Evil Wants to Oppress the Righteous and Deceive the TeacherCh17 - Disciple Wants You


A/N: I love seeing tenderness after an attack hahaha. When a puppy gets a little bit of sweetness, it becomes dizzy and can’t tell the north, south, east, and west, and whatever the shizun says is what it is. zMINxn

Disciple wants you, shizun.

Zhou Yinyu pinched his brows and returned to his residence. In a few days, there would be a sect competition. After the competition, the four sects would send teams to the River of Immortal Souls to search for ancient artifacts.

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As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he noticed that something was not right. Someone had been to his residence. Zhou Yinyu concentrated his spiritual power in his palms and walked towards the door. The moment he opened the door with the wind of his palm, a stream of energy quickly stretched out from inside. Black energy enveloped his waist and he was quickly pulled to the room.

Zhou Yinyu was pressed against the door and kissed wildly, but his hand hung by his side and did not move. Only after he was breathless and weak from being kissed was he let go of. TQHlvr

Duan Jiuqing held him in his arms and rubbed his neck, “Shizun, this disciple miss you.” The Vermillion Bird Sect set up the Vermillion Bird Exquisite Formation. He felt pain all over as soon as he got close to it. He hadn’t seen his shizun for almost twenty days.

Zhou Yinyu was a little short of oxygen and his eyesight turned black. He closed his eyes and rested in his arms for a while before saying, “You sure are gutsy. You dare to break into the Immortal Alliance’s Spirit Mountain.”

This person rubbed him even more happily. Zhou Yinyu asked with a look of disgust, “Why do you keep rubbing my shoulders and necks? It’s itchy.”

Duan Jiuqing could hear a bit of connivance in these words, “I like it. I used to lie here when shizun held me when I was young.” As he spoke, he picked up a bite of Zhou Yinyu’s soft flesh with his canine teeth and nibbled it gently.


Zhou Yinyu originally wanted to push him away, but he picked Zhou Yinyu up and laid him down on the bed. He directly bullied him and kissed Zhou Yinyu randomly like crazy.

Zhou Yinyu stopped him with a dazed breath, “Stop! This is the Spirit Mountain…”

His response was still rapid breathing and careful kisses, “They won’t discover it. This disciple wants you, Shizun, to give me… “

If this happened once, it would happen countless times. Zhou Yinyu’s clothes were quickly torn apart and scattered around his body, and the hair crown on his head was also removed. The room was dark, and only a large bulge could be vaguely seen under the quilt. wO1yqr

After not doing it for more than half a month, his hole became very tight again. Duan Jiuqing patiently kissed him while expanding it. The first few times they had sex were coerced and helpless. This time, Zhou Yinyu couldn’t explain it.

Sensing his inattention, Duan Jiuqing’s fingers buried inside him made a mistake and pressed hard on a certain place. Zhou Yinyu was so excited that he hummed. “Shizun, concentrate.”

Zhou Yinyu was a little embarrassed by this. Even though he had done it several times, he still couldn’t accept that this man was calling shizun in awe while his fingers were playing inside him.

He stretched out his hand and pushed Duan Jiuqing, “That’s enough.” xezV93

Duan Jiuqing understood, touched the tip of his nose, pulled out the four fingers buried in the hole, held his own thing, groped and started pushing inside. He knelt straight and took some of the quilt with him. The fresh and cool air came in, making Zhou Yinyu wake up a little.

Zhou Yinyu could clearly feel how his body was eating that thick member inch by inch. The quieter he was, the clearer the feeling became.

The thing had been poking inside for a long time and was still going in. Zhou Yinyu was a little nervous and his body was a little stiff.

He didn’t like the constant reminder that he was having sex with his disciple. 3BaQfT

Duan Jiuqing noticed his nervousness, his penis was gripped so tightly that it hurt, and he slowly leaned down and started to kiss him gently, “Shizun, don’t be afraid, I won’t let anyone find out, and I promise not to hurt you like before.”

“Shizun, this disciple’s heart is with you.”

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Zhou Yinyu listened to his low voice talking in his ear and felt his body getting more and more swollen, being penetrated deeper and deeper. It wasn’t until Duan Jiuqing pressed him tightly and pushed forward so hard that he let out a cry of pain that the thing was completely in.

Duan Jiuqing kissed his sweaty forehead, and the pleasure coming from underneath him made his spine tingle. He suppressed the desire to thrust and waited for shizun to adapt to his size. “You worked hard, shizun, this disciple will take good care of you.” LvGdy9

It wasn’t until Zhou Yinyu’s breathing gradually stabilized that he hooked up that sweet and slippery soft tongue and began to fuck him.

Zhou Yinyu was knocked down by him and let out small moans. Duan Jiuqing swallowed all of those moans into his stomach and raced in without letting go.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The meat blade was attacking everywhere in the layered cavity, and the sound of the pubic area slapping violently could be heard through the brocade quilt, leaving a heavy muffled sound.

“Vtlhec… vbfr vlrmlqif’r atgeralcu offi ubbv?” Gejc Aledlcu mbeiv mifjgis rff atf kjs tlr rtlhec kjr ribkis rlcxlcu ecvfg tlw. Lf kjr ygfjatlcu tfjnlis jcv vfilyfgjafis wjvf agbeyif lc Itbe Tlcse’r fjg, “Vtlhec lr fjalcu rb alutais, atlr vlrmlqif lr jybea ab yf rdeffhfv bea ys sbe.” mDkhsl

Itbe Tlcse mbeivc’a tfjg tlw vfilyfgjafis rjslcu remt kbgvr lc remt j mtjgwlcu nblmf ja atlr wbwfca. Ktf ragbcu rfcrf bo yfagjsji ralweijafv tlr ygjlc, jcv atf vlrmlqif’r qfclr kjr yeglfv lc tlr ybvs, atgeralcu jcv yfjalcu klivis.

His whole body suddenly became tense, and his lower back straightened up and the pillow under his neck was pressed against his head, forming an obvious arc on the bed.

His heels pressed into the mattress and his toes curled and cramped uncontrollably. He bit the owner of the penis as his slender fingers grasping the edge of the bed turned white from excessive exertion. His whole body felt like it was being shocked, feeling comfortable and numb, and the hole under his body tightly clamped down. He could no longer tolerate the thing inside moving even a little.

If he went even a little bit more, he would be pushed to the peak of desire and ejaculate. WSVB2L

“Hmm…” Duan Jiuqing gasped as his scalp went numb from his pinch. The tightening of the intestines kept stimulating him, and his eyes instantly turned red.

He didn’t feel well. He gritted his teeth and hissed a few times. Looking helplessly at the reaction of the person below him, he whispered in his ear, “Shizun, you are going to twist me off…”

As he spoke, he grabbed Zhou Yinyu’s hand outside the brocade quilt, pulled it back forcefully, pressed it on top of his head, and rammed him hard beneath. Zhou Yinyu let out a high-pitched moan and was quickly blocked by Duan Jiuqing. He finally let it out while trembling all over his body. His stretched body fell heavily back on the bed, and his strength dissipated instantly.

Duan Jiuqing hugged the sweaty shizun and rested on his neck, still breathing heavily. Shizun’s moans stimulated his brain, making him want to go crazy, want to fuck him wildly, and make him cry. puBy79

“Shizun, you’ve been fucked by your disciple.” His cock was still inside Zhou Yinyu’s body. When he got over the refractory period, Duan Jiuqing kissed the tears off his face with heavy breathing, his voice was filled with desire.

Yes, he was fucked. Duan Jiuqing never touched his front from beginning to end, and neither did he himself. This wasn’t the first time.

Zhou Yinyu raised his sore arms to cover his eyes, trying to escape this fact. He couldn’t tell the difference between being fucked and being jerked off, but in short, it was different.

“Your body is used to being penetrated by me. If you marry a woman in the future, what if you can’t get hard from the front?” He actually wanted to hear Zhou Yinyu say that he would not marry a wife. 5ofRF9

Zhou Yinyu couldn’t understand why he suddenly mentioned this, and the “shizun” and “disciple” in his words were also missing. He was questioning his status as an equal, and said angrily, “You can lie down and try.” The voice that had just had an orgasm had no momentum and was a little hoarse.

Duan Jiuqing’s secret thoughts of revenge were immediately choked by these words, and he felt a tightness behind him. If Zhou Yinyu really had this intention, he might not be able to beat him. Immediately, he lay in his arms and acted rogue, “This disciple is wrong. punish this disciple to serve the shizun again.”

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After he finished speaking, he didn’t let Zhou Yinyu answer. He immediately sealed the red and swollen lips with his own, and continued his conquest below. Zhou Yinyu was pushed forward by him, unable to make a sound, and his hands were tightly clasped. The excessive stimulation had no place to escape, and all of it surged underneath him.

The bright moon hung high, and a few rays of light were cast on the ground inside the house. The pair of shizun and disciple were having sex in the dark. The people under the quilt made the bed creak and rock back and forth. DPd4mX

Zhou Yinyu felt suffocated in the quilt. Duan Jiuqing, that little beast, had extraordinary physical strength. The speed of Duan Jiuqing’s crotch moving in and out of his body was rapid. He couldn’t understand why he was so tired just lying still. Both of them were sweating under the quilt, and the sweat beads on Duan Jiuqing’s face kept rolling down to his face.

The two of them were fucking so hard that their muffled heavy breathing rang out in their ears. The hot breath they exhaled burned his desire even more. Zhou Yinyu was a little distracted from being fucked, and the hole behind him began to feel numb due to the rapid friction.

Was it possible that all demons were so talented? He felt that his size was the size that a normal cultivator should have. The thing on Duan Jiuqing’s crotch was a bit scary. It was too thick and long. He felt so bloated even if it just penetrated his body without moving. It was very difficult to swallow it every time. It felt like his whole body was full of this thing, and it was hard and stuck in his stomach.

Duan Jiuqing’s breathing became heavier and heavier, and he fucked him harder. Zhou Yinyu’s penis was aroused and raised high, jumping and waiting for release. Duan Jiuqing laid down, lowered his head and bit his chest. Zhou Yinyu suddenly trembled and bit his lips to prevent himself from moaning. Nan Ziqi still lived in this courtyard, he didn’t know if he had returned. 7rO2Ja

“Mm… I am… a man! What are you biting! Hiss…” Zhou Yinyu uttered a broken sentence in a hoarse voice. Duan Jiuqing was chewing on his lips and fucking him. He couldn’t stand it anymore and moaned again and again, about to cum at any moment.

But as the poor thing was spitting out water, a big hand pinched it from the root, “Shizun, wait for me.” Duan Jiuqing pinched him to prevent him from releasing right away, and licked his nipples. He said vaguely, “This disciple wants to drink milk. Shizun, please feed me.”

Zhou Yinyu was pinned down and began struggling. Duan Jiuqing’s eyes were getting darker and darker. His intestines were sore and weak from the manipulation of the meat blade. After dozens of hard thrusts, Duan Jiuqing finally bit a nipple in his mouth and exploded inside him.

Duan Jiuqing hadn’t ejaculated for more than half a month. The first shot of semen tonight was especially heavy and went very deep. Zhou Yinyu was aroused and convulsed again. His cock may have been pinched for too long, even though it was already let go, he couldn’t ejaculate. yuM9g

Duan Jiuqing kissed his belly, moved a little lower, lowered his head and took the weeping member into his mouth.

Zhou Yinyu felt like he was going crazy being tortured by this little beast. Duan Jiuqing took his penis in his mouth and kept swallowing it deep in his throat. The feeling was both painful and pleasurable. His breathing was rapid and he couldn’t help but squeeze the head buried between his legs with his thighs.

“Ah… quick, let go…” Zhou Yinyu’s whole body was shaking violently, and he grabbed the hair at the base of his legs with both hands. He didn’t want to cum into Duan Jiuqing’s mouth, but his legs squeezed tighter, making Duan Jiuqing feel so stuffy, unable to breathe.

Duan Jiuqing suddenly sucked hard, opened his mouth wide and swallowed everything down. With a pleasant moan, Zhou Yinyu was sucked out by him. It faced Duan Jiuqing’s throat and he accidentally coughed out part of the semen. He stuck out his tongue and teased the already weak thing for a while, then kissed Zhou Yinyu with the semen in his mouth. Y54jdD

The person being kissed didn’t resist at all, and white light kept blasting in his mind. So he was pinned down and allowed Duan Jiuqing to feed him a mouthful of his own semen.

After Duan Jiuqing finished the kiss, he saw that he had not recovered yet, having been played badly. He laid in Zhou Yinyu’s arms and laughed so hard that his whole chest was shaking. He turned over and let Zhou Yinyu lie on him, feeling a little pity. Touching his face, “Shizun, is this experience pleasurable? I just learned it from a book.”

“Scram.” Zhou Yinyu lost consciousness for a moment. He only felt that he could see nothing but white light, and his ears were ringing and he could not hear anything. He wanted to slap Duan Jiuqing, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

Duan Jiuqing kissed him, holding back his laughter and repeatedly said that he would stop laughing, and asked him to lie in his arms and rest for a while. His big hands dishonestly rubbed circles on the smooth back. He opened the quilt and took the water on the bedside. He held it in his mouth and passed it to Zhou Yinyu. This man’s voice was so hoarse that he couldn’t speak. 6ULAoQ

In the darkness, Duan Jiuqing looked at Zhou Yinyu’s pitiful appearance, which was clearly tortured, and he felt a little confused. He knew where Zhou Yinyu’s limit was…

“Good Shizun, I’m so hard that it’s unbearable, please take care of me.” Duan Jiuqing took Zhou Yinyu’s hand to touch his erection, which was full of blood, and led him to help him move up and down the long and thick object. As soon as he thought about it being Shizun’s hand, he was so excited that a few drops of liquid came out.

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Zhou Yinyu was forced to hold the thing and played dead with his eyes closed. He couldn’t enclose it with one hand. How did he stuff this thing into his body…

“Ouch!!! Shizun…” Duan Jiuqing suddenly cried out in pain, letting go of Zhou Yinyu as if struck by lightning, curled up into a shrimp in the quilt, covering his crotch (not) his cock with both hands, tossing and turning in pain in the quilt. xPMpI1

Zhou Yinyu regained some energy and looked at him quietly. It looked like it was really painful. Would it be crippled by his pinch?

Duan Jiuqing gasped a few times, then pounced on Zhou Yinyu fiercely like a hungry tiger and pinned him down. He said threateningly in his ear, “Shizun, if you pinch it broken yourself, you won’t be able to use it anymore.”

Zhou Yinyu was so angry that he had a headache and wanted to turn around and beat him, “What nonsense are you talking about!”

Duan Jiuqing didn’t care and lied on his back, saying, “Disciple doesn’t care. Little xiao-Jiu is in pain. He needs to be put into Shizun’s body to keep him warm before he can recover.” iMzl1g

Zhou Yinyu didn’t realize what “little xiao-Jiu” was at first. It wasn’t until he grabbed his waist and started stuffing the cock into his body that he realized it.

“Duan Jiuqing, do you still want face! Scram for me!” Zhou Yinyu was pressed on the bed, struggling left and right, trying to get rid of that thing. Duan Jiuqing mounted him with his hips raised and thrust into him. The two people were twisted into a ball under the quilt, the bed became even more messy. The smell of passion in the quilt was shaken out.

But Duan Jiuqing had just cummed inside him once. At this moment, the hole was still wet, soft and lubricated, so Duan Jiuqing pressed in without much effort.

Being wrapped again, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of pleasure, “Ah… it feels so good! Shizun, this disciple likes to stay here. This disciple is shameless, this disciple just want to fuck you.” EHM Js

Zhou Yinyu was repelled by the rear entry position, which made him feel that his honor was challenged, as if he was Duan Jiuqing’s female beast. Moreover, as he took it deeper in this position, he felt even more bloated and uncomfortable. He felt a little flustered at the thought of having such a thick thing stuffed in his stomach.

Duan Jiuqing was really becoming more and more shameless! He could say any vulgar words, it was so filthy that it was unbearable to hear!

His entire back was pressed against Duan Jiuqing’s warm chest, and his legs were spread apart. A thick purple-red cock covered with swollen blood vessels was struggling to be swallowed in the asscrack. The stretched thin membrane of his anus gave him the feeling that it would burst if they moved even a little.

“Shizun, relax. Disciple can make you feel better.” Duan Jiuqing felt his nervousness, held his waist with one hand, and reached forward to caress his nipples with the other. Her mouth was so cruel just now that his right nipple was bitten and it trembled when he touched him. Duan Jiuqing could only touch the slightly better one on the left instead. dYA9Vs

He lay down next to Zhou Yinyu’s ear and began to fuck him slowly. He deliberately let out a pleasant moan and gasped for him. He knew that his previous intrusion had left a shadow on his shizun, and he had to help him have a new experience.

Sure enough, Zhou Yinyu quickly softened under him, buried his face into the pillow and let out his favorite suppressed moan.

The swollen blood vessels on the surface of the cock formed bulges, which rubbed inside the intestine again and again. The semen that had been left inside became more viscous as the cock pounded. It adhered to the flesh blade and was brought out of the body. It was rubbed into white foam at the entrance of the anus, and the entire cavity was extremely soft and slippery.

Duan Jiuqing did it gently, placing his hand under Zhou Yinyu’s belly, where the glans would hit every time, caressing through a layer of belly, “Shizun, can you feel it? I’m fucking you. We’re making love.” p4 XF9

“Shut up! Mm…”

He knew shizun had never been contaminated by these things and didn’t like to hear them, but he just wanted to tell them to him.

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You see, you didn’t want to be tainted by the dust of the world, but you were still pressed and fucked by me.

The sound of impact kept echoing in the quilt. Zhou Yinyu suddenly remembered something, raised his head from the pillow, and said with difficulty, “Barrier, set up, ah, set up a barrier.” Q8Vx2Y

“Shizun, please don’t worry, how can this disciple let others hear your voice?”

“Shizun, tell me. Okay?” Duan Jiuqing always liked to say dirty words at such times. Zhou Yinyu buried his face again, suppressing the pleasure under his body and making no sound.

Duan Jiuqing sighed, “Shizun, in a man’s bed, if you are too aggressive, you will get fucked even worse.” He pinched Zhou Yinyu’s waist with both hands, forcing him to half-kneel, and he also knelt straight. As expected, Zhou Yinyu began to struggle, and was fucked hard by Duan Jiuqing a few times before moaning and going soft.

He didn’t fuck him any harder, but deliberately pushed against the soft piece of flesh. It was about time, and Zhou Yinyu couldn’t bear it any longer. He trembled under his crotch and cummed onto the bed. The tightly twisted intestines reminded him that its master was orgasming and could not be touched. sgFqNI

Duan Jiuqing stopped, lowered his head and kissed the sweat in the deep grooves of his back, licking every place erotically with his tongue. Zhou Yinyu half-closed his eyes, hating how he was so sensitive everywhere. He had just ejaculated, and now he was being licked inch by inch by Duan Jiuqing’s tongue. His body hair couldn’t help but stand up with chills, feeling a sense of danger.

After a while, the thing in his belly started to work again. The desire that had just subsided gradually grew to his crotch. Duan Jiuqing thrust too fast, and the broken moans continued. The sound of the squelching under his body made him clearly aware that he was being invaded. In this position, he was pressed and fucked and came two more times.

Duan Jiuqing was probably over the top, so he pinched his waist hard and hit his crotch, “Shizun, Shizun. Ah… Shizun, fuck me. Fuck me. Shizun, harder. Hmm…”

“Shut up.” Zhou Yinyu was about to vomit from being fucked by him. Duan Jiuqing deliberately lay on his back, held his ear in his mouth and moaned for him. He was very lustful and directly ejaculated. Ms SZy

Duan Jiuqing inserted himself into his body, held his waist and turned around, rubbing his penis in a full circle. The thing Zhou Yinyu had just ejaculated became swollen and painful, and his desire seemed to come back. He was sat heavily on the thing in his body, which was so deep that he felt afraid, and soon cummed a second stream of transparent liquid.

Compared with the previous ones, this continuous ejaculation only brought endless pleasure, and Duan Jiuqing swallowed the long moan into his mouth. He half-leaned against the wall, holding Zhou Yinyu in his arms and kissing him wantonly. The genitals buried in the body jumped hard due to the moan.

“Shizun, I want to cum.” Both of them were panting, their foreheads pressed against each other. Duan Jiuqing helped up Zhou Yinyu’s sore and tired waist and began to fuck him straight up and down, in and out. This action was so crazy that Zhou Yinyu didn’t dare to breathe, and his heart felt chilled.

His lower body was fucked so much that his head tilted back and his mouth opened and closed, wisps of saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. There were terrible finger marks all over his waist. He had no strength to resist at all. Not even a moan could come out. lAs6tz

Duan Jiuqing leaned forward to kiss him. His cavity contracted again, and he tried feebly to clamp the thing inside. Duan Jiuqing suddenly stopped at his peak moment, holding him in his arms and waiting for his shaking to stop.

Zhou Yinyu was already covered in sweat and was so slippery that he could hardly hold him. The demon core was not in Zhou Yinyu’s body, so he couldn’t let him cum anymore. Duan Jiuqing wiped the sweat and tears from his face with equally sweaty fingers, “Shizun, you’ll be fine soon.”

Duan Jiuqing belonged to the demonic dragon clan and was sexually promiscuous. Zhou Yinyu would suffer every time he had sex with him. But he was also suffering. The two had been entangled for so long, and he had eaten his fill in the secret realm last time. Zhou Yinyu’s cultivation was about to rise to deity, so he could withstand him.

This time, after waiting for a long time, Duan Jiuqing started fucking him again. Zhou Yinyu’s strength recovered a little, and his desire was awakened. Being stuck at the edge of whether to ejaculate or not made him very irritable. The pleasure in his lower body dominated him. He sat on Duan Jiuqing’s genitals and began to cooperate with his movements, twisting his sore waist and rocking back and forth. bU6a8

“Ah!” Someone on the bed let out a cry of pain.

It was Duan Jiuqing who was slapped. Zhou Yinyu suddenly bent down and covered his lower abdomen with one hand, while resting his hand on Duan Jiuqing’s chest and glared at him.

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“Why are you doing it so hard!” Zhou Yinyu stared at him with tears in his eyes and said softly. Duan Jiuqing quickly leaned over to kiss him and apologize, having been aroused by his own thrusting movements just now.

Zhou Yinyu shot a glare at him, held his shoulders and continued to fuck himself. Duan Jiuqing also wanted him to take the lead. All the strength from his crotch was used on his mouth, and he buried himself in his neck and sucked hard. The two of them gasped and orgasmed together. BCA4gL

Zhou Yinyu completely lost his strength, collapsed on him, and had no strength to care about what started to flow down his body. Duan Jiuqing was also panting, but his body was still half erect and uncomfortable, and the hot and wet asshole made him unable to help but thrust a couple times more.

The person in his arms closed his eyes and murmured softly, “I’m so tired.”

Duan Jiuqing turned to look at him, pulled the quilt full of semen and sweat over the two of them, helplessly stopped thinking about it, and slowly withdrew from his body. The semen that could not be contained instantly flowed all over him, making the pubic hair sitting under Zhou Yinyu soaked.

Duan Jiuqing thought, if the shizun was awake and knew what was sitting under him, he would probably explode. Thinking about that look, it would be quite cute. V5aTqb

He adjusted his position slightly to make Zhou Yinyu sleep more comfortably. The quilt was wrapped up to his chin, and he was sweating all over, fearing that Zhou Yinyu would catch a cold. After cultivating the immortal way, as long as you had not yet become an immortal, not all illnesses would be cured.

The desire in Duan Jiuqing’s eyes gradually faded, and his heart and eyes were filled with those in his arms. His words of “so tired” were clearly being coquettish with him, and he allowed himself to be held so obediently. Duan Jiuqing felt that his heart was about to melt, and his soul was about to drift out. Otherwise, no matter what happened today, he would never have let Zhou Yinyu go so early.

“Sleep peacefully, I won’t do it anymore.”

“Yinyu.” 4swmJZ

Duan Jiuqing lowered his head and kissed him. The person in his arms frowned and moved away. Duan Jiuqing touched his face and smiled. At this moment, he was no longer his shizun, but a person who needed to be pampered by him.

“If you were awake and heard me calling your name in such a rebellious manner, would you want to whip me dozens of times with the Fuyun Whip?”

The man in his arms was very tired, slept deeply, and didn’t respond.


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