmjyis. Gm9OSf

“Of course not!” Ren Xingliu showed a serious expression, and then, “Hic—”

C ibev yegq lcafggeqafv tlr kbgvr, wjxlcu tlr jrregjcmfr rffw ifrr mgfvlyif.

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Djl Aejcdle: “…”

Ren Xingliu maintained his face and complained, “It’s all that foolish-X classmate’s fault. I was so angry at him that my stomach felt bloated.” wKA1ej

Pa kjr vfolclafis cba yfmjerf bo tlw fjalcu kjs abb wemt!

Djl Aejcdle vlvc’a fzqbrf tlw, tf fnfc cbvvfv rbifwcis jcv rjlv, “Tfr, la’r jii tlr ojeia.”

Ktf batfg kjr rb mbbqfgjalnf atja la qea Efc Wlcuile’r wbbv ab fjrf. Lf mbeivc’a gfrlra tlmmeqr akb wbgf alwfr.

Ren Xingliu: “…” RTmhXu

Intuition told Bai Juanqiu that if he was to laugh at this moment, he was most likely going to be sharked by Young Master Ren in the shadows.

So, with a stern expression, he reached out and patted Ren Xingliu on the back, saying, “There’s a pharmacy ahead. Why don’t we go get you a box of medicine that aids digestion?”

Seeing Ren Xingliu quietly looking his way, he added calmly, “I kind of ate too much.”

Ren Xingliu: “…” LvjY8

Don’t think he didn’t know how little Comrade Xiao Bai ate just now!

In the end, they didn’t make a detour to the pharmacy.

Ren Xingliu firmly believed that anger was the cause of this hiccup. “Let’s find a place for a stroll.”

“That works.” Bai Juanqiu only teased him for a moment, so he didn’t insist. After some thought, he said, “I’ll take you to a spot.” nd01b

He spent the majority of his time here during his secondary school years, so he was very familiar with this district.

Ren Xingliu went along. “Alright.”

The place Bai Juanqiu took him to was his alma mater. The school atmosphere of Lingde Middle School is not good, but the school environment is good. Because it is located on the edge of Lingcheng, the environment is more natural. The back door of the school faces a river, and a long greenway has been built along the river.

The place where Bai Juanqiu took him was his alma mater. Lingde Secondary School wasn’t the greatest, but it did have a decent environment. Being at the edge of Ling City, it had a more natural setting. The back entrance faced a river, and a long greenway was built along the river. tRWXF0

The two of them walked slowly along the tree shade by the green path.

The weather wasn’t as hot now, but the sunlight was still very strong, passing through dense leaves and shining on the road and the people walking.

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There was no one on the road at this time. Occasionally, tireless children ran past, playing and playing, and occasionally one or two lingering cicadas broke the tranquility of the afternoon.

At this time, there were not many people on the path, occasionally, there were energetic children playing and running around. From time to time, one or two cicadas chirped, as if breaking the tranquility of the afternoon in order to delay their dying breath. s87izH

Ren Xingliu stretched lazily and sighed, “Such a comfortable environment…”

As he was speaking, a low sobbing sound suddenly came from ahead. Ren Xingliu looked up and saw a child standing on the roadside and wiping her tears.

Out of curiosity, he approached and asked, “Child, what’s wrong?”

The child was originally just sobbing quietly, but when someone asked, the crying suddenly turned louder. She pointed above and said between her weeping, “M-my kit-kite—” cyXZvD

Ren Xingliu looked up and realized that her kite was stuck in the crown of a tree by the roadside. He comforted her and said, “Don’t worry. Gege will get it for you.”

The child raised her hand, looking at the good-looking youth through her tears as well as…his unwell plaster arm. She was quite sensible. “But, gege, your hand…”

“Oh, the gege I said isn’t me.” Ren Xingliu blinked, turned and beamed. “Gege, can you help getting the kite?”

Xiao Bai-gege, who was called on when all he did was follow Ren Xingliu: “…” vWdaOf

Ren Shao screamed so naturally that Bai Juanqiu was stunned for a moment. After a while, he silently walked to the roadside, climbed up the tree branches neatly, and took down the kite in three strokes.

Young Master Ren called him so naturally that Bai Juanqiu was in a daze for a moment. After a while, he quietly walked to the roadside and climbed up the tree using the branches with ease. After three, down five, and minus two, he took down the kite.

“Here you go.” Bai Juanqiu handed the kite back to the child and advised, “Don’t get too close to the tree next time alright? Otherwise, it will get stuck again.”

“Gege, thank you—” The child finally stopped crying and smiled. She bowed before skipping away out of here. 6tY5dP

Bai Juanqiu also smiled, then he heard Ren Xingliu said with a raised brow, “Gege sure has the move!”

Although the tone was derisive, it was unexpectedly music to his ears due to a certain address.

“I used to climb over the wall often.” Bai Juanqiu didn’t hide this and said, “At that time, my living expenses were tight, so I had to get out at night to do some part-time work. Because I get out of work late, I can only scale the wall.”

He showed his normal expression, while Ren Xingliu unconsciously frowned. The more he learned about Bai Juanqiu’s past, the more he found how vile the Bai Family was. 8fa5R9

In fact, at the banquet, he had already noticed that Cen Nan’s complete contempt for Bai Juanqiu was not only because Bai Juanqiu was not developing well, but also because he felt from the bottom of his heart that Bai Juanqiu was a helpless orphan. .

Actually, he had already noticed that at the gathering, how Cen Nan had completely disregarded Bai Juanqiu, not only because of how poor Bai Juanqiu’s career was going, but also from the bottom of his heart, he believed Bai Juanqiu was an orphan without any backing.

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The Bai Family’s situation was incomparable to that of the Ren Family, but compared to Cen Nan’s family, the Bai Family was not inferior in any aspects. As long as the Bai Family stood up for Bai Juanqiu once, Cen Nan wouldn’t have viewed him that way.

So, the only explanation was that during his years in Lingde, Bai Juanqiu had never used the Bai Family’s reputation. VJzhjk

Or rather, the Bai Family didn’t allow him to.

This was no longer simply a dislike for this nephew, but a stance that made sure he would never turn over for the rest of his life.

If that was the case, then why did the Bai Family adopt Bai Juanqiu?

The cogs in Ren Xingliu’s head were spinning rapidly. He wanted to ask, but he felt with their current relationship, asking such a personal question wasn’t appropriate. qQVJ2M

Bai Juanqiu noticed his hesitation and thought he was tired from walking, since he also saw a thin layer of sweat on Ren Xingliu’s forehead. He casually suggested, “Let’s find a place to rest.”

Ren Xingliu swallowed his question and nodded. “Alright.”

It was noon after all. Even with the tree shade, it was still going to get hot after walking for a while.

Bai Juanqiu led him forward and turned into a small road ahead. At the intersection, there was a convenience store. DoGFHO

“This is the place.” Bai Juanqiu said as he pushed open the door. “This store isn’t very big, but it’s very clean. I used to come here often to work on my homework.”

Ren Xingliu gave a single thumbs up, since his other hand was out of commission. “Is this the world of school tyrants?”

Before, he and Ding Shi would gather and open black together after classes.

They were hit with air conditioning that was set to a suitable degree. The environment inside was as clean and organized as Bai Juanqiu had said. 5Cyu24

There were two tables next to the glass wall near the door, one of which was occupied by two students, a male and a female. There were snacks and drinks on the table, as well as practice booklets and stationery.

It seemed Bai Juanqiu wasn’t the only one who came here to do homework.

Ren Xingliu sat down at the empty table, while Bai Juanqiu went to buy two sodas. When he handed the drink, he didn’t forget to remind, “Don’t drink too fast, or you might feel bloated again.”

Ren Xingliu: “…” tJLUv4

That ‘again’ was quite ironic.

Comrade Xiao Bai didn’t need to be that considerate!

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The author has something to say:

Xingliu: I suspect that Xiao Bai is hinting at me! h3unOm

The translator has something to add:

Teo: Flowersky and katt, thank you so much for the ko-fi (❁´◡`❁)

Translator's Note

(有毒): It might mean ‘demoralizing’ in this context.

Translator's Note

(出生入死): To go through fire and water. Willing to risk life and limb.

Translator's Note

(傻X): Another way to say 傻叉, changing the second character to ‘X’. It means fool or blockhead.

Translator's Note

(暗鯊): The word, 鯊/shark, replaced 殺/kill. They are homophones, having the same pinyin, shā. So, sharked in the shadows means assassinated.

Translator's Note

(不知疲憊): More direction, don’t know what exhausted is.

Translator's Note

(苟延殘喘): Idiom for struggling on whilst at death’s door, to drag on one’s feeble existence. In a quick search, cicadas live for four to six weeks after they molt for the last time.

Translator's Note

(三下五除二): This is an abacus rule. It means quickly and easily.

Translator's Note

(翻牆): Scale the wall, and often associate to scaling over the wall in school, like the dorm has curfew and the gate will be closed.

Translator's Note

(翻身): To free himself, or to bring about a change of one’s fortunes.

Translator's Note

(學霸): Recap, usually, when ‘tyrant’ is used like this, it means they are the master of that field. For Bai Juanqiu, he is an expert/tyrant when it comes to school. It means he is the top student, most likely a straight-A student. Also, a high achiever.

Translator's Note

(開黑): Recap, to chat while playing video games. From my experience, it also means partying with a friend(s) for a game, like League of Legends.

Translator's Note

(我懷疑小白在內涵我): This is a meme, looking through the internet, it goes, I suspect you’re trolling/ messing with me, but I don’t have proof. It could also mean someone is hinting at your shortcomings.

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  1. I love every interaction they have, they’re so funny

    At the same time, I’m feeling they’re getting close bit by bit, I love that too

    And oh, what a surpriseee, dear Juanqiu has a gegd kink, very interesting hahahaha

    (Was that scene showing the first bite of vinegar? Love thaaaaat)

  2. Hahaha Bai Juanqiu short-circuited at ‘gege’

    Seems like they’re developing feels~Also BJQ’s so-called relatives need to get their faces bashed in 🔪