Flirt [Interstellar]Chapter 54

For Lin Yi, the apartment he currently lives in is enough. In the empire, such an apartment is a civilian configuration, but it is not very different from the Earth that Lin Yi is used to.

After the balance in his bank account began to increase, Lin Yi did briefly think that he could change his residence. However, after browsing the apartments on the real estate agency’s website, Lin Yi basically lost all interest. 8BtKr7

Compared to those big, empty houses equipped with countless expensive brains that he couldn’t use, Lin Yi preferred living in his current house.

Qin Nuo was a little disappointed with Lin Yi’s answer, but felt that it was expected. His fingertips brushed down Lin Yi’s neck, and felt the scar remaining from his injury. His fingertips paused and asked Lin Yi in a low voice: “Has the injury completely healed?”

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Lin Yi was stunned at first, and then realized that Qin Nuo was asking about his glands.

“Yes, it’s all healed.” He reached back and touched it himself. 4YP5bN

Qin Nuo frowned and stared at the back of Lin Yi’s neck, not looking away for a while.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Yi asked him.

“I just thought, if we had met earlier, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”

“No,” Lin Yi shook his head, “If we met earlier, you wouldn’t have liked me.”


The soft omega like the original owner was just one of the thousands of people in the empire who were infatuated with Qin Nuo. There was nothing special about him. He would blush when he saw Qin Nuo and his legs would go weak, making him the most difficult person to deal with and too lazy to see.

“Why?” Qin Nuo looked at Lin Yi’s eyebrows, attracted by his clear and white skin. He couldn’t help but lower his head and kiss the corners of Lin Yi’s eyes.

“Because if I saw you, I would be unable to walk, my face would be red, my eyes would be full of confusion, and I would call your name, hoping to be marked by you. Would you like me at that time?”

The scene Lin Yi described was something Qin Nuo had seen countless times in his life. It was also a common result when he was in the same room with most omegas. It almost triggered his omega phobia. If Lin Yi, whose glands were well at that time, appeared in front of him like this, no different from other people, Qin Nuo would not pay attention to Lin Yi. G6dhzo

However, listening to Lin Yi’s narration, Qin Nuo could only think of Lin Yi matching this imaginative picture at the moment, and he almost raised his hands in surrender.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Olc Tl rbbc cbalmfv atf glmt qtfgbwbcf fwlaafv ogbw Hlc Reb’r ybvs, ktlmt kjr revvfcis bea bo mbcagbi. Ktlr kjr cb vloofgfca ogbw jmalnfis rffxlcu rfzeji ojnbgr.

Ktf akb ibbxfv ja fjmt batfg, bcf offilcu rilutais fwyjggjrrfv jcv atf batfg ijeutlcu.

Ktlr kjr atf olgra alwf Hlc Reb jcv Olc Tl ajixfv jybea tlr uijcv lcpegs. Hlc Reb vlvc’a jrx wbgf defralbcr obg ofjg bo abemtlcu Olc Tl’r rbgf qblcar. Olc Tl vlvc’a rjs wemt, rb jr cba ab wjxf Hlc Reb offi atja tlr qfgrbcjilas mtjcuf kjr ragjcuf. yFu5S3

However, even if Lin Yi didn’t say anything, Qin Nuo already felt sorry for his experience from the bottom of his heart. He is one of the people who knows best how important pheromones and fertility are promoted in public opinion in the empire. Of course, he knows the seriousness of an omega losing pheromones and having their fertility deliberately damaged is almost equivalent to killing someone.

Qin Nuo hugged Lin Yi tightly and kissed the back of his neck.

At night, the movie The Wasteland was released on time. The film itself wants to express the hardships and sacrifices for peace in the early days of establishing the empire, as well as the different fates of various people in that time and space period.

Although Lin Yi enjoyed a high degree of popularity during this time, his popularity in the circle is actually not as deep and wide as that of people like Li Xingzhou and Chen Qiaoxu. After all, they have been popular in the empire for several years and have not been washed away by the waves, so they must have something special about them. xMvlh

In addition, Lin Yi’s role in this film is indeed very small, so most people still go to Li Xingzhou and the others, and the fan base is also dominated by them.

Movies are released in online theaters, and viewers can choose to watch the movie holographically at their favorite place. They can even choose to watch the movie from the perspective of an actor if they purchase a VIP viewing experience. Therefore, in many idol dramas, many viewers are willing to spend money to put themselves into the perspective of the protagonist.

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In the two-hour film, the war scenes are magnificent, and at the same time, the misery, luxury, extravagance, peace and innovation of that era are all condensed into these two hours.

The second male lead played by Li Xingzhou represents the process of the fall and destruction of beauty in Fred’s own setting. It was also the same feeling that was planned to be expressed during filming. However, due to Li Xingzhou’s acting skills and lines, his interpretation was not of a simple and ignorant young master, but a completely arrogant and capricious dandy. A1Oi8h

So when he died in the end, the audience’s emotions were not very volatile, and they didn’t feel that anything good had been lost.

What really aroused the emotional resonance of the audience were the war scenes in which the hero played by Chen Qiaoxu led the children of the empire to defend the peace and integrity of the empire with their blood and lives, and Lin Yi, who had a small role but a complete overall storyline and died in despair after the war.

The first batch of viewers to leave the virtual theater immediately commented on their viewing.

Despite the fancy flattery from some online trolls and fans, there are still many serious and objective professional film reviews appearing in the front rows of several movie viewing platforms. Almost without exception, these professional film critics spent a lot of time commenting on the role played by Lin Yi. R nfY3

“First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Fred and all the performers for their hard work. The final effect was so shocking! This is definitely the most thoughtful and sophisticated movie in ten years. From every detail, you can see the crew’s dedication to filming. Be careful. The following is my experience after watching the movie. Mild spoilers are advised.

The color matching throughout the movie is so comfortable, every frame is enjoyable. The role played by Li Xingzhou should be a part of reflection and criticism, and his acting skills are passable. Chen Qiaoxu’s performance really deserves applause, especially after I watched the behind-the-scenes of the filming and knew that he did all the filming himself and almost no special effects were used. He really deserves to be the male protagonist of this film.

Of course, what surprised me the most, and what really made me cry, was the character played by Lin Yi. That character’s real name was not even revealed, but in my opinion, it represents the cruelty of war that destroys beauty and kindness. True kindness is to remain soft and grateful in the face of adversity, and true courage is to fight in desperate situations. Lin Yi’s acting skills are perfect, I can say this without exaggeration. He feels like the character himself actually existed in this world, and because of this movie I can definitely say that I loved his performance so much.

It’s a pity that he has very few scenes in this movie. I wonder if Lin Yi will have any new works in the future? Am looking forward to it!” xqc7NS

There are many similar film reviews, and basically all of them specifically pointed out Lin Yi’s performance. It’s not that the audience’s reaction was exaggerated, but that under the general situation in the empire where people with paralyzed faces only needed a vase for their acting skills, Lin Yi’s acting skills were not only a slap in the face, but also an eye-wash.

Before the movie was aired, many anti-fans repeatedly ridiculed Lin Yi’s original video of the tea commercial, and predicted that Lin Yi’s acting skills in The Wasteland would be equally hurtful to the eyes.

However, after the movie was aired, overwhelming reviews said the exact opposite. Not only was Lin Yi not terrible, but it became the highlight of the entire drama. Tragedy is always impressive and unforgettable, especially the tragedy that goes from beauty to destruction.

Li Xingzhou was also reading movie reviews. When he saw someone saying that the role he played should be a part of reflection and criticism, he almost rushed to debate with netizens online. N1Gadc

Criticize a fart, reflect on a fart.

Others said that he played the arrogant dandy so well that they made Li Xingzhou so angry that he couldn’t drink the nutrient solution. You are the arrogant dandy, and your whole family is an arrogant dandy!

However, after Li Xingzhou read Lin Yi’s part of the story line, he had to admit that Lin Yi’s part really stunned him.

Forget it, Li Xingzhou sighed, half-accepting his fate. iqujFo

He laid back on the bed and saw someone in the corner of the internet mentioning the names of Lin Yi and Qin Nuo again, and he couldn’t help but recall that he was lucky enough to meet Qin Nuo once when he was still in the Desolate Star.

At that time, he was scared to death by Little D. The first thing he did when he saw Qin Nuo was to file a complaint and ask for help, saying that the Zhi Nao had issued a death threat to him.

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It is not a trivial matter to associate Zhi Nao with death threats, not to mention that it is the Zhi Nao of the military department. Even Qin Nuo paid attention to it, stopped leaving, and asked Li Xingzhou what the specific matter was.

Li Xingzhou vividly explained how Little D coerced him. Qin Nuo felt that something was wrong, so he turned to the adjutant and told him to investigate thoroughly. zwIy2G

When Li Xingzhou heard that there was going to be an investigation, he quickly accused Lin Yi of committing evil acts on the set by relying on the Zhi Nao. Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo’s face showed surprise, and he immediately raised his hand to stop the adjutant and told him that there was no need to investigate.

Li Xingzhou was puzzled and wanted to ask again, but Qin Nuo had already left without looking back.

From that moment on, Li Xingzhou began to understand the current situation and did not cause trouble with Lin Yi. After all, he cherished his life.

However, not everyone understands the principle of cherishing life. C log1

In addition to the popular The Wasteland movie being shown on the internet at the moment, there are also many fans arguing over the second episode of Where We Come From which will be broadcast tomorrow.

Those on Lin Yi’s side certainly felt that Lin Yi’s actions relieved his anger, and the program team deserved it. There are still some people who still speak from the perspective of the program team and Xi Qingyu. Of course, many of these people are fans of Xi Qingyu themselves, and a small number are fans of Galaxy Film and Television.

“There is no one in the entire empire who is more heartless than Lin Yi. Xi Qingyu helped support this junior when Lin Yi first debuted. He also helped Lin Yi win the first episode of Where We Come From. The program team itself in the first issue was obviously very considerate of Lin Yi, but if you look at it, it’s a story about a farmer and a snake.”

“Really, isn’t it because the program team didn’t know about it at the beginning, so they replaced him? Is it necessary to target them so deliberately? Haha, such a person is destined not to go far, let’s wait and see.”

Lin Yi’s fans naturally responded unceremoniously.

“Xi Qingyu supports the younger generation? What a fucking joke of the year. [Picture] [Picture] Didn’t these overtly and covertly follow Song Shu’s weird remarks come from him? A program team that does not follow the rules, a person who relies on backstage positions to grab program opportunities. Senior, they are truly a match made in heaven and deserve to be confused.” 9FRirC

“Xi Qingyu’s fans are so generous. I don’t know how you scolded me last month when your main spokesperson was almost replaced. Is that chicken intestines?”

Translator's Note

The farmer knew how deadly the snake could be, but he still picked him up and held it against his bosom to warm him back to life. The poor snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, he bit the farmer who had been so kind to him. The bite was deadly, and the farmer realized that he would die gt5sbw

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  1. I don’t really understand the insult ‘is that chicken intestines’ but I like it. Worried for Little A, please let him remain his sweet self. Thank you for the chapter

  2. Li Xingzhou…one of the rare possible canon fodders with a brain. Very rare to see in novels like these 👏👏👏

    Thank you for the chapter
