Grocery Store No. 514Chapter 22

Translator: Eyljee

Ring ring ring. The door of the shop was pushed open vigorously, followed by a strong breath of alcohol, and a drunk staggered in. JObLYS

The drunkard slapped the counter and yelled, “Wine! Give me wine, Laozi has plenty of money…..”

The strong smell of wine made Ling Huaan’s stomach churn. He frowned and said, “Sorry, we don’t have any wine in our store.”

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“No? How… How could there be no wine? Do you also think that Laozi….is penniless?”

Ling Huaan leaned back to avoid the drunkard’s sputtering saliva. “Sorry, we don’t sell alcoholic drinks in our store.” 2y4mGH

“Laozi doesn’t believe it! You must be fucking lying. If you don’t give me wine, I’ll….I’ll smash your shop!” The drunkard tried to reach to pull Ling Huaan’s collar, but he stumbled on the counter, and the goods on it fell all over the floor.

Ling Huaan took out a charm from his pocket and recited a spell silently. A gust of cold wind blew by. The drunkard felt a chill on the back of his neck, then he lost consciousness.

The drunkard who was originally unconscious, slowly stood up straight and grinned. “Hello, boss Ling. You haven’t called us for a long time.”

Ling Huaan said lightly, “Get out! I’ll give you your labor fee tomorrow morning. ”

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“Okay~ Boss Ling, if there is such a good thing again, you must remember to call me, then I’ll… ” The drunkard turned his head to look out of the window and said, “Eh, there’s a man peeping outside the door. Do you want me to take care of it?”

“A man?” Ling Huaan’s brow rose up. “You go, that drunkard will stay. He should pay a lot for his service.”

The drunkard was startled and didn’t ask much. A ghost floated out of the drunkard, waved to Ling Huaan, turned and left.

The drunkard regained his consciousness. He shook his head semi-consciously to regain his sanity, looked at Ling Huaan and said, “I….burp, Laozi asked you to give me wine, you…. What the hell are you doing?” BhODkl

“Sorry, we don’t sell wine in our shop. You’re not welcome here. Please leave at once.”

“Damn, I see you…you fucking just have to deal with it.” The drunkard lunged forward again to grab Ling Huaan’s collar. Ling Huaan didn’t hide this time, and the drunkard succeeded easily.

Ring ring ring. The bell rang again. Jiang Chengyan rushed in with an ugly expression and shouted, “Stop, let him go!”

The drunkard turned to Jiang Chengyan and said indignantly, “You… Who the hell are you? Mind your own business!” OzWUX8

Jiang Chengyan no longer spoke nonsense. He stepped forward and grabbed the drunkard’s wrist, then subdued him and nimbly handcuffed him.

“You… Who the fuck are you? Release me! Let me go!” The drunkard kept struggling.

Jiang Chengyan ignored him. He checked Ling Huaan and asked with concern, “Huaan, are you ok? ”

Ling Huaan nodded and said, “I’m fine. Thank you, Jiang dui.” KyvZ3p

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Jtfcusjc ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo. Lf abbx bea tlr wbylif qtbcf jcv vljifv j cewyfg. “Ojb Itjcu, atfgf’r j agbeyifwjxlcu vgecxjgv tfgf. Jbwf jcv ajxf tlw yjmx ab rbyfg tlw eq.”

Coafg j ktlif, j qbilmfwjc bc veas jgglnfv ogbw jmgbrr atf gbjv jcv abbx jkjs atf vgecxjgv.

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Ling Huaan walked out of the counter and rummaged to clean up the items on the ground, but Jiang Chengyan held his wrist and said, “I’ll clean it up and take a look if you were hurt.”

Ling Huaan shook away his hand and detachedly said, “I thank Jiang dui for helping me out just now. I won’t trouble Jiang dui for these things.” JxR2bw

“Huaan…..” Ling Huaan’s indifference made Jiang Chengyan feel painful.

Ling Huaan ignored Jiang Chengyan, groping for things on the ground bit by bit, but Jiang Chengyan grabbed his wrist again.

Jiang Chengyan took a deep breath and said with a forced smile, “Huaan, I’m sorry. I know what I did today was wrong, I apologize. I don’t know what I did wrong. Don’t be like this, will you? ”

“You’re right. I’ll figure out the money you gave me before and give it back to you. ” Ling Huaan once again tried to take back his wrist, but this time it wasn’t so easy to break away. EgbNRF

Jiang Chengyan felt very uncomfortable. He held Ling Huaan’s wrist tightly and explained anxiously,

“Huaan, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on recently. I’m always worried about suffering from gains and losses…. Huaan, I’m not trying to get rid of you. I just… I’m sorry, will you forgive me?”

“Let go.” Ling Hua’an kept his eyes at the wrist he was holding.

“I won’t let it go unless you forgive me.” Jiang Chengyan himself first froze from the words he had spoken. This almost coquettish tone, how did it come from his mouth? B8ADG1

Ling Huaan was also stunned, but he soon recovered and said, “If you don’t let go, I’ll call the police.”

“You can report it, but the police station is full of my people.” Anyways, it was already like this. Jiang Chengyan just broke the jar. He had never coaxed anyone, so he has no idea what to do.

Ling Hua’an almost couldn’t hold back and chuckled, “What does that mean, Jiang dui?”

“I don’t mean anything. I just want to make up with you, Huaan. I didn’t feel it before, but now that you’re being indifferent to me, I feel particularly uncomfortable.” Jiang Chengyan honestly expressed his feelings. The more he talked, the more aggrieved he felt. 4z985w

“Why? is Jiang dui distressed?”

“No.” Jiang Chengyan’s duality was followed by shaking his head. “Huaan, I’m sorry. I was wrong before. I can apologize as much as you want in any way you want me to. Can you stop being angry with me?”

Ling Huaan stared at Jiang Chengyan and said expressionlessly, “Any way I want to?”

Jiang Chengyan hesitated for a moment and said, “You can do anything as long as you don’t break the law.” Xw2fPU

“Okay. That’s what you said. Don’t regret it.”

When he gazed into Ling Huaan’s eyes, Jiang Chengyan suddenly had a foreboding sense of falling into a pit. He said uneasily, “So…. What do you want me to do? ”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

“Whenever I call you, you need to be available. Can you do it?”

Jiang Chengyan said somewhat embarrassedly, “But I still have a job…” gR9zYo

“I won’t disturb you during working hours. How about it, will you?”

Jiang Chengyan nodded in agreement. At the thought of seeing Ling Hua’an often in the future, he suddenly felt very excited. “Yes, I promise. Will you forgive me?”

Ling Huaan raised his wrist and said, “Let go.”

Not only did he not let go, he also tightened his hold. “Huaan, I’ve promised. Do you still not forgive me?” YfOySe

Ling Huaan jokingly said, “If you don’t let me go, how can you clean this up?”

Jiang Chengyan’s eyes lit up. “You forgive me?”

“En. Quickly let go and clean up.”

“Yes, yes.” Jiang Chengyan hurriedly released Ling Huaan, only to see a red mark on his wrist. 19fphG

Ling Huaan just wanted his hand back, but he was held again. He said helplessly, “Jiang dui, you can let go now.”

Jiang Chengyan touched Ling Huaan’s wrist guiltily, “Huaan, I’m sorry, I didn’t control my strength. I bruised your wrist. Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay. My skin is like this, just a little touch and it will turn green.” Ling Huaan tugged once again and said, “Jiang dui, if you don’t let go, I would think you’re taking advantage of me.”

Jiang Chengyan was shocked. Like he was burnt, he quickly let go of his hand and looked at Ling Huaan with a guilty heart. He blushed as he said, “Well, you rest, Huaan. Leave these to me.” 3O4fJh

Ling Huaan’s eyes flashed a smile. He got up and said, “Then I’ll trouble Jiang dui. ”

“Not a trouble at all.” Jiang Chengyan unconsciously stood up with him.

Ling Huaan planned to go back behind the counter, but he doesn’t know where to step on. As soon as the sole of his feet slipped, he couldn’t help falling forward. Ling Huaan’s right hand made a grab action instinctively. When he heard Jiang Chengyan’s anxious voice, he loosened his hand and let his body collide with Jiang Chengyan.

With a bang, they fell to the ground. Jiang Chengyan cushioned him at the bottom. There was no time for him to moan when suddenly, he felt something warm touch his lips. In front of him was Ling Huaan’s magnified handsome face…. 4q6a9y

Ling Huaan was also astonished, but he soon regained his mind and calmly got up like nothing happened. He asked, “Are you okay, Jiang dui?”

“I’m not… I’m okay.” Jiang Chengyan returned to his senses. He subconsciously touched his lips and his wildly beating chest. He felt that his face was burning badly.

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

“Are you sure? If something was hurt, let’s go to the hospital. ”

“I’m really fine. Don’t worry.” Jiang Chengyan sat up and glanced away uncomfortably, but his eyes would involuntarily lurk back at Ling Huaan’s lips. is5oP1

“It’s all good. Thank you, Jiang dui just now, but I have to trouble Jiang dui to clean up the items. It won’t be good to slip again if we have guests later.”

“Okay.” Jiang Chengyan’s focus was on Ling Huaan’s thin lips. He didn’t hear what Ling Huaan had just said.

“JIang dui? Jiang dui?”

“Ah? Oh, Huaan, I’ll help you go in.” Jiang Chengyan hesitated for a moment and reached out to hold Ling Huaan’s hand. Seeing that he didn’t break free, he couldn’t help but feel happy and relieved. bqxXkJ

He helped Ling Huaan sit on the chair. He was reluctant to let go of his hand, but he had to clean up the scattered items on the ground.

After cleaning up, he took out the garbage. As soon as he finished his work, Ling Huaan stood in front of him with a glass of milk and said, “Have some warm milk.”

Jiang Chengyan’s heart warmed. He took the milk and said with a smile, “Thank you.”

“It’s me who should be thanking you. You helped me twice today.” maJ0W

Jiang Chengyan took a sip of milk. “We’re friends. We should help each other.”

“Friends…” Ling Huaan hooked his lips and said, “Yes, we’re friends. We should help each other.”

Jiang Chengyan drank the milk in one gulp. “Huaan, you’d better hire another night clerk. The situation today was dangerous.”

“Stuff like this rarely happens so it’s okay. It’s another expense to hire another assistant. There aren’t a lot of guests in the evening, and I can busy myself.” kNZ9Lw

Jiang Chengyan asked hesitantly, “Are you short of money recently, Huaan? If so, I can lend you some. We’re friends. If you have any difficulties, you must tell me.”

Ling Huaan couldn’t help laughing and said, “Everyone else pretends to be poor for fear that someone will borrow money. You on the other hand, act like you’re afraid that no one’s going to borrow money.”

“It’s also necessary to divide labor…” Jiang Chengyan whispered.

“What?” 5TGqNM

“Nothing. Anyway, if you’re short of cash, you must tell me. I may not be able to help you with other things, but I still have some money.”

“No need, it’s getting late. Hurry up and go home. You have to go to work tomorrow.”

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Jiang Chengyan unconsciously glanced at the wall clock and said, “Are you sure you’re ok by yourself?”

“I’ve been running this shop and been on the night shift alone for three years.What could go wrong? Go back and rest early.” tRzjqA

“Then take care of yourself. If there’s anything, you must call me. I’ll be at your beck and call.”

Ling Huaan nodded with a smile, while Jiang Chengyan turned back three times at every step.

Of course, the slip and kiss. And here we have a foreshadowing of who’s the bottom 

If there’s any mistakes, don’t hesitate to tell me. Mwah (>ω<) And I’m glad I wasn’t the only one irritated when they treat LH like he couldn’t do shit just because he couldn’t see. 0rmN13

Translator's Note

he’s still using Laozi

Translator's Note

he said no but actually wanted to say yes. I don’t know a better way to word this hahaha

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 🤩

    Accident kiss is actually cute but still so cliché

    I like how LH act tough and do things by himself, but then when JC offers him help he often agree


  2. Normalmente me desespero por las convenientes escenas de besos en parejas hetero, pero es como algo nuevo cuando son mangas cortadas, soy: * Doki Doki * ⁄ (⁄ ⁄ • ⁄-⁄ • ⁄ ⁄) ⁄

    YanYan es lindo ~ me recuerda a un cachorro ~

  3. I was a bit confused about what you meant was foreshadowing their positions until I reread the chapter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  4. And here we have the cliché shojō manga scene of the first “kiss”.. (っ ̯- ) And why am I annoyed by JCY now too? Haaa~ xD

    Thx for the ch ٩(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )و