Not Raising Fish, Do Not DisturbCh12 - Maple Banquet (2)

When he heard the three words “Book of Heaven”, the Ghost King’s expression froze instantly, “What did you say…?”

Except for the Ghost King himself, it stood to reason that no one knew about the existence of the Book of Heaven. Qeg5 v

“Do you know about the Book of Heaven…?” The other party’s voice was very soft, and the Ghost King was unsure whether he had misheard, so he confirmed again in disbelief.

After all, the Book of Heaven was the most special and secret existence to him, and no other person should have known about it.

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But Chi Huo, who was asleep, frowned deeply, as if he disliked the Ghost King for being noisy. He turned over and stopped answering. This time, Chi Huo seemed to have really fallen asleep.

The Ghost King waited beside the bed for a long time, and then gave up after seeing that the other party showed no signs of continuing to talk in his sleep. D8ktip

But his eyes never moved away from Chi Huo’s face.

The light passing through the water vapor shone through the screen on Chi Huo’s face, making the light red birthmark at the corner of his eye appear darker and darker. The birthmark glowed with a moisture in the flowing light and shadow, like red crepe unraveling in the water; like a teardrop that was yet to dry up.

This guy’s face held such a birthmark, and in the flowing water, it was like a poisonous creature; adept at seducing people, tempting them all the time to reach out and touch, and just have a taste.

Having been distracted, the Ghost King realized that he almost got caught up in the temptation.


He resisted the urge to raise his hand and stared at the other person’s sleeping face in a trance.

Although this little cultivator named Qi Wang only had the cultivation level of Qi Refining stage and seemed inconspicuous, there were many doubts about him—

First, how did Qi Wang learn about his identity as a Ghost King? Even Suizheng Xianjun, a cultivator in Integration stage, couldn’t figure out his identity. How could this little cultivator, who was only in Qi Refining stage know? Moreover, the other party mentioned that he was old acquaintance of Zuiya Tower, but as far as he knew, Zuiya Tower had never had such a person;

Secondly, Qi Wang vaguely mentioned the Book of Heaven in his dream. If he hadn’t misheard, then the other party had probably figured out his information, which meant that Qi Wang was likely to already know about his Taoist companion mentioned in the Book of Heaven, and also knew his purpose for approaching Shi Wuzheng; wo8dBI

Third, what was the relationship between Qi Wang and Shi Wuzheng? Judging from Qi Wang’s tone and means of address, he had no intention of regarding Shi Wuzheng as his Shizun. No matter how good they were, there seemed to be ulterior motives between the two…

The Ghost King originally only planned to come to approach Shi Wuzheng in HongShui Town. Unexpectedly, the direction of things only became more and more confusing.

The more it spiraled out of control, the more interesting it became, and the more he looked forward to this mysterious little cultivator.

What was the other party’s purpose? 7i4JZz


Chi Huo was so tired that he slept until dusk. When he woke up, the sky was dim and the Ghost King was lying on his side, his eyes closed to rest.

At this time, the Ghost King had completely removed his disguise, revealing his natural white hair.

As he lay on his side, his loose white hair fanned out across the bed, soft and winding like a tangled net, trapping Chi Huo who was sleeping on the same bed. Kl3k2B

Chi Huo resisted the urge to take a lock of his hair and twist it between his fingertips, and stared at the other person’s face quietly in the dim lighting.

He knew that the Ghost King was not asleep, but was just recuperating with his eyes closed.

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“Are you awake?” The Ghost King, who had been stared at for a while, opened his eyes.

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Jtl Leb, “Tfjt.” 9XTdjR

Lf sjkcfv ijhlis jr tf rqbxf.

Ktf Xtbra Blcu, “Tbe kfgf vgfjwlcu.”

Jtl Leb aglfv tjgv ab gfmjii atf njuef jcv aglnlji vgfjw, jcv tjio-pbxlcuis jrxfv, “Qfii, vlv P rjs rbwfatlcu lc ws riffq atja P rtbeivc’a tjnf rjlv?”

Ktf Xtbra Blcu rajgfv delfais obg j wbwfca, cjggbkfv tlr fsfr rilutais jcv rjlv, “Tbe rjlv atja atf Dbbx bo Lfjnfc mjccba yf agerafv.” vblZC

In an instant, the air fell into heavy silence.

Damn it, Chi Huo thought to himself. In his previous life, his cultivation did not require sleeping, and he had forgotten that sleeping could be very dangerous.

Sleeping deeply would make one lose control, but his body needed sleep during Qi Refining stage.

Chi Huo’s mind was spinning rapidly. He couldn’t let his young self realize his true identity, otherwise he would be in danger of being erased from the world, so he pretended to be clueless and asked, “What do you mean?” EuXwUB

The current situation could not be explained, it was useless, so it was better to pretend to be clueless to the end.

Although he couldn’t get away with it, at least there was nothing the other party could do against him.

The Ghost King looked at him for a moment, and his tone was very soft, “You mentioned it in your dream, how would I know?”

“It’s just some nonsense I said in the dream, but it makes the Ghost King worry about it,” Chi Huo said. He smiled and asked, “Did I say something extraordinary in the dream that made the Ghost King so worried?” Y0BMFJ

Although he was facing the Ghost King who struck fear in the hearts of everyone in the cultivation world, since the other party was basically himself, Chi Huo didn’t hold the slightest fear a weak person such as him should have when facing a strong person.

On the contrary, despite being weak in ability, he felt confident that he was in control of the situation.

The Ghost King smiled meaningfully, “You asked Suizheng Xianjun if he could stay for a few more days after the Maple Banquet, and you also said that… you want to hold your joint marriage registration ceremony someday.”

“Daoist Qi-Gongzi, what are you saying? You won’t forget your dream when you wake up, right?” The Ghost King showed his interest unabashedly. bQVil1

This time, Chi Huo’s expression finally froze slightly.

He did remember that he had just dreamt about the episode with Shi Wuzheng in his previous life, but he didn’t expect that he would narrate everything he experienced in the dream through his sleep.

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What was even more unfortunate was that these words were heard by his younger self.

But as luck would have it, maybe these few words he spoke in his sleep could actually help him disrupt the situation. 65CmX4

In the eyes of the young Ghost King, his identity and purpose became more and more confusing, and the other party would be more reluctant to let him out of sight, which would facilitate Chi Huo’s subsequent actions.

And even if the other party was suspicious because of the Book of Heaven, almost no one would be able to even guess that some stranger they “met by chance” would be themselves from the future.

After all, no matter how you think about it, this is too absurd.

Chi Huo knew that there was no risk of revealing his identity for the time being, so he scratched his head in a pretense of embarrassment, followed the flow of the Ghost King’s words, and asked straight to the point, “Ghost King, do you think I am in love with my Shizun?” eH5vpV

The Ghost King raised his eyebrows, “Are you not?”

Wasn’t the content of the sleep talk enough to illustrate this point? The Ghost King appreciated the other party’s straightforward attitude.

Based on Chi Huo’s understanding of himself back then, he knew that even if he really was in love with Shi Wuzheng, it would not be enough to make the Ghost King give up pursuing his “destined Taoist companion” Shi Wuzheng. His younger self was not someone who would retreat for the sake of others’ feelings.

Instead of retreating when faced with difficulties, it was better to understand that even if he caught up with the so-called destined Taoist companion, it would be of no benefit to his practice, and it would all be in vain. 6x3q20

Chi Huo’s heart was clear. He smiled and shook his head and said, “You won’t believe me even if I deny it. It’s useless.”

The Ghost King pursed his lips and smiled, “Indeed.”

It was almost time, and this body of his had been resting for a day. With a stomach ache from hunger, Chi Huo got up from the bed and began to wash up and prepare for dinner.

After experiencing the dream just now, Chi Huo suddenly became very concerned about one thing; in his last life, before Shi Wuzheng left the Maple Banquet and returned to the mountain, what happened that made Shi Wuzheng suddenly agree to see him as a Taoist companion? dAJItg

There must be some unknown variables in this…

“Actually, there is one more thing that puzzles me,” the Ghost King, who also got up to wash up, wondered, “Those ghost babies have been around for hundreds of years, why did they suddenly become active at this time?”

“Hm?” Chi Huo understood, “Do you think there are some unknown factors that activated the ghost babies’ resentment?”

The Ghost King hesitated for a moment and then nodded, “Don’t you think it’s too coincidental?” nL3QJv

Chi Huo was just about to speak, when suddenly a knock sounded on the door. “Shidi, Shizun has reserved a table for dinner at the inn. If you’re well-rested, come downstairs and have dinner.”

“…Shizun told me you can also call Chi Yu-gongzi.”

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It was Cheng Miao’s voice.

Chi Huo and the Ghost King looked at each other and suddenly smiled at the same time. After all, they were talking about Shi Wuzheng just now. fINC8j

“Got it.” Chi Huo answered Cheng Miao through the door.

The Ghost King’s smile faded and he looked thoughtfully at the young cultivator by the door, realizing that they had only known each other for a day, but they always had an indescribable tacit understanding on these trivial matters.

Often a look or a word would be enough for them to understand each other. The Ghost King had never had such an experience in his life…

And this little cultivator didn’t seem surprised by this, and even acted like he was used to it. VLdZIE

Chi Huo, “Shixiong, we will come over in a minute.”

After the footsteps outside the door receded, the Ghost King said with deep meaning, “Your seniors have no need to eat because of their cultivation. The meal was prepared for you.”

“Come over and have a meal with me, just finish the meal and pay for it. Don’t forget that you said you would pay me for the ride,” Chi Huo said.

In the wedding sedan carried by the ghost babies, the “ghost groom” once said that he must keep his word and let him pay for his travel expenses. YRzr0a

The Ghost King weighed the money bag on his waist, “You clearly asked me to pay for the meal. Isn’t this called Cengfan?”

Chi Huo, “Using the travel expenses you owe to treat someone to a meal, there is nothing wrong with that.” 9f40Bg

The Ghost King smiled and asked, “Where did you get that theory?”

Chi Huo, “It is only natural to pay back debts.”

The Ghost King glanced at him briefly and joked, “It seems you really don’t intend to be polite with me.”

Chi Huo lowered his eyes with a smile and said, “Are I not?” zTodm2

In a sense, the Ghost King’s money was his money, and he didn’t have to be polite at all.

In the mirror, the Ghost King carefully combed his long black hair, untangling the knots one by one with his fingertips, and then loosely tied the hair with a red hair tie.

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Chi Huo looked at the scene in the mirror with his peripheral vision. As a young man, he was very particular about his appearance. Even if he was going downstairs for a late-night snack, he would not let his appearance be casual and sloppy. He was very insistent on beauty.

At this moment, Chi Huo looked at the most ordinary scene of him tying up his hair, but he felt it was so distant, as if from another world. TCisPn

The Ghost King noticed Chi Huo’s gaze and caught his eyes in the mirror, “Let’s go, we don’t want to keep Suizheng Xianjun waiting.”

Shi Wuzheng, who had already ordered two dishes and one bowl of soup, was waiting at the table, waiting for the two of them. When there was a noise on the stairs, he looked up and saw Chi Huo and the Ghost King walking one behind the other. The two were talking and laughing on the stairs, seemingly chatting about something interesting.

Shi Wuzheng, having cultivated till the Integration stage, had keen senses. He noticed that his disciple and Chi-gongzi both had light red marks on their faces, as if they were pressed against the pillows while sleeping. The marks were facing each other, as if they were sleeping opposite each other.

When the thought crossed his mind, Shi Wuzheng shook his head. This was not something that he, as his Shizun, should think about. jMnY3r

“Shizun, I’ve kept you waiting for a long time. I wasted too much time chatting with fellow Taoist Chi for a long while.”

Chi Huo sat on the table. He quickly noticed that there were only Shi Wuzheng and Cheng Miao at the table. Xiao Guo didn’t show up.

Shi Wuzheng shook his head lightly, “It doesn’t matter. You had been tired since last night. It’s good to rest a little more.”

“Won’t Si-Shixiong come down for dinner?” Chi Huo asked. After all, with a temper like Xiao Guo’s, it was absolutely impossible to let him go. He would never miss the opportunity to taste the delicacies of HongShui Town alongside Shi Wuzheng. It was really strange for him not to come down and eat. skxgdp

Shi Wuzheng shook his head and said quietly, “He has been rude in recent times and I have taught him a lesson. He is repenting for his mistakes on his own.”

Repenting for his mistakes on his own?

According to Chi Huo’s knowledge of Xiao Guo in his previous life, it didn’t seem like something the other party would do. He had a premonition that something was amiss.

And he also noticed that Shi Wuzheng’s face was not very good, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he looked absent-minded. XUT8Vm

Did something happen while he was asleep?

Translator's Note

A term which means to eat at other’s houses for free or to share a meal with someone else without paying; the other person paying for it, etc

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