The God of War Returns and Spices Up Life With MarriageCh15.1 - Clear My Name

How could Bai Juanqiu’s boyfriend be the Ren Empire’s young master?! (Part One)

—He is also called Ren Xingliu. EjtMno

Only a few words were said, but it carried the same force as a mysterious curse that instantly plunged the whole room into an eerie silence.

Everyone at the table whirled their wide eyes on Ren Xingliu, with the same thing written on their face.

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—No way, did Cen Nan bring his pretentious act all the way to the main subject’s face?

Cen Nan’s heart was pounding like crazy as well, looking at the little white face across from him in disbelief, but soon, that terrible possibility was rejected by him again. WmMPcD


How could Bai Juanqiu’s boyfriend be the young master of the Ren Empire?!

Why would the real wealthy young master take a fancy to a muddy pit like him?

Let alone accompany him in such a setting in a low-profile manner?


Although Cen Nan had never seen Ren Xingliu with his own eyes, he had heard a bit about this young master. It was said that Ren Xingliu was the master of being extremely picky and acting very flashy.

With that in mind, Cen Nan’s heart was at ease. He forced himself to compose himself. “Har har, are you sure? They might happen to have the same name…”

Before he could finish speaking, a classmate next to him tugged his sleeve, passed his phone and whispered, “Nan-ge, it has nothing to do with having the same name. It seems like he is really that Young Master Ren…”

This classmate was quite a clever little ghost, already on the mission to search for Young Master Ren’s information online at top speed. m83DRA

There wasn’t any official release on Ren Xingliu’s photo to the public, but this student was quite good at snooping and was able to find a few blurry sneaky photos on Moments of a former classmate, who attended Ling University.

Cen Nan lowered his head to look at these photos, then looked across from him. The color of blood on his face gradually drained away, but he still refused to believe. “No way, that’s impossible…”

These photos were so blurry that they only looked very similar…

At that moment, the phone that he left on the table rang. Cen Nan looked at the caller ID, and his temple suddenly twitched. G0IQlz

It was a call from Ding Shi.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

If it was before, he would have been ecstatic to receive a return of spark from Ding Shi. But to get a call right now, he felt that it was too coincidental.

Ojra alwf ja atf yjcdefa, Glcu Vtl jrxfv obg tlr mberlc’r qtbcf cewyfg jcv cjaegjiis ifoa tlw tlr bkc cewyfg.

Unfortunately, Cen Nan called several times but no one answered. Later he found out that the young men had two numbers because they were often harassed and tired of socializing. They kept backup numbers for non-important relationships. It took a long time to call them. Will read the message once. R Sg7r

Vjvis, joafgkjgv, Jfc Rjc kjrc’a jyif ab ufa lc mbcajma klat atlr sbecu wjrafg jr tlr mjii kjr cfnfg qlmxfv eq. Ojafg bc, tf ifjgcfv atja atfrf sbecu wjrafgr tjnf akb cewyfgr, yfmjerf atfs kfgf boafc tjgjrrfv, rb atfs boafc tjnf akb qtbcf cewyfgr, rb atfs vbc’a tjnf ab jikjsr rbmljilhf. Ccsbcf eclwqbgajca fcbeut kbeiv ufa atflg yjmxeq cewyfgr, ktlmt kbeiv bcis yf mtfmxfv bcmf lc j ktlif.

Although Cen Nan wouldn’t wait to get the result, he had no choice but to wait for the other party’s reply.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Actually, it had been days, and he still hadn’t heard the next chapter from the other party. He thought that Young Master Ren had a change of mind, but no news was better than bad news. There was still hope in his heart.

There was actually no progress in the cooperation with the Ren family. It was just that he finally saw Bai Juanqiu’s reaction and thought that the other party finally realized that he was afraid. He was eager to take up the banner of the Ren family. YEfaxu

The agreement with the Ren Empire was also not progressing anyway. It was just that he had finally got a reaction out of Bai Juanqiu. Thinking that he had finally found something the other person would fear, he got it over his head and only then did he raise the Ren Empire’s banner.

He thought that these people wouldn’t have contact with this kind of circle anyway, and what he said wasn’t totally a lie, at most, he only exaggerated them.

But this development was unexpected.

The ringtone of the cell phone was still ringing, and the students all looked over. Cen Nan had no choice but to pick up the phone, but in a moment of nervousness, she accidentally pressed the speaker button, and an angry voice resounded throughout the room. RsgZK2

His phone continued to ring, and all the classmates were looking over. Cen Nan had no choice but to toughen his scalp and answer the phone. However, he was so nervous that he actually answered it in speaker, allowing a furious voice to echo throughout the room.

“Oy, surnamed Cen, are you for real? I only agreed to pull some string and be the middleman because of your dead skin and brazen face. When did I say that Xingliu was interested in your cousin? Xingliu already has a boyfriend, so don’t you go farting everywhere—”

Ding Shi was furious. He originally wanted to enjoy his weekend and was happily preparing to go soaking with girls. Until he suddenly received a message from Ren Xingliu, who sent him a dozen or so piles of poop emojis.

It was only after he read the message that he learned what had just happened. x3sKtD

He felt that he was simply wronged. There were so many people like them who asked them to help pull this kind of thread every day. How could they answer each of them, and they were not Taobao customer service.

He felt that he was accused wrongly. Someone like him would get so many requests on making a hookup possible. How was he supposed to keep them up to date on these kinds of things, he wasn’t Taobao’s customer service.

He treated this like usual, going radio silent. The ones with a brain would know what was going on.

Even if someone is unwilling to give up, the most they can do is make a few more phone calls and find a way to find him to understand the situation. How can he brag everywhere without even mentioning his horoscope. 1FNydW

Even if someone had an undead heart, at most, they need to make a few more phone calls and find a way to get in contact with him to learn about the situation. Instead of puffing lies everywhere before the first stroke of the character eight was formed.

The most astonishing thing was that he actually puffed them on Ren Xingliu’s face.

What else was Ding Shi supposed to do? He wasn’t going to eat shit for real, so he could only vent his anger out on the culprit.

To be honest, he almost forgot about this small project manager, and it took him a long time to locate the guy’s number. 9pjGMV

In front of Ren Xingliu, Ding Shi was a good talker, but outside of that, he was bossy. Once he lost his temper, he wouldn’t even show even half the amount of mercy.

As soon as his voice came crashing in, it sounded as if it echoed throughout the restaurant.

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Cen Nan’s scalp was totally fried. Between his busy hands and chaos feet, he turned off the speaker mode, but by then, it was obviously too late. He slowly looked up and saw that the whole table had their eyes on him.

Those eyes were full of emotions. yhSdas

Ren Xingliu’s face showed even more grief and indignation. “You must return my innocence!”

His reputation was already reaching a crisis!

Cen Nan’s face was void of the color of blood.

Silent is Cambridge tonight. KvAsCk

Ren Xingliu and Bai Juanqiu slipped away before the gathering had ended.

Cen Nan had no choice but to let Ren Xingliu make his debut in the hotel. Especially after Ding Shina’s earth-shattering phone call, people at other tables frequently peeked at him.

Not doing that was out of the question. With the scene Cen Nan had created, it directly made Ren Xingliu debut in the restaurant, especially after Ding Shi’s earth-shattering phone call. People from other tables took frequent peeks at him. LNsWmy

Ren Xingliu was here to eat, not to be everyone’s entertainment. Bai Juanqiu was also feeling uncomfortable by those looks, so they decided to take their leave early.

Once they exited the restaurant, the two of them stood by the roadside, looking at each other with a hint of amusement.

As Bai Juanqiu was about to speak, he suddenly heard Wei Duzhou’s gloating laughter from behind. “Haha, someone just sent today’s incident to the alumni group chat. Now, all our former classmates know about Cen Nan flipping his car while acting pretentious.”

Bai Juanqiu turned his head and frowned. “Why did you also follow us out?” YI0xqu

Wei Duzhou went silent for a moment, then asked instead, “Are we not together?”

Bai Juanqiu: “…”

He was right, but…

Sometimes, a silent response was more hurtful than a direct answer. YP7bwT

Wei Duzhou’s smile froze on his face. He turned his head and looked quietly at the person on the side.

Needless to say, Bai Juanqiu must be taking Ren Xingliu’s thoughts into consideration again!

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

What an overbearing young master! Even at a time like this, he wanted to monopolize Bai Juanqiu!

Ren Xingliu returned the gesture. “Your eyes tell me you have something you would like to say.” RKpixe

Wei Duzhou: “…”

He indeed had so many things he wanted to say, but for a moment, it was beyond his capability to start.

For real, he had mixed feelings about this young master.

In the past two years, Cen Nan has often been irritating Bai Juanqiu in the alumni group. Wei Duzhou has long been unhappy, but due to Bai Juanqiu’s current situation, he can only endure it in frustration. mveLEJ

In the past two years, Cen Nan had often talked about Bai Juanqiu passive-aggressively in the alumni group chat. Wei Duzhou had long been pissed off, but due to Bai Juanqiu’s current situation, he could only endure this frustration.

Today’s outcome was great. Now Cen Nan had completely become a comedic material in the group. The other person couldn’t bear it and directly left the group. Now he wouldn’t have to see this person’s SB comments anymore.

At first, Wei Duzhou was worried that after Ren Xingliu’s family background was exposed, his classmates would look at Bai Juanqiu differently, but on the contrary, the result turned out to be fine.

Because Ren Xingliu performed so well in front of Ms. Zheng, the alumni who witnessed the interaction praised him. hi2L1m

They all said that although Ren Xingliu was a young master from an influential family, he was very down to earth, not arrogant at all. He was also very good towards Bai Juanqiu.

In short, he was someone to be envy of.

The most outrageous thing was that there were even people complimenting how compatible they were with each other, as they shout loudly about how much they ship this.

Wei Duzhou felt goosebumps all over his body just after taking two glances. etn3bh

Of course, there were also remarks out of jealousy, but they dare not make it sound too displeasing.

Whether sincere or not, the situation was much better than Wei Duzhou had initially anticipated.

So, now when he looked at this young master, his mood would inevitably be torn. On the one hand, he would always get worried if his friend was being mistreated in private, on the other hand, he did feel that this person was quite good towards Bai Juanqiu.

Now being stared at by the other party, Wei Duzhou inexplicably felt a little nervous. After keeping it to himself for a while, he murmured, “You need to be nicer to Juanqiu.” aSZdPQ

Even as a good friend, he couldn’t help much in this regard, but he still had to put on an attitude.

He hoped this young master would remain the same inside and out, and not bully Bai Juanqiu behind his back!

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“It is you who needs to be nicer to Juanqiu, you got that?” Ren Xingliu sneered at him, “I just heard from someone that Juanqiu doesn’t get paid much. Are you squeezing him just because you are his good friend?”

Wei Duzhou: “…” n1s4Su

It wasn’t like that!

Translator's Note

(裝逼): Alternative form of 裝屄, or to bluff, to pretend to be bigger or richer than one is.

Translator's Note

(小機靈鬼): Calling someone very smart and sharp. Like calling someone a smart cookie.

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(偷拍): Photos taken without the person’s permission or knowledge.

Translator's Note

(來電): Direct translation is like, coming of electricity. It means incoming call.

Translator's Note

(下文): Recap, it means the text below, the following text. But figuratively, it could also mean later development, the sequel, or outcome.

Translator's Note

(大旗): It read like the representation of a brand’s name.

Translator's Note

(硬著頭皮): Recap, to brace oneself to do something difficult or against one’s will.

Translator's Note

(死皮賴臉): Brazen faced. Someone who is thick-skinned and hard to shake off. Pretty much, a shameless individual.

Translator's Note

(放屁): Take nonsense.

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(泡妞): Hook up with girls or go pick up chicks.

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(淘寶): A large Chinese shopping platform.

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(不死心): Another variation of an immortal heart. Direct translation is not dying heart. It means unwilling to give up, or unresigned. Dead set on something is also a good translation. Unwillingness to give up.

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(吹噓): To boast or to brag.

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(八字都沒一撇): Things are not even starting to take shape yet. There’s no sign of anything happening yet.

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(好說話): This translator would describe that as a ‘pleaser’. So, with Ren Xingliu, Ding Shi would be reasonable, like he would compromise and yield.

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(頭皮都炸): This expression is like hair standing up on one’s body.

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(手忙腳亂): To act in a disorderly and flustered manner. This translator would have used ‘stumbled his way to turn off the speaker mode’.

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(你還我清白): It’s more like, you better clear my name.

Translator's Note

(沉默是今晚的康橋): According to this translator’s research, this originates from a poem by Xu Zhimo (徐志摩), called《再别康桥》or “Farewell Again, Cambridge”. As a meme, it is used when someone says a very awkward thing, leading to an awkward silence. Or it means someone does not know what to say, so instead of talking, they stay silent.

Translator's Note

(翻車): Flipping car is an online slang for failing something.

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(我們不是一起): It reads more like, we are not of the same party.

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(笑料): Literally, laughing material. Calling a person a laughingstock.

Translator's Note

(SB/傻逼): Shorthand for 傻逼, or stupid cunt.

Translator's Note

(表裏如一): Keeping the external appearance and inner thoughts the same. Like staying true to one’s words. I can see ‘two-face’ being used for this idiom, as in hoping Ren Xingliu wasn’t a two-face.

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