Flirt [Interstellar]Chapter 56

Someone recognized Little D again: “This Zhi Nao is the chef of the Earth Restaurant. The last time he clarified the news about food poisoning in front of reporters it was so cute. How can such a short and fat Zhi Nao cook?”

“So the Earth Restaurant was closed this morning because the chef wanted to go shopping with Lin Yi?” AHji39

“To tell you the truth, I’ve already eaten two bowls of white rice with the virtual dishes. It’s so delicious.”

“I’ve eaten like this before, but after it delicious tastes I feel endless emptiness…”

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“I remember Lin Yi said before that he authorized the braised pork recipe to the Earth Restaurant, so it’s not surprising that he knows the chef.”

Someone found out that the fan who posted the photo worked at the Zhi Nao clothing counter in the No. 1 shopping mall and they immediately speculated. c6YSTE

“It turns out that he went to buy the Zhi Nao clothes. Seeing Zhi Nao’s unhappy look, maybe Lin Yi is deliberately trying to please him.”

“The Zhi Nao of the Military Department must have a more serious style.”

The buzzing discussion on the internet continued, and Lin Yi and Little D had returned to the waiting room in reality. About an hour has passed, and the research room where Little A is still has the word Working on it.

“I wonder what Little A will be like when he comes out.” Little D leaned on Lin Yi’s lap.


As the high-level brain of the military, its understanding of emotions is much more detailed than that of Little A, so it also has a much clearer understanding of love and hate. Little A will not hate humans, it will be afraid at most, but obedience is its first nature.

Lin Yi gently placed his hand on Little D’s head, “Little A’s core data will not change, so Little A is still Little A.”

Song family.

Song Shu took a break for the past few days after the royal banquet and gradually put aside her original worries. She was familiar with Qin Nuo’s mother, and it was no secret that she used her identity as Mrs. Williams to pick and choose Qin Nuo’s possible spouses. She had picked out almost all the noble ladies with names. Those aristocratic ladies with good looks were not looked upon by Mrs. Williams, so how could she like Lin Yi? wRtb76

And Song Shu didn’t think Lin Yi and Qin Nuo really had anything at the moment. If there was anything, could Lin Yi be so quiet and low-key? It would be time for an edict to be announced to the world.

“Even if the Marshal really has a good impression of him, he won’t go to great lengths to become an enemy of the Song family because of him.” Ye Jin said, “I think we took him too seriously before.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Tf Alc rjlv atlr, Vbcu Vte ofia ugfja gfilfo, jcv tfg mijkr atja tjv bcis yffc gfragjlcfv obg j ofk vjsr kfgf fjufg ab yf gfifjrfv jujlc.

Pc ojma, atf mjiwcfrr atfs rjk kjr pera jc jqqfjgjcmf. Ktf gfjrbc kjr atja atf mbeqif tjv cb jmmfrr ab atf mbgf bo atf fwqlgf’r qbkfg, jcv atfs mbeivc’a rff tbk atlr mbgf kjr ribkis yflcu vfoifmafv. 6THu J

Ever since Qin Nuo returned to the capital star, the covert fighting between factions has never stopped. The emperor and empress had to put aside their differences and temporarily twist them into a hemp rope.

The empress knew clearly what Song Shu had done, but she never took it seriously. What Song Shu did was never the most excessive thing done among the nobles, let alone the only time. The fairness and justice that the empire flaunts has never been taken seriously among the members of the royal family, and has even been trampled on under the soles of their feet.

If you really want to look closely, you will only pull out the radish and bring out the mud. Therefore, the moment she saw Lin Yi and Qin Nuo appear together at the royal dinner, the empress immediately made a decision in her heart. If Lin Yi really wanted to pursue the case and Qin Nuo would use this to make trouble, the worst possible outcome would be to push Song Shu and her husband out as sacrifices. Just two rice buckets.

Amidst the sound of tapping fingertips, Little A woke up in a daze. He opened his eyes and saw a blur of light in front of him. Then he blinked and saw the white laboratory ceiling light and a picture of a man’s face looking at it. DvFsPU

“Restart successful.” The researcher turned around and said to his colleagues.

Then a few more people gathered around and said to themselves: “It’s so confusing. It’s not easy for this ancient brain to handle it.”

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

It was not because the technology was too difficult that these top researchers found it difficult, but because the technology was too low-level, and in order to preserve the core data without destroying the original system, it took them a long time to discuss how to carry out a limited upgrade.

“Has the data been refreshed?” zbpIgd

“Do you remember your name?”

“Tell me your master’s name.”

“Name your year of production.”

A bunch of people looked at the lying little A again. Seeing that it still hadn’t moved, they simply asked a bunch of questions for it to answer to confirm that it had indeed updated successfully. DQyFOu

Being watched by so many people, Little A felt nervous. It hesitated for a long time before opening its mouth, and then under the expectant eyes of a group of senior researchers, it was so frightened that it burped, “Hiccup!”

When Lin Yi and Little D finally saw the sign on the laboratory changed from working to completed, they both stood up immediately.

The door of the laboratory opened, and Little A turned its wheels and rolled out. At this time, his look and appearance were completely different from when Little A entered. All the basic materials on its body have been upgraded to the most advanced version. The face has been processed to be almost the same as that of Little D. It no longer needs to use basic color display to convey its expression.

For example, right now, it has obvious anxiety and uneasiness on its face. nIDYF0

However, when Little A finally glanced at Lin Yi and Little D, its anxiety and uneasiness disappeared instantly, and it turned to an excited expression: “Master, Brother D!”

It jumped towards Lin Yi’s arms. Lin Yi subconsciously reached out to catch it, but Little D took the lead and held Little A up.

“Your weight will hurt Master Lin Yi.” Little D put Little A on the ground and said to it seriously.

The senior researcher behind Little A was also startled by Little A. jALRVY

“Is it that heavy?” Lin Yi touched Little A’s body, which had a simulated touch and still had a human body temperature. He couldn’t help but bend down to try. As expected, Little A’s chubby little body was so dazzling that he couldn’t stand it. It is indeed that heavy.

Little A’s face showed embarrassment: “Master, I’m sorry.”

“Where are you sorry?” Lin Yi teased it.

“Well, I’m sorry no matter where.” Little A glanced at Little D furtively. IapbLR

It is easy to get timid when speaking. Now that its expression and tone are more vivid, this timidity is almost coming to its face.

Authentic, still the same little A.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Little D also smiled, and then he came close to Little A and nudged Little A’s head affectionately with his head. A tiny electric current shot through the two brains, making him feel numb.

Lin Yi looked at the time again and turned to the researchers: “Thank you very much for helping to upgrade Little A. If you have time now, why don’t we go to the restaurant for lunch together?” ckTYAW

How can a group of researchers say no?

It happened that the Earth Restaurant was closed to the public at noon today, so a group of researchers went over.

The restaurant’s ingredients are produced in cooperation with the Agricultural Laboratory. The Agricultural Laboratory originally had a department that conducted food research during the Earth period, and had a large plantation. Since few people buy it, the ingredients in the plantation were basically disposed of safely.

With the establishment of the restaurant, the consumption of food ingredients in the plantation has accelerated significantly. In order to cater to the needs of the Earth Restaurant, an additional planting and breeding area has been opened up. The originally meager research funds are no longer a problem, and future research can achieve great results within a foreseeable range. gf0WDq

All the boxes were full of people, and Lin Yi sat with Qi Ming, the researcher who came to pick up Little A in the morning. He was directly ordered by his superiors, and his attitude towards Lin Yi was different from other researchers.

Most of the senior researchers were academics and kept their ears to the ground. Most of them didn’t even know who Lin Yi was.

Qi Ming at the same table as Lin Yi actually knew that Lin Yi was a very popular celebrity, but he didn’t know much about it. However, the direct order from above showed that the level was very high. He originally planned to inquire about Lin Yi at the dinner table, but after the food was served, the researcher immediately forgot his name.

Obviously out of gratitude, Little D worked hard to make lunch today, including meat and vegetable dishes, fruit plates, cold dishes, hot dishes, and soups. Basically, everyone can have a banquet on their table. YneoyM

When the food was served, Lin Yi thought that it might be too much to finish, but once he started eating, he was speechless.

Most of these researchers are betas, and even a few alphas are far inferior to those in the military who practice every day, so he didn’t expect that their eating habits are really no different from those in the military. The way Qi Ming swallowed quickly while still trying to show polite table manners was a bit funny.

There were so many dishes on the table, and not even a drop of soup was left.

Many of these researchers were still doubtful about the reputation of the Earth Restaurant. They thought that nutrient solutions were convenient and fast food, but now they were convinced. What is nutrient solution? That can only be regarded as a drink. How can it be used to replace the empire’s diet? L6pcvo

Lin Yi waited for the senior researcher sitting opposite him to finish his meal and look satisfied before he said, “Mr. Qi, are you satisfied with the taste?”

“Satisfied, of course.” Qi Ming showed a look of satisfaction and regret. When he saw that Lin Yi looked gentle and did not look like someone who was not easy to discuss things with, and he was obviously related to someone above, he hesitated to speak to Lin Yi. Coming here for a meal was convenient, but this was a matter of favor, and the research office charged a clearly stated price for helping to upgrade Lin Yi’s brain. It seemed a bit unreasonable to come here for a meal and think about eating every meal.

Unless he can give Lin Yi some more favors, but where can these favors come from?

As if he knew Qi Ming’s difficulties, Lin Yi’s next sentence hit Qi Ming’s itch. ygLG7K

“I have something I would like to ask Mr. Qi for help with,” Lin Yi said.

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